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The Jovian Concord: Hotfix 25.0.8


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14 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Ivara’s Cloak arrow functioning on Defense objectives, leaving enemies unable to find it. 

Why? It's been so long this exists, it's almost the only way to do the "no damage lvl 30 defense" riven challenge. Why removing it?

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On 2019-05-31 at 10:15 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Ivara’s Cloak arrow functioning on Defense objectives, leaving enemies unable to find it

More arbitrary exceptions? What's the goal here, to make frame choice irrelevant? Because if so, then I fail to see the point of releasing so many new ones all the time. It's almost as if you don't want every single situation in the game to be a gear check, in which case you're kinda six years late to the party and probably shouldn't have designed the entire game to consist of nothing but a series of gear checks to begin with. You need to realize what you have and play to its strengths, not try to remake it into something else half a decade after the fact.

14 hours ago, Deadlystriker2 said:

it's almost the only way to do the "no damage lvl 30 defense" riven challenge

Ember on Kala-Azar can do it so easily you can almost AFK it. The really odd thing here is that DE moaned about the damage meta that's developed in WF and expressed their desire to counteract it, yet in update after update they keep taking steps to reinforce it. This Ivara 'fix', making demolysts immune to and/or able to dispel CC, etc. Like, yeah, if you make the only enemies that need to be CCed immune to CC, nobody's gonna play CC. Whoda thunk.

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There's strange thing due to the new update, unfortunately. During the small patch update there is some weird thing happening and the patch downlads and installs multiple times. I got enough when it repeated the proccess 30+ times in a row. What this actually could be? And how could I fix it if this is on my side, actually? 
Waiting strongly for any reply, guys. 

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After fix my processor become take more system resources than before on my notebook. It is hard for laptop now to play. Сould this be the reason for the fix? And how I could slove it?
P.S: On a laptop I just play at minimum options.
Thanks for your work!

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18 hours ago, MaxMiddleton said:

can we get a grenade indicator and a energy leech indication please.

Grenade indication would be nice, at least. I’ve been one-shotted by grenades in arbitrations and sorties so many times, it isn’t even funny. I can hear them just fine, but it’s impossible to see them, and I end up dodging the wrong way half the time. 😕

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17 hours ago, Cyberius_001 said:

I'm also upset about the Ivara nerf, but I feel I should mention there's still a way to protect the defense operative beyond murdering everything before they can hurt him. Limbo can still chase him down and banish him into the rift every 60-80 seconds. Other than that, I don't think there are any other options, which means we're being pigeonholed into running certain frames for certain activities.

Wait, that sounds familiar... Wasn't that the reason they removed desecrating a pilfered corpse?

I mean...take Nyx with max range and spam Chaos. The enemies will be too focused on killing each other to bother with the defense objective. That’s what works for me, anyway. *shrug*

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Rotate any object upside down. Then try to rotate it horisontally using grid. Congrats you will never hit proper angle anymore.

Disabling grid is not helpfull, because it uses grid rotation anyway by 1 degree, but broken angle is a random float number.

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16 hours ago, BlindStalker said:

I play Ivara practically 24/7 when I'm on warframe, so I know what DE fixed.

Thank you for clarifying. We didn't explain very well what actually changed, so here's your confirmation:

The Ivara fix was specifically aimed at cryopod defense missions on Shipyards defense (Ceres:Casta),  and Galleon defense (Saturn:Helene and Sedna:Hydron). On most defense missions involving a cryopod, using a cloaking arrow did not affect the pod nor was it supposed to. These specific missions allowed the cloaking arrow to be effective, and led to a silly situation where enemies would run up and stand directly beside the pod but be unable to attack it.  This fix was not intended to change the effectiveness of cloaking arrow in other situations beyond the named missions, and if players see collateral damage to the behavior of enemies in other game modes, please consider it unintended and report it as as bug.

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21 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Maggots from Strain Mods/Nidus not using the proper emissive colors.

Still happens but for non hosts only (also noticed my charger glowing default purple when affected by buffs it seems to be issue with charger's energy color itself like it has a secondary color that cannot be changed by any normal means) :


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10 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

The really odd thing here is that DE moaned about the damage meta that's developed in WF and expressed their desire to counteract it, yet in update after update they keep taking steps to reinforce it. This Ivara 'fix', making demolysts immune to and/or able to dispel CC, etc.

Let's be completely honest here, try to imagine what kind of "gameplay" Disruption would have if demolysts were not immune to CC: just stand there with the CC frame of your choice spamming one button to stun lock the demolyst (along with the rest of the entire map) in place until the 2 minute timer runs out. Wow, such engaging gameplay. Like limbo in sortie mobile defense standing still inside the cataclysm. Exciting times. 

