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Nyx is awesome, no complaints with her.

Titania had also many improvments, however the Vacuum on Razorwing makes Energy managment next to impossible.

Not every player loves Vacuum!

It takes away the choice of the player when to make use of energy pickups, which can screw over people who use the Energy Conversion mod and/or Arcane Energize.

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Nyx rework is awesome but her augment Mind Freak should get a rework too, maybe % goes double so fast or something else. And her 2 Psychic Bolts should get a Visual Rework, Enemys who gets hit should have a Marker above their Head to see better which enemy got hit.

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Going to hope this post gets viewed...I know it's well after the rework at this point but still.

DE, I hate to be so blunt, but with the Titania "rework", but my advice is simple: "Try again."

Lantern's target does in fact return to it's original point, but now  it bounces back and forth around whatever area it's in and doesn't actually fix the problem.  Wasted energy.  The only way this isn't wasted energy is if the lantern CANNOT MOVE.  PERIOD.  Don't have it able to move and return back.  That fix tells us you want it to be stationary, but frankly, you've failed.  This "fix" only showcases how bad the problem is.

Tribute's buffs while far easier to acquire are still mediocre.  Dust still being the only moderately useful one, which leaves her survival up to RNG.  Does the enemy miss (from Dust's 50% accuracy debuff)?  Does Titania evade (from Razorwing's 50% evasion)?  Find out next time!  So whenever Titania is shot, ultimately she has a 75% chance of not getting hit.  Which sounds nice on paper, but she's made of paper so that's all it takes.  Consistency is the key here.  And besides, bombards don't care about either stat, Titania still dies.  Wasted energy.  On this ability I honestly have no idea besides trash the buffs and make different and more useful ones.  I like the idea of extracting a toll from enemies and having a debuffing aura around Titania, it's very flavorful, but this ability doesn't actually function.

So....Titania has a 1 that makes her status immune that she actively does not want to hit enemies with....and her Razorwing.  Which is still good, thanks for the vacuum.  But considering Titania isn't ever using her 2 and 3, her "Rework" amounts to just a vacuum on her Razorwing and a larger energy pool.  That's not a rework.

Try again.

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20 hours ago, Vyrielle said:

Going to hope this post gets viewed...I know it's well after the rework at this point but still.

DE, I hate to be so blunt, but with the Titania "rework", but my advice is simple: "Try again."

Lantern's target does in fact return to it's original point, but now  it bounces back and forth around whatever area it's in and doesn't actually fix the problem.  Wasted energy.  The only way this isn't wasted energy is if the lantern CANNOT MOVE.  PERIOD.  Don't have it able to move and return back.  That fix tells us you want it to be stationary, but frankly, you've failed.  This "fix" only showcases how bad the problem is.

Tribute's buffs while far easier to acquire are still mediocre.  Dust still being the only moderately useful one, which leaves her survival up to RNG.  Does the enemy miss (from Dust's 50% accuracy debuff)?  Does Titania evade (from Razorwing's 50% evasion)?  Find out next time!  So whenever Titania is shot, ultimately she has a 75% chance of not getting hit.  Which sounds nice on paper, but she's made of paper so that's all it takes.  Consistency is the key here.  And besides, bombards don't care about either stat, Titania still dies.  Wasted energy.  On this ability I honestly have no idea besides trash the buffs and make different and more useful ones.  I like the idea of extracting a toll from enemies and having a debuffing aura around Titania, it's very flavorful, but this ability doesn't actually function.

So....Titania has a 1 that makes her status immune that she actively does not want to hit enemies with....and her Razorwing.  Which is still good, thanks for the vacuum.  But considering Titania isn't ever using her 2 and 3, her "Rework" amounts to just a vacuum on her Razorwing and a larger energy pool.  That's not a rework.

Try again.

Amen.  Just quoting this wholesale so DE gets the message.  I don't wanna have to wait four more years just to hope for another rework.

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On 2018-12-31 at 2:31 PM, Vyrielle said:

Going to hope this post gets viewed...I know it's well after the rework at this point but still.

DE, I hate to be so blunt, but with the Titania "rework", but my advice is simple: "Try again."

