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Wow, so much bickering and judgement when we've only seen the vaguest of descriptions for the new ult. Get a grip, people.

6 hours ago, Xylyssa said:

Was really hoping to become a moving blender of fear.

The development ult received a lot of negative feedback from the community. The most common complaint was that using the ult locked you into just the power itself, and the entirety of player input seemed to be just hovering around while the damage happened for you. While this might have been satisfying on a first spin about a mission, I could see it getting boring after about 2 minutes, which really cuts interest in the frame. If we're going to be grinding for it and then playing it for many hours to come, there are many players who want to spend as much of that time as possible playing with high action and engagement, and as little time as possible sitting idly in an animation while the game plays itself. To each their own play preferences, but that's why the ult was received poorly.

6 hours ago, Xylyssa said:

Word of advice DE, stop showing off kits you intend to change.

I... hmm. I'm confused. What exactly do you think DE is doing when they show off stuff that's in development (which they don't have to do at all, btw)? Do you think they showed us Garuda with the knowledge that they'd change her between the preview and release? Why? What could they possibly have to gain from that? We can't pre-order frames and she's still not out yet, so there's no reason for DE to try and pull a fast one on their players by changing an ability. That makes no sense. When they show us something in development, they are looking for a community response on what they think is a good idea at the time. Because while the playerbase does have wildly differing views on everything, the devs can always glean some insight from our response to what they show us. We interact with the game from a different perspective. So, for example, while the in-dev ult for Garuda might have seemed like an awesome and visceral experience to the Devs who made it and played around with it over the course of weeks, the playerbase regarded it from the perspective of "I could be playing this frame for months or even years", and having the ult be a minimal input skill used over many hours didn't sit well with us. The difference in how we interact with the game is an important part of why DE shows off stuff that is subject to change -- we can ask for change.

Sorry your idle blender is (probably) gone. I hope you'll enjoy Garuda anyway.

Edited by SenorClipClop
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8 hours ago, Xylyssa said:


If she ends up being another amazingly hardcore looking frame and not much else like Khora, then consider not making any more Warframes as you seem to have lost your touch when it comes to making fun, effective, and satisfying kits.


I have said something similar to this earlier in the year when it comes to new frames and abilities and how the constant button mashing combination of 2-3 clicks to get the same result of what 1 click of an ability used to do in the past.

The introduction of augments was the beginning of uniqueness to abilities being dissected, when these things were built in and now turned into mods. as a long time player I have seen a lot of negative changes, but the thing that has loomed since 2015 is there truly hasn't been any new and unique abilities. it has become the norm for using a mix of old abilities from other frames with a new identity and visual/ effects .

the upcoming Gara's first proposed 4th was basically old radial javelin (visually) in  nyx's chaos ball, nothing new there. I will say it again, warframe has reached it's pinnacle and is now in the decline stage and really hasn't streamline an identity or lore or anything of the sort in the fun way. gone are the days of team synergies, its now a which frame(s) will be better at this. 2 examples are Saryn and Eso, and Nekros at kuva fortress which equates to boringness and burnouts.

they took away what made the void , the void and we have relics which within itself isn't better but more tedious. sure it has it's fans but the overall conclusion  is its more tedious than before especially when youre playing solo.

if fashion frame is endgame then anyone can buy all cosmetics at an early stage and be done with the game.

syndicates should have more lore to it, the prologue should have connecting lore as to give a sense of progression and many other things. warframe is handicapped and needs a big jolt to put it back to its former glory. I sincerely hope that Railjack and Fortuna isn't another 30 mins of ok so they switched this around kind of update and actually pull the massives in and keep on pulling them in. but I know better than to believe the hype.

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Her looks are more than enough for me to play her, she's one of the best (if not the best) looking warframes and I like using weapons (shocker right?) and having some kit synergy, specially generating energy, is pretty nice to me. I just don't want her to become another aoe insta room cleaner meta frame that trivializes content, not saying she shouldn't have some sort of AoE, but not as big and instant as current aoe abilities.

