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Rising Tide: Update 26.1


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Thank you for Update: Rising Tides!

Please consider not adding a cooldown to Blink. There is a clear reason why people use Itzal for Blink, and nerfing Blink will not make Archwing more enjoyable to play. The Blink ability is what heavily influences the 6x3 and 5x3 Eidolon runs, the Profit-Taker and Exploiter Orb runs with efficiency, and the general gameplay element of being quick in Orb Vallis/Plains of Eidolon without using constant Void Dash or a clunky K-Drive. Blink being universal is in the right direction. However, doubling the distance on an ability with basically no cast time will not justify any cooldown.

People use Itzal because Blink is good, but also because other Archwings are undesirable. The Jordas Verdict gave purpose to Amesha for slower runs and also a purpose to Odonata for a DPS buff on Velocitus for killing the Golem. With the removal of Trials, the only use left for Archwings in general is for utility and fast mobility. If Empyrean has Archwing content that has uses for the DPS (Elytron), the Buff (Odonata), the Healer (Amesha), and the Utility (Itzal), the problem of diversity will solve itself. The overuse of Blink is mostly due to a lack of Archwing content that has something matter besides mobility. When we had Archwing Defense, there was no desire to Blink. It was a defensive mission. The structure of that defense forced you to be very protective of the objective to give you your rewards. That mode was not the best designed, but it is obvious Itzal has no place in high level defense that risks mission failure.

There are many ways to make Archwing more enjoyable and more diverse. Nerfing Blink with a cooldown of all things is a cheap cop out for addressing the real problems with Archwing that have existed for over 4 years now. I have high hopes for Empyrean, but please consider leaving Blink mechanically the same. If it needs to be nerfed because it is too powerful, make it "5/Operator Mode" for Archwing with a higher energy cost than the current form of the ability. This way, Blink will end up being a higher resource sink for those who want to use it the same (since Energy Restores are a consumable that cost resources), Blink is technically nerfed to discourage spamming too hard, and it can still be universal and interesting.

Anyways, thank your the hard work on this game towards the end of this year, and thank you for listening to player feedback (over the last few weeks especially).

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I have a suggestion for making universal blink feel better, while combining best of both worlds.

It felt really good to use burst of blinks without a pause to relocate after completing a mission in open world. And it is annoying to repeatedly press the button every 3 seconds.

Over a lengthy time of not blinking players accumulate a buffer of up to 3 blinks. Subsequent blinks may be shorter, in line with old blinks.

It will allow a burst of relocation after completing a mission, like before, but will not break the movement overall.


Amp choice on loadout screen!


Also can we have some lighting update for Dojos? Option for manual removal of shadow generation from objects of just fixing shadow-stacking?

3d-redactor style placement controls for dojo/orbiter decorations - with coordinates and rotations in numerical values, so we can just type them in. That would be AMAZING. You have no idea, how painful it is to be precise with decorating now. Arcane sorcery needed to avoid misalignment is just unreal. It sometimes takes HOURS to place just a few things, in a way that is just right, since things do not always snap seamlessly. Rather they tend to snap in incorrect ways that leave non-resolvable misalignment.

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I know Rebb said on the Devstream that the plan with Liches is to pursue the Requiem theme, but please consider at least making the Lich a more engaging nemesis. Currently I interact with the Thralls far more then I do their boss. 

Looking forward to seeing how the Lich system will be improved with the implementation of Railjack regardless.

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  • Umbra still loses (when applicable) invulnerability as well as all active buffs, upon Transference, despite what the hotfix supposedly claims here https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1120514-hotfix-2563/

  • Exalted Blade no longer auto-blocks while attacking (and this issue itself has gone under the radar for the longest time)

  • The Aero set mod bonus does not activate when damaging enemies with melee weapons or abilities

  • Certain mods bugged after being killed by Kuva Liches.

  • Inescapable death cinematic as punishment for failing to correctly equip requiem mods via game of pure luck with the odds stacked against you

    • I know this is game design and not a bug; however--no if's, and's or but's--it's really bad. And the argument "just don't kill the Kuva Larvling if you don't want a Lich" doesn't really work here, because they all have those new Kuva weapons that, if not forces, heavily incentives players to participate in Lich content so they can increase mastery rank.

      • Maybe change inescapable death to inescapable damage, or include a "mash [button(s)] to Struggle" mechanic to lessen the punishment, or even QTEs (which could work well since the game is so action-focused anyway) to avoid/resist the Lich's insta-kill? Yes, power creep has caused players to transcend to near-god-hood status, but having us roll the dice just to heighten the threat of death feels cheap as heck.

  • Any plans for Mercy Finishers to be more practical/rewarding?


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Thanks for the update DE! Doubt this would get seen but would it be possible to add an option for displaying a new name such as a clan name/ clan tag / or even a nickname? This would be great for those with a short name that don't want it to get taken but also while still displaying your clan in your name for example. They could even be obvious "nicknames" like ***New-New-DINI*** for example so you know someone is using a nickname. I'd even pay plat just so I can keep my OG name while being able to show my clan in it as well.

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb [DE]Megan:

Rank 1, 2, 3, and 4 Liches now drop Kuva for all squad members when a Parazon is used on them - whether that leads to defeat or ranking up, the Kuva is yours on Ranks 1 through 4! You will recall there was a brief window where Thralls could drop Kuva or a Requiem Relic. We removed the Kuva, and are now applying it to Liches. Kuva numbers are balanced against Siphons / Kuva Survival missions, and take into account the fact that multiple Liches spawn in missions. The aim is to not make this the best Kuva run, just an added value. Siphons and other missions are meant to be the optimal path. Rank 5 Liches do not have Kuva as a drop as they could intentionally be kept alive for a vector to acquire Kuva. The Drops are: Rank 1: 150, Rank 2:  200, Rank 3: 250, Rank 4: 300. This is lower than some other discussed numbers because we are now letting it share across Squadmates. 

This is an absolutely meanigless and useless amount of kuva, give shared murmur progress. If liches are player specific, logically thralls are aswell because they are named after their specific lich. If they give shared murmur progress so should the liches

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