Lantern's target does in fact return to it's original point, but now  it bounces back and forth around whatever area it's in and doesn't actually fix the problem.  Wasted energy.  The only way this isn't wasted energy is if the lantern CANNOT MOVE.  PERIOD.  Don't have it able to move and return back.  That fix tells us you want it to be stationary, but frankly, you've failed.  This "fix" only showcases how bad the problem is.

Tribute's buffs while far easier to acquire are still mediocre.  Dust still being the only moderately useful one, which leaves her survival up to RNG.  Does the enemy miss (from Dust's 50% accuracy debuff)?  Does Titania evade (from Razorwing's 50% evasion)?  Find out next time!  So whenever Titania is shot, ultimately she has a 75% chance of not getting hit.  Which sounds nice on paper, but she's made of paper so that's all it takes.  Consistency is the key here.  And besides, bombards don't care about either stat, Titania still dies.  Wasted energy.  On this ability I honestly have no idea besides trash the buffs and make different and more useful ones.  I like the idea of extracting a toll from enemies and having a debuffing aura around Titania, it's very flavorful, but this ability doesn't actually function.

So....Titania has a 1 that makes her status immune that she actively does not want to hit enemies with....and her Razorwing.  Which is still good, thanks for the vacuum.  But considering Titania isn't ever using her 2 and 3, her "Rework" amounts to just a vacuum on her Razorwing and a larger energy pool.  That's not a rework.

Try again.

Pretty much agree completely, this really shows a disconnect between actual real game and theory..

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I don't feel like creating a dedicated thread over in the feedback forums, so here's the follow-up on my previous ranty post here. TL;DR; at the bottom.


First of all, let's frame this right: Nyx' main theme is "mental powers & turn their strength against them". That's what she's about in a single line, and I'd hope that you keep that in mind when you take another look at her. Some random notes on that:

  • Old psychic bolts had that in the form of radiation procs (although the original one didn't)
  • There are two mechanics playing against that:
    • enemy defence scaling
    • our power creep
  • So it's not really Nyx' fault that she's been slowly falling out of favour, but these new changes can't address this, either. Her new 2 does address an effect of it, but fits her theme as much as the original Psychic Bolts, probably even less.


And now, let's tally up the changes (personal bias guaranteed, btw.):

What We Gained

  • Her new 2 is very powerful, especially against high level Grineer with 25% and more power strength. Having just one bullet point here really doesn't do that justice.
  • Also, her 2 doesn't alert enemies now that it doesn't deal damage anymore.
  • Her new 1 is now single-handed. That's the most direct and obvious buff. Feels nice.
  • I guess mind control pets following around is nice, but often, they still don't contribute a lot. Half a point for this, maybe?
  • Absorb self damage: type can now be tailored (Castanas, Talons). (But personally, I don't really use them anymore because that weird new spread has made them too dangerous (here's @Synpai's feedback topic on that). It was a star chart gimmick before, anyway.)


What We Lost

  • She definitely has less CC than before.
  • We can't ignore power strength anymore. If we do, her 2 is now worse than before, imho.
    • While her 2 is very powerful as mentioned above, it's not gameplay-defining. Or at least not unless against really really high level Grineer. But there's also 4x CP and other ways to deal with that, status weapons & Frost/Mag/Oberon 4 come to mind, the latter two with augment or synergy.
    • +25% power strength isn't much on paper, but before I went as far as -60%. In terms of slots that comes down to 1 to 1.5 that are now not available anymore.
  • Can't recast 2 easily, making it a bit harder to react to new situations. Also makes her more bland to play. Side note: you say you're against doing cooldowns, but i guess that rule is only for "meta frames". Because for all intents and purposes this is a pretty hard cooldown: kill all enemies or hold 2 for a bit, press 2 again, wait for the missiles to hit.
  • Can't use her 2 for small group confusion anymore. It was also faster than her 3 against immediate near threats because cast speed and one-handed.
  • Can't use her 2 now to find hidden enemies by casting it repeatedly in random directions (minor annoyance).
  • Can't use her 2 anymore to deal with corpus cameras (esp. Spy; minor, as well)
  • Pacifying Bolts augment is objectively worse now, too.
  • Somewhere along the way you decided to make it so her 3 would affect only the enemies in range while casting.
    • Before you could recast and layer them on top of each other; on already affected enemies the debuff would be refreshed and stay on the others.
    • Or in more technical terms: it was an individual debuff before with a set duration, now it's rooted on the ability itself, which stops when recast.
    • I guess we could spam the initial CC now if we wanted to, but that's just abuse. So I'd say the old one is a bit superior, it's not that big of a deal in practice, though.
  • Still no explanation on why gear/emotes wheel are no longer accessible while in Assimilate.
    • Same as above: not a big issue, but would probably still be here if you didn't touch her at all.


