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The "you should take a break" excuse


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14 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Which still means you assume is the only thing they play and not something that can still happen if you play warframe every now and then, coming back to check and still having the same issues, still a lame excuse.

It's a reasonable assumption to make. Warframe is using the model of a late-generation MMORPG (or a modern day "Live Service" with none of the horrid contempt for human beings), meaning players are expected to and very often do play it for several hours a day, every day

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14 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc., but you can always count on a lot of people telling them the same old wasted excuse of "just play another game" or "take a break from the game" as if they knew all of their gaming habits and concluded those people who complain only play Warframe and nothing else, the game is not perfect and nobody expects it to be but sometimes I wonder what those people have in their heads thinking the complainer just needs to stop playing the game despite having reasonable arguments too.

I'll tell you what's in their head: They're tired of simultaneously waiting for content to come out while listening to people complain impotently about the same thing on the forums. Your forum posts are not going to make Empyrean come out any faster. They never have and they never will.

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14 hours ago, VocalMagic said:

Playing devil's advocate for a moment, their complaints can sound like symptoms of burnout. In which playing a different game for a bit is actually the correct way to get rid of burnout.

you can easily play more than warframe, then pop in to warframe and have pretty much nothing to do, esp if like me you hate fishing/mining/catching pokemon and seizure inducing bad camera angled godzilla fights, i remember when warframe was about doing some good old run and gun in a horde of enemies, instead most new additions are basically a collection of world of warcraft side professions, those are some pretty weak "space ninja" additions and far from fun.

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1 hour ago, Methanoid said:

you can easily play more than warframe, then pop in to warframe and have pretty much nothing to do, esp if like me you hate fishing/mining/catching pokemon and seizure inducing bad camera angled godzilla fights, i remember when warframe was about doing some good old run and gun in a horde of enemies, instead most new additions are basically a collection of world of warcraft side professions, those are some pretty weak "space ninja" additions and far from fun.

You can still just go shoot endless waves of mobs...there's even an extremely well-populated game mode called Elite Sanctuary Onslaught for doing just that. If you choose not to pursue any of the new boss fights or open world content...you can't really complain about having nothing to do.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

That stands but was talking about that specific case that OP brought up, just because it seems one way it doesn't exclude other possibilities.

As it was written, o' originator of the comment, and while it appeared to be so misguided as to be suspicious, did I respond to the message:

3 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

You farming for haha's? 


The OP didn't talk about any specific cases.

They didn't raise any actual points or give actual examples of the problems they claim cannot be taken as signs of burnout. 

They just made a metacomplaint about not liking the responses some complaints get. 

But lo', o' unsettled one did you not see the logic in my response to your baffling post, and yea did you attempt to 'double down'. 

2 hours ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

No but you seem to be considering your responses, what the hell are you talking about.

I just gave an answer that relates to what the OP was saying and then you come in talking about something else that has little to do with my answer whatsoever.

So I say to you, behold, o' disbeliever, the Original Post:

16 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc., but you can always count on a lot of people telling them the same old wasted excuse of "just play another game" or "take a break from the game" as if they knew all of their gaming habits and concluded those people who complain only play Warframe and nothing else, the game is not perfect and nobody expects it to be but sometimes I wonder what those people have in their heads thinking the complainer just needs to stop playing the game despite having reasonable arguments too.

Note the suspicious lack of actual specific examples of issues with the game, note that there are only bald catchphrases like "grind" and "RNG" without giving reasons for why they are problems or offering any solutions. 

Do you not notice the metacomplaint? The claim that the suggestion to take a break is only used to silence such complaints (the ones that you will note are totally not actually there)? 


Now observe, o' ye of recently opened eyes, my original response highlighting the absence of valid complaint in the first post:

12 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

There are unresolved issues. Which ones? In some cases they're resolved, and you just don't like the resolution. 

There is a lot of grind.... in a free to play game... that people still find ways to blaze through... I'm not sure what you expect here. Pretty sure that it's because it's probably a bit silly. 

The game gets repetitive, despite having a lot of different things for us to do, that many people don't do? So it's repetitive because you choose to do the same thing over, and over? The game gets repetitive despite them adding in new stuff to do on a regular basis? 

