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The Jovian Concord: Update 25


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1 hour ago, Cradicias said:

I'm also seeing this on my end, again specifically with Kogake.

Yeah I have an issue with the kogake too, didn't look at level but pretty sure I had a riven for it and it's changed to 'melee crita something or other'.

Seems like they've broken something...


My adarza kavat seems to have lost it's yellow colour too, it's now a 'default blue' colour. 


Also really wish DE hadn't reset my colours, it's going to take me ages to go through all my frames and other items... wouldn't be surprised if my adarza (I assume others are the same) is linked to this change too.

Prisma textures seem really dodgy now too, you can see the 'shape' of the prisma twin gremlins for example when the texture moves over..


Hexanon drops seem rather low imo... so we're back to the 'delay by grindfest' to get people to buy it with plat again....oh joy


2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


out of curiosity, who's idea was it to stick the bp for wisp in the drop tables for flydolon when you can buy it for a few thousand credits from the store.... kind of useless dilution of the drop tables wouldn't you say.

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Can't use full screen or everything is zoomed in, 4k display. 

Controller is detected, UI changes to reflect it, and I can move the cursor and scroll in menus but not click anything or do anything whatsoever outside of menus

So. Game is literally unplayable for me. Guess I'll hope for a hotfix tonight. Won't be holding my breath though. 

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9 minutes ago, Matico360 said:

Hey DE, great work on the update! Just wanted to let you know that there seems to be a graphic bug, ever since the update whenever I put my old resolution settings my entire game just zooms in on the upper left corner. Would really like a fix and to know im not the only one dealing with this.


You're not. I'm having issues with this as well as other people


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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Removed self damage from Primary fire.

re: Javlok, this is an indirect nerf to the already-overnerfed Ember because there is no longer a safe and reliable way to proc fire for the energy/strength bonus. Please consider reverting. 😞

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Can we get an acknowledgement of these universal melee mods being an error/bug and a warning for the playerbase not to buy them.  Whether they came from kogake rivens glitching or what, it would be nice to get an in-game statement to save your playerbase from being scammed by people taking advantage of the situation (fully knowing they will be reverted back to intended status eventually)


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So much to read, but what I see so far, I like!

But now I got another Frame to grind for, Garuda was a pain ... but I'll take it!

If only every was as good as DE, we'd have a lot better games on the market. But even, they'd be hard pressed to compete with Warframe!

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It is exactly what i expected it to be.
Another damn excuse to strip every Warframes abilities and melt their energy away like piece of butter in the sun.

Seriously DE.
At this point. Take out every damn Warframe ability right away if you hate your players using abilities so much.
Or at least stop making millions of unit who kill your abilities, drain your energy, oneshot you out of nowhere at low levels, nerfing your Warframe right away, banning your favorite weapons, destroy your entire heritage and ravage the graves of your ancestors, while you wish you would never have been born in the first place.

Nullifiers are bad enough already. But with their Sniper behavior standing in the distance, i could at least accept them somewhat at least, even if all units who disable your abilities right out of nowhere are complete bandaids..
But now they don't even show you what is disabling your abilitiy, and nullifiers go into Melee combat.
The millions of light effects melting your eyeballs are already worse enough. But at least you could fire in a general direction where enemies could have been. Now you can't anymore, because you will get melted like a scrub, since you are not allowed to use abilities.

Why do you hate your players so much DE?
Is it really such a big problem if people have fun?

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2FA can go die in a fire. It's badly implemented, has no failsafe in place for when people WILL, INEVITABLY lose access to the email or phone it was tied to, and is literally dividing the playerbase in half when it comes to who can trade, which I simply lack the tools, words, fonts and boldness to emphasize enough how BAD OF A *%#^ING IDEA IT IS.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

General Changes:

Why is star chart XP keep getting lowered? Pre patch 25 it was 27,579 now the max is 27,501. Pretty sure the same thing happened when orb villas / Fortuna came out. Shouldn't that number be going UP with addition of 2 more chart nodes?

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1 minute ago, Zelmen said:

Why is star chart XP keep getting lowered? Pre patch 25 it was 27,579 now the max is 27,501. Pretty sure the same thing happened when orb villas / Fortuna came out. Shouldn't that number be going UP with addition of 2 more chart nodes?

^^ this, it's not much but looks like something weird is going on, more nodes, less xp, and everyone losing mastery for the Kogake. I hope this doesn't end up like the k-drive mastery problem where i had to rank up a board twice...

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Hey so, since nightwave is down and the other way to get nitain right now is insane (0.67 percent chance when you get all three caches!!!) could you consider, i dunno, giving me another way to get it?

I get Nitain Extract is a rare resource and should be hard to get but right now the resource is nearly impossible to get, so having another way to get it, maybe like "give me thousands of ducats for one" would be nice.

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