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The Jovian Concord: Update 25


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5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Strike with silent lightning or the pummeling drum of thunder with Wisp’s signature Primary Weapon. Alternate between stealthy short-range electrical discharge and automatic lightning gun. Faster mode-switch when used by Wisp.  

So the primary mode is a shotgun, but it can use Point Strike? If it isn't then why does it have damage falloff? Perhaps the Corinth should also be able to equip Point Strike, or is there a double standard between the two?

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Thank you so much for the update! I'm gonna have to fashion all my frames and weapons. One problem though, energy colors are not showing in Mag's helmets. Preview is fine, but when accepting goes back to default even though the colors are registered.

Latest hotfix already fixed it. Thanks DE, you da best!

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Okay a honest question here now DE.

Did you intentionally implemented so many frustrating things by now into your game?
Warframe Abilities getting all the time disabled by now. No use no more of those allowed.
Even if you could use them, there is at least one enemy who is draining your energy now.
If you at least think you could shoot them, nope. Shields, Nullifiers, Armor rating through the roof.
Oh and don't forget the enemies one hitting you at this point if you do not play Meta Tank frames like Inaros.

Yes i do vent here right now. But if my fellow Tenno would be honest with you more DE, they face the exact same issue.
Warframe becomes more of a game simulating how good the game can take the control out of your hands every second.
Unavoidable CC's. Unavoidable damage. Unavoidable enemies that disable your abilities. More and more enemies that can stunlock you. Fight mechanisms that lock you into a animation for 10 seconds making you do the same thing over and over and over again. 
And the biggest joke of it all?
Adding the Wisp Blueprint to the droptabl and cranking it up to like 50% so you only get that all the time.

I did 10 boss runs by now.. and from all 10 i got 8 blueprints and 2 systems.
Wouldn't be so bad. But then take out the BP from the Market for Wisp.

I really looked forward at first to the update. But after seeing the gameplay having millions of nullifier enemies again, trying to fix "Powercreep" with a bandaid solution..
Yeah i need to take along break from Warframe again.. once i have Wisp, the new weapons and done my deed for the damn event i only do what 60% of the community does by now.
Only log in every day quickly for the login bonus.

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24 minutes ago, TheEternalJester said:

Can we get this moved to Changes, please? No offense @[DE]Megan, but this is disingenuous. It needs to be called as it is: a Nerf. Its been the better part of 4 years that this "bug" has been a feature, and its now only getting a "fix"? No one should buy this lie, I surely don't.

I was wondering about this and you and me are the first i've seen bring it up.

So is this a nerf to farm teams? will desecrate no longer work on enemies affected by pilfering swarm and khoras loot ability?  so now are we forced to no longer be able to effectively farm the way we have been for years?
So it isnt desecrate > pilfroid> khora> trin but now only nekros and nothing else since effects hitting loot spawns no longer work together?

I thought the "fix" was way to vague to describe what exactly was the "fix".


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Just now, Derethevil said:

Okay a honest question here now DE.

Did you intentionally implemented so many frustrating things by now into your game?
Warframe Abilities getting all the time disabled by now. No use no more of those allowed.
Even if you could use them, there is at least one enemy who is draining your energy now.
If you at least think you could shoot them, nope. Shields, Nullifiers, Armor rating through the roof.
Oh and don't forget the enemies one hitting you at this point if you do not play Meta Tank frames like Inaros.

Yes i do vent here right now. But if my fellow Tenno would be honest with you more DE, they face the exact same issue.
Warframe becomes more of a game simulating how good the game can take the control out of your hands every second.
Unavoidable CC's. Unavoidable damage. Unavoidable enemies that disable your abilities. More and more enemies that can stunlock you. Fight mechanisms that lock you into a animation for 10 seconds making you do the same thing over and over and over again. 
And the biggest joke of it all?
Adding the Wisp Blueprint to the droptabl and cranking it up to like 50% so you only get that all the time.

I did 10 boss runs by now.. and from all 10 i got 8 blueprints and 2 systems.
Wouldn't be so bad. But then take out the BP from the Market for Wisp.

I really looked forward at first to the update. But after seeing the gameplay having millions of nullifier enemies again, trying to fix "Powercreep" with a bandaid solution..
Yeah i need to take along break from Warframe again.. once i have Wisp, the new weapons and done my deed for the damn event i only do what 60% of the community does by now.
Only log in every day quickly for the login bonus.

All I  got was Whiny McTrolling 😅

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4 minutes ago, Derethevil said:

Okay a honest question here now DE.



I'm not entirely sure the devs play the game like the rest of us do. I'm not going to put words in their mouths, but if they had to sit down and play the game like the rest of us do I don't think they'd be very good at it.

