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It only took 2 weeks for people to lose interest in Kuva Lich gameplay


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12 hours ago, Reifnir said:

I haven't even touched my very first lich, I find the system insultingly bad and most likely, I'll wait until Empyrean adds more to it to even bother with the whole thing. Not to mention, I'm not thrilled to waste 65(!!!) Forma on mastery fodder, not to mention I'm nowhere near motivated to farm it in the first place. They should've just kept all hands on deck for the Empyrean work instead of releasing this half-arsed, crippled and nauseatingly grindy system. 

This. One look at the release notes was enough for me to go "nope, #*!% that, I want no part of this". In fact, unless it changes drastically, I'm not even going to bother with it when/if we get our spaceships.

7 hours ago, Fl_3 said:

Enough of the RNG already! Is RNG really the only gameplay loop that DE knows?

In short, yes. DE as an institution have this pathological gambling addiction, where I'm using "pathological" in the sense of a pathogen that spreads between hosts. Dicerolling has been their core mechanic for years now. The movement system in this game is pretty much why I stay around (melee used to be great, but it's been crap ever since the first changes with the Buried Debts update). I personally cannot see how they could possibly turn this into a slot machine simulator... but on the other hand, I'm quite confident that they're working on it. I don't want to see the outcome of that.

1 hour ago, Remedyheart said:

Yeah. You don't sound like a long time player. You sound like someone who can't hack the grind anymore let alone Lich levels.

And why exactly should this person have to "hack the grind" in the first place. After seeing that something optional gives very little reward after doing a huge amount of highly unpleasant crap, there is no healthy justification for going through said unpleasant crap. Why do you consider self-imposed suffering to be a mark of pride?

Also, founders are pretty much the definition of long-time players in this game. The only set of players who have been around longer are closed beta players, and there aren't very many of those.

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12 hours ago, Avienas said:

Still doesnt mean my statement of d.e. needs to bloody remove the party requirement to get `more pick options`on loot odds is moot. Because once D.E. decides to release MORE kuva weapons without fixing the issue, plus probably increase the number of relics and requeim mods in the process, which would absurdly jack up the difficulty to obtain kill-mods, which would also further WORSEN the odds to get specific kuva weapons, whether its to get X duplicate with a better roll or X weapon they have yet to get for mastery...

Sheet is basically real in that sense. Especially since i would still like to say that just like when people want to chase after primes they have yet to acquire, that is not some recent released/unvaulted frame are kind of clucked on being able to get those parts without paying chunky amounts of platinum. Kuva Liches might become the same once Corpus & infested versions come out, likely with thar own particular set of kill-word mods, meaning plenty of people would drastically drop on the grineer liches, because they need the corpus/infested ver mods that might require other ways to get then thru kuva siphons if we talk about how asine that d.e. is likely going to screw this system over. Though even if everything is kept to using the same kill mods, same relics, same method of getting said relics and same place for opening said requiem relics, i still feel it would make a mess of chasing specific weapons, especially if players are limited to only one kuva lich at a time and going from 13 annoying grineer weapons to get, it would likely jump to around 39 or even just 30, if d.e. wants to make alot of weapons into kuva variants for infested & corpus also, making it even more of a pain for people to trade for specific weapons, if everyone is too busy chasing different kuva-lich factions, to bother chasing after the kuva-lich weapons of the grineer faction.

Heck, i am still pissed that console will only get up to hotfix 6 and d.e. did not have hotfix 7 able to be ready before sending it off to cert, which has one of the most important features, the crimson freaking branch system, which acts as a very pivotal function to even somewhat stomach kuva-liches further. Which due to how long D.E. takes to put out certifcations, we might not even see for several weeks on console, meaning just like with us not having the arbitation hotfix which made things alot better, we have to be stuck suffering thru duplicates, while probably prioritizing mass stocking requeim relics & mods, instead of the lichs themselves, just so we can chain kill a bunch of them in a single sitting and pray at least 4 out of 5 of the weapons in each `session`, are not duplicates the first couple of sessions, till we get down to only a couple of them.


