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Empyrean: The most amazing, enjoyable and incredable experience DE have made by far.


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As someone who plays solo, I can totally see where having just one lad or lass next to me in that Railjack will make a massive difference. Right now, getting out of the pilot seat is asking for my ship to get stonked by everything. In order for me to effectively deal with a simple fire, electrical malfunction, or hull breach, I have to eliminate the enemy around me. So far, that has been viable through the first two missions as I use those to level up my Intrinsics and gather resources and better equipment. Does the idea of random equipment make me smile? Depends on how that equipment is acquired. Random stats on equipment has existed in many games, especially looting games. It's about the method of acquiring them. And I very much enjoy the big blasters and the large ship and the space fights and the bam boom bang of my ship as it shoots down fighters.

Sure, as someone who plays solo, things are really difficult and I'm having trouble progressing quickly, but that's okay. I'm just gonna level up my intrinsics and make my way slowly through the system.


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The players saying warframe is about grind are the guys who join capture missions and go around breaking every crate and locker and never reach extraction before the timer is up and have 5% dmg dealt or less. 

Meanwhile, the rest of us enjoy actually playing a 3rd person action game with good ranged and melee combat where everyone is a "caster" to some degree.

For us, the grind is just something that comes along with the rest of the game. Its the sibling you HAVE to babysit. 

Everyone who is seeing sparkles over railjack will change their tune after a week or two, before everything is maxed out, when the lack of variety in gameplay actually settles in. 

If the dogfights were better, many of us would feel different. 

This is mostly timegating our progress disguised as "ur weak to begin with"

Hitting jordas golem for 300k crits with velocitus but some pathetic entry level fighter only takes 300. Less than 1%. How does that make any sense? 

Enemy variety is lacking. Objective variety is lacking. We need faster jacks, bigger numbers, and bigger enemies. Along with regulae aw fodder. And full spectrum grineer unit variety. 

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1 hour ago, Zakual said:

annnnnd this is different from the rest of the game because? 

Its a farming game. After all these years you'd think people would accept that by now.. 

I also genuinely wonder if anyone who is currently going off the deep end with their criticism would actually be happy with the content they get access too no matter what. Like not everything in the game is for everyone for example; I dont particularly like bounties they can be mind numbing with all the back tracking but I can still appreciate them for what they are and enjoy them for what they are (which is why I dont do them often anymore as im maxed out in everything) - so maybe people who dont like it should just go and do the things they were enjoying before and ignore RJ as much as they can (until new war drops which is when it will probably matter more as other things will probably drop with it) - so if it bothers you so much just... you know... don't play it? There is still plenty too do and if you have nothing left to enjoy then take a break and do something else. This game will never please everyone that much is clear. 

so you're telling me you find putting out fire and arch wing fun?  the idea is that they improve the game based on the core elements of what made the game popular to begin with.  attaching unpopular systems in to a new game mode is not the way to do it.  not to mention all other modes have things to grind for. the reward vs time spent just isn't there for rail jack. why am I doing these missions that are exactly the same over and over for? more resources? some people are having their honeymoon stage now, and that's fine. but don't make it seem like everyone is blind to see how basic and empty this mode is.

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Couldn't agree more this mode has been great (bugs and tweaks aside).  I spent around 8 hours playing it yesterday, and while I'll probably not play that much again any time soon I will be playing it regularly.  Its a great, welcome addition and I enjoy it a lot more than I did the release of either Eidolon or Fortuna.

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while I wouldn't call Railjack the most amazing part of the game (that title goes to the story quests imo) I am still glad that Railjack turned out so good.

granted if you encounter serious bugs, like the ship being completely invisi le around you, or you have 3 brain dead monkeys in your squad you are bound to suffer.

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Honestly, all problems aside (and there certainly are those), I've had an incredible amount of fun being basically a crew member from my runs of FTL 😉  Solo is, as expected, not great (though I've done some of it), but 2-manning with my brother is an absolute blast. I'm our gunner, engineer, and boarder. He pilots (much better than I do since the aim controls snap instead of being smooth on controller, leading to aiming deadzones, whereas the side guns have no such problem), and handles major repairs when I'm away.  It's particularly fun doing things like working together back and forth to destroy bases, me from the base, and him from the ship, opening up targets and objectives for eachother.

He says runs with me go much smoother than a lot of his 4-man pubs, even when we can't voice chat.

We've encountered bugs and stuff - we even almost succeeded at the run where the ship vanished on me, I successfully fumbled around to get out and board a ship, hoping that might help, then eventually fumbled my way up blind to the pilot controls so we could switch roles. But on the whole we've both had a lot of fun with this.

Edited by Andvarja
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For the first time in years I thought "wait, this doesn't feel like the same old."

What a breath of fresh air. It felt like the old days, where I was talking to my squad mates, we were doing things together. Felt like a completely new experience. Gameplay is fun and pretty smooth overall(yes I know there are bugs and it still needs more polish).

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I just feel that Railjack is a bigger archwing... I expected real spacefights vs big ships (like ours) and nost the same stuff we did in archwing just with a few extra steps... also to many bugs so that I stopped playing it. Maybe try it again in a few weeks...

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It's super rough to start out solo. And it won't change when command comes as you still need to level that skill up along with a few levels of all the other skills. And to do cheesy kiting and astroid hiding many many times in the first missions. Then long arduous salvaging rounds of the whole empty map to build up a comfortable amount of supplies. As you literally rub your railjack over astroids to make sure you break open all the dull tiny canisters to collect resources and the possible avionics, or just to pick up things not affected by vacuum for some reason.

