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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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5 minutes ago, ixidron92 said:

Something similar can be done with intrinsics, allowing you to spend more intrinsics to further boost certain stats like the amount of munitions you can carry, reduce forge cooldown, increase forge capacity, increase forge bonuses, the amount of time you can boost, etc.

And, of course, there is always fashionframe. I would love to decorate my railjack's interior the same way I can decorate my orbiter. Diracs and Intrinsics (and other resources) could be used to purchase decoration capacity and new decorations, stencils, etc.

Maybe even inner ship defenses when they add Command. There will probably be something for protection and if we can gear that... hehe.

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Justo ahora, AreeSoothsayer dijo:

Maybe even inner ship defenses when they add Command. There will probably be something for protection and if we can gear that... hehe.

I'm guessing at some point we would be able to recruit NPC (other than liches), arm and upgrade them. Perhaps specters as well, and I wouldn't discard the idea of purchasing defense turrets or using spare MOAs as defense.

Other stuff like combat drones (archwing sentinels) sound plausible. All of that could be future resource sinks, but right now, we need something to spend our spare resources. 

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54 minutes ago, ixidron92 said:

I'm guessing at some point we would be able to recruit NPC (other than liches), arm and upgrade them. Perhaps specters as well, and I wouldn't discard the idea of purchasing defense turrets or using spare MOAs as defense.

Other stuff like combat drones (archwing sentinels) sound plausible. All of that could be future resource sinks, but right now, we need something to spend our spare resources. 

Well it won't be till next year. They're on christmas and new years break time.

Edited by AreeSoothsayer
I'm kinda hoping that we can use our extra pets in Railjack defense.
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Fluctus is worthless. Larkspur doesn't work the way it used to and it's range is too small. The enemies are too fast, even with blink and max thruster mod you can't keep up with them. Their armor is too high. My pets die every time I leave a cruiser (no reason why, they just do).

It's really hard to understand what is going on if it's your first mission, like if you're in the asteroid base thingy and you hack a terminal. Then it tells you to destroy the generator. It doesn't tell you they're outside... The waypoints are not accurate either.

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My Railjack Feedback:

I jumped back into Warframe to try out Railjack and build my Railjack. After setting up the dry dock for my clan and putting around 2 million credits into building my Railjack, I googled a guide to see how much more resources I would need in total. After seeing the answer I exited the game and decided to play something else. Will check back if the cost gets adjusted or a credit weekend happens.

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Railjack drift boost movement ends wonky. It just snaps to forward movement when the shift key is let go and that just completely does not work with the very concept of momentum and more often then not is counter-productive to what I want to achieve. I.E. when I drift boost sideways or backwards it's because I want to get distance or out of line of fire from something, not suddenly snap forwards towards whatever it is I am trying to avoid. 

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After a bunch of missions, I noticed that one wing turret is unmanned for most of the mission -- someone's boarding, or out doing Archwing dogfighting, etc. With a pilot and a gunner with Phantom Eye, the two of them can cover any direction, so it's not a problem, except it's one set of guns that just sit there unused.

As a result, I'd like to suggest a structural change to the Railjack: revise the ship setup so there's one gunner seat that handles both sets of side turrets, and make Phantom Eye a basic feature of the railjack (and, as a follow-on, change Phantom Eye to something else, like more heat reduction). It divides labor better, and makes (in my opinion at least) a lot more sense for gameplay sake.

(Alternatively, when only one turret is used, slave the unused guns to that seat -- then if someone comes and locks in, they get control back). 

Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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I honesly don't like where DE is going with warframe right now, since they keep adding RNG on RNG on RNG... first we got the kuva lich system wich is RNG based (to hell and back) and now we got railjack wich has EVEN MORE RNG THAN EVER!

I would advise DE to watch the video below (and read the comments, they have some valid points), along with anyone that feels that warframe is becoming too grindy.

In case anyone is wondering about the comments that i mentioned, look up the video on youtube.

P.S   I'm one of the few people that uses a controller for warframe (through steam) and i would like to point out that the control scheme for archwing, as it is currently is almost unuseable, the "blink" function doesn't work on ALL archwings, the arch-melee weapons have become useless due to the lack of  "lock-on" that disappaered after the new control scheme was launched and all the arch-guns deal next-to-no damage to the new railjack enemies.