In such a case they'd just have to split up the relics into different tiers much like regular relics. It wouldnt work to have 20 different mods spread over 10 different relics, it would simply result in too many combinations to interct with the liches. If anything they'll release other factions with their own relics and mods to keep the pools down in both obtainment and number of word combinations to test. I'm fairly sure Kuva liches will be tied to the words we have now which in turn are tied to their relics. Adding weapons is the only thing they can really do to build on the Kuva Liches. Kuva is a Grineer thing, so there is no reason to tie other factions to Kuva Fortress, requiem relics and kill words. Corpus will probably have a different system. I wouldnt be surprised if they somehow implement the Index to gain intel on our nemesis by betting and winning in there.

I'm also not sure why people stress over the duplicates. It is an RNG based game like most looter games, it is all different for each person. I havent had a single duplicate weapon in 6 liches. I mean, the new "no dupe" system isnt better since you may luck out or not in the same way as before, the percentage chance increased very little to get the exact weapon you need/want. I think the biggest actual change was the trading, but that is something I wont use since it takes away gameplay from me.

edit: Also regarding your other post. Liches sell for barely nothing and can only be traded once. They will never get to the point of rivens because they equal at most a bottom dispo riven in stats. And if someone buys them for mastery, well then obviously we've found the whale which is good, since they are a prime income source for the game. Normal players wont be effected by the trading one bit, normal players wont buy plat to buy liches.

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11 hours ago, Remedyheart said:

Fun for me. And so far I can take my converted Liches and use em for something.


I don't make fun of your raid or your tridolon when I find it absolutely whack myself.

I have 2 tridolons under my belt I think? I don't run Tridalons and I never touched raids, I'm here to have fun with my clan and my friends, and I'm pretty tired of hearing them all in Discord complaining about how bad the update know known as "The Old Grind" is.

DE need to fix that, because word of mouth is the greatest advertisement this game has and word of mouth isn't saying good things at the moment.

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7 hours ago, Remedyheart said:

Meh. If you miss out you miss.

Honestly though I want you to have fun too and I got a couple of excellent guides that turn what you call a chore into a smooth ride.

No worries! A lot of people are having issues figuring out the system. Almost got all the Kuva weapons now. It's exciting really.

Oh hey! Get a Shildeg and try the heavy attack! It's monsterous!

I already have my planned out `personal guide`: 

  • Farm siphons first till i got around 10-40 of the relics in general.
  • Then do the fissures for the mods with only up to using maybe 1000 of my 1450 trace stock and rest i would just run intact with randos. Since i can already assume only one kuva fissure node will be active at a time. Especially since we still have a month or two if i remember right when `Ivara Prime` will drop and i am sure the hype train for her is going to be much huger then it was for Chroma.
  • Once sizable stock has achieved, such as 3-5 of each mod, then go thru liches in bulk to get thru it.

Relic system when it comes to chasing rare or even common parts always taught me one thing, fking mass stock first, then work on the actual 2nd phase farm, so i don`t need to keep bouncing back and forth on the same day just to keep getting one relic, only to get bummed out once that relic opens only to return back to farming the relic to repeat the gnawing migraine inducing bleh of a frustratingly designed grind.

3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

In such a case they'd just have to split up the relics into different tiers much like regular relics. It wouldnt work to have 20 different mods spread over 10 different relics, it would simply result in too many combinations to interct with the liches. If anything they'll release other factions with their own relics and mods to keep the pools down in both obtainment and number of word combinations to test. I'm fairly sure Kuva liches will be tied to the words we have now which in turn are tied to their relics. Adding weapons is the only thing they can really do to build on the Kuva Liches. Kuva is a Grineer thing, so there is no reason to tie other factions to Kuva Fortress, requiem relics and kill words. Corpus will probably have a different system. I wouldnt be surprised if they somehow implement the Index to gain intel on our nemesis by betting and winning in there.

I'm also not sure why people stress over the duplicates. It is an RNG based game like most looter games, it is all different for each person. I havent had a single duplicate weapon in 6 liches. I mean, the new "no dupe" system isnt better since you may luck out or not in the same way as before, the percentage chance increased very little to get the exact weapon you need/want. I think the biggest actual change was the trading, but that is something I wont use since it takes away gameplay from me.

edit: Also regarding your other post. Liches sell for barely nothing and can only be traded once. They will never get to the point of rivens because they equal at most a bottom dispo riven in stats. And if someone buys them for mastery, well then obviously we've found the whale which is good, since they are a prime income source for the game. Normal players wont be effected by the trading one bit, normal players wont buy plat to buy liches.