Lackluster rewards.... that people are working very hard to get? I don't work my butt off for crappy rewards. I eventually get them because that's how it goes. Have you been doing it differently? Is it really just a case of "this boss drops a bunch of rewards and I didn't get the one I wanted so now I'm using the 'sour grapes' argument"? Or is it a case of you already having gotten all the stuff you really want, and now just mopping up the rest for completion? 

RNG... Where the drop chances for most stuff is actually pretty high as far as RNG goes in video games? 


Dude. If those are your main complaints, you really ought to consider taking a break for a while. 

Do you see how I went step by step through the vague complaints contained in the OP? 


Thusly have I shown you, o' mildly confused Tenno, that there were absolutely no "specific cases" presented by the OP, only spurious ones. 


Hope it helps, and good luck to you. 

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Just take a break from the game.

People that are complaining on the forums about people complaining about them complaining about the game and content drought and other dumb stuff, are you ready for this? 





































take a break from the forums.

Edited by JohnTheMango
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Perfectly worded. Most of us play other games actively and even more then warframe. It’s disheartening to come back to the game after weeks to months and have nothing to do. I took a break from warframe between prime releases just to come back when wukong came back and pretty much catch up to everything in a weeks time. I took a break for MONTHS. trying to say well maybe I do need to take a break. Warframe isn’t even a game on my list that I actively play a lot anymore. I’ll log in once every week or so maybe do one mission and fashion frame for about 30 minutes and already be bored.  But hey response time 

3 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

There are unresolved issues. Which ones? In some cases they're resolved, and you just don't like the resolution. 

There is a lot of grind.... in a free to play game... that people still find ways to blaze through... I'm not sure what you expect here. Pretty sure that it's because it's probably a bit silly. 

The game gets repetitive, despite having a lot of different things for us to do, that many people don't do? So it's repetitive because you choose to do the same thing over, and over? The game gets repetitive despite them adding in new stuff to do on a regular basis? 

Lackluster rewards.... that people are working very hard to get? I don't work my butt off for crappy rewards. I eventually get them because that's how it goes. Have you been doing it differently? Is it really just a case of "this boss drops a bunch of rewards and I didn't get the one I wanted so now I'm using the 'sour grapes' argument"? Or is it a case of you already having gotten all the stuff you really want, and now just mopping up the rest for completion? 

RNG... Where the drop chances for most stuff is actually pretty high as far as RNG goes in video games? 


Dude. If those are your main complaints, you really ought to consider taking a break for a while. 

Okay so 


• In reality there is a lot to grind but not everything is useful. On top of that if you have most to everything in the game playing for years it’s very hard to say “it’s a lot to grind in warframe” currently I have almost if not every weapon and wf in my foundry multiple times with the prime variant if applicable ready to craft it gets boring and repetitive. Most of the 1000s of mods are useless and needs a revisit because being honest if there was more mod variety and use for most of these items it’d be great I feel like people would complain less!


there is a lot to do for the new to middle experienced player. As someone who’s been playing for years and many people agree. We have nothing to do. We’re caught up with the updates we’re not behind we finish these things pretty fast.

“Focus” -a lot of us have maxed  

“Rivens” - if grofit isn’t your thing then those op Rivens get bored considering most weps one shot everything without them

“Standing” - most players who’ve been playing for some time  have standing for their syndicates maxed out and can get items from them on command 

“bosses” -tridolon has gotten to the point where people solo them multiple times in a night cycle. God forbid you and your friends decided to be organized and run through 3-4 sets in a night with the gear you’ve grinded. Now you have all these arcanes maxed out and everything is so easy and frail you barley get to use them.  

Ropey - while fun at first it got boring it’s just another boss with simple phases that people burn through now/

orbs- ^

eso- saryn /equinox’s playground trying to bring frames in there without those two and expecting to last as long as possible seemed fun... until you get to a point where you understand that they are almost required to press on a later levels


arbys- the revive system killed the spirit of it for many people not to mention that the rewards aren’t updated and are “meh” once you get the rewards and the gamemode isn’t challenging or fun anymore why play it


archwing- a fundamentally broken gamemode that bears terrible controls not too many people want to play it 


PvP/lunario - both were deemed as failures by DE and are there collecting dust instead of trying to revisit them theve been sitting there for years new players get stepped on and if you’re not a 10000000000000 is hardcore wf PvP player “imagine that lol” you’re not having fun.

lunario is fun with friends if you can get friends to play which most don’t then you sit in matchmaking for a LONG TIME.

