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Garuda Feedback and Discussion


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3 hours ago, Synpai said:

Compare how they reference the two here. Many times they referred to "Vlad" as internal/placeholder; however, no such reference has been made for Garuda. Especially considering they plan no more DevStreams before For Tuna, that is almost certainly her cannon name.

The fact that the frame was introduced at Tennocon with 'working name Garuda'  is why people say it's the working name. And the simple coincidence that it has not been then replaced at all since does not prove that Garuda is the cannon name.

Absence of the statement that Garuda is the actual cannon name, and absence of another name to replace it, is not proof. Heck, even there on your examples, the videos for Revenant are all labelled 'Vlad', the same way that all the videos are labelled 'Garuda' currently.

Until we hear a definitive statement, or an actual release, there isn't any standing.

Please stay logical about that, at least. Go wild with the fan theories as to what the actual new 4 is going to be, since Steve said it's already been replaced, but everything, including what we've seen, is still in progress and speculation.

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4 minutes ago, Thaylien said:

The fact that the frame was introduced at Tennocon with 'working name Garuda'  is why people say it's the working name. And the simple coincidence that it has not been then replaced at all since does not prove that Garuda is the cannon name.

Absence of the statement that Garuda is the actual cannon name, and absence of another name to replace it, is not proof. Heck, even there on your examples, the videos for Revenant are all labelled 'Vlad', the same way that all the videos are labelled 'Garuda' currently.

Until we hear a definitive statement, or an actual release, there isn't any standing.

Please stay logical about that, at least. Go wild with the fan theories as to what the actual new 4 is going to be, since Steve said it's already been replaced, but everything, including what we've seen, is still in progress and speculation.

The big difference is that in both of those posts they note that "Vlad" is a code name/internal name.


Warframe #36

Our next Warframe is afflicted by Sentient energy. His kit is focused around using this affliction to slay enemies and 'own' them. Unlike Nekros, who controls his foes in the afterlife, this Warframe is inspired by Eidolons and revenants. We don’t have an official name for him yet, but internally we refer to him as Vlad.


Revenant Warframe (Codename Vlad)

We’ve made a few changes to the next Warframe’s (codename Vlad) 


I'm not saying that it is definitive, I'm not saying it is in fact her official name, but them being explicit about Vlad being placeholder and no mention toward Garuda does have me doubting a change. Whether it will change or wont....is of no concern to me. Just because I'm leaning toward it not changing, doesn't mean I don't understand that it can. To call me illogical for that is condescending and unwarranted, considering we both uphold this to be true:

28 minutes ago, Thaylien said:

Until we hear a definitive statement, or an actual release, there isn't any standing.


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Fun fact: The Glaive is literally my least favorite weapon class in the entire game. 

So I'd sooner have Khora** Garuda get an Exalted Rubber Chicken. So While I'm not against an Exalted weapon...... just like anything but a Glaive 


**Which I actually find kinda amusing what with all the hate that Khora was getting for the proposed Exalted Whip, not even so much because it was a Whip but because "Erh Mah Gurd we already gerts to much Exalted weapons" whining that was going around. 

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51 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Fun fact: The Glaive is literally my least favorite weapon class in the entire game. 

Fun Fact: Your personal preference is neither valid nor usable feedback.
But speaking of an Exalted abilty for Garuda, how about her arm blades fold down and fan out into a sort of Exalted Gunsen?

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After giving it a little bit of thought, im really not liking Garuda 3rd ability.. Its too self focused. I mean what, A self focused ability that damages your health just to buff a self focused Passive?Why not just use [Cautious Shot] + Tonkor and go around nuking the board as you gain damage from self damage?

I think her 3rd ability should be a crowd control ability. Like enemies in a radius are bathed in blood as they desperately attempt to wipe it off thier faces for 5 secs. Spawning health orbs for [Health Conversion] and replenishing Garudas health from Kills Per Second..  It can be a channeling ability and there could be a max range on it..  The possibilities are endless.

Augment syndicate mod could be Cost of health instead of energy for her 3rd.. The health cost would buff her Passive and leaves energy for her 1st, 2nd, 4th ability or [Quick Thinking]..

Edited by Grimmstyler
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2 hours ago, -QUILL_PETER- said:

Fun Fact: Your personal preference is neither valid nor usable feedback.
But speaking of an Exalted abilty for Garuda, how about her arm blades fold down and fan out into a sort of Exalted Gunsen?

Fun Fact: Literally everything here is personal opinion 😉 


1 hour ago, Grimmstyler said:

After giving it a little bit of thought, im really not liking Garuda 3rd ability.. Its too self focused. I mean what, A self focused ability that damages your health just to buff a self focused Passive?Why not just use [Cautious Shot] + Tonkor and go around nuking the board as you gain damage from self damage?

