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Why is it so rare to get a squad who stays for rotation c rewards in arbitration


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Rotation C in a Survival is 30 minutes long. You see it with Void Fissures, people generally don't enjoy being locked into missions for more than 20 minutes for a ton of reasons, especially if the mission is going to be one with a high attention demand. All it takes is a tiny lapse for you to waste the effort from the last 5 minutes.

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8 hours ago, Makunogo said:

(rotation) rewards and exp are maintained. for example, nobody does an excavation arbitration for cryotic, its literally twice as long as a regular excavation. the only thing they lose is the random pickups.   I personally only do infested salvage and interception as they seem to have the quickest rotations without too much enemy interference (and thus im less likely to get killed). i guess i'm lazy. or efficient depends on how one looks at it.

Unless extraction glitches out. It happens often enough, especially when the host dies and decides to leave.



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  • rewards unrewarding for long term players (and unless you desperately need endo, short term players as well)
  • nothing special about rot c since the mods drop on early waves too
  • if they die, they just immediately exit - who wants to sit and stare at other players for 20 minutes?
  • it takes too long
  • they were just playing because they wanted to see what a 300% buff on xyz looked like.
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Ugh...this community & the refusal to accept public games for what they are...

If you want to spend a work shift in a mission...recruit people for it. The game can't tell others in a public game:

"____ wants to play for __ time. You will not be able to extract until time has been met."

That would lead to:

"___ wants to loot every locker & container. Extraction will not be available until all loot has been collected."

"'___ wants to fish. Extraction is not available until fishing quota has been met."

I could go on...

Public games will never fulfill these desires.

Howl all the Rio drivel (aka: bite-sized) you want. It won't change things.

Queuing for a Public game & be upset about the randomly assembled group is like going to the mall & being upset the entire mall isn't shopping at your store & not dressed like you.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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most people now just do arbitration for xp. and for a slim chance to get mods that basically everybody has and just one has some kind of resale value.
And the odds arent that better if you do C rotation instead of A or B.

I would be all in for literally removing chance from A rotation, leaving a slim chance in B rotation and making the chance in C rotation more consistent so that players doing C rot are actually rewarded (atleast a 20% total to get a mod) and doing so the value of those mods wouldnt have dropped so bad because there will be alot of people not bothering with C rotations and just buying those off trade chat.

The endless C rotation is a good thing, but it is managed poorly and doesnt give much better odds than a 5 min A rotation

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because warframe is a very easy game that requires 0 skill only patience and time
but people have neither skill nor patience and time
bad players, undergeared players or both (more often than not since one of both can carry you...)

you sir are the victim of an "instant gratification" customer base to which DE increasingly caters

btw: if you want to nerd around a bit...it is no secret that games got more and more easy over the years (google will provide enough literature)

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I'm sure there are many reasons, but I think the most common one is due to how Warframe handles failure. We've spent 5+ years with a game in which failure is unforgiving (you lose your mission gains) but is so rarely come across (this game is easy and we're all OP). We're pretty used to never (or hardly ever) failing at this game, which means there are a large number of players who can't accept failure, or at least don't deal with it well. I've played several Interception missions that fail because the squad (myself included at times) are so focused on fighting that we forget to take towers and the enemy gets 100%, and in nearly every lost game of Int I see at least one player leave the squad at 99%. Even though it'll still tag them with a Failure (unless they Alt F4 perhaps), they are so sensitive about receiving that Mission Failed screen that they jump ship to avoid seeing it or crash their own game to avoid the reality that they failed. Failure in WF is so rare that many players get used to never seeing it, and then may get oversensitive to it when it does eventually find them.

So when a really unforgiving game mode comes out, one that's designed for failure to be a very real possibility, it's understandable that some players are going to be timid amd leave on the early rounds.

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Endo increase for C isn't that much more than A & B.   Thus when viewing people for "bite size" game play why would you do it?  IMO...20 minutes of "gameplay" is where almost everyone I know "taps out" in terms of "fun".    I know right now that I will not do defense arbitration (very rare to get a group than can do a round faster than 1 minute).    Survival is just behind defense IMO.    

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 I feel like in some gamemodes like Survival its not really worth waiting until Rotation C.

All rotations have pretty much the same rewards with only incremental increases in drop chance.

I feel its more worthwhile and quicker to stay in gamemodes like Interception and Excavation.

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15 hours ago, Kyoresh said:

because its another new gamemode thats so boring and filled with crap rewards that no one bothers doing it

You can get a lot of ayatan statues == a lot of endo.

The big problem with warframe is 99% people is only there  to level up their gears. i stopped played sanctuary for that reason.

Another big problems is change host, you can loose everything and or dye because you find yourself without energy, armor o other problems...

Edited by bibmobello
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Because endless missions are boring, ymmv.

Add to that the fact that even tho they change the rotation order from AABC to ABCCCccc... because they doubled the time per wave it actually takes 10 minutes longer to get through the first C rotation in the new system than it did to do a full AABC rotation in the old system. Most people who random group only go one full rotation at a maximum so all the new mode did was heft an extra 10min onto them. 

The only way the new rotation actually pays off is if you go a ways into the infinite C rotation and the people who are going to do that are the people who where going to curate their group by either playing with friends or through LFG. Not by hooking up with randos in pub missions. 

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15 hours ago, ---Merchant--- said:

Because they are same people who leave in rotation a2 in elite onslaught.

We will never undestand.

Believe it or not, I had two people leaving on a1 rotation last night. Not even in for the first reward. Efficiency was 100% at that point.


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Me and a buddy be trying to go like 40-60 minutes. But other players refuse to go far. It’s too long even for me. I don’t exactly no-life the game. Meaning playing all day long on the same game. 

My strategy is using Nezha’s halo with the augment mod so that my team has extra protection. You be surprised on how many people survived because of that. Those who didn’t have the protection died almost instantly. And me and the buddy only do survival against invested because if one of us dies(most likely him) then the other can go to extraction. Y’all know how “squishy” ember is yet with Nezha’s halo she is able to survive and kill the infested.

Most people who play, only play for themselves. I have a power build Inaros and Nidus. I’ve only seen tank builds from others. My Nidus can double everybody else’s power strength. But nobody else seem to use link. And the rare few that did only gave me like a 25% increase. No better than most equinoxes. My Inaros can actually damage the enemies and have extra protection on top of being able to blind them with sand from a distance and leave them open to finishers. 

So far the best strategy I use is Nezha so that I can keep my squad from dying. It’s a big responsibility but if they can keep killing everything while I constantly protect them then so be it. 

Oh but let’s nerf all the killframes according other posts. Let’s make a killframe kill about as good as a Loki. 🙄 

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24 minutes ago, Kyoresh said:

which is good for new Players, or as a small Part of the drops, but doesnt motivate me to play lol

Actually I've noticed there's a pretty big market for Ayatan sculptures in Trade-chat.

This is very nice for F2P players who want to make a very nice profit on loads of Ayatan sculptures they probably don't need.

I kind of wish the Ayatans came pre-filled or at least partially filled.

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Well I usually play arbitrations till the 20 minutes mark because for me is boring staying in a mission for longer times ( endless missions) and even if they had better rewards or higher scaling i would still play them for the same amount of time. For me the problem is the longer time from a rotation to the other and the fact that I love mission types like spy, extermination, capture or even a mobile defense. 

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1 hour ago, Kyoresh said:

which is good for new Players, or as a small Part of the drops, but doesnt motivate me to play lol

The only good motivation for old players should be gain extra Mastery points or legendary stuff on extreme levels but they continue to give crappy stuff even if you play against level 200 enemies...

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