Ultimately if D.E. does not add more loot to getting thru PER lich you kill(hence why i keep emphasizing that kuva liches should either give loads of kuva or multiply the resources they stole and give them back to you), i am very sure not many people will even attempt to do the liches after doing the initial tries, especially as more factions appear. Unless D.E. decides to pull some middle finger moves like making a `Kuva Lanka`, `Kuva Arca Plasmor` and `Kuva Lenz`, which are 3 highly coveted weapons for plenty of content and will likely make people cry as they go thru a tedious grind just to chase after that max roll version of X weapon in a pile of what could be a dozen or so weapons at launch.

The issue is that D.E. never really did a `actual` duplicate weapon system. You do not chase duplicates to have different loadouts, You do not chase duplicates because weapons have that magical durability system that pisses off many players, You didnt even chase duplicates to scrap them into weapon parts to improve your `main` guns, Throw in the fact one has to max grind the weapon, put a bunch of forma on it and then max grind it again each time to put more forma on it till its in a acceptable state for usage. Well its no wonder why people are stressed out on suddenly having to deal with liches with the same copy of the weapon they have and they cant scrap the lich asap to change to a different option, kind of why some of my posts were demands that D.E. should allow a side-mission with kuva liches to FORCE them to get a different weapon, so people can avoid getting duplicates alot easier. This B.S. that kuva liches will not roll the same duplicate weapon in a row will still mean it can roll a different duplicate then roll a duplicate of the previous weapon, which also gets in the way for people who want copies of the SAME weapon to get better % values for what weapon they are chasing to improve.

In terms of `duplicates`, we had weapon parts but we got the parts at the end of the grind, not getting the knowledge on what we are getting before the grind even starts. Plus you could still trade prime parts for plat or even scrap them for ducats and you easily got like one every 3-8 minutes per rotation on a fissure and things like wraith/vandal parts could normally be traded or even the bult variants in syndicates/baro`kiteer as long as you had not grinded them yet). Plus do not even get me started on how the weapons take 12-24 hours to build on plenty of them and sometimes absurd amounts of rare resources that likely got released the same day as said weapons got released in a few cases. Also as a reminder `relic system` also allows one to pick between up to 4 picks on what relics people brought, so people are already spoiled by generous systems to manipulate one`s RNG-sus rather extensively even if it requires the migraine of needing a full group also with the same relic you need and also at radiant tier, for maximum impact to get the rarest of loot from the relic.

P.S.: Console, especially PS4 can be quite a toxic beast when it comes to market chat and if anyone can trade liches as long as one of them has a clan with a `crimson branch`...oh wait, unless d.e. somehow wedges the 7th hotfix in to the already sent cert i believe, us consolers are gonna be stuck for WEEKS on not being able to trade liches. We will be spared the salt of shenigans with `kuva lich trading`, but it kind of means that console players kind of are half clucked on not having all the fixes for the kuva lich system so far.

Never the less, even when weapons have 1 out of 5 disposition, you would still have people who try to sell the stuff off for 300-600 or even more plat because its still a weapon with damage & crit chance or Crit dmg or some other damage stat and bloody has no concept of haggling. Plus i do not see people purposely buying plat to buy a bunch of kuva weapons, more along the lines that since a possibility exists, the salt could likely exist of people using it and likely your  going to have people pull the scam attitude since no market history exists and people will likely try to charge absurd amounts of plat just for the weapon itself and less about the stat line, which could likely just still get abused to get people to shell out lots of plat to these `scammers`. Plus do not say something like warframe.market, if its not a ingame feature, its likely plenty of `regular players` do not even make use of it and have zero idea it even exists, which means it cannot even get any accurate data on the actual playerbase pricing history averages and what not.

I mean, if one remembered the fiasco that was the Wolf Sledge marketing, then they kind of already know the kind of fiasco a absurdly annoying RNG-sus system can get on marketing. Especially since i do not believe that console players are going to use the marketing averages of pc (atleast not that much), to figure out how to price thar goods on the value. Plus if the plat costs for kuva weapons become dirt cheap, then the trade system(namely the demand for people to actually supply and post liches on market chat) falls apart and then people have to rely on generous people, likely clan mates, to chase after specific kuva weapons, which means a much smaller pool of people to draw from to get a specific kuva weapon and you would have to hope said person is generous enough to not demand alot of rare things if the elemental roll on it is VERY high.