Missions- the mission types are the same mission types for years mostly no changes it’s repetitive and we’ve been doing these same missions for years without a fresh revisit

Night wave - a battle pass with easy tasks that most players can do in a matter of an hour or so 

sorties - ^ missions that take 10 minutes  maybe longer if you get lucky and get more challenging missions that day.

bosses - all bosses follow the shoot me till I’m invincible for a bit let me run away till you can shoot me again. Nothing fresh.


Fashion frame - after a while having most of the armor and color palettes your just sitting there like okay this is COOL! Can’t wait to show it.... nobody’s paying attention during the missions we burn through.... but I still look cool! I personally enjoy fashion frame but come on man. You can’t call that content.


open worlds - loot tables and quest rarely get updated it’s stale... feels very empty for it to be so open. 


Name something content wise that can be generally said to be sustainable please 


okey! So rewards 


most rewards are lackluster to many!

yes because most of them have no actual use or merit out of when you first get them or maybe a few uses afterwards.

Sigils - are for fashion frame

mods - with most of the mods in a huge loot table you get a lot of useless items then when you get the mod you want..... you max it out put it on that build and then uh.....go back to the boring gameplay 

resources - I have enough many of us can probably go without playing missions and be able to craft pretty much most of the game over now 

Endoh to max out about 3+ I’m umbral sets and then some 

Credits - index plus credit booster for just one day ... gg! 

Other farmable resources. I got bored and burned a lot dojo builds still have more to share! 

We have too much and not enough to use it on.


okay Rivens - a decent system with a rng aspect that can be exciting. Max out riven capacity get rivs for your favorite weps and have fun.. gets bored of same missions over and over after a while cause no matter what even with your now broken despair (me) the gameplay dosent change.


Rng- RNG is abysmal in warframe 


too many mods

not  enough useful ones to merit at least I got this. I was sitting on 9999 a lot of mods until I sold them for Endoh and now I’m Endoh rich again. 


Mans again most of us don’t even play warframe as much as you think anymore. Heck I play probably once a week or I just login to the game to feed my cat and walk around the ship while I talk to my friend in a party because I’d rather not lose focus talking to those clowns while playing a game that better peaks my interests. When there is content in the game as someone who’s been playing for a while now the content gets done within a week or two. Not even because I grind out warframe anymore but simply because the content isn’t sustainable. We’re complying a lot because we want the game to be better overall. How does someone asking for more sustainable content seem like a bad thing. Granted people can go about it better. But telling someone to leave the game or play something else is a rude statement if they are trying to present valid issues. If we didn’t care we wouldn’t complain. Most of us play other games more then warframe again! And I’m sure we’d complain if they were in the same spot

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6 hours ago, sinnae said:

You can still just go shoot endless waves of mobs...there's even an extremely well-populated game mode called Elite Sanctuary Onslaught for doing just that. If you choose not to pursue any of the new boss fights or open world content...you can't really complain about having nothing to do.

content has to actually be fun to play for you to want to play it, godzilla fights just arent enjoyable imho, also stuff like eso and endless missions, yeah thats pretty much all i do and have done since 2013 anyways and here in 2019 those exact same defense/survivals/etc is still the same content i mostly play when in the mood.

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23 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc., but you can always count on a lot of people telling them the same old wasted excuse of "just play another game" or "take a break from the game" as if they knew all of their gaming habits and concluded those people who complain only play Warframe and nothing else, the game is not perfect and nobody expects it to be but sometimes I wonder what those people have in their heads thinking the complainer just needs to stop playing the game despite having reasonable arguments too.

Because there’s no conversation to have there. The devs are always working in new stuff, bugs will eventually get fixed. DE have one of the best development teams in the industry, Warframe is one of the most updated games per year and that has ever existed.

The truth is there’s not really that much to complain about or be upset by. If you are getting upset, the best advice really is to just go play a different game.

Go see how other devs run their show, and within that passage of time not only will you appreciate DE more, Warframe will also have been updated with something new 🙂

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

Because there’s no conversation to have there. The devs are always working in new stuff, bugs will eventually get fixed. DE have one of the best development teams in the industry, Warframe is one of the most updated games per year and that has ever existed.