Edited by nicolajtheking2
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I hope you add the ability to solo with railjack soon, with no one randomly queuing, and me being in a clan pretty much by my self (only one other person is on regularly) I just cant participate in this new content, almost feels like farming for the resources to build one was a waste of time. Overall i'm disappointed in this content. Especially now that I found out parts have RNG stats on them, with low drop chances. Almost seems like its not worth the time to recruit a team, when I could be doing other things for meaningful rewards,

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PLEASE stop side gunners from using my particle ram and firing it off into space randomly and immediately repeating this once i redeploy it.....

as there is currently no option to frog march these players to the nearest airlock and boot them out into space.

k thx bai

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i get what the developers are trying to do concerning resource collection and gathering, but it does not work for railjack. it is similar to the basic gathering system we have now with a few additions. there are containers that need to be broken in order to obtain the contents inside but their are also objects that the player can damage in order for said object to dispense loot.

if a player were to really look hard enough for loot and resources, they would probably find a wide variety of containers and objects that can be destroyed besides trash cubes and glowing asteroids. there are drones, void bubbles, asteroid bases, mines, regular asteroids, mounted turrets, and satellites.

the problem is that its not exactly easy determining what is and isn't a "container" compared to simple chests and lockers, and the mode itself does not really encourage player to destroy everything they think to be a container.

it would be neat to have some form of a scavenging system. like an HUD toggle that reveals containers and highlights them.

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Right now, some resources, like titanium, are best farmed by clearing a very low level mission, then hoovering up rocks for twenty minutes in a distraction-free dead map. I can't imagine this was the intended play style - the closest parallel is Plains of Eidolon, where mining or farming grokdrul or iradite or whatnot is done by going into free roam and smashing rocks. If we want a scavenging mode, then the Free Flight mission should include resources and enemies, instead of being just a place to do space donuts.

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Just remembered something. Castanas and talons don't damage the reactors on Crew ships. It's possible that other AOE weapons don't damage them either. It's a pitty, I would have loved to be able to just drop the Castanas on the crew ship, teleport back to the railjack and then set the explosives off. 


Instead I drop off an Azima alt fire, and that does the trick. 

Edited by Sunai_Moonswing
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Empyrean status effects.

Incendiary: Pathetic damage, dot does not even move enemy health bar.

Ionic: Does more harm than good, causing enemies to spin wildly and become impossible to continue shooting.

Frost: Slightly OP, since the biggest obstacle in space fights right now is shooting tiny hitboxes that are extremely aggressive with their evasive maneuvers, and Frost holds them still long enough to kill. Ironically, the RJ weapon with this element is also the only turret that has no trouble aiming thanks to a giant projectile.

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Variant Stats and Loot

The current way how Wreckage is being handled, specifically the MK3 parts is frustrating. Their drop chance combined with the countless variations it can have can easily burn someone who is trying to get that "Perfect" part since, let's be honest. DE had always given us the ability to create variations in our build, whether it be how we mod our Warframes to our Guns, we had control on what we want so we can freely ENJOY the game.

Come along Rivens, their randomness and combination of stats can either make or break the game for us, there are some who wants to get the strongest stats possible and there are those who simply wants a good riven for them to enjoy their favorite weapon. Players took a while for them to actually don't mind farming for rivens since players have accumulated tons of rivens enough for them to trade with other players, find the ones they want and trade away the ones they don't want to those who do want it. Regardless, you don't necessarily require Rivens to actually enjoy the game, they provide a good stat boost for your weapons, but even without it - you can still complete the entirety of the game without it.

Next comes the Kuva Liches, these ones in their current iteration is very much welcoming. Despite the steps you need to actually need to kill these ones for their weapon with random stats, you actually see what you are getting before fully committing yourself to it. You have slight control on the bonuses you get which comes in the form of what Warframe you wish to be the Progenitor of your Kuva Lich, and even then we have received word from DE on ways to manipulate the way we can get our Kuva Liches in the future in the form of possibly allowing us to remove our undesired Kuva Lich. Overall, the Kuva Lich is become a good side-system that you don't entirely need to focus on, but provides itself with some nice bonuses if you do want to go that direction.

