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When is "enough content?"

(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

DE can't just keep adding new mechanics and content islands forever. After how many warframes, open worlds, and quests will DE look at their game and say, "It is finished" and then solely focus on polish and fixes?

Not sure that's how free to play games work is it?

I'd love a prolonged period though of pure fixes for all the issues that remain issues for the last year or longer (Eidolon limb health bars, freezing on kuvival when you pick up a toxic flight etc) and make up for that with repeated events and alerts.

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)smb-twisted said:

Not many, which is why I asked.

It certainly doesn't seem its how this one works... 

Well this game still has a lot of place holders lol. 

Nef Anyo boss fight for one.

vey hek and kela and regor used to be place holders. 

still a lot of operator stuff to go.
other solar system with sentient stuff. 

I mean, they can probably squeeze another 4 years of new content.

Edited by Vesiga
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Right now, we do not need more new frames, while old ones suffer.

Another new open world means another batch of new recources and standing to farm. Right now, with Railjack and all, I will pass.

Quests? Not enough quests. Not enough warframe quests. What's the last frame that came out? I don't remember. I would, if it had a quest. Even a tiny one.

Edited by AlphaPHENIX
Leverian does not count as a tiny one.
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That’s actually a good question. I don’t think even DE expected Warframe to last this long. I remember when this game had absolutely no story, no real intent to keep playing. Now seeing what it became. All this stuff you can do in the game now. It’s tough to say when it could end. Even if DE felt like the game was slowing down. From warframes or story. They could easily grab ideas from the community. Especially when it comes to warframes. 