The truth is there’s not really that much to complain about or be upset by. If you are getting upset, the best advice really is to just go play a different game.

Go see how other devs run their show, and within that passage of time not only will you appreciate DE more, Warframe will also have been updated with something new 🙂

Warframe is NOT one of the most updated games brother. There’s a massive content drought going on right now and has been an issue for a while. 

Yes bugs will get fixed but there are still bugs the community has been complaining about for years.


your post is in your opinion man. If you feel that way great! Others however feel differently. Telling someone to play another game dosent change the fact that there are issues within this title.


yes prime time and the streams are amazing!!! Game still broke tho.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Perfectly worded. Most of us play other games actively and even more then warframe. It’s disheartening to come back to the game after weeks to months and have nothing to do. I took a break from warframe between prime releases just to come back when wukong came back and pretty much catch up to everything in a weeks time. I took a break for MONTHS. trying to say well maybe I do need to take a break. Warframe isn’t even a game on my list that I actively play a lot anymore. I’ll log in once every week or so maybe do one mission and fashion frame for about 30 minutes and already be bored.  But hey response time 

Okay so 


Ever tried to cook an actual meal? Often takes a lot longer than it takes to eat a plate, right? Yeah, games are like that. Months seems really long, until you are the one who has to actually make something in that time. Then it feels like no time at all. 


• In reality there is a lot to grind but not everything is useful. On top of that if you have most to everything in the game playing for years it’s very hard to say “it’s a lot to grind in warframe” currently I have almost if not every weapon and wf in my foundry multiple times with the prime variant if applicable ready to craft it gets boring and repetitive. Most of the 1000s of mods are useless and needs a revisit because being honest if there was more mod variety and use for most of these items it’d be great I feel like people would complain less!

Yeah that's an interesting feeling you had at the end, after starting out by pointing out that more variety doesn't equate to more satisfaction. So I'm afraid that you already shot your own suggestion down before making it, you see? 

And saying "make it so we have to use it" sounds like a great plan until we remember that there are lots of threads claiming that "operators and amps are only useful in niche situations so why should we be forced to have them". Got a lot of those when Umbra was released. 


there is a lot to do for the new to middle experienced player. As someone who’s been playing for years and many people agree. We have nothing to do. We’re caught up with the updates we’re not behind we finish these things pretty fast.

“Focus” -a lot of us have maxed  

“Rivens” - if grofit isn’t your thing then those op Rivens get bored considering most weps one shot everything without them

“Standing” - most players who’ve been playing for some time  have standing for their syndicates maxed out and can get items from them on command 

“bosses” -tridolon has gotten to the point where people solo them multiple times in a night cycle. God forbid you and your friends decided to be organized and run through 3-4 sets in a night with the gear you’ve grinded. Now you have all these arcanes maxed out and everything is so easy and frail you barley get to use them.  

All highly valid complaints and also perfect description of burnout. 


Ropey - while fun at first it got boring it’s just another boss with simple phases that people burn through now/

orbs- ^

eso- saryn /equinox’s playground trying to bring frames in there without those two and expecting to last as long as possible seemed fun... until you get to a point where you understand that they are almost required to press on a later levels

Less valid complaints as they're still relatively new. Let's take a guess, you decided to tryhard burn through them asap when they came out, farmed them for all drops and kept going until you were sick of them? 


arbys- the revive system killed the spirit of it for many people not to mention that the rewards aren’t updated and are “meh” once you get the rewards and the gamemode isn’t challenging or fun anymore why play it

See above. 


archwing- a fundamentally broken gamemode that bears terrible controls not too many people want to play it 

Hey a valid complaint, but the way that I see it the reason why it's broken is that it's actually not a part of the whole space ninja game. It's part of a "ninjas in space or something... Maybe they're planes? Lol who knows" game. That's not what most people want. But look at orb vallis, or PoE. Archwings all over the place. Because there it's just a way to get my space ninja from point A to point B. 


PvP/lunario - both were deemed as failures by DE and are there collecting dust instead of trying to revisit them theve been sitting there for years new players get stepped on and if you’re not a 10000000000000 is hardcore wf PvP player “imagine that lol” you’re not having fun.

lunario is fun with friends if you can get friends to play which most don’t then you sit in matchmaking for a LONG TIME.

