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Wisp Review/Early feedback


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I feel like her kit will end up like revenants, as in her ult will be the most useful and practical ability atleast offensively, causing it to be overused and nerfed.

For her 1 and 3 , they'll probably face the same problems as most stationary abilities. Mostly her 3, since it'll end up like vaubans grenades if it doesn't do good damage or cc, except maybe even worse since you have to manually detonate it. 

Her decoy is probably the next best ability but I can see myself just mostly double tapping for the blind, unless it does something to enemies if it passes through them to not warrant that.

And her passive worries me the least but having it work on all evasions could make it seem more practical. 

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1. I like the Concept and Synergies of her Abilities. She’s a well rounded Support Frame with Invisibility and a forced Taunt to keep her self alive. As a bonus the Taunt can be used as a mobility tool.

2. The Idea with up to 6 deployable buffs that refresh them selfs every couple seconds and this can be maintained for the whole team is great. With the area damage that she can erupt from her deployable buffs she can possible hold multiple areas/points at the same time or deal a huge amount of focused damage.

3. Her 4th has great visuals and could be pretty useful when you level gear with her and encounter an enemy you weren’t prepared for. I hope she gets a float effect while channeling the sun so she won’t die right away while using it. By floating effect I mean something like a slower fall speed with more control over where you are going. So you can bulletjump and then activate her 4th in the air to take advantage of her passive and slowly decent while burning anything with the SUN.

Alternatively have her passive activate while she’s channeling the sun as the the Enemies will be blinded just by looking at the sun and thus aren’t able to see her.

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il y a 3 minutes, Darkuhn a dit :

1. I like the Concept and Synergies of her Abilities. She’s a well rounded Support Frame with Invisibility and a forced Taunt to keep her self alive. As a bonus the Taunt can be used as a mobility tool.

2. The Idea with up to 6 deployable buffs that refresh them selfs every couple seconds and this can be maintained for the whole team is great. With the area damage that she can erupt from her deployable buffs she can possible hold multiple areas/points at the same time or deal a huge amount of focused damage.

3. Her 4th has great visuals and could be pretty useful when you level gear with her and encounter an enemy you weren’t prepared for. I hope she gets a float effect while channeling the sun so she won’t die right away while using it. By floating effect I mean something like a slower fall speed with more control over where you are going. So you can bulletjump and then activate her 4th in the air to take advantage of her passive and slowly decent while burning anything with the SUN.

Alternatively have her passive activate while she’s channeling the sun as the the Enemies will be blinded just by looking at the sun and thus aren’t able to see her.

IMO a simple Qol, to make her able to use her decoy while channeling Sol, give her some tool to survive and parkour fast

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On 2019-04-05 at 5:03 PM, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

Interesting.  To me she seemed more utility than cc based.

The CC seams more based on her 1 (cc buff) and her 3. But utility also fits as a classification. Though with the comments in regards to her 3 being dependent on her 1 it's likely that it might change. Though I hope the 4 changes before they mess with her 1 or 3.

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I hate when people dump on neat movement mechanics just to say "bullet jump already does it". But you can only bullet jump one time while in the air, and sometimes an extra little move to help propel us makes a world of difference. That's the whole point of parkour, to maintain momentum - the ability to teleport to your clone sounds intuitive and I hope they keep it in. It's kind of like how Ranger in Quake Champions shoots out and orb and then teleports to it. It completely changes firefights in some instances.

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Wisp is all over the place.


She's kinda a jack-of-all-trades, but not in a good way at all, seeing as her ability design seems to be a mismatch of 3 different Frames. Her theme is not consistent at all.

She's supposed to be a ghost, but then at the same time can... summon the sun? Her abilities in terms of functionality seem alright, but let's go over each part of Wisp and I'll address my problems with each of them.


Her Passive, "Phase" is okay. Invisibility in the air is good for quickly escaping deadly situations, however, she doesn't really have anything to support her passive like how Zephyr can stay in the air and falls much slower, so it's only alright. How can we make it better? Improving upon her mobility ability "Light" should help her out and make her Passive much more effective.