What hasn't really changed

  • From a damage standpoint, her 4 was crap before and is crap now.
    • With the sole exception that if it's ever made useful (if you decide to crank up the numbers), it'll be in dedicated teams exploiting the new damage mechanic, by charging her with a specific damage type. Because of that alone its damage will never be viable when simply fighting an enemy faction. Or it wouldn't be long until it'd get hit with the nerf stick. Obvious.
  • Some liked her old passive, I'm fine with the new one. I guess I'm lucky that way?
    • Changing the passive didn't help with the biggest argument against the old one though: our mind controlled targets became useless when they lost their weapons. Now we have to shoot them and they become useless because they're dead when it runs out. Oh well.
  • Her survivability hasn't improved. While i think her new passive is noticeable...
    • it doesn't help against AoE
    • she has overall less CC now, not only from her 2, but her old passive could remove some AoE threats outright
    • and she needs more mod slots, which means less slots for defence.


What I'd like to see:

  • Do better, please do better. >.<
    • Mind Control target should be completely invulnerable while we charge it. The time we spend doing that is already big enough of a drawback, it doesn't need to die when the duration ends. We could shoot other enemies in that time, or maybe even an Antimatter Drop. Is what we get out of shooting the MC target comparable to AMD in any way, shape or form? Didn't think so.
      • Side note: The most threatening enemies tend to get some defences against CC these days, too.
    • Just let us use the bolts again. Remove debuff from old enemies if necessary (same as her 3 works now).
  • Maybe just replace the Psychic Bolts already. Completely new ability. (Shameless self plug: old suggestions of mine)
  • Honestly, I wouldn't even mind going back she was in half a year ago.
  • Absorb (maybe not Assimilate) enemy ragdoll or slightly longer invulnerability (yes, I'm going to bring this up again every single time)
  • Ability synergy, like with so many other other frames. it can't be that hard to do. Off the top of my head:
    • Absorb: increase damage or air time of enemies affected by other abilities, or make it not drain energy
    • Chaos: confused enemies prefer to attack other enemies, specifically those affected by her 1 and 2. There probably already are some kind of aggro modifiers behind the scenes, but make it so it's noticeable.
    • Bombards, Napalms and Crazy Cat Ladies affected by both her 3 and 2 just start blowing themselves up.
    • The MC target stops running around and starts attacking enemies affected by her 2. Nothing. Else. Complete "AI" replacement.



  • Some new stuff is nice, but there are enough negatives that in my personal opinion she's overall not better off than before. Maybe a tie? Not sure.
  • Address some long-standing gripes (Absorb end vulnerability, MC target useless after duration, MC idle time)
  • Iterate on the new stuff
  • Or just replace the bolts already (shameless self plug)
  • Synergies, please
  • ... or just revert it all. (obligatory: and if you don't like that then get off my lawn, you young whippersnappers 😉)


TL;DR of the TL;DR:



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I was messing around with Nyx and realized how the Mind Control "rework" was mishandled. 

If you want to maximize that ability and you don't bring something with extremely high burst damage, you are gimping yourself. You need something like a Rubico Prime and land every shot to the head while the enemy is covering its head and twitching itself because of the stun within those 4 seconds to bump its damage high enough. If you are using something like Torid or Mutalyst Cernos, you are doomed. It is awful. The ability should work like the pseudo-exalted weapons, taking into consideration the mods installed in your primary weapon or something like that. 

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On 2019-01-04 at 7:12 AM, Kontrollo said:

Now we have to shoot them and they become useless because they're dead when it runs out. Oh well.