I think her 3rd ability should be a crowd control ability. Like enemies in a radius are bathed in blood as they desperately attempt to wipe it off thier faces for 5 secs. Spawning health orbs for [Health Conversion] and replenishing Garudas health from Kills Per Second..  It can be a channeling ability and there could be a max range on it..  The possibilities are endless.

Augment syndicate mod could be Cost of health instead of energy for her 3rd.. The health cost would buff her Passive and leaves energy for her 1st, 2nd, 4th ability or [Quick Thinking]..

I would tend to agree, largely because Garudas abilities don't really feel so much synergistic as they feel dependent. 

Looking to Khora, You can just strait up whip things in the face because Whipclaw is pretty solid on it's own, You can just use Ensnare and kill them with any old weapon cause gathering and CCing enemies is pretty useful on it's own and last but not least Strangle Dome is solid CC and DPS by proxy of shifting enemy aggro on it's own. Going a step further and add Whipclaw to any of those other abilities and it's icing on the cake. 

Khoras abilities synergize like magic, where as Garuda (I actually typed Gara at first lol) "synergies" feel more like the same kind of combo pattern that they are trying to remove from the Melee system with Melee 3.0. So not so much synergies as they are dependencies, Press 3 press 3 press 1 press 2 or is it 2 then 1.

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3 hours ago, Oreades said:

Fun fact: The Glaive is literally my least favorite weapon class in the entire game. 

So I'd sooner have Khora** Garuda get an Exalted Rubber Chicken. So While I'm not against an Exalted weapon...... just like anything but a Glaive 


**Which I actually find kinda amusing what with all the hate that Khora was getting for the proposed Exalted Whip, not even so much because it was a Whip but because "Erh Mah Gurd we already gerts to much Exalted weapons" whining that was going around. 

A lot of that was before the exalted modding changes too though.

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On 2018-10-28 at 2:44 PM, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

After casting the ability, holding the ability has three forms claws, duel swords and fans form. (some reaper hunter some mine)

If you are dealing with an exalted, why have a hold command change the style?

Might as well use the unused reload key/button or the weapon swap key/button in that mode, for style switching. This will result in less accidents in turning the ability off, and would make that and style switching a more seemless process.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Her 1 and 4 just seem a little too familiar...... like her 2 is made up of Volt's shield and Mirage's Disco ball..... and her 4 is a dps version of Nyx's floating meditation ability. When DE said "gore", I immediately thought of Alex from Prototype- shapeshifting, higher jumps and further glides. I know their build is still w.i.p., but still needs changes.

Garuda's 1- Keep the pounce attack. If Garuda has those giant loose limbs, they should act like a huge claw during the pouncing animation. Each enemy killed would add onto either her shield or armor percentage, instead of the combination of Volt's 2 and Mirage's 4.

Garuda's 4- Remove the meditation action and have her spinning on one foot with a hulahoop/ skirt of spinning needles. This ensures mobility and dps. If that seems too much like Revenant's 4, Garuda could shoot her giant spikes at surrounding enemies like a porcupine. Each enemy pinned would explode, damaging both surrounding enemies and healing allies who are within the bloodplosion.

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I hope both Soul Bulwark and Sanguine Siphon have a relatively long cast range, and both casts lock down the enemy from dying to other teammates right before the abilities take effect (e.g. as she leaps to her target it gets killed from the crossfire -_-, leaving Garuda shieldless and animation-locked plus wasting energy).

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4th Ability Proposition:

Garuda can manually chain her talons against enemies, choosing how many strikes she may dispose upon her prey and which victim will be next upon her list. Range can affect how far she can chain her kill, strength can scale upon how much damage each lash deals, and duration can affect how many combos she can unleash per enemy. Each enemy she annihilates will reward her with overstack health all the way to 1000 at base, and 200 per every level past 13 (or whatever the level is that finally adds mod capacities).

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My proposed change for the abilities:

1st: The same ripping enemy apart then orb shield. The shield will be all around instead of only the front (would look like a cone where the tip would be the orb floating above the frame). The orb will explode once it reached a damage threshold (with 3 seconds delay) damaging enemies around and making them more susceptible to damage. Garuda will be in an invulnerable state for 3 seconds before the orb explodes. You can launch the orb to direct the damage.

2nd: This should be the impaling ability but it would be charged base. The charges would be equal to the number of "claws" on Garuda, which would be eight (8). This would make you think about how many "claws" will you use for the first ability can only be used if Garuda have at least 4 of theses "claws". The more impaled enemies the more health will be siphoned.

3rd: The blood dance thingy where you sacrifice health for energy. This ability would also call back the "claws" back to Garuda. The claws would return by fours. If all eight "claws" are being used, the ability must be used twice in order for all the "claws" to return. The "claws" would also damage Garuda once it returns to her. This would work with the first skill as you can force the orb to explode.