"Reservoir" doesn't feel ghost-like or portal summoner-like at all. This actually feels like something much more in-line with what Titania's Tribute SHOULD be. It should fit more in line with her theme. Have it do something like making Wisp use an enemy as the Reservoir. I still think that there should be 3 buffs, however, the "zapping effect" and "health" seem out of place for a ghost/portal creator. Replacing those with something like evasion bonus and energy regen. When enemies affected by Reservoir are killed, their souls become the Reservoir, and also create a portal in which you can pass through to no only gain the buff, but when there are two of the same type of buff-portals up, you can pass through them to teleport between the two places. This makes for a much better ability while also bringing in much more in-line with her theme.

Wisp's second ability, "Light" is pretty good, and fits her theme quite well. However, I think Wisp could benefit from something that supports her Passive, let's add onto this ability. Let's say that for every enemy that the light specter passes through, Wisp will gain time in which she will have reduced fall speed. This will allow Wisp to make much more effective use of her Passive.

Wisp's third, "Harness" is a big no from me (gettin' Revenant flashbacks). It's entirely reliant on the first ability and that only, making it effectively not even an entire ability. Additionally, it seems super generic and doesn't really seem to fit the portal-ghost theme. It needs a complete overhaul. (In the process of typing this up, this is when I realized that Wisp really lacks any real synergy, so I thought that we could have Harness be the knot that ties all of the abilities together.) How about having Wisp hold out her hands to suck in and harness the souls of enemies in the area. I didn't feel as though a health buff was appropriate for Reservoir, but it would fit much better if Wisp and allies gain health while she absorbs souls. Additionally, enemies can be slowed after their souls are absorbed and are insta-killed after 50% of their health remains (enemies cannot have their souls harness more than once of course). Enemies affected by Reservoir have their buffs doubled when killed. If Harness is used when Light is out, the specter will explode, blinding enemies in the area and do radial damage without teleporting Wisp.

I'm not how many others have said this, but I'm kinda' burnt out on the toggle to drain energy and move animation beam around that DE has been pushing lately. "Sol" is admittedly a bit cool in concept (not cool enough for [PH] Cleaning Drone), but it doesn't really feel like Wisp's theme to just make a portal to open a sun beam. Let's not tread on a certain chicken's territory when she can't even burn hotter than my kitchen stove. Wisp's ability should be more unique. Wisp could potentially make the battlefield absolute chaos with her portals. How about something like allowing her to supercharge dimensional energy waves to release a vast array of portals to the afterlife across a wide area, having tormented souls spread hell on all enemies, while having nearby portals deal additional damage to nearby enemies and replenish energy to Wisp and allies! The ghosts could also draw in aggro. This would be a much cooler and more theme-appropriate example of what Wisp could have as a fourth ability.


I highly encourage DE to take another look at Wisp and what she could potentially become. She has much room for improvement.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)wintersfrozen said:

The CC seams more based on her 1 (cc buff) and her 3. But utility also fits as a classification. Though with the comments in regards to her 3 being dependent on her 1 it's likely that it might change. Though I hope the 4 changes before they mess with her 1 or 3.

I getcha.  Personally i'd rather they adjust her 1 and 3 first.  I don't enjoy how dependant her 3 is on her 1.  And I don't enjoy how you cast her 1.  I'd like to see more synergies with her kit in regards to her 4 interacting with her decoy or her totems too.

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After watching the devstream, thought I'd share my thoughts on Wisp while she's still early in development.


Design/Theme: Amazing! Love her movement. Her bandaged look gives me strong Ethereal vibes so the fact she summons stuff from her ethereal plane is also very on-brand


Passive: It's an interesting one. Could work very well with a moveset based on repositioning across the battlefield and also open up fun modding options.