Stop. Lunaro may be fun for you. Conclave may be fun for you. The community however has spoken loud and clear that they don't want to play those game modes. None of us gets to dictate what fun is and isn't. Demanding a company put even more time and resources into a non-starter in order to make it fun for people who don't want it... Not a brilliant plan. 


Missions- the mission types are the same mission types for years mostly no changes it’s repetitive and we’ve been doing these same missions for years without a fresh revisit

Make up your mind. Do you want a revisit or do you want something new. And remember you just got through explaining that when given new stuff, you burn through it. 


Night wave - a battle pass with easy tasks that most players can do in a matter of an hour or so 

A system that encourages us to revisit content that many of us previously bypassed. 


sorties - ^ missions that take 10 minutes  maybe longer if you get lucky and get more challenging missions that day.

So glad to hear that you're not one of the sheep demanding higher level content. 


bosses - all bosses follow the shoot me till I’m invincible for a bit let me run away till you can shoot me again. Nothing fresh.

Wolf didn't... And what was the response? 


Fashion frame - after a while having most of the armor and color palettes your just sitting there like okay this is COOL! Can’t wait to show it.... nobody’s paying attention during the missions we burn through.... but I still look cool! I personally enjoy fashion frame but come on man. You can’t call that content.

I didn't try to call it content and unfortunately for people who spend much time on it, I tend to just hit "random" until I get a combination that looks ok and proceed to ignore everyone else's Fashionframe. 


open worlds - loot tables and quest rarely get updated it’s stale... feels very empty for it to be so open. 

Remember what I said about cooking vs eating? 


Name something content wise that can be generally said to be sustainable please 

Sustainable for how long? Sustainable for thousands of hours? For a few months of casual play until the next thing drops? 


okey! So rewards 

most rewards are lackluster to many!

yes because most of them have no actual use or merit out of when you first get them or maybe a few uses afterwards.

Ah is that why you spent so much time getting them? "Yes Mr Fox, those luscious juicy grapes certainly do look sour after all"? 


Sigils - are for fashion frame

mods - with most of the mods in a huge loot table you get a lot of useless items then when you get the mod you want..... you max it out put it on that build and then uh.....go back to the boring gameplay 

resources - I have enough many of us can probably go without playing missions and be able to craft pretty much most of the game over now 

Endoh to max out about 3+ I’m umbral sets and then some 

Credits - index plus credit booster for just one day ... gg! 

Other farmable resources. I got bored and burned a lot dojo builds still have more to share! 

We have too much and not enough to use it on.

You mean you already got all of the things, and did all of the things and are now burned out on that stuff? I am certainly seeing a pattern here. 


okay Rivens - a decent system with a rng aspect that can be exciting. Max out riven capacity get rivs for your favorite weps and have fun.. gets bored of same missions over and over after a while cause no matter what even with your now broken despair (me) the gameplay dosent change.



Rng- RNG is abysmal in warframe 

LOL. Not really. We complain about it, but it seems like very few things actually have really bad rates. 


too many mods

not  enough useful ones to merit at least I got this. I was sitting on 9999 a lot of mods until I sold them for Endoh and now I’m Endoh rich again. 

So the complaint here is that common drops are.... Common? 


Mans again most of us don’t even play warframe as much as you think anymore. Heck I play probably once a week or I just login to the game to feed my cat and walk around the ship while I talk to my friend in a party because I’d rather not lose focus talking to those clowns while playing a game that better peaks my interests. When there is content in the game as someone who’s been playing for a while now the content gets done within a week or two. Not even because I grind out warframe anymore but simply because the content isn’t sustainable. We’re complying a lot because we want the game to be better overall. How does someone asking for more sustainable content seem like a bad thing. Granted people can go about it better. But telling someone to leave the game or play something else is a rude statement if they are trying to present valid issues. If we didn’t care we wouldn’t complain. Most of us play other games more then warframe again! And I’m sure we’d complain if they were in the same spot

Again you literally described the act of burning through content asap, and then describe symptoms of burnout. How are you not seeing the connection? 

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On 2019-09-05 at 5:52 PM, VocalMagic said:

Playing devil's advocate for a moment, their complaints can sound like symptoms of burnout. In which playing a different game for a bit is actually the correct way to get rid of burnout.