That was always my favorite part of Mind Control, TBH. You stop an enemy in its tracks, then shoot the hell out of them, then let them draw all the aggro. Then, because you shot them, they automatically die when the Mind Control runs out, so they don't go back to shooting you (which is why you Mind Controlled them in the first place)

So to people like me, it's theoretically a straight buff to what we were already doing

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7 hours ago, Anthraxicus said:

The ability should work like the pseudo-exalted weapons, taking into consideration the mods installed in your primary weapon or something like that.  

That's actually an interesting idea. Or they could change the way it charges up to a logarithmic function of total damage dealt (i.e. diminishing returns), with a more front-loaded bonus.


7 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

That was always my favorite part of Mind Control, TBH. You stop an enemy in its tracks, then shoot the hell out of them, then let them draw all the aggro. Then, because you shot them, they automatically die when the Mind Control runs out, so they don't go back to shooting you (which is why you Mind Controlled them in the first place)

So to people like me, it's theoretically a straight buff to what we were already doing

Uh, what about watching the timer and pressing 1 two times before it runs out, to quickly reapply Mind Control?

Before the rework it made sense to keep your Arctic Heavy Gunner Eximus around until she randomly lost her weapon due to Nyx' passive, or died from taking damage. At least in theory, on higher levels the ability degraded to having a meat shield around, anyway.

Besides, if you like to use it only as a delayed disposal mechanism, that would still be possible even with the change I've proposed. Simply shoot the target after the initial 4 seconds of charge up.

The big joke in all of this is that the passive got changed because it worked against her other abilities, especially Mind Control. On that point, we're pretty much back to square one now.


Anyway, glad that seems to be the only thing on which we disagree.

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vor 12 Stunden schrieb Anthraxicus:

The ability should work like the pseudo-exalted weapons, taking into consideration the mods installed in your primary weapon or something like that. 

Maybe just make the damage your MC deals dependent on your Power Strength (for example 5x on 100% and 10x at 200%) and change the Augment : you can controll 2 targets at a time but either just deals 50% of its damage. They also need  a higher thread level as enemies still attack you even if standing near your MC.

Make her 2nd Ability spammable again so you can benefit from her Augment. Maybe just give her her old Bolts, but make the damage scalable

For Absorb :

  • she should be able to use her other skills 
  • Maybe just completly remove the damage and change the absorbed damage into something else (for example : Range, Duration or Strength for her other skills)
  • if we don't get our weapons (which is fine with me) let us do something with the energy/damage we stored while still being in Absorb
    • move the effect of Armor/Shield Reduction from her 2nd Ability to this 
    • trigger by pressing LMB for a self centered AOE or RMB for a Ray/Cone with more Reach, this would allow for a reliable debuff instead of the random targetiing of her 2nd Ability
    • this should either cost some of the stored damage or extra Energy, but could then benefit from the buff (2nd point for Absorb)
  • when leaving Absorb, either give her damage Reduction/Invincibility for a short duration or make the Knockdown long enough to not be instantly shot

I know Chaos is fine, but I had some ideas to make it a bit better at controlling enemy movement :

  • let enemies enrage (like Equinox Rage) so they can get faster to their "friends" and bind them in Melee combat
  • or let the middle of the casting zone become their priority to get to so you can bundle them together
  • for her Augment : better visuals would be nice, as the current wall of Energy blocks your view (maybe make an Inscription on the ground to mark the area), as an Addition make enemies unable to leave this area, as it shrinks with time they will be forced to move to the middle and will be grouped together for better killing, should also give Nyx some survivability if standing outside of the area
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might want to include more lunaro and pvp into alerts, and city travels, bounties also should feature some items that encourage pvp, mods, skins, and relays should look a little more inviting and different per planet, if posible at least each relay should have a special vendor and representative or sell different goods or materials based on that planet, at least feature some type of jaba the hut at planet moon, say that the relay on cetus announces lunaro and pvp, and also advertices faction and syndicate things, and darvo also gets a revamp.