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8 hours ago, Urlan said:

I am just frustrated a male Hindu deity's name is being used for a female blood warframe that seems more vampire than Revenant's Eidolon theme. Can we get her changed to Carmilla as the alt head implies? Lore and theme deals are more my jam than the actual moves I guess!

I'm kinda more miffed about the name ending with an "a". All female frames we had for a while now had their name ending with an "a".

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1 hour ago, ranks21 said:

but the overall conclusion  is its more tedious than before

The void was literally, "spend 1 key, and sit in this endless for an hour or two, somehow not fall asleep, then leave after not getting the item you wanted"

That sounds super tedious compared to fissures where you can even increase the odds of getting what you want.

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Garuda is releasing very soon with Fortuna, but I have some suggested changes I would make that would not require a large amount of effort, and makes Garuda's arm-mounted talons the center of her kit, allowing for a bloody close-combat brawler play-style.


First Ability: Blood Rend

Dash towards an enemy and shred them with her talons. If the enemy dies, their corpse is impaled on an altar of talons. The altar emits a stream of health for Garuda and her allies.

  • This is a cheap spam-cast ability similar to Atlas' Landslide or Khora's Whipclaw. This makes Garuda's talons a more prominent feature of her kit.
  • Re-use dash-and-slash animation from Dread Mirror, perhaps allow for alternating attacks with her claws similar to Atlas' Landslide.
  • Blood Altar becomes part of her first ability.
  • The altar has a fixed healing capacity that depends on the health of the target enemy. The fixed healing capacity of each altar promotes more use of the ability to spawn new health dispensers.
  • Allowing for multiple 'temporary' blood altars alleviates a concern I have about mobility in Garuda's playstyle. When Harrow was first demonstrated, Thurible was anchored to a point, but was changed to allow mobility.


Second Ability: Bloodletting

Garuda sacrifices her health to generate energy.

  • Bloodletting is made her second ability for immediate synergy with her first ability.


Third Ability: Dread Mirror

Rip the life force from an enemy and use it as a shield that captures damage. Charge to channel the captured damage into an explosive projectile.

  • Dread Mirror becomes her 3rd ability as it is used more slowly than her other abilities.


Fourth Ability: Seeking Talons

Charge to expand the targeting area, release to send Garuda’s talons careening toward each target in area. Surviving enemies are prone to bleeding.

  • Seeking Talons remains unchanged, though they could also transform resulting corpses into blood altars.



Bonus Dread Mirror augment concept:

Dread Mirror no longer rips the life force from a single enemy; Instead Garuda calls on the blood of nearby corpses to create an even more powerful shield.

  • Could have particle effects of blood rising up into the air from corpses and forming into blood orbs. The orbs then move towards Garuda and merge into a single orb.
Edited by Alpha1641
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10 hours ago, Xylyssa said:

Was really hoping to become a moving blender of fear.

We already have that.  Its called Revenants 4, and Revenants 4 is better because you can move a hek of a lot faster than they showed in the devstream.

I'm glad that they changed it because I didn't want two ults in the game that are basically "Hit a button and then slowly spin in circles as things just get damaged around you...." thats hardly interesting, entertaining, or fun beyond the first mission.

10 hours ago, Xylyssa said:

Word of advice DE, stop showing off kits you intend to change.

So you want them to just not show us anything and not get any feedback what-so-ever?
Because that's all that happened here.  DE didn't intend to change the ult when they showed it to us, they just wanted to show us what they had so far and it turned out that the players didn't like it because it was just a copy/paste reskin of revenants change with absolutely zero differences other than it had a much shorter range and moved even slower.
And DE listened to feedback and changed it to something different.

So please tell me:
Do you not want DE to listen to feedback?  Or do you not want DE to tell us anything that is upcoming?  Because I honestly don't see how either one could be good.

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1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

I'm kinda more miffed about the name ending with an "a". All female frames we had for a while now had their name ending with an "a".

I can understand that stance, though I would think it would be weird to have a female warframe named after a mythological bird man instead of something to do with blood and dancing.

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I think her new 4th ability should have been an exalted weapon with a unique spin on it.