1st Ability: Seemed a bit too slow for such a fast paced game. Perhaps it could be improved by allowing the reservoirs to be placed at a distance. Also, not sure if this is the case, but the buffs should be stackable for more flexibility (e.g. allowing Wisp to carry three total wisplets regardless of the type)


2nd Ability: Perfect. Nothing to add,


3rd Ability: Is too dependent on the reservoirs and just a pure damage pulse seems boring. Instead of a simple damage pulse, it could create a different effect around each reservoir type with Wisp herself acting as a reservoir depending on which reservoir icon she has active on her UI.


4th Ability: Depends heavily on how effective is the damage scaling. Nevertheless, a pure damage ability feels a bit out of a place for this frame. Maybe it could interact with her decoy or reservoirs to spice it up?


Thanks for reading!

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I'm glad this ball kept rolling. Good to see there are some opinions either way on her set. I find it particularly interesting that those coming to the defense of her kit have played for generally a lot longer time than those taking exception. I myself try to give the development team the benefit of the doubt, all while fully aware Ash basically has 1 ability. Some are simply used to the notion that a good portion of a warframe's kit goes unused. Like Valkyr, whom has arguably had the one good ability nerfed out of her, an entire build can be devoted around one ability and corrupt mods the other ones to a slightly more hilarious level of uselessness. Remember guys: she isn't even released yet. The biggest wave of complaints are not now, with only the most observant and punctual players hopping out to breath concern. A good amount of powercreep will be required to allow her to be considered at all. Why laser when you can Miasma? Why totem when you can Vex Armor. Again no warframe is released in a vacuum. If there is already a warframe that does what a new warframe does better, they will not be considered. Some incredibly difficult balancing requirements, but hey, welcome to warframe where radial javelin rocks, and heavenly spears suck. 

All this, and much more said during this thread. I have at least well established my concerns about any warframe/kit in the last few pages. A few design guidelines were explained that could not only be used to reveal problems in Wisps kit, but the kit's of many already established warframes. Some warframes are released only to be shelved for years before a prime/remake breathes life into a kit that really never had one to begin with (Limbo). Or perhaps they more so needed a boost to effectiveness(Excalibur). Or maybe something was a little out of line(Trinity). There are a lot of reasons why warframes are in the "needs a rework category(vauban)". What is difficult is establishing a set of rules to balance something in a wonderland of unbalanced mechanics--I like over the top, it's a big draw to this game--but there are still acceptable limits both on the upper-bound, and lower-bound of effectiveness. Wisp is in a terrible position now whereby unless she is far and above the best at what she will do (nuke/buff remember chroma) she has little "flavor" to fall back on. Especially with huge passively applied buffs being so prevalent, why "chop the feet off" this mechanic? 

Now I wouldn't sit here all haughty proclaiming insight into balance/workings of Warframes if I did not have the capacity, motivation, or inspiration to give my actual take. Like many here beyond simple criticism, I have run the problem through these very narrow guidelines as to efficacy of warframe abilities. I myself slapped down a version of wisp (yes that admittedly took the ghost theme to the bank) and made sure of quite a few things. It is thematically cohesive. Abilities are not requisite on each other, instead are boosted in tandem if appropriate. Is not better or worse at what other's in the field already do. There are synergies with other warframes in such a way that has been absent from the game. It has viability in modes beyond endless, while also giving the opportunity to build effectively for endless. Since a mod has now moved my thread twice, I'll spoiler it here.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

I getcha.  Personally i'd rather they adjust her 1 and 3 first.  I don't enjoy how dependant her 3 is on her 1.  And I don't enjoy how you cast her 1.  I'd like to see more synergies with her kit in regards to her 4 interacting with her decoy or her totems too.

It might be nice to see her 1 become dependent on location. Example where your aiming is where it will appear. Her 3 could also be centered on herself as the main target with secondary damage coming from the nodes of her 1. This might allow people to just use her 3 if they wanted or those wanting to utilize the set up of her 1 to stack damage in an area. 

Having her 4 do something to add to her kit and synergies would be nice. A possible idea that comes to mind would be to have it relate to her two in some way. (though I'm not sure how)

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Literally none of her abilities apart from her passive seem to make any sense or have any cohesion at all. Judging by none of the recent frames actually being good...are DE just churning crap out at this point? 