the idea also is to integrate some personality into archwing missions and pvp, with the rewor coming up at least we can include some additional items themed weapon, dualzakti, dual kraken a few new mods that match titania and other single wield weapons becoming dual wield options for players to play with, also the relays dont always have great items, and the bazaars could become more punchy, the only missions there are low key void races,. the same goes for clem missions, they take a while and the rewards are super low, i think that some blueprints and augmentations could be fun to see some extra sigils added to the syndicate missions, and additional items for the bounties, fishing, etc.\

nyx and titania need a few new musical pieces, to enhance the presentation of the warframes, maybe some of the abilities could shimer or react in a special way at the shop, and preview planes, and if maxed out they could unlock some small items, and trinkets, so that players leveling up can get a toy or doll statue in their mailbox, or arsenal/ ship / emails, might be a good itme to add some more notifications and ambient recordings for all the towns and ships.


  1. make a boy version of the girls:
  • BOY /  MALE VERSIONS(S) of TITANIA, NYX: additional skins and rewards should be included a boy/transfiguration of the females at rework launch with some bonus weapons and platinum packages, mods, and decals - earnings free,  the additional blueprints that are duplicates can be turned into an additional skin/helmet, and be useful for crafting a new archwing component, i think its posible to make something like a skynyxie pet for archwing missions that can go underwater with a giant lightbulb, sensors, and probes for mining and weather protection, it should help reload speed, and an orb. Titania can get some additional tools for summoning, and casting magic, there are many ways to get the new items, redoing missions, platinum, and some should jsut beor crafted with extra blueprints, some of the skins and bundles should be refreshed, they should feature some additional mods and resources.
  • mandachord.inspired by titania and nyx enhance players hp regeneration and skyfall.
  • credits and resources posibly enhanced and transfigured into combat weapons or chanelling energy.
  • enemies - new enemies per planet
  • realays sell lunaro, toys and foods, and dedicated shop with planet based mods.
  • pvp alerts in cetus & fortuna
  • email blueprint to players on rework launch of nyx and titania warframes, a second email with weapons and technology deming enhanced gear, regulators, and reward for previous users a mod and sticker.
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1 hour ago, Naneel said:

Maybe just make the damage your MC deals dependent on your Power Strength (for example 5x on 100% and 10x at 200%) and change the Augment : you can controll 2 targets at a time but either just deals 50% of its damage. They also need  a higher thread level as enemies still attack you even if standing near your MC.

Make her 2nd Ability spammable again so you can benefit from her Augment. Maybe just give her her old Bolts, but make the damage scalable

For Absorb :

  • she should be able to use her other skills 
  • Maybe just completly remove the damage and change the absorbed damage into something else (for example : Range, Duration or Strength for her other skills)
  • if we don't get our weapons (which is fine with me) let us do something with the energy/damage we stored while still being in Absorb
    • move the effect of Armor/Shield Reduction from her 2nd Ability to this 
    • trigger by pressing LMB for a self centered AOE or RMB for a Ray/Cone with more Reach, this would allow for a reliable debuff instead of the random targetiing of her 2nd Ability
    • this should either cost some of the stored damage or extra Energy, but could then benefit from the buff (2nd point for Absorb)
  • when leaving Absorb, either give her damage Reduction/Invincibility for a short duration or make the Knockdown long enough to not be instantly shot

I know Chaos is fine, but I had some ideas to make it a bit better at controlling enemy movement :

  • let enemies enrage (like Equinox Rage) so they can get faster to their "friends" and bind them in Melee combat
  • or let the middle of the casting zone become their priority to get to so you can bundle them together
  • for her Augment : better visuals would be nice, as the current wall of Energy blocks your view (maybe make an Inscription on the ground to mark the area), as an Addition make enemies unable to leave this area, as it shrinks with time they will be forced to move to the middle and will be grouped together for better killing, should also give Nyx some survivability if standing outside of the area

The first ability should have some kinda of re-cast, either from augment or innate. It sucks having to lose your minion when the time expires. 

And for the 2nd ability, they should complety ditch that change requiring you to hold the button forever to disable the ability. As the augment, I would make something like whenever a target is killed, the Psychic Bolt would affect the nearest target...or maybe the next two targets, creating a chain reaction.