Finally, comes the Wreckage - specifically MK3 ones. This one is a total mess. The amount of parts you would need that has the same aspect the two detailed above has the total of 4. We have the Shield Array, Engines, Reactor, and the Weapons. Each one has varying stats that are completely randomized as well the drop chance, combining that with TONS of resources you need to invest. How is this one a total mess? It is quite simple really. Take a Vidar Reactor MK3 for example, it is an end-mission reward with 2% drop chance and even then it has randomized stats that might not even help you in the long term. Surely, if you got a good one, eventually at some point you will obtain a slightly better one and then you can get 50% of the resources you've invested on it. 

Let's compare this to a popular shooter-looter game. The Borderlands franchise. You have Shields, Grenades, Class Mods, Artifacts and finally, your Guns. Every single factor of your character from the ones I mentioned before can be completely random, but they always have a set standard where it can be reliable even if some of the stats are completely off. Class Mods for example always provide certain bonuses to your skills and may vary from +1 to +5. Even then, you're getting a positive bonus out of it even if it's a +1. Not only that, the one thing that actually makes Borderlands a Shooter-Looter game is that you don't have to worry about the LOOTING aspect as you can be sure that these items and guns can drop almost everywhere so you can truly enjoy the SHOOTING aspect of the game. There will be times where you have to change your stuff every now and then due to getting better guns, shields, grenades, class mods or artifacts, but even then IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to get them. You just simply need to kill enemies and loot whatever lootable container out there, even then it might drop a bad gun, but hey it's something.

Returning back to Empyrean, notice the bolded words there? You can't even enjoy any of those when playing through Empyrean without sacrificing the other. Want to get a better cannon for your Railjack? You'll have to pray for an enemy to drop that shiny purple thing out in space where the chances of seeing it from your ship is.. well - Hopefully you notice it. Change of scenario, now that you've got a good cannon that you think might be worth your while, now is the time to invest some resources and time. Tons of isolated resources that are found exclusively in this mission in large amounts alongside with a 12-Hour wait time. Good, you've done it. But wait! You found a much better gun and you want to invest on this one. Guess what, you're getting back 50% of the resources you've invested on the previous and wasted 12 hours on waiting on it. Oh hey, look there's also a Rush Repair Drone for 50 Platinum that you can purchase to instantly skip all of these. Definitely a way to ease your suffering to skip the looting aspect of the game and just go straight to shooting, but what's the fun in that in a shooter-looter game.

I know these aspects makes Warframe, Warframe. The Time Gate and investment of resources on everything is something everyone is used to since it had existed way too long that veterans knows the standard procedure when obtaining a new item in the game. But combining old features with new ones can spell disaster when not watched properly. Specifically, time gate and resource investment on a totally RNG drop with RNG stats. So I would like to offer some suggestions that you guys might consider while improving Railjack:

  • Remove Time Gate (The 12-Hour Wait Time) and keep the Resource Investment. You can even reduce the amount of returns when scrapping it from 50% to 25% given you no longer need to wait to actually use the gun, shield array, reactor, or engines and test it out.
  • Full Refund on Resource Investment and drastically reduce the Time Gate. Quite a simple change really, 100% scrap yields (you can remove the Dirac here) and cut down the time to wait to 1~2 hours. Same reason as above, test the part without worrying any loss of resources.
  • Massively increased drop chance. Diluted drop tables had always been an issue in Warframe, but in Railjack, it serves to connect to the actual game. You might get Relics which you can use, but let's be honest. In a new system that you've introduced with all the shiny things a player can obtain, why take that away the chance for them to actually enjoy this Empyrean Game Mode by introducing way too many things that they can obtain, but not specifically helpful in Railjack missions? If you were to make them as common drops where they drop every once in a while, that would actually allow players to consider what they want to invest in with a selection of choices they've obtained throughout the game. Running an hour of Empyrean and only getting a single Reactor, Engine, or Shield Array due to bad RNG, what's there to consider? You might as well join someone else's Railjack who happen to have better chances than you and are actually enjoying the game themselves. You might get a taste of that enjoyment without dying or having to constantly repair fires, electricity and hull breaches and enjoy the shooter-aspect of the Railjack provided the host doesn't leave.
  • Reduced Resource Investment and Reduced Time Gate. Similar to the 2nd one, just cut down the resources you need to repair a wreckage and reduce the time gate.

So far, those are what I can recommend for possibly improving Railjack itself. Increasing the resource amount is greatly welcome, but when faced with RNG on top of RNG stats, it's not really worth the investment... nor the 12-hour wait time. There's also a few possible things I want to touch on.