Yet you do find a periodic surge of player counts when this game gets an update. And it goes back to normal level in a few days. You can argue it's the new players lose interest quickly but there are definitely experienced players who come back only when new MR fodders come out, do Hydron and dive into the offline players pool again. It's not entirely burnout. Some players just come to a point which you own everything you'd need and simply can't find anything to do in this game.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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Le 5/9/2019 à 11:42, VanFanel1980mx a dit :

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc., but you can always count on a lot of people telling them the same old wasted excuse of "just play another game" or "take a break from the game" as if they knew all of their gaming habits and concluded those people who complain only play Warframe and nothing else, the game is not perfect and nobody expects it to be but sometimes I wonder what those people have in their heads thinking the complainer just needs to stop playing the game despite having reasonable arguments too.

Grind and repetitiveness are integral to the game. RNG being a bad thing is entirely subjectiv, as many enjoy this aspect of the game. And reward become lackluster after quite a long time with the game. So yeah, calling burnout makes a lot of sense, quite often.

Categorizing anyone that's calling burnout as senseless is not very constructive is it ? Maybe try to understand the reasonning behind such claims, instead of putting all in the same stupid group ?

Sure, sometimes it's a fanboy calling burnout for no reason, but many times it's the appropriate answer to some out of place complaints.x

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


Ever tried to cook an actual meal? Often takes a lot longer than it takes to eat a plate, right? Yeah, games are like that. Months seems really long, until you are the one who has to actually make something in that time. Then it feels like no time at all. 

Yeah that's an interesting feeling you had at the end, after starting out by pointing out that more variety doesn't equate to more satisfaction. So I'm afraid that you already shot your own suggestion down before making it, you see? 

And saying "make it so we have to use it" sounds like a great plan until we remember that there are lots of threads claiming that "operators and amps are only useful in niche situations so why should we be forced to have them". Got a lot of those when Umbra was released. 

All highly valid complaints and also perfect description of burnout. 

Less valid complaints as they're still relatively new. Let's take a guess, you decided to tryhard burn through them asap when they came out, farmed them for all drops and kept going until you were sick of them? 

See above. 

Hey a valid complaint, but the way that I see it the reason why it's broken is that it's actually not a part of the whole space ninja game. It's part of a "ninjas in space or something... Maybe they're planes? Lol who knows" game. That's not what most people want. But look at orb vallis, or PoE. Archwings all over the place. Because there it's just a way to get my space ninja from point A to point B. 

Stop. Lunaro may be fun for you. Conclave may be fun for you. The community however has spoken loud and clear that they don't want to play those game modes. None of us gets to dictate what fun is and isn't. Demanding a company put even more time and resources into a non-starter in order to make it fun for people who don't want it... Not a brilliant plan. 

Make up your mind. Do you want a revisit or do you want something new. And remember you just got through explaining that when given new stuff, you burn through it. 

A system that encourages us to revisit content that many of us previously bypassed. 

So glad to hear that you're not one of the sheep demanding higher level content. 

Wolf didn't... And what was the response? 

I didn't try to call it content and unfortunately for people who spend much time on it, I tend to just hit "random" until I get a combination that looks ok and proceed to ignore everyone else's Fashionframe. 

Remember what I said about cooking vs eating? 

Sustainable for how long? Sustainable for thousands of hours? For a few months of casual play until the next thing drops? 

Ah is that why you spent so much time getting them? "Yes Mr Fox, those luscious juicy grapes certainly do look sour after all"? 

You mean you already got all of the things, and did all of the things and are now burned out on that stuff? I am certainly seeing a pattern here. 


LOL. Not really. We complain about it, but it seems like very few things actually have really bad rates. 

So the complaint here is that common drops are.... Common? 

Again you literally described the act of burning through content asap, and then describe symptoms of burnout. How are you not seeing the connection? 

Alright lad I’m offa work and I’m tired so here we go!

My original field of work was going to be for game development. I’m even certified in c++ java and Ruby on Rails! I know my way around development and know it’s VERY time consuming! 

That dosent excuse the short span of content that I may say that you don’t have to sweat your brains out to complete in a week or so. 

Taking all this time to develop said content should yield a higher shelf life if you know what I mean. Not complaining about DE taking their time. But if your going to take the time to prepare the dish make sure it’s fulfilling for  your customer. A lot of people leave from the table feeling empty or like it was a meal that didn’t have enough on it. 