I feel DE came up with the best compromise they possibly could: you can still use some CC on demolyst, but it has diminishing returns, he still receives status procs, but you need to deal with his shields first, and the rest of the enemies on the map are vulnerable as usual to all warframe abilities and powers. 

I for one am happy DE is trying to address and change WF's afk faceroll playstyle that has been in the game for years. 

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1 hour ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Thank you for clarifying. We didn't explain very well what actually changed, so here's your confirmation:

The Ivara fix was specifically aimed at cryopod defense missions on Shipyards defense (Ceres:Casta),  and Galleon defense (Saturn:Helene and Sedna:Hydron). On most defense missions involving a cryopod, using a cloaking arrow did not affect the pod nor was it supposed to. These specific missions allowed the cloaking arrow to be effective, and led to a silly situation where enemies would run up and stand directly beside the pod but be unable to attack it.  This fix was not intended to change the effectiveness of cloaking arrow in other situations beyond the named missions, and if players see collateral damage to the behavior of enemies in other game modes, please consider it unintended and report it as as bug.

Ah thank you Momaw for the clarification. There is something that I want to ask for further clarification. I originally made a statement that if you marked a waypoint on an object to defend, if it said ally, then that gave me indication that the object could be cloaked by cloak arrow. However, people did dutifully point out to me that I was incorrect in this assessment that the 'ally' flag can be seen on defense cryopods and mobile defense consoles. My question is, why is the 'ally' flag there on cryopods and mobile defense consoles? I can understand my assessment of "the 'ally' flag being a good indicator for cloak arrows" as being wrong  in being wrong, but it actually now makes it harder for Ivara players to determine what they can, or cannot cloak if they can't determine based off of the 'ally' flag. 

Screenshots below:



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3 minutes ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

Let's be completely honest here, try to imagine what kind of "gameplay" Disruption would have if demolysts were not immune to CC: just stand there with the CC frame of your choice spamming one button to stun lock the demolyst (along with the rest of the entire map) in place until the 2 minute timer runs out. Wow, such engaging gameplay. Like limbo in sortie mobile defense standing still inside the cataclysm. Exciting times. 

I feel DE came up with the best compromise they possibly could: you can still use some CC on demolyst, but it has diminishing returns, he still receives status procs, but you need to deal with his shields first, and the rest of the enemies on the map are immune as usual to all warframe abilities and powers. 

I for one am happy DE is trying to address and change WF's afk faceroll playstyle that has been in the game for years. 

Yes, let's be completely honest and imagine what kind of gameplay that would create. Oh, I don't know, the kind of gameplay that, as you correctly point out, has been in the game for years? The kind of gameplay that has made the game as successful as it is? I dunno, changing that doesn't seem like such a good idea to me.

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23 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger Mod not removing Armor with Dagger attacks.

Using my Balla Dagger Zaw this mod doesn't work. Is this intended? Does this only apply to Dual Daggers or Single Daggers or both? I'd really love for this to work with my Zaw Dagger as the rest of the daggers in game are terrible. No offense.

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Thanks again guys for the update. Lots of bug fixes are appreciated. Even small steps in the right direction are important, which brings us to:

On 2019-05-31 at 2:15 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Boosted Drop Chance of Hexenon from Amalgams to ~7.7%, and increased Hexanon rewards from the Disruption gamemode by 25%.


  On 2019-05-28 at 12:32 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Oh boy this is going to be scary if you are still counting Hexanon as rare on these guys. I was wondering if it was due to Hexanon counting as rare and the recent fix to increase drop rate of Hexanon wrapping the Neural Sensors up in the mix. Please make sure that we have a better than 7% chance to get Hexanon off of these relatively rare mobs. Imagine if there was a 7% chance to get Oxium off of ospreys. I have all my Hexanon farmed but please for the sake of my fellow Tenno it can't take ~20 amalgams to get 5-12 Hexanon. That's not right. 


Alright guys. Remember Vacuum gate? Pepperidge Farm remembers. I straight let you know that this was going to break Hexanon drops. Hell, if you go into that original forum post Rebecca shouted out to in GD, you can see I posted worries there too. Hexanon and Neural Sensors being treated as rare caused the debacle in the first place. Hexanon is required in numbers of 300+. It appeared to me before, and I can confirm now, that the issue with Neural Sensors dropping so much was you boosted the droprate of rare resources on the Amalgams to apparently 50%. Oops. Reducing the drop rate of the rare resources dropped killed the ability to farm amount of Hexanon required. Double oops. Now you are boosting the chance from 7% to 7.7%? Holy flying Eidolon guys, this is silly. Alrighty, well I was going to hold off telling people how to farm this stuff given your brazen disregard for a sensible droprate. Now I go post on GD something you will have to fix that will require much more effort than tuning Hexanon back up. Sorry guys, but it's us players that are all lifting together against Nef Anyo level of resource starving. I will do my part. 