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I reiterate ... she needs a 1st skill that just does a single thing, not have an ability wheel to put three kinds of buffs. Like you press the button to put X and only X. There is no Y and Z.

Her gameplay seems fast so why put something clunky and slow?

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If Reb wouldn't have mentioned that she used portals, then I would have never known that was suppose to be Wisp's thing. If they're going to toss a potential ghost-theme frame in favor of portals, then they could have done so much more. Feels like a waste of two themes at once. 

I'm personally hoping she gets some big changes before release. Otherwise she's just going to be mastery fodder for a frame I was really looking to. If her changes are relatively small, then I'm sure other people will enjoy her. That's okay, too! 

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1 hour ago, SkyCakeLight said:

If Reb wouldn't have mentioned that she used portals, then I would have never known that was suppose to be Wisp's thing. If they're going to toss a potential ghost-theme frame in favor of portals, then they could have done so much more. Feels like a waste of two themes at once.

Just like Revenant.

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Reworking vauban because of his stationary gameplay and releasing wisp...huh. 

Passive : amazing, invisibility mid-air means no enemy can target you.

1st ability : Trash, no matter how strong the buffs will be no one wants to deploy a reservoir pick up the buff then play tactically when you can just kill everything with good frames/weapons.

2nd ability: takes aggro, would have prefered a wisp ghost figure/illusion thing but that would be Loki decoy ... oh wait her 2 is basically loki's decoy with its augment. For me this ability is useless but can save you in a couple of situations.

3rd ability: trash, no one wants the strategic gameplay when the pace of the game is so fast.

4th ability: fun,cool, but trash. Unless you give Wisp an invulnerability or damage reduction in it using it in high-level would be suicide, also it restricts your movements...

So for me Wisp's kit does not make sens whatsoever with the ghost theme the frame has, outside of its passive all of the abilities except maybe her 2 feel like abilities with no sense, you are supposed to be a ghost that draws the power from the sun.... and plants reservoirs that give you buffs and can emit a radial wave of energy ?????????

I was so looking forward to wisp but i guess it's just MR fodder, oh also if you disagree with me just re watch the devstream, after showing off her abilities Rebecca never used 1-3 again, and used 4 just for the looks and her 2 for reallyyy easy parcour maneuvers (useless). I hope they completely rework her kit asap and i know it is hard to do but come on, you are telling me a whole team of people working on her abilities could not come up with better ideas in 8 hours ? 2 hours ? I saw the abilities and realized it was bad in less than 3 minutes -_- . 

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For Reservoir, maybe it would be faster pace if all reservoirs can change their buffs on the fly when Wisp cycles through them, kinda like Venari's modes.

You just plop down reservoirs at key points and change the buff type as you need them.

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People(and devs) keeps saying portals portals but there are no visual portals. Its basically same as vauban's balls/trap and Octavia's stuff, are those 2 frames also a portal frame?

Passive Skill:

Has no connection to portals, its more of bending the light...


1st skill

The pods just appear in her hands, at least show a portal opening above and dropping it.

And if they want to keep pushing the "portal theme"; once 2 symbols are active those 2 pods will act as an actual portals allowiing players to travel between them like nova's wormhole(which is an actual portal)

The floating symbols tho fit in for a wisp theme


2nd skill

Again not an actual portal... (fits well tho as a wisp theme) 


3rd skill

Still not portals (I dont mind this skill tho)


4th skill

Muh sun beam?! Stretching the portal thing really thin, but again not visually a portal.

they could atleast add a visual portal where the beam shoots out of it. also since its the sun there should be a gravity pull going on...


Overall I really like her frame visually, but her skills does not show its a portal frame...


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i think they will change the fact the reservoir get put with warframe position, instead of crosshair aiming, after read ton of wisp thread and complain this is the main issue i see the most, with the design of flower pots, btw i d'ont remember but did they give a date for gas city/wisp release? if i remember correctly new war is in 2 month so they might go fast? perhaps its gonna be [DE]layed again

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