4th: Unlimited Blade Works. A finisher ability where it would deal BIG damage around Garuda and those killed would be turned into her "claw" blades that would float around her. You can hold down the ability button to put more damage but consuming more energy. The ability would only activate after releasing the ability button. The ability can only be casted again after consuming all "claw" blades. As long as Garuda have these extra "claw" blades, she would not use the ones attached to her and it would also replenish the missing "claws" on her.

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A Revised Garuda Skillset:


I'm glad DE is talking about reworking Garuda's 4, Honestly other then her 1 her entire kit seems pretty lack luster to me and had me yawning. Here's a selection of ideas I had to make her a lot more interesting (And actually use those bone claws...):

Make her 4 a transform with passive benefits that pulls out her “exalted” claws but changes her 1,2,3 abilities. Ways to differentiate from Valkyr: Different stance, Different weapon stats, Gains new abilities, no energy drain for form changing just an initial cost (like equinox I suppose).


Blood Mage Queen Form:


  1. Change the starting leap to a force levitate that forcefully drags the enemy over and yoinks the orb of blood out of their bodys. Otherwise, keep the rest it seems pretty cool.

  2. the little dinky claw spike really isn't extra enough for this space ninja game, make it an alter or an energy pentagram or something cool that the enemie is splayed out on... and make the radius way bigger & heal allies if it doesn't already.

  3. Current is fine... if boring. maybe make it cleanse CC, Stun enemies that are too close, heck maybe throw the bone shard shield on here too.

  4. Form Change to Claw mode and back, Passive gain damage reduction equivalent to missing health % (this seems ridiculous, but keep in mind with out thinking about quick thinking, anything that would one shot you... will still one shot you.)


Bone Claw Berserker Form:


  1. Leap attack (here's where it went) that performs a brutal melee finisher, let the animation have fun, lets seem some limb tearing and enemies ripped in half. On kills grants a moral damage boost to allies and a demoralizing damage debuff for enemies. Garuda is invulnerable for the duration of the finisher (cuz she'll die if she's not)

  2. Bone claws spin around her in a burst like her previous 4 but only dealing one instance of damage with a snap draw in effect, thinking a spin attack with a higher radius. (no maiming strike. stop it.) Line of sight.

  3. Sacrifice half of HP to create a shield of bone shards with a number of charges that block instances of damage (similar to Revenant and the Amesha arch wing) bone shards counter attack enemies dealing damage and slash/puncture procing them while lodging into the enemy. Recasting the ability refreshes it and yanks the bone shards out of affected enemies dealing damage again and damaging enemies in their path back to Garuda. Transforming ends the effect and pulls the shards as well.

  4. Garuda Pulls out her claws! While in this form Garuda Gains attack speed based on how low her health gets and Enemies with damaged health bars are outlined and can be seen through walls.


I can see the 3s being swapped between forms, the bone shield makes more sense on the blood mage since she doesn't really use the claws, however I think the Melee form would need some serious survivability to not just pop in late game missions.


Anyway this has been my manic spew of ideas! Thanks for reading if you made it this far. 🙂

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3 minutes ago, Kindred_of_Darkness said:

make it an alter or an energy pentagram

Where tf would an alter come from? Warframes are powerful but they cant just materialize objects out of thin air.
Also, this is a science fiction game, occultism doesn't really fit into any niches, and it just as well, it's a little overdone anyways.

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5 minutes ago, -QUILL_PETER- said:

but they cant just materialize objects

Vauban can with his infinite grenades, Gara materializes Glass ALL the time from no where, Inaros can through sand and scarabs (you expect me to believe he has all that sand and bugs inside him). Just to name a few; although i do agree they don't materialize large objects, such as an altar, except maybe Gara.

9 minutes ago, -QUILL_PETER- said:

occultism doesn't really fit into any niches

Looking at Red Veil and saying their not a cult is like saying that steel meridian don't have grineer members.

17 minutes ago, Kindred_of_Darkness said:

Bone Claw Berserker Form

Wasn't Garuda described as "Cold and indifferent, if not elegant, NOT a berserker drived on rage like Valkyr". Just pointing that out.

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1 hour ago, -QUILL_PETER- said:

occultism doesn't really fit into any niches

...right... because Nekros is TOTALLY not a thing. Oh... what's that? Harrow is a thing too? Really? You must be kidding me! Garuda is a blood-oriented warframe that leaves nothing but body parts in her wake and a body count like you've never seen? Absolutely Crazy!!

(No, but in all seriousness, it does. Not only does occultism have a niche, but it belongs in the game) 


1 hour ago, -QUILL_PETER- said:

Also, this is a science fiction game

Science fiction, huh? Tell me, are fairies, druids, dragons, krakens, desert gods and the actual incarnation of death itself; scientific concepts? Because we know that they are indeed FICTION, but we're just not too sure about that science part...please confirm.