•The issue  is that warframes variety isn’t really variety. I can name more unless mods then the ones we can put on our frames that actually mean something. Also to respond to something  further down in your response. Common dosent have to mean useless. 

Thats a major issue. We have 1000s of potentially great mods yet we only use about 30-40 on the same builds 30-40 being nice.


I wouldn’t call these complaints moreover  flaws within the base of the game. Being that warframe is considered a live service and by default live services are meant to keep players engaged vs putting the game down it’s and issue that retention is so low. Players shouldn’t have to pick up the game be done in a week and leave.(or at least at this quantity) within the month or two of a major update the player base shouldn’t drop as hard as it does with warframe. While burnout is a part of it lack of sustainable content progresses the speed of burnout.

• not at all I didn’t burn thought these modes at all decided to take my time at the time I was in a clan and helped weaker Tenno out in my clan run a lot of missions like eso etc and Arby’s before I went back to build my own clan. Regardless in lootershooters many seek the goal of finding the fastest and most efficient way possible to gain rewards something that holds no issue. But if the players aftwards get the rewards and there’s no want or need to come back to the game mode for actual replay-ability it’s an issue. It took me about a month to get all of Arby’s rewards between this and my burner account. As well as about 2-3 weeks to get the rewards from eso. I didn’t even play warframe religiously I spent more time on forhonor and ark as I do now and I’m still able to go through content at a regular pace simply fast because warframes current weapons and things I have equipped due to my time and resources in the game allow me to. I have nothing to do because I can and have the ability to do everything with no effort because of my arsenal.


•Archwing being a mode in the game and a utility as well shouldn’t just be seen as here get to point A-B hoverboards yeah but that’s because there isn’t k-drive nodes in the game 


• neither are fun nor never really were but that’s becuase of the implementation of it and how it plays. I believe in my heart of hearts that spending time (those two dedicated people at de) working on it can result in a higher approval overall if done correctly. Plus nothing is wrong with more in game content for things to do.


• Id like both I’m not impatient however  nothing I do demands de to do anything these are only my suggestions you all seem quite defensive at the sight of them however. The issue again with new stuff is that the content is never sustainable. It wouldn’t be an issue to get though it and I’d love to play it again if it was.

• presenting an open world and not at least updating quest and drops hurts sustainability imo. The open worlds are generally well reciprocated. But no new quest or lore in months regusrding them to keep players interested in goin back other then to do the grind if you haven’t maxed out standing is not okay!


• replay-ability  is key a lot of warframes content has no replay-ability nothing to fulfill you or make you say hey I feel like I can enjoy doing this again and again reward or not because this is fun! For a lot of players. Years of the same mission mission types etc. something to keep retention 


• yes and no at this point I can go sell something out of my foundry and get I want with 0 effort if I wanted too. But the game cycle usually is you get this mod or item and then what? Nothing. That’s an issue. Not asking for a grand “omg you got this in game wanna million dollars too” but more things that have purpose vs just another thing to catch dust in my arsenal


i mean hey in many cases you shouldn’t be able to with the longevity of the game 

I’m darn near max cp and mastercraft on eso but I can Login to the game and always have something to do ingame.


Yes the rates are bad because of the current drop table for a lot of things housing a lot of things we don’t use! I’m not saying make everything useful but making less things useless would solve the problem. Like add lesser versions of popular mods.


now for wolf. Personally I have no issue with wolf he was fun! I enjoyed him. I can see why people didn’t like the guy but he made me think. It was always fun and I liked the challenge he brought in mission! 


Again burnout wouldnt be a constant issue if warframe made their food a little more Fulfilling  

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On 2019-09-05 at 4:24 AM, VanFanel1980mx said:

You are still assuming people don't do that at all.

And you're assuming it isn't the case. See how this goes both ways. The response "take a break" isnt indicative of implying someone only plays warframe and nothing else. It is a legitimate response in all situations in which you perceive something as irritating, frustrating, too bland, or providing legitimate feedback. Step away come to some more conclusions decide what really makes you feel the way you do and then come back and see if that's still the case. 

This can be a problem if warframe isnt the only game you play and even if you play infrequently. Take a break is an entirely valid response.

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On 2019-09-05 at 5:52 AM, VocalMagic said:

Playing devil's advocate for a moment, their complaints can sound like symptoms of burnout. In which playing a different game for a bit is actually the correct way to get rid of burnout.