Ultimately, Kuva weapons are basically the new fancy prime parts, A huge amount of tedious grinding on top of the regular grind one normally does for prime parts, once players get to be able to work on and likely if people do not research the stats, will likely be majorly disappointed on the weapon themselves if its kind of bad to them and then probably will scrap the weapon, not realizing they could of got 4k mastery from it instead of just 3k, meaning they have to farm it again. Which can then be a tiresome thing that people have to put 5 forma on even TRASH weapons just to squelch the weapon properly and then finally scrap it to not care about, only to cry when the kuva lich weapons get buffed, so they are then forced to chase after said weapon again while trying to chase for that high % roll, `again`.


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13 hours ago, Remedyheart said:

Or it's really a jacuzzi and you're making a big deal that the temperature is not right.

Look we get it.They reset a ton of your builds changed up the game almost upside down and you feel like you've lost more than just time.

Jump in. Did you forget how it feels to be a new player? Did the sense of exploration escape you when this is minimal compared to Fotuna and Plains?

Miniscule. So...you're upset about a relic system duplicate and 13 paracesis weapons.

Compared to the vast combinations of kitguns, zaws, amps, frames, rep, resources, bounties, and whole new systems of resources?

Yeah. You don't sound like a long time player. You sound like someone who can't hack the grind anymore let alone Lich levels. Sorry for assuming, but...shouldn't you be complaining about fishing still being glitched or BS animal tracking spawns? Which have been bugged glitched and dicey since launch?

Instead...its this thing you can't seem to grasp and are too lazy to actually experience. So to me. It makes no sense at all. I believe you're being way too harsh.

So, let's go point by point.


  •  Or it's really a jacuzzi and you're making a big deal that the temperature is not right.
    • Except it's not. It's significantly worse grind than even the vox solaris or w/e (The operator and amp from Orb Valis, I CBA to remember their name) rep grind, and that's cancerous enough as it is. 
  • Look we get it.They reset a ton of your builds changed up the game almost upside down and you feel like you've lost more than just time.
    • Funnily enough, this is what I enjoy, since part of the reason I keep playing is I love tweaking and figuring out builds to get my weapons and frames to a point where they feel 'just right'. Builds changing is great, and I wish it'd happen more often- though I'd prefer that be through the introduction of new, better options rather than nerfs, but eh. 
  • Jump in. Did you forget how it feels to be a new player? Did the sense of exploration escape you when this is minimal compared to Fotuna and Plains?
    • Fortuna and the plains were gimmicks- as is evidenced by them being mostly abandoned content (like anything else) once you've pulled anything worthwhile out of them. Personally, I prefer start chart missions, so I play those. Not  gonna dog on players that like open world, but not my cup of tea. Similarly, the new player experience now is *vastly* different than it was for me, so I can't possibly comment on it. When I started, Mercury was the first planet and Grineer carried bratons. 
  • Miniscule. So...you're upset about a relic system duplicate and 13 paracesis weapons
    • I'm not upset by it. I'm underwhelmed and disappointed. 13 weapons, 11 of which are just reskins of existing weapons, and of those, 2 are ones I like (Brakk and Karak). Neither of the new weapons sounds interesting, and because I've *never* cared about MR, I'm not going to waste time or effort farming them. Like I said, call me when the liches drop an akbrakk. 
  • Compared to the vast combinations of kitguns, zaws, amps, frames, rep, resources, bounties, and whole new systems of resources?
    • Without going into it, Kitguns and Zaws are vastly underutilized and should have been the basis for weapons going forward from introduction. I'd love it if Kuva liches dropped grineer parts for kitguns and zaws, and we started seeing  DE putting more time into them, but I doubt that's going to happen, since both weapons systems  have been around years now and neither has been expanded past their initial offering (With the exception of plague star zaw parts). Amps can be interesting and  fun... except I don't really enjoy operator gameplay, so she only comes out when I have  to use void damage for something specifically, like a tridolon hunt on the plains. 
  • Yeah. You don't sound like a long time player. You sound like someone who can't hack the grind anymore let alone Lich levels. Sorry for assuming, but...shouldn't you be complaining about fishing still being glitched or BS animal tracking spawns? Which have been bugged glitched and dicey since launch?
    • You see that little icon next to my forum avatar? little five pointed star looking thing? You know what that is, right? I've been around since the beginning. Don't talk to me about not being able to hack the grind because grinding is all this game has ever been. It's why I don't engage with content that doesn't look like it's going to be interesting to me- it's not worth the  time I know it's going to take. Fishing and animal tracking both are boring gimmicky crap and the only reason to do either is nightwave or to get mats  to build something off the plains/valis. 
  • Instead...its this thing you can't seem to grasp and are too lazy to actually experience. So to me. It makes no sense at all. I believe you're being way too harsh.
    • I grasp it just fine. You're the one that seems to be having trouble understanding that A) You're in the minority and B) Most players think the grind at hand for the rewards in the lich content makes the rewards not worth the effort. 