When her 4 is activated, she gets her talons out and struts around while a swarm of talon blades spin around her. 

The blades deflect 50% of incoming damage.

Her moveset controls would be the following:

Melee button has garuda perform quick combos that slashes enemies into pieces quick and gracefully. The combos would have be flashy, quick and controlled (unlike valkyr who's stance consists of combos that are sloppy, berserker like, reckless and lacking control or form).

The channeling button would have garuda control the floating blades and have them form two giant claws (made up of the floating blades that surround garuda) that perform heavy attacks with a large AOE radius.

The block button would be similar to the channeling button except instead of giant claws, it would form two giant warfans that perform light attacks with a large AOE radius. 

All three buttons would have there own stance that would compliment garuda's blood and gore theme while making her look like a cold hearted assassin that is disciplined and gets the job done quick and efficiently. 

The combo moveset for the three attacks would be the following:

Combo 1: attack, attack, attack 

Combo 2: attack, pause, attack, attack 

Combo 3: attack, hold attack, attack 

Combo 4: forward attack, attack, attack 


For those who are still following, I think seeking talons should be combined with with bloodletting. The amount of talons used and the amount of health lost would be reduced but would make this ability worth the health lose as you are still doing damage to enemies. Also the 4th ability would power up this ability to increase range and number of talons fired at enemies with reduced health reduction.


Plus her 1st ability could,  instead of a shield covering only the front, provide her with a shield that covers her entire body with the visuals showing her drenched in blood.

Also a duration on her passive to allow her to keep the damage boost while healing for a short amount of time would be nice.

Thanks for reading to those who made it.

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Justo ahora, (XB1)WafflyLearner89 dijo:

I think her new 4th ability should have been an exalted weapon with a unique spin on it.

When her 4 is activated, she gets her talons out and struts around while a swarm of talon blades spin around her. 

The blades deflect 50% of incoming damage.

Her moveset controls would be the following:

Melee button has garuda perform quick combos that slashes enemies into pieces quick and gracefully. The combos would have be flashy, quick and controlled (unlike valkyr who's stance consists of combos that are sloppy, berserker like, reckless and lacking control or form).

The channeling button would have garuda control the floating blades and have them form two giant claws (made up of the floating blades that surround garuda) that perform heavy attacks with a large AOE radius.

The block button would be similar to the channeling button except instead of giant claws, it would form two giant warfans that perform light attacks with a large AOE radius. 

All three buttons would have there own stance that would compliment garuda's blood and gore theme while making her look like a cold hearted assassin that is disciplined and gets the job done quick and efficiently. 

The combo moveset for the three attacks would be the following:

Combo 1: attack, attack, attack 

Combo 2: attack, pause, attack, attack 

Combo 3: attack, hold attack, attack 

Combo 4: forward attack, attack, attack 


You know ... i would love a melee exalted melee BUT i just thought about this (i even proposed one ability like that) Melee 3.0 is a thing and i don't see them uploading a new stance (which an exalted melee requires). Maybe they will replace one of her abilities for those talons after the reception she gets AND melee 3.0 is implemented.


I also would like to take the oportunity to say 2 things about Garuda based on the hype site info:

In terms of her passive ... there is something that the text of the hype site makes me think it has been changed: "the blood of Garuda's foes imbue her with strength and vitality". Maybe now on slash proc'd enemies she will get a power strength buff and she would get healed too. (maybe this is Dhalsim levels of reach to read so much into that description).

For her 3 maybe you can get damage reduction AND extra power strength for a duration. I think this would make the risk of sacrificing your health worth it.


All this could be already on her kit (i am praying at least for the damage reduction on her 3), but hey ... it could help for future changes on her 😄

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16 hours ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

I heard gore.  I wanted something more like a Manic, latching onto an enemy and just clawing away at their flesh.  I wanted her to rip people apart and throw bloody chunks of meat at people.


I wanted her to belong in the DOOM universe, where blood and guts rain from the heavens.

Couldn't have said it better.

Edited by Greystrun
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