  • Remove Rush Repair Drone. This one is quite simple really, remove the 50 Platinum cost in the market and replace them with an already existing system. Rushing. Straight platinum to rush a fully resource invested wreckage. What makes this great is that even with the current system, if you've waited for 6 hours or whatever time is remaining, the amount of platinum to rush gets reduced. So why not use this? You've already increased the resource amount drop and the only purpose now of a Rush Repair Drone is to save on those resources and cut down the 12-hour wait time, but let's be honest. People don't like to wait when you've finally got the part you've been looking for countless hours. You've got tons of resources to spend, so why not?
  • No More Vacuum. Kill an enemy or just breaking an asteroid? Just send them straight to the players everything they drop. No need to chase an enemy 20k meters away from the rest of your team since it decided to roll towards a random direction in its dying breath (looking at you cutters). You are completely missing tons of beneficial things when you move too far from your enemy, namely affinity share. 
  • Static and Dynamic Bonuses shown. This one is just a minor change in the UI. Simply show X + Y Effect. Wherein X is static across all items of the same kind and Y is the additional bonuses you gain. Let's say for guns, a Zekti-variant would have a standard +20% Damage or +15% Fire Rate + X Damage/Fire Rate. So whatever Zekti-variant you obtained, you would always have that bonus, even if the additional damage or fire is a laughable 1% increase, it's still a positive thing regardless.

I'm really enjoying Railjack, it's one of aspect of Warframe that I can actually sink my time in despite how long the mission can take and a refreshing new system in Warframe. There's always going to be some minor hiccups and whatnot, but I do truly believe it has potential for a great co-op mission for everyone to enjoy. Oh, one last thing I would like to present as a suggestion:

  • Borrowed Shields, Engines, Guns. This one would only work in Pre-Made Squads as this would actually allow you to and your squadmates to temporarily lend either a Shield Array, Engine, or Guns for your Host's Railjack for the missions you guys will be running until you guys return to the dry dock. If your squad mate has a better shield array, why not allow it to be installed in your Railjack briefly. Same goes with Engines and Guns. I know Reactors won't work as they drastically affect the Avionic and Flux capacity of the Host's ship so I won't bother with that.
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The main problem I have is that it is nigh impossible for a Pilot in the heat of combat to know if that Crewship is boarded and how many Tenno are there. So:

  1. A far clearer indication of Crewships that have been boarded. This helps both the pilot and others players so we don't accidentally double up or use the Artillery on a boarded ship. Also Cephalon Cy should mention when you are shooting at a Crewship with a Tenno on board. 
  2. Slingshot target indicator for the Pilot when a Tenno is in the barrel. Then they too will know what is being boarded. 
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Seeker Volley does not scale

Battle avionic seeker volley, slot 3. Flux energy cost 100. Higher ranks means more missiles, but damage per missile stays constant.

Earth: Absolutely amazing. Takes out entire flights of fighters.

Saturn: Still pretty good, at least in the beginning. Can take out small groups of fighters and soften up larger groups.

Veil: Effectively useless. Even the weakest fighters in small numbers can take 40+ missiles from this and barely be touched.

I absolutely loved this avionic up until late Saturn / early Veil, and it's painful to see how poorly it fares against tougher enemies. I'm not asking for it to be just as effective against higher level enemies, but an ability that uses 100 flux energy should still be useful.

Please PLEASE make this scale somehow. I'd far rather have it be weaker against low level enemies if it also becomes stronger against high level enemies.

Idea 1: Have damage increase with avionic rank.

Idea 2: Scale damage based off of what tier of ordnance is equipped. e.g. starter ordnance 75% damage, mark 1 100% damage, mark 2 150% damage, mark 3 225% damage.

Double or even triple damage still wouldn't be amazing against enemies in the Veil, but at least it wouldn't feel like as complete a waste of avionics slots and energy.


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57 minutes ago, rstripn said:

I absolutely loved this avionic up until late Saturn / early Veil, and it's painful to see how poorly it fares against tougher enemies.

Could try the flechette approach: damage is multiplied by enemy level/10. 

A second issue is that Gyre and Exo cutters have countermeasures, so past Earth, the missiles have a ~5% hit rate. Most will just blow up without hitting anything. Those could use a harsh nerf.

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Take items that we don't use in Railjack out of the Railjack reward tables.