Skirmish after skirmish it was starting to look really bad. But... after a dozen missions and 6 nodes in. It finally gave me an extra objective to destroy a pulse relay. It finally showed me the potential of co-op and away teams running around in a astroid and how the crew outside could help speed things along. I did it solo. But it was finally something more than just ship fighting. 

Empyrean is a muddy road. It needs gravel, cement, smoothing. But it's going up the mountain and I want to see the top.

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3 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

It's super rough to start out solo. And it won't change when command comes as you still need to level that skill up along with a few levels of all the other skills. And to do cheesy kiting and astroid hiding many many times in the first missions. Then long arduous salvaging rounds of the whole empty map to build up a comfortable amount of supplies. As you literally rub your railjack over astroids to make sure you break open all the dull tiny canisters to collect resources and the possible avionics, or just to pick up things not affected by vacuum for some reason.

Skirmish after skirmish it was starting to look really bad. But... after a dozen missions and 6 nodes in. It finally gave me an extra objective to destroy a pulse relay. It finally showed me the potential of co-op and away teams running around in a astroid and how the crew outside could help speed things along. I did it solo. But it was finally something more than just ship fighting. 

Empyrean is a muddy road. It needs gravel, cement, smoothing. But it's going up the mountain and I want to see the top.

I'd agree with this on every point. Skirmish works well as a 'core', just like killing enemies does in Warframe, but additional objectives are what really makes a system. I'd also be down for more objectives such as defense - a civilian ship shows up and you need to keep it safe from incoming fighters by boarding it, patching holes and repelling enemy boarders, whilst the Railjack tries to defend them on the outside. Integrating multiple kinds of mission type together feels like the natural evolution of Empyrean to me.

That being said, it's still better than the liches, which honestly isn't even a road, it's a bit of land that's naturally smoother than anything else in most places.

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3 minutes ago, EdinaMonsoon said:

like i said, drama queens 🤭

you're seeing all the negativity cus the rest of the fanbase is too busy enjoying it to come whine on the internet

and it's only phase 2 of 3 so you'll get your story soon etc

This is important.

Forums have an innate negativity bias - their primary role is to serve as a feedback point. Of course, most people notice they need to give feedback when they notice something wrong. Over time that causes a drift towards a more negative mindset overall.

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I like it.
There's alot of good stuff in there so far.
There's also some really annoying bugs that need to be squooshed.
DE made a good and fun thing, Thanks!

...and thanks in advance for sticking with it long enough to squash the bugs! ( hopefully )

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Enjoying it alot too. It does get a bit repetative, but then again we knew that before it released, atleast those that actually listened to the devs. We got 1 mission type, that was also the full intent of this first release so we could help identify the bugs aswell as possible balancing issues etc. I rather have this one mission type than none at all.

Even with the repetative missions and slight lack of ground/away team combat it is entertaining to say the least. 

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Thread cleaned and unlocked. If a large quantity of your posts were removed, that may be an indication that what you were doing probably does not mesh well with the forum rules. This means it may be a good idea to step back or discuss things in other threads.

Also, just because you don't like Empyrean doesn't mean you violate forum rules and call folks who do enjoy it 'morons' or 'idiots' or 'white knights' or 'sheep' etc.

Believe it or not, it is in fact possible for folks to have different opinions from you and enjoy something that you don't, and that is something you will need to deal with. Players are allowed to create threads showing appreciation for the work DE has put into the update. Meanwhile, you are more than welcome to provide your own feedback (be it positive or negative) in your own thread (or preferably in the relevant megathread in the feedback subforum).


Edited by Letter13
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I love the update, bugs notwithstanding.  I do have some issues with it, like items should drop WHEN fighters spiral out of control, not after they've spun away another 1000m then blown up, and drops could stand to be a little bigger or at least have their auras scale a bit with distance.  But a lot of my problems outside of bugs feel like QoL issues.

It IS hard getting started, and I feel these space Grineer (both ground and space units) maybe scale a little harder than they should relative to their standard counter parts (why does DE feel compelled to make each new iteration of Grineer have higher base stats?  Not all of us want to use catchmoon-tier weapons by level 60.)  But once you figure out how to survive the crap, get a few avionics and intrinsics under your belt, things start to get much more manageable.

And while gear drops ARE RNG, there's a method to the madness - how many variants on turrets do we really need?  I've got an MKI apoc from two different houses, one looks stated to be a straight upgrade to the standard apoc, while the other trades overheating extra fast to do much more damage per round.  I get that people are going to complain about RNG, but in 3 months, people will recommend to newbies, "get [house] carcinnox" in the same way they recommend people get argon scope, like the latter is even available year around, or get a riven.

Edited by Lost_Cartographer
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I'm loving it. It can be so fast paced, everybody needing to do their part to keep everything together. Sure, there are the bugs, but there are always bugs. doesn't detract from the overall experience. 

Edited by Rivyn
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14 hours ago, Arniox said:


Just stay in the missions longer and farm around and you can get hundreds and thousands of the resources very quickly. 

So I realized this after the very first mission. I love that they allow you to stay in the region and explore - and there are surprises. Occasionally a single vessel will appear you have to try to take out before it jumps out for even more resources and loot. The "Golden Axe" loot pinata goblin trope (that has appeared in countless RPGs since) where a "loot mob" appears and you have a short window of time to take it out for bonus rewards. Them throwing little stuff like that in make Empyrean truly something special and it is an AMAZING foundation for unifying various Warframe gameplay loops and I can't wait to see them expand this more. 

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I'm a sucker for space sims and space combat games, and i gotta say DE knows their S#&$. It's not perfect, but the core loop of the game is fun (unlike liches) and the systems are interesting and engaging, you are always doing stuff regardless of your roll.

Yes i know it's a bug-fest, and not a fun one, but give it a week or two, maybe a month, and it will feel much better.

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