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Wisp needs a chance to feel complete. that being all the flowers need both a cc and a buff capability to them. as it stands the 2 buff flowers feel more powerful than the cc flower because of the weakness of cc, and adding in a cc to the other flowers will simplify them so they all are the same, all of them are a buff and a cc, not 2 buffs and a cc.

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So, time once again for some feedback.


The positive is pretty good.  Disruptions finally feel like a game mode, and not a complete mess.  The score counter also appears to be working correctly, as getting 4000+ points is easy with even a slightly competent group.  Likewise, being able to build all of the items that have historically been locked behind a grind wall or single drop is pretty reasonable.


Now the bad.  391 Hexanon dropped during my 5300 point run of disruption.  45 from rewards at 15 per and 346 at random.  The Wisp farm is a bit silly, when I'd need to run that 4 times to earn the new stuff for a single frame.

The cost for BPs and parts with Simaris is just silly.  Chroma costs 250,000 points to earn (100k for the BP and 150k for the parts).  This is just nuts, when Baruuk is behind a faction wall for less than 100k.  Likewise, this is the cost of two syndicate weapons, with no way to grind for daily affinity if our scans are completed.  Either earn at 100ish points per scan manually, or acquiesce to this being weeks of daily target scans.  Maybe a 20k for parts and 50k for the BP makes sense?  Either way, this is taking the laziest way of reintroducing content and making it a painful grind (reminding everyone that you said this would be rectified when people brought up the issue with Mirage more than two years ago).

I'd also like to highlight that you aren't effectively rebalancing the game by making enemies magically immune to area control.  I get the progression.  Frost was the only defensive option, because Nyx was too squishy to use until healing entered the game literally years after opening to the public.  From there, Limbo entered the scene.  Frost and Limbo focused on very different defensive strategies, so they co-existed until high level content.  The broken enemy curves made Limbo (after a lot of tweaks and a rework) the only option for compete damage mitigation.  Limbo and Frost both get beaten by nullifiers, prior to the rework that made Limbo viable.  Now the nullifiers even wipe powers like stasis if they touch Limbo.  Just like CC, AC has been supplanted by murder and damage exclusively.  Giving you my perspective, somehow you still don't get this, and until you do the CC and AC frames will always be Grineer and Infested focused.  This is why the Corpus aren't where people focus their game time, and why I personally avoid their missions if any other option exists.  Please stop magic immunity, or Vauban won't be the last frame tossed into the trash by the community at large.  Understand that I main Zephyr, and am saying this.


I know you're gearing up for Tennocon.  These words are probably too little too late, but I have to try.  Last year you sold us Railjack.  You sold us the Orb Mothers.  You sold us on ships that would need access to our Dojos and the ability to upgrade them to solo missions.  As yet only 2 of the 3 Orb mothers are out and everything else has only gotten the vague "we restarted because we weren't happy with the results" response.  Maybe this year instead of promising the moon, and delivering a highly scripted barely working demonstration of what could be, you can just sell us on the next six months of content.  Surprisingly enough, most people don't believe in promises a year off, when the "Soon tm" phrase is a long standing truth (and no longer just a meme).  Please, stop promising what you can't deliver.  Pump the brakes, get the community more involved, and demonstrate some two way communication.  The last year has been rough, when even your partners have had difficulty in supporting you.  Maybe it's time to stop the expansion, take stock of where you are, and start fleshing out the bones you've so rapidly snapped together regarding this game.  The Komorex and Cyanex are both fantastic examples of not creeping up the power, but making content that is fun even though it isn't amazing.  Please, say this is what the future holds.

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19 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

I dunno, changing that doesn't seem like such a good idea to me.

Indeed, making lots of exceptions to rules is never a smart move because people like, want, and expect consistency. We want things to make sense. We expect things to follow patterns. That's part of how brains work. You make things inconsistent, we get understandably irked by that.

Seriously DE, if you have to break the rules just to get your special new units to survive longer....maybe you should be looking at why you'd need to break those rules in the first place and fix THAT. Hint: It's probably the powercreep in the form of arguably OP mods and weapons you've been foisting on us for a while.

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