Railjack is a self contained unit completely separate from the rest of the game. There is absolutely nothing I get in the main game (aside from credits and boosters) that I will ever use in Railjack, or even be able to use in Railjack. So why am I getting items in Railjack that 1) I can easily obtain in the main game, and 2) I cannot even use in Railjack? Forma blueprints, riven slivers, relics, I use absolutely none of these in Railjack. The only thing they are doing is clogging up the reward tables making it more difficult to actually get items that are useful for the section of the game where I obtain them. Don't put items as rewards in one self contained section of the game that you can't even use in that one self contained section of the game. This should just be simple, basic logic. A 2% drop chance for items that are actually useful? Seriously? I've been farming Veil missions for 6 days and have yet to see a blueprint drop as a mission reward. And even then when I finally do get something it could be worse than what I already have.

And now a serious question: I can tell for a fact that there is at least one person at DE handling this game that plays Diablo 3, because this RNG is absolutely just as bad as that. I've played several seasons so I'm not just talking blindly here. Travelers Pledge? I've gone an entire season without seeing a TP that was even remotely viable. I've gotten Primal TPs that were absolute trash (Primal items have all of the rolls at the absolute maximum possible). I wouldn't be surprised if I finally do get a Vidar reactor that has a much lower avionics capacity than the Sigma reactor I'm using from the clan research. Compass Rose? 3 seasons and I never saw a viable drop. If I want to waste my life playing an RNG simulator, I'll go play D3.

And that's another thing: why, in the name of all things bright, beautiful, and worth living for on this miserable planet are the items that we can spend well over a week grinding for WORSE than what we can build in the dojo? Why do you see this as acceptable when your entire player base is telling you the exact opposite? The items that you make in the dojo help to get you started to get better loot. If I'm going to spend this much time for an item that ends up being worse than the dojo built item...then why am I even doing this in the first place? I have literally no reason to even grind for a reactor when the drop chance is 2%, I'm going to get rewards I can't even use in Railjack, and then the item I spent all that time getting is worse than what I can just craft from my dojo. Is anyone at DE seeing this issue? Because, once again, the players sure are.

Also: why in gods name would you nerf the archwings? You saw people getting out of the Railjacks and using their archwings and realized "oh wait...this is a problem". You're absolutely right - jumping out of a massive ship with guns that are literally the size of my archwing in favor of a smaller vessel because that smaller vessel is more effective is an issue. I don't even want to count how many times I loaded into a Railjack mission only to load into a ship that was completely silent, the pilot nowhere on board...only to look out of the window to see flashes of gunfire in the distance to realize that they've abandoned their ship because it's much less effective than the archwing. So again, you successfully identified the problem. What you absolutely failed in doing, is identifying the solution to this problem by making the archwings weaker. You guys really messed this up. Badly.

Players don't abandon the Railjack because the Archwing is overpowered (which apparently you guys think it is, when it really isn't). Players abandon the Railjack because it is not as powerful as it should be. You may think "Oh, but it is very powerful! I can go out in the Veil and deal with those ships no problem!" Even in the Veil and now that I have my own Railjjack (which has full Mk3 parts, by the way) people load into the game, instantly leave my ship, and start murdering everything in the arcwhing faster than I can in my ship. You don't solve this problem by nerfing the archwing - you solve this problem by removing the reason people use it like this in the first place - you make the Railjack stronger. If anything you're going to dig yourselves a deeper hole, because I can absolutely promise you, your player base is going to find a way to continue to make the archwing a better alternative no matter what you do to it because you are not addressing the true problem. 

Getting to the avionics, why do some of these exist when they absolutely do not scale? Why is an avionic ability that I get in the Veil completely useless in the Veil? I got Shatter Burst today and when I shot it in Free Flight I thought "...holy S#&$...this is gonna be awesome". I loaded into Gian Point and fired it. It did next to no damage to everything that it hit. I'm starting to believe that you guys don't have the word "viable" in your dictionary. No, it is not the same as the word "functional". I'm going to pull out the "A******" card here and bring up the definition of the word "viable" from the Merriam Webster Dictionary, followed by the definition of "functional" in the Merriam Webster Dictionary.  

Viable - Definition 2c (1): "having a reasonable chance of succeeding."

Functional - Definition 3: "performing or able to perform a regular function."

Are Shatter Burst and Seeker Volley functional? Yes. They are. Are either of them actually viable? Once you hit the highest levels, which is where they would be the most useful, they absolutely are NOT viable. Shatter Burst is especially perplexing because it is absolutely worthless in the final area when it only drops in the final area.