There's nothing wrong in liking the content, that's fine. As I said before, there are people that like archwing, there's dedicated hardcore PvPers, there's all sorts of small niches of players in this game that like content that most other players don't like. That's fine, that's part of the charm of warframe- it's got an incredibly wide scope of gameplay systems to try out, even if none of them are particularly deep. But to the majority of players, it appears there's significant  issues with the gameplay/reward aspects of the old blood. Continually saying "Give it a chance" does not make the content look any more appealing or interesting, *especially* when I've been around long enough to give most abandoned crappy content (Hi Archwing!) a chance. 


... ya know, speaking of archwing, I still don't think I've leveled anything there to 30. Maybe one of the guns for the heavy weapons slot I never use? IDK. I ought to look. 

Edit: I do indeed have a rank 30 archwing gun. It's my current heavy, and I'm pretty sure it got a buff which actually makes it pretty great to use. Kinda shocked. 

Edited by Paradoxity
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2 hours ago, Fl_3 said:

I have 2 tridolons under my belt I think? I don't run Tridalons and I never touched raids, I'm here to have fun with my clan and my friends, and I'm pretty tired of hearing them all in Discord complaining about how bad the update know known as "The Old Grind" is.

DE need to fix that, because word of mouth is the greatest advertisement this game has and word of mouth isn't saying good things at the moment.

Plains of Eidolon was commonly known as the "Plains of Grindolon" and if I remember correctly, there was some similar nickname given to Fortuna what with all the syndicates you had to level with, I'm still not maxed with Vent Kids or Vox Solaris as the grind just got to be too much and I lost interest. Oh, and I'm still not maxed with The Quills either since I find Eidolons to be grindy, annoying and boring. Grinding is what Warframe is about, or at least that's what it seems to me to be about, but I started playing with the PoE update, so I'm still something of a noob. 

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1 hour ago, 3rdpig said:

Plains of Eidolon was commonly known as the "Plains of Grindolon" and if I remember correctly, there was some similar nickname given to Fortuna what with all the syndicates you had to level with, I'm still not maxed with Vent Kids or Vox Solaris as the grind just got to be too much and I lost interest. Oh, and I'm still not maxed with The Quills either since I find Eidolons to be grindy, annoying and boring. Grinding is what Warframe is about, or at least that's what it seems to me to be about, but I started playing with the PoE update, so I'm still something of a noob. 

I'm maxed out with the Quills as well, the Ostrons, Solaris United, Vent Kids, Perrin Sequence, New Loka, Red Veil, Steel Meridian and Cephalon Simaris. In my time I've also maxed out and bought everything that Cephelon Suda and the Arbiters of Hexis have to offer in their syndicate shop as well. I haven't quite finished with Vox Solaris yet as I still have to take on Profit Taker, but I will eventually, I just haven't gotten around to it yet as I want to do it with Clannies and not some pub group. 

The Old Blood wasn't supposed to be about the grind. Words used to describe it during it's development included Exciting, Evolving, Dynamic and it's none of those things, it's just more and more and more of the same, same, same. Why even hint that it's going to be different if it's just the same content in a slightly different coloured wrapper?

Even as it is, The Old Blood has potential, it just needs to changed to take the things that people don't like away, such as instead of murmurs giving the identity of the Requiem mod, why not allow them to actually give you the mod? No RNG required apart from the fact that the mod order will still have to be figured out? A kill switch mod earned from a sortie style infiltration/defence mission on Kuva Fortress to allow people to get rid of a Lich they don't want without having to grind it in the first place at no rewards from killing the Lich early. The ability for a captured and released Lich to still attack it's creator (it's what it was born to do in the first place for Gods sake). Just selling it to some other owner shouldn't alter the fact that it was created for that single purpose and purpose alone.

