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Why do we keep playing Warframe?


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9 hours ago, Midas said:

Because as i've aged I have the horrible tendency to view all games in their bare bone state. Essentially If it is a mmo, a FPS, or even a battle royale, I feel as if I am just playing a reskined game that I have done before. Waiting for someone to get creative and invent something that is actually interesting I guess. So I just play WF rn.

i relate to this post on a personal level.

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I enjoy it is one answer.

But the other and more detailed answer is because of just how much potential, untapped, wasted or otherwise, that Warframe has.

I cannot predict exactly where Warframe will go after Empyrean, that ambiguity alone makes it far more interesting than several other games these days. 

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I barely am playing it anymore. There were several years where I played almost nothing but Warframe. But now, I basically only check in once in a while to see what's new.

At first, I would play other games to take a bit of a break from Warframe, to keep from getting too tired of it. But, I found that every time I came back, I enjoyed it less and less. After playing other games that are actually well thought out and finished, coming back to Warframe made me realize what a mess it has become. And, now with things like Nightwave and Kuva Liches that just straight up piss me off, I have very little reason to keep playing anymore. This is why I spend so much time on the forums trying to get some improvements made. I want DE to make this game as fun as it used to be. As fun as it should be.

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diversity in weapon/warframe builds 
warframe is like PoE of shooter, you can make squishy warframe into a tank or turn starter weapon into endgame weapon with right build 

you can play in want ever style you want. 
high risk high reward, unkillable tank , support bard, debuffer , press 4 to win , afk limbo , hold mouse 1,  ..... , 

i spend most of my time in simulacrum testing different weapon on different warframe and
things like negative power strength Equinox with dmg reflection on sword & shield , multishoot build on mirage with - negative projectile speed riven and more


Edited by .OwOkin.
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Non Ironically? The amazing community and I enjoy the creativity in some of the warframes, thus giving me interest in playing it


Ironically? You're right, why are we still playing Warframe? Just to suffer? Every night... I do an ESO I can feel my vandal braton... my lato... my lost MR exp from events I didn't caught up...won't stop hurting. It's like they're all here. You feel it too, don't you?



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4 hours ago, --Vampires_SE7EN said:

you didnt get lvl? as far as i know i got from 750 to 950 in 2 weeks

And what do you get after reaching 950? Nothing. You don't kill enemies any faster and you can see your damage goes down when you visit old location like EDZ. The numbers are just a layer of grind to pad the time because there's barely anything interesting

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To have fun.

Im not running everything on meta mods with meta weapons and meta strategies. Im trying out weapons and testing different builds, not to one-shot everything, but to have fun with a weapon.

Im not bullet jumping through any level and all tile sets. I put on master thief and try explore every nook and cranny there is, take in the design of the maps and wonder about what i see, i think of why and how when i encounter a room.

Im not rushing eidelons and liches, i just enjoy the game. I have friends who have killed over 20 liches, while im still on my first one. I go from planet to planet, if i see a special node, il play it, be it invasion, kuva, syndicate etc. Should the lich take a planet i desire to not have a tax on, il just clear him out. I dont farm prime, i just play relics every once in a while.

Im not constantly grinding, i dont run survivals and other endless missions to gather resources, i just do regular missions, with index and credits being the only exception to this. The game is easy, you dont need to rank everything up an hour after you get it, just play the game and rank it up.


Im telling you guys, slow down. You dont have to get that prime today, you dont have to reach MR 30 in a week, you dont have to max out a focus tree in a month, you dont have to complete everything there is to do in Warframe in a year. Take your time, please, if you arent having fun then dont do it. Its getting painful to see how much content DE puts out and see people no-lifing the new content only to come to the forum to decry of how the game lacks any new content. You burn yourself out needlessly and then radiate negativity to every other warframe player around you.

Edited by LoneDirewolf
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Meh, I just hop around a few lovely games I have that all seem to update at different times. I end up getting burned out on this game? I go to another and there's new stuff! Sure, sometimes there is overlap, but I enjoy the games nonetheless.

My Answer: A mixture of hope, lootn' & shootn', and the fact that this game can be terribly funny if you find a good build. Take, for example, a Guass with max sprint speed or a Grendel that specializes in hurling peeps off cliffs. Love that kinda wacky.

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