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Partners Leaving how does warframe fare?


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1 minute ago, ReaverKane said:

Not really, there's a lot of improvement to be had. They do seem to want to work towards that!

Like i told you on your other thread, one thing doesn't impinge on the other. The people that do cosmetics are not the people designing systems or environments which are required for new maps, for example.
And yes, i am, because without those cosmetics, they would have zero income, which means no game. What you seem to forget is that it's not "content" that is directly responsible for their income, but those cosmetics they keep pestering you with (which also leads me to speculate that maybe you're not one of the main contributors to their income).

Define "recycled content", because having returning events like plague star, the thermia fissures, ghouls, and i wish they had others, is a pretty good way of keeping things somewhat fresh, and give us something to do.
Other than that, they've been giving us some new things to do, like the dog days, the whole Jupiter rework had plenty of interesting things to do even after the event ended (still have a bunch of fragments to find).

And while i would love it for them to have a new Fortuna sized "expansion" every three months, i'm also aware that making software takes time, and keeping a game as old as Warframe fresh is a pretty big task, and apparently they have been up to the task, at least looking at stuff like steam numbers.

Do they though? Because i still have some things to finish in Fortuna and that's almost one year later.

Now i'll have to call bullS#&$ on this. I've been playing games for 20+ years, and online games for 15. And DE is one of the most open and transparent developers out there.
And yeah, i'm satisfied. We have a decent roadmap, they let us know their progress, they have 4 weekly streams (Prime time and the 3 console ones), and a periodic Devstream where they tell us what is coming, and what they're doing. They are also pretty active in the forums and Steve's twitter. So, you're quite wrong in saying they lack communication.
Heck i wish that games i have to pay before i play had 1/3 of their transparency. Nevermind one that's free.

Honestly, i've seen worse, but i've also seen better, so yeah, i think they can improve this. Although you're trying to make it seem worse than it is.

Aww sweet summer child... Welcome to Online games matey! Old content doesn't bring in new players, it's very rare that any developer will go back to rework old content that easily.
But i do wish they had done more with arbitration, and that they went back and reworked all the reward system and loot tables.

Well, if you keep making the same questions, you WILL hear the same answers. Also there's a difference between correcting you when you're obviously wrong and speaking of things you clearly have no inkling about (like your first question) and bashing you.

Well at least this one was more constructive than the last

Sure i had to endure some people 

But i guess the lesson to be learned here is that the forum community do not take topics on warframe easily

I think i've made a few mistakes here and there

But i've learned 

Learned that reddit is 10x more positive than here 

Also learned to shut up once in a while 😅

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

Well at least this one was more constructive than the last

Sure i had to endure some people 

But i guess the lesson to be learned here is that the forum community do not take topics on warframe easily

I think i've made a few mistakes here and there

But i've learned 

Learned that reddit is 10x more positive than here 

Also learned to shut up once in a while 😅

Nah mate, if you look at my story, i've been critical of warframe a lot.
The problem is that you're criticizing things that don't add up. Like your problem with cosmetics vs content. One thing doesn't hinder the other, different teams.

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I still think Warframe is a great game, but no I'm not satisfied with the current direction of the game. I stopped playing the game a few months ago since I started playing another pvp MMO, but I still try to keep up with the news. I still enjoy the story and lore, and expect to be back to play the New War, I'm sure that will be awesome for a couple hours. But Empyrean looks utterly boring and gimmicky from all the streams I've watched so far. The fact they been hyping and working on it for 2+ years and it still looks boring to me doesn't give me much hope. 

Eidolons was the last time I had hope for the future of Warframe's content, every "world boss" since them has been dumbed down, watered down and made more accessible to casuals. The entire game has been progressively getting more dumbed down in terms of difficulty (while we keep getting stronger with power creep at the same time). The only real game mode I was still playing and enjoying before I quit was Arbitrations. The Disruption clan event was really nice and I'm kinda glad they decided to expand on Disruption, endless modes is where WF really shines. So hopefully the new Disruption modes will start at a higher level like Arbitrations and have some decent rewards. 