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1 minute ago, Anthraxicus said:

The first ability should have some kinda of re-cast, either from augment or innate. It sucks having to lose your minion when the time expires. 

And for the 2nd ability, they should complety ditch that change requiring you to hold the button forever to disable the ability. As the augment, I would make something like whenever a target is killed, the Psychic Bolt would affect the nearest target...or maybe the next two targets, creating a chain reaction.

i like the idea of walking over the dead enemy to recover some energy and tether options should allow the use of microexplosions, damage per second, or a poison, maybe if we made a new weapon that reacted to psionic abilities, and bulelts, it would shoot psionic bulelts that explode, but could also be like a neddler, hitting the enemy with melee causes them to be frozen or sapped of energy, or a random detriment, i though if it was nyx'ses new weapon it could behave eradically when the player is using their energy abilities, and use the pool of aether to call up more psi. based on that fact the machinegun could throw down magic, calling up energy when close to empty, i mean the magazine can use the energy pool, and could be interesting to see other warframes using psionics, it should featuer some passive ability, and a crouching enhancement that can scan the area for traps, and heat signatures.

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Since this topic is still ongoing...
I would like to take the opportunity to give my perception on Titania.

The changes atm are really great. Abilities do not cost that much and you can keep up all buffs fairly easily while staying in razorwingmode. Her damage output is still amazing for I can kill enemies faster than almost any frame. Her tribute makes Titania nice as a party member in stead of just being a soloist. (I always like to see my Titania as a soloist that doesnt care about others too much because she is quite glass cannon and will die if you try to ressurect fallen allies)

The negatives about Titania for me are that there are a couple of things in her kit that arent doing much (more about this later at my perception on her abilities). She is a typical glass cannon frame, making her 1-shot enemies... and getting 1-shot herself (her evasiveness, speed and accuracy tribute debuff do make it harder to get killed). 

My perception on her abilities:
Her first ability Spellbind: I think this ability is quite nice. It has a fast casting speed and can be used either to help allies/yourself or quickly cc enemies. I usually just use it to get stacks on my razorwing mod fast or to get rid of status effects on me or allies (poison is always easiest to see when fighting infested)

her second ability tribute: I really like this ability... even tho I know alot of people do not like this. I think it is a nice alternative thing to do when you are just using your Dex Pixia to kill everything and do nothing else... Just use tribute to collect those souls and help your allies and keep your stacks up from the razorwing mod. The accuracy debuff on enemies and the damage boost for allies are the best buffs in my eyes. I usually just grab the slow and the thorns as extra buffs...and because I like the butterflies...
So if you want to increase this frames party efficiency these buffs can be improved in some way.

her third ability lantern: I think the concept of this ability is nice, but in game...it is less good. I do use it sometimes... but I feel like I do not have to. I usually use this ability in either survival or defense missions since Titania has no AOE damage. It can be nice to make a lantern in a chokepoint and have enemies cc'ed there untill you turn your guns their way. However when you do missions with lower leveled enemies, these lanterns will just bother allies because they kill fast enough. When you do Elite Sanctuary Onslaught, you find yourself against tough enemies and barely any energy gain... you want to use a lantern for the cc... but it costs energy you dont have or want to save...
So I think this ability can use something extra to help with survivability

her fourth ability razorwing: This is ofcourse the ability that defines Titania. The damage is really good and the weapons are great. The razorwings are also very cool.
The downside of razorwing are that you will completely rely on Dex Pixia and Diwata to deal your damage (not that this is neccesarily a bad thing). But the razorwings are just not that great. When you are going against lvl 15- enemies they are really good....but higher than that...they keep dying. When you are doing a sortie or ESO...they get killed in 1 shot. Meaning their purpose of damage or cc is completely gone. maybe they could also benefit partially from titania's current hp/shield/armor...or make them tougher by ability power or something... It is also really dangerous for such a 1 shot frame to get out of razorwing. (You will have to get out and in again if you want to replenish your razorwings).
So if you want to increase Titania's damage output we can help the razorwings out somehow.