Reward/Ratio system in warframe really needs a rework for incentive to keep playing. More effort = more reward for players.

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On 2019-09-05 at 5:42 AM, VanFanel1980mx said:

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc

Usually in relation to this, I see the problem being people who say "it's fine" and not "take a break"


On 2019-09-05 at 5:42 AM, VanFanel1980mx said:

"take a break from the game"

I usually see this part being used in relation to people complaining about content droughts, which while kind of valid, they often forget that DE has their limits and not everything they put out will appeal to everyone. 

Which is partially valid, because DE has decided to take a route on taking more time to develop higher quality content, which takes more time and resources. Of course this is a decision they have made and a decision they seem set on.

Steve had given this joke at one point "We want Warframe to be the mistress and not the wife" (paraphrase), which means they want Warframe to be an off and on hobby and not for it to be played religiously.

The problem here is that some people do play Warframe religiously and then complain about a lack of content, hence the "take a break" replies.


On 2019-09-05 at 5:42 AM, VanFanel1980mx said:

"just play another game"

This is more complex, it can be taken 2 ways as it's used in two different ways as a defense


I'm assuming you just mean it as an extension of "take a break from the game" and this is just the general recommendation of playing another game in the meantime.

In which case I don't see much issue with it.


(I'm leaving out addressing the second possible use of this common reply as it would take a lot to address and might not relate to the point at all)





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A lot of the time I see players develop a really negative opinion of the game, mentioning grind and repetition and pointless rewards specifically, while also having thousands of hours in the game. Now this doesn't apply to everyone in this situation, but to me this often sounds like players with this mentality have essentially "finished" the game to its current state (likely grinding hard for much of it), seem not to get that content is never going to be produced nearly as fast as it's consumed, and they want the game to justify a player enjoying it forever so that they don't have to face a sunk cost fallacy.

That, and the majority of players who make long, ranty "feedback" posts toward this end tend to wall-of-text in endless complaints, throw personal shade for no reason, and fail to give any feedback as to why they dislike the things they dislike or specifically how those things could be improved. Often they're just being angry fools.

Edited by SenorClipClop
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On 2019-09-05 at 1:14 PM, Smilomaniac said:

I've seen every single franchise deteriorate from genuinly good products to bland mass appeal platforms directed by marketing departments.

It happens with games, movies, shows and probably any other entertainment industry you can think of. Warframe is no different.
While Nightwave is a brilliant way to reuse existing content, it is a piss poor replacement for the quests that we are no longer getting.
It is a blatantly obvious "engagement strategy" that many other games have used to get you to log in and play as much as possible, so that marketing can show the board that the product has a high engagement value and is therefore valuable.

It's as cynical as that. The difference here is that Steve and Scott continue to treat it as their developer playground to make what they think is fun or neat and while they are that, they are also interesting for all of thirty minutes and quickly become obnoxious chores. Archwing, K-drive and the upcoming Railjack are all examples of these and I predict it'll be the worst one yet as I've played vessel management games for over two decades (started with Klingon Academy) and it'll be so simple as to not be satisfying for me and overcomplicated for little effect for the general user.

So yeah, the burnout has less to do with people playing for thousand of hours than getting frustrated with the problems inherent to the game, such as armor scaling.

What he said.

Game is bland and repetitive and a shell of its former self. 

Sure, burnout can be an issue at times, but there are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy more other issues with the game before it comes down to that.

So DE shills can throw that lame excuse as much as they want, doesn't change the fact that the game is pretty unsatisfactory for any veteran who has more than 1000 hours in the game.

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I've been playing WF for years. It's still the same game more or less. WF never promises more than it delivers. Grind to get gear to do more grinding. It's been consistent. 

It's never promised to be dark souls or a deep rpg. 

If you enjoyed the game for 1000+ hours, then suddenly stop enjoying it.... It's a personal problem and you need to take a break. You've changed, not the game. 

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On 2019-09-05 at 5:42 AM, VanFanel1980mx said:

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc.

What you described aren't unresolved issues so much as the game. It's like...

"So I've been playing this racing game, but every now and then I get tired of cars and driving and going fast."

It's a farming horde shooter. Repetitive grinding against RNG is kinda the core concept.

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