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1 minute ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

I still think Warframe is a great game, but no I'm not satisfied with the current direction of the game. I stopped playing the game a few months ago since I started playing another pvp MMO, but I still try to keep up with the news. I still enjoy the story and lore, and expect to be back to play the New War, I'm sure that will be awesome for a couple hours. But Empyrean looks utterly boring and gimmicky from all the streams I've watched so far. The fact they been hyping and working on it for 2+ years and it still looks boring to me doesn't give me much hope. 

Eidolons was the last time I had hope for the future of Warframe's content, every "world boss" since them has been dumbed down, watered down and made more accessible to casuals. The entire game has been progressively getting more dumbed down in terms of difficulty (while we keep getting stronger with power creep at the same time). The only real game mode I was still playing and enjoying before I quit was Arbitrations. The Disruption clan event was really nice and I'm kinda glad they decided to expand on Disruption, endless modes is where WF really shines. So hopefully the new Disruption modes will start at a higher level like Arbitrations and have some decent rewards. 

I agree with you a 100%

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56 minutes ago, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

Perfect example

What do you do when you're done with the arkham games?

You fly around, fight hordes of enemies, overpower all of them, or play some special challenges like the nightwing, catwoman, or robin ones that also involve a stealth or beat down of villains

Is it fun? Yes

Is it boring? Yes

Is there content? Not anymore

And that's exactly warframe now

True but I'm not done with the story yet

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Maybe it's time for DE to start fresh with a new IP. I'd love to play a slower paced warframe style looter-shooter where strategy actually matters, and combat is skill based. Sadly, Every other looter-shooters out there relies on the same mechanics warframe uses. 

Warframe relies on pure artificial difficulty,  and some of the worst kinds too (armor/level scaling).  So skills are meaningless. Outside of using abilities that can completely cheese the enemy, not getting killed in high levels is a matter of luck. AIs don't flank you, they don't (meaningfully) use the environment, they never 'adapt' (just spam more troops to die), The only way they can beat you is by overwhelming you from all sides, or hitscanning you through that 5cm gap between the pipes you're hiding behind while face tanking the 5 million damage you dish out.

In this type of environment,  the only progression that can be meaningful is player stat pumping. This in turn, makes pumping enemy stats further the only viable solution to provide future progressions. Hence why people cry "power creep". By the end of the day, end-game will cap at player's ability to completely stop the enemy from ever touching or getting close to the player. When this happens, how do you provide further progression? No new mods,  frames, or weapons will matter.

In my opinion, making a new game that ties progression/difficulty/ to player skill/strategy/creativity can potentially be longer lasting. The carrot on this particular stick will always be out of reach. Now, what kind of mechanics would fit this bill? That's open for discussion.  

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

Want to elaborate or?

The overwhelming majority of games I own I've played less than a couple hours of, because while they seem fun at first, they don't grip me and I lose interest. For me, if I genuinely like a game, it'll see 10+ hours of play. If I *love* a game, it might pass 50+ hours. I've got 2600-ish hours (Warframe time, not steam time which is like 4k and i havent been using the steam version for about a month) into Warframe. A lot of people who feel burnt out on WF have thousands of hours into it. That's a testament to how absurdly good this game is, so yeah I'm pretty satisfied. If it takes 1000+ hours to burn you out, then I really don't know what else you can ask from a game. (hell, if someone is even paying attention to a game (much less it's forums) after 1000 hours, i think that person can call themselves "satisfied" with it).

Edited by Meneliki
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2 minutes ago, goatwin said:

Maybe it's time for DE to start fresh with a new IP. I'd love to play a slower paced warframe style looter-shooter where strategy actually matters, and combat is skill based. Sadly, Every other looter-shooters out there relies on the same mechanics warframe uses. 

Warframe relies on pure artificial difficulty,  and some of the worst kinds too (armor/level scaling).  So skills are meaningless. Outside of using abilities that can completely cheese the enemy, not getting killed in high levels is a matter of luck. AIs don't flank you, they don't (meaningfully) use the environment, they never 'adapt' (just spam more troops to die), The only way they can beat you is by overwhelming you from all sides, or hitscanning you through that 5cm gap between the pipes you're hiding behind while face tanking the 5 million damage you dish out.