Little things, little QOL fixes and additions that take the RNG and the "same" out of this Exciting, Evolving, Dynamic content.

Fortuna gave us a new playground, Plains of Eidolon did the same. All Old Blood gives us is a 1 in 13 chance of a new weapon a 1 in 10 chance of an Ephemera and all the RNG and grind.

I can't believe given [DE]Steve's excitement about this update in dev streams and in his pre release stream that this is what he intended to give us, because if it is, if he got this excited about giving us the same thing all over again maybe the old blood should look into hiring some new blood.

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If a player doesn't  want to die or Stab their lich to die they don't have to. You or whatever group you stand for telling or trying to make a player do such. Especially in a public matchmaking setting is the true toxicity. You can't control how someone plays/reacts in a public setting. why is it an issue In any other regards. Instead of directing anger at the players. Clammer at DE to fix this and the other broken systems currently in the game as is. Instead the community is at odds with the fellow player because they want to follow what games have been teaching us for the longest "avoid unnecessary death" 


Also while I may add. Nobody deserves a ban for telling you how to play(Unless harassment is severe enough) stop being so sensitive as to someone asking for a change in playstyle. While you don't have to listen and thats completely  okay please don't call for the ban of a fellow player unless it's actually needed

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While I 100% agree that this needs to be changed, I also think that until that is done people that do not want to kill their liches should stick to solo so they don't block spawns from others who do want to stab theirs (and might be looking for help from a public group to do so). If you don't intend to fight your lich you do not need the extra help public provides.

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People will call each other unless DE will make option for Lich to dissapear by itself. Joining public matches has only one purpose - maximize murmur farm. Whenever someone's Lich spawn, it will convert up to 9 Thralls around, but if it's owner refuse to stab it, other Liches wont spawn. Not stabbing them has absolutely zero benefit, you can't get free 10 Thrall murmur and others wont have a chance to get theirs (and extra Thralls each Lich provide), wasting time for everyone. Simply telling 'please stab it' its not toxicity if player dont know that they waste their and others time. Toxicity is when people actively bully others if they not comply.

You have 4 free revives. 5 or 6 with arcanes. 7 with Wukong. Warframe spoiled us over years and people are too afraid too die. It's not that we have limited revives per frame like ages ago. And it's not Arbitation

Edited by RobWasHere
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8 minutes ago, iNemeq said:

While I 100% agree that this needs to be changed, I also think that until that is done people that do not want to kill their liches should stick to solo so they don't block spawns from others who do want to stab theirs (and might be looking for help from a public group to do so). If you don't intend to fight your lich you do not need the extra help public provides.

In the next breath I can argue people who seek to farm liches can use recruiting chat or clans or friends to help. You can't tell someone what to do in public matchmaking at all. 

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22 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

In the next breath I can argue people who seek to farm liches can use recruiting chat or clans or friends to help. You can't tell someone what to do in public matchmaking at all. 

Very true. But I'm not going to stop thinking people that are refusing to stab their liches are jerks for knowingly ruining for others. This thing goes both ways, if everyone is cool with you ignoring your lich, go ahead but if someone asks you to stab it so theirs can spawn you probably should do that.

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2 minutes ago, iNemeq said:

Very true. But I'm not going to stop thinking people that are refusing to stab their liches are jerks for knowingly ruining for others. This thing goes both ways, if everyone is cool with you ignoring your lich, go ahead but if someone asks you to stab it so theirs can spawn you probably should do that.

You don't have to nor probably should. You're not a jerk for playing how you want to play ever. 

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I don't really care if they kill their lich as long as in not a defense or intersection mission. Being harassed for 5 waves straight by their lich is annoying as hell. 

Instead of calling them out/begging them, just leave the mission. Let the him and the Lich sort their differences alone. 

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1 minute ago, Iamabearlulz said:

Unless you're that guy who goes looking for 1000-year-fish statues during a T5 bounty. Don't be that guy.

At the same time that's not the players fault it's the systems fault at hand. DE made this system broken. The curse is that players are just playing. Again instead of going at each other's heads go to the root DE and request it be fixed for both sides

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