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16 minutes ago, (XB1)DarkRepulser205 said:

Nekros is TOTALLY not a thing. Oh... what's that? Harrow

Neither of those things are occult.


18 minutes ago, (XB1)DarkRepulser205 said:

not too sure about that science part...please confirm.

Actually yes we are sure. It's the reason it was shot down so many times by so many investors.


20 minutes ago, (XB1)DarkRepulser205 said:

fairies, druids, dragons, krakens, desert gods and the actual incarnation of death itself

None of those frames are actually those things. They are simply themed after them.

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1 hour ago, -QUILL_PETER- said:

Neither of those things are occult.

Necromancy is, like, one of the quintessential schools of black magic. How would you define occult if necromancy of all things doesn't fit into it?

Warframe is very clearly not pure sci fi, but does, in fact, have many heavy fantasy elements. Vauban is the closest thing we have to a Warframe that's purely technological, and absolutely all of the rest of them use what amounts to magic on some level. 

3 hours ago, AndouRaiton said:

Wasn't Garuda described as "Cold and indifferent, if not elegant, NOT a berserker drived on rage like Valkyr". Just pointing that out.

Back on topic of the OP, I kinda agree with this. I really don't want to see "boring Revenant copy/paste" replaced with "boring Valkyr copy/paste." 

Honestly the way I'd go with for Garuda is some kind of spear throwing ability. Kind of like what Hela does in Thor: Ragnarok. 

Pressing 4 puts you in a weaponless state where right clicking throws a fan of spears in a cone, and you can fling them, say, 4 times per cast. Make it scale with weapon mods, punch through enemies, and more than one can hit a single target. Maybe pepper in a CC, like a heavy knockback or something like that. Enemies killed are impaled to walls. 

I think that would be a bit more interesting and a little different than other things we've seen before. It would have elements of abilities like Landslide, but would be more powerful and have a better AoE (hence it being an ult). 

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Hello guys , i guess we all have seen at this point Garudas abilities and i personally find them disappointing and i though a few things that id like to tell and see what you guys think of this cuz i'm sure that i'm not the only one.

So starting with her theme we have a  blood thirsty warframe and thing that come to my mind is a berserker vampire that gets stronger the more blood she collects so starting with 
her passive ,lets be honest no one wants to lose health to gain dmg ...that not a fun mechanic ,so i was thinking why not add a stacking blood passive similar to what haves nidus has, boosting her abilities dmg, the more stacks the more dmg 
- her 1, we can keep it mostly the same, removing the blood bomb thing but keeping the shield and adding some synergies with the passive stacking it while scaling its dmg.
- her 2, replace it with the blood bomb, it will scale with the passive and it will cost a number of stack to activate but it will deal the dmg of the initial number of stacks before the cast .
- her 3, i dont like the idea of losing health to gain energy when we have energy pizzas,mods that give you energy based on dmg taken and lets not forget about zenurik free energy at no cost , so Garuda haves those huge claws  which are more like spikes, so why we don't make her 3 to trough spikes at the enemy with the limit of 8 spikes that she carries on her hands impaling the enemy while slowly draining blood from the target, storing it in a sphere on top of the spike and if in the range of the spike there are enemies with bleed effect on them it will collect the blood from those bleeds , the spike its self will stay in the same place until garuda decides to collect the blood for the passive and gaining a heal based on a % of the blood it stored to do this she will use her 1 to aim at the spikeby holding it fro 1 sec jumping in a straight line hitting all the enemy in the way, collecting the spike she can throw it again at another enemy .
- her 4, the Nyx copy paste...not that great, i was thinking of something more interactive like when she presses 4 she is locked in melee mode of the weapon you equip ,the idea is that when you attack the enemy in this mode with each attack there will be additional flying blades (spikes) at the enemy that she controls telepathically that deal additional dmg having the range of a long sword this way giving adittional range to claw weapons (venka) and staking th combo counter (the spike dmg doesn't stack it with combo counter only the melee weapon) and the number of the blades will be defined by the passive stacks each will deal a base dmg that will be mostly bleed which will be affected by power strength.

So this way every ability on her kit has a synergy with each other that fits her theme with a lot more action and interactive plays using your 1 and 3 to stack the passive and heal your self when low on health, your 1,2 and 4 to deal dmg while scaling with the game cuz lets be honest the best warframes that are in game are either those that scale with the enemy like nidus or ocatvia , either waframes that are unkilable or the ones that deal absurd amount of dmg .

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2 minutes ago, UseNet said:

I don't see why this thread couldn't have been a post in the countless other 'garuda discussion' threads.

well when its a separate thread people can see it if its a part of another its just gets lost in last pages ...

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