I could continue, but I'm hungry, I'm exhausted, and most of all, I'm extremely frustrated. I stopped playing Warframe and Railjack was the one thing I had been looking forwards to and the one thing that could bring me back to the game. I download and install Warframe, play Railjack only to come back to something that just...isn't fun or enjoyable. This is coming from someone who has played space combat games in the past (I practically grew up playing Wing Commander, StarLancer, Freelancer, Privateer, Privateer 2) and played other games in the genre after that (Black Prophecy, Scam Citizen Star Citizen). The expectation of coming to a game mode where I could literally control a light gunboat (if it can even be in that category for how pathetically weak that it is) in a (somewhat) organized squad of 4 was there. I was hoping it would be good. I WANTED it to be good. In the end, it is a monumental disappointment. Congratulations. You have made a game mode that I was seriously looking forwards to so irritating, frustrating, and maddening that I don't even want to waste the storage space on my computer to keep this game installed.



I just realized that I started this post to address one issue, and it turned into...whatever this is.

Edited by MrBolodenka
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Maybe it would be a tactical intrinsic, but I think there should be an icon next to players names (sort of like the icons that pop up when you buff other players) that show what they're doing, i.e. on thw railjack, piloting, gunning, archwing, away on a crewship/away mission, etc.

I know it's already viewable in the Tactical Menu, but atm the moment that's kinda clunky (other thing; using the tactical menu is clunky) and you can still get scenarios where nothing is getting repaires because everyone is assuming someone else is getting off their gunnery seat to do it, or everyone is dropping whatever they are doing because they can't be sure that people are going to get to it if they don't.

Having that sort of at-a-glance icon would help a lot.

Edited by Foefaller
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I've gotten all the highest value Avionics for my build. I just have to say this... What the Duck is going on?

Bulkhead: 506% more ship health

Hull Weave: 256% more armor

Maxima: 76% more shields (???????)

Why? I was looking foreward to having 6k shields. It would increase RaIljack survivability greatly. Instead the difference between the highest Maxima and second highest is a ratty 200-300 shields.

Maxima needs a boost. At least to the level of armor since shields are there to keep a ship from taking damage. If I had a spaceship my shields would be top notch because I don't like having systems explode and catch fire.

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2 hours ago, AreeSoothsayer said:

I've gotten all the highest value Avionics for my build. I just have to say this... What the Duck is going on?

Bulkhead: 506% more ship health

Hull Weave: 256% more armor

Maxima: 76% more shields (???????)

Why? I was looking foreward to having 6k shields. It would increase RaIljack survivability greatly. Instead the difference between the highest Maxima and second highest is a ratty 200-300 shields.

Maxima needs a boost. At least to the level of armor since shields are there to keep a ship from taking damage. If I had a spaceship my shields would be top notch because I don't like having systems explode and catch fire.

Might be in part because there is equipment that also boosts your shields, when there is no such equivalent to armor or hull.

I've also noticed that most of the "lesser" avionics are often superior in a per-capaciry basis rather than a max possible basis, especially when you factor bonus levels from the grid. That said, I believe the costs for both Maximas that I have are the same, and one is just simply worse than the other... maybe an oversight?

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4 hours ago, MrBolodenka said:

Take items that we don't use in Railjack out of the Railjack reward tables.

Railjack is a self contained unit completely separate from the rest of the game. There is absolutely nothing I get in the main game (aside from credits and boosters) that I will ever use in Railjack, or even be able to use in Railjack. So why am I getting items in Railjack that 1) I can easily obtain in the main game, and 2) I cannot even use in Railjack? Forma blueprints, riven slivers, relics, I use absolutely none of these in Railjack. The only thing they are doing is clogging up the reward tables making it more difficult to actually get items that are useful for the section of the game where I obtain them.

Not everyone who plays Warframe plays Railjack, but everyone who plays Railjack plays Warframe. Having an incentive you can take back to the main game - that isn't a unique and gated item that's available only in Railjack like the three new weapons - is kind of a good thing. Not everything needs to be a farm for a particular resource, like Kuva Siphons or Arbitration, but having consolation prize items on the drop table that are at least progress for something somewhere are fine. 

Meanwhile, this is the only relevant content involving archwings and doesn't drop any archwing mods. What's up with that?

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