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Just now, Yahzee said:

All I  got was Whiny McTrolling 😅

Mhm. There are times even i try to lower myself to the likes of you ,trying to communicate. But it is hard, when people have their heads somewhere else all the time. 😉

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3 minutes ago, wizardeiges said:

So is this a nerf to farm teams? will desecrate no longer work on enemies affected by pilfering swarm and khoras loot ability?  so now are we forced to no longer be able to effectively farm the way we have been for years?
So it isnt desecrate > pilfroid> khora> trin but now only nekros and nothing else since effects hitting loot spawns no longer work together?

Yes, this is a direct nerf to farming teams. What this would do would more or less prevent a second roll on loot for bodies already looted once by other powers, but only on successful ones. For instance, 'Droid's Pilfer reroll prevents Desecrate from working now if they rerolled via Pilfer Swarm. Khora's reroll has a chance of fail, and if it fails, it would allow Desecrate to work on it. If it fails, it fails, no more loot.

I can't guess how the priorities would work for powers, but I would guess Pilferoid/Khora would be applied first due to how they work, and if Khora's failed, 'Kros would follow up with his reloot.

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3 minutes ago, GentlePuppet said:


I'm not entirely sure the devs play the game like the rest of us do. I'm not going to put words in their mouths, but if they had to sit down and play the game like the rest of us do I don't think they'd be very good at it.

Pretty sure about that myself. Most probably they would even get more frustrated than i myself am right now. I mean it is still fresh. Maybe most things weren't intended. I do give them the benefit of the doubt there. Though i do see this trend getting more and more into constant stunlock cc enemies, not allowing you to play the game it was meant to be years ago.

Of course they somehow have to make it more challenging, but at this point it is only getting more and more annoying with these enemy types.

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4 minutes ago, TheEternalJester said:

Yes, this is a direct nerf to farming teams. What this would do would more or less prevent a second roll on loot for bodies already looted once by other powers, but only on successful ones. For instance, 'Droid's Pilfer reroll prevents Desecrate from working now if they rerolled via Pilfer Swarm. Khora's reroll has a chance of fail, and if it fails, it would allow Desecrate to work on it. If it fails, it fails, no more loot.

I can't guess how the priorities would work for powers, but I would guess Pilferoid/Khora would be applied first due to how they work, and if Khora's failed, 'Kros would follow up with his reloot.

..How do you even go from wanting to make new content to nerfing looting in a loot game into the ground?! the hell. Nerfing loot mechanics that have existed for years no less,this is crazy. Absolutely crazy.


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This is a nice update, gonna be busy for a long while, especially with Fashion Frame and the new stuff added in, but I don't really see nothing else of intere-

5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Amalgam Daiku Target Acquired - +75% to Headshot Multiplier. +3% Life Steal on Nikanas. 60% chance to pick up used arrows.


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4 hours ago, Madshade said:

Hello! My account got de-ranked from MR27 to MR26 after the update 🙂 It looks like Kogake is missing from my inventory and in the profile is grayed out as if i never leveled the weapon.

Welcome to the club!

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RIP Loki, Stealh Duration got reduced? (NVM i just had to unequip all Duration Mods and equip them again)

And you unequip the Synthesis Scanner now after a quick Melee

Seems that Patch broke more things then it was before.

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42 minutes ago, Instinction said:

Also having the screen issue where it's locked in the top left corner at 4k. 1440p displays the fullscreen but locks the mouse into the top left in menus.

The temporary fix is to set Text Scaling in windows to 100%.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed an issue with Melee Weapon Trails not respecting swing speed Mods which would make them invisible. 

Not fixed. Further tests by me and the Tenno who brought this issue to light showed that none of it was fixed. See links below.




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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Repair Kit - Sentinel: +6 Heal Rate/s 

why.....WHY cant we get a mod that makes sentinels NOT useless once they are fully destroyed and out of Regen (which should NOT have a limit whatsoever)

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There's lots of cool stuff to be exited about with this release but I want to point out some serious issues in order of importance. 

Biggest one is "Fixing" The nekros/khora/hydroid stacking effect. This gave farming runs a little more strategy but now that has been completely taken away. On top of that all you have done is wasted more valuable tenno hours by making it harder to get resources we need. When you cumilitavely add all the people who farm resources, can you imagine how many hours of humanity will be wasted because of this "fix"? Just putting it out there. 

I was really excited to get a vacuum bot but at 100p they are way too expensive. Sure you are going to get tons of money off plat sales from players with way more money than sense but there are a lot of other things I need to get with that 100 plat that are more important and so to the general player it is disappointing to know that they are just there for moneygrabbing. 

Last thing is the lockers at maroo being updated. While minor it was a nice easter egg and removing it just feels like a waste of precious Dev time that could have been better spent addressing the myriad of other issues in game rather than removing a nice touch that vets can appreciate. 

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