My personal ideas:
tribute doesnt necessarily be changed, but maybe change thorn damage to prevent the damage and reflect it back... it would become quite a nice buff for the party for survival and for Titania herself (and razorwings) while not really changing the original concept.

lantern could be better by making it more useful. It could do all the same things as it does now...and spawn 6 razorwings of its own that will do their own thing untill they dissapear when the ability ends. When a lanternwing dies it will respawn at the lantern. Meaning that with 3 lanterns you can make quite the hornetsnest. And what if Titania enters the attract range of the lantern and gets her razorwings back? You will have changed the lantern from a cc lamp...into a cc razorwingspawn station. As if she creates razorwings out of the bodies. It would bring a fun new mechanic and it means the ability will be useful in another manner...meaning you dont HAVE TO get out of razorwing mode and face the grimreaper(I really like this concept).

Other than all of this, I have nothing more to say. Keep up the good work DE, you are doing a great job and I hope you take a look at all the nice ideas ^.^


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The biggest problems with Titania is that first, Lantern should be tethered to the ground because it keeps flying so far away that it becomes redundant and you end up wasting energy. Second, the buffs granted by Tribute are rather underwhelming, even when they are maxed out. And third, for some reason we cannot apply Gladiator Rush on her Diwata but yet we can add Gladiator Vice & Might?

Edit: also alot of time when using Diwata she will attack the enemies feets causing you to bump on the floor witch forces the player to readjust.

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Lantern: use Trinity 1 concept

Tribute: if the ability stays give meaningful buffs that strengthen her 4th. Thats Titania bread and butter. Make her like Nidus who in ability wise the best frame where all ability synergizes or linked to each other. Stop forcing non razorwing Titania but make her 1-3 to support 4. Tribute buff should be picked up with vacum.

Overall more casting speed for her.

Her little razorflies should give damage reduction AND constantly rebirth. Best solution would be to make them a standalone recastable ability.



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I think her butterflies should work like khoras kavat. Make them moddable. Replace lantern with the ability to resurrect, and maybe choose different modes. Like attk mode, defending mode,  and energy regen mode or something.

Her 1 should build a damage resistance stack for every enemy effected. That literally gives Titania flat damge resistance... Up to 80% or something.

Her tribute should provide healing or an attk speed buff when Titania eats a soul or something.

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On 2019-01-10 at 4:31 PM, (XB1)DomTheKilleur said:

The biggest problems with Titania is that first, Lantern should be tethered to the ground because it keeps flying so far away that it becomes redundant and you end up wasting energy. Second, the buffs granted by Tribute are rather underwhelming, even when they are maxed out. And third, for some reason we cannot apply Gladiator Rush on her Diwata but yet we can add Gladiator Vice & Might?

Edit: also alot of time when using Diwata she will attack the enemies feets causing you to bump on the floor witch forces the player to readjust.

Yep, gladiator rush isnt available to any exalted weapons.

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Titania rework centered around her Razor Flies. Life steal, armor buff and damage (singles out most threatening enemy) and of course her fourth is Razor Wing. Her passive is 50% Thorns....and for the love of Lotus fix her casting speed. Thats just my humble idea on my beloved Titania. Happy hunting Tenno.

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I know the Thorns buff is rather anathema to Titania players, and for good reason. Damage being reflected back to enemies is a joke. However, going with the theme of thorns, couldn't the enemies suffer powerful Puncture procs instead? That would give Titania pseudo-damage reduction as well as supporting her team in a positive way.

This still has the problem of being hit first and thus, doesn't scale super well. Perhaps it could apply to near-misses as well? Maybe it could be given to enemies affected by her Lantern and other CC?

I doubt the developers are reading this anymore. Also, apologies if this has been proposed elsewhere already.

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If people are still talking about it then I'll throw my 2 cents in. I have a little idea for Nyx's psychic bolts. 

Petchic bolts makes you turn it off by holding down #2. That wait is long and kinda annoying for an ability that doesn't do much other than make a couple enemies easier to hurt. The ability doesn't even make it easier to find the enemies you hit so you can kill them and not have to manually turn bolts off.

Life would be easier if it worked more like mind control (one click to turn off and a second click to reuse the ability) or chaos (using it automatically removes it from affected baffies so it can go on whatever is now closest). 

And can anything be done so we can see psychic bolted enemies easier? 

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