In this type of environment,  the only progression that can be meaningful is player stat pumping. This in turn, makes pumping enemy stats further the only viable solution to provide future progressions. Hence why people cry "power creep". By the end of the day, end-game will cap at player's ability to completely stop the enemy from ever touching or getting close to the player. When this happens, how do you provide further progression? No new mods,  frames, or weapons will matter.

In my opinion, making a new game that ties progression/difficulty/ to player skill/strategy/creativity can potentially be longer lasting. The carrot on this particular stick will always be out of reach. Now, what kind of mechanics would fit this bill? That's open for discussion.  

I'm just going back to play spacelords


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generally, there is room for improvment, insted of focusing on skins, they could let the community have a contest on deluxe skin creation, without the tennogen body limitation. (of course would be available for platinum on PC) having users creating deluxe skins (not tennogen) would free some staff to help with gameplay content.

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8 minutes ago, BloodKitten said:

generally, there is room for improvment, insted of focusing on skins, they could let the community have a contest on deluxe skin creation, without the tennogen body limitation. (of course would be available for platinum on PC) having users creating deluxe skins (not tennogen) would free some staff to help with gameplay content.

...Seen this on Gaia Online.

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Just now, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

I am disappointed there's not enough giant monsters being added to the game...Why the heck become developers if not to make giant monsters to pew pew pew...

Actually. It would be awesome to fight more big bosses like the Exploiter. Or even bigger enemies than that. Like a God of War style boss.

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hace 4 horas, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk dijo:

Since i get bombarded with negative comments by trolls when i express my feelings towards some laziness And lack of communication the community receives 

I decided to turn the question towards players, the intent is to understand the community's feelings about warframe today?


So, are you satisfied?

Are you satisfied for getting frequent and constant release of cosmetics, skins, deluxe skins? While getting constant delays for more hyped content that otherwise turn out to be average?

Are you satisfied for getting recycled content without new exciting content like events that balances the game's content drought?

Are you satisfied for getting yearly(sometimes more) short lived quests or expansions that end in a few hours?

Are you satisfied for the lack of communication between the devs(i've played other games and the devs there were more talkative and reply with detailed and lengthened texts providing feedback to our feedback)

Are you satisfied for how unorganised and messy this forum turned out to be?

Are you satisfied with some updates or overhauls/changes not getting a second look even if players stated their dissatisfaction for said changes


If you can answer some of these please do, we'd like to know


Very, since 2013 i am very satisfied

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3 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

Actually. It would be awesome to fight more big bosses like the Exploiter. Or even bigger enemies than that. Like a God of War style boss.

Since we're in space, more Cthulhu Mythos should be adapted... Cosmic beings and stuff... hate them just branching on some Infested tentacle wave mobs...

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1 minute ago, FerockQuartz said:

Since we're in space, more Cthulhu Mythos should be adapted... Cosmic beings and stuff... hate them just branching on some Infested tentacle wave mobs...

Maybe this can be part of the new raid system they're planning to make

10 people vs this giant avatar!

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hace 6 minutos, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk dijo:

I hope i get to feel the same

I am from the era where cinematic adventures did not exist, where you could not combine elements, where the only content were warframes and tenno, reinforcements, and a grind much higher than today, so I am very used to this, newer people(I'm not saying you're new) do not know what the game was like before the second dream.

but at the same time I respect the way you feel right now.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

Thank you for the reply...it was awesome 

But i mean recycled content like the ghouls, plague star, fomorian, razorback

I have no problem with getting another chance to do these content but...it's annoying when we get only them and nothing new

Forgot to reply to this. Those reoccuring events are fine, since it gives new players a chance as well. Or people who dont have much time to play, it also give those a chance by participating more than once. I don't pay attention to them myself, since I got the rewards from them. But they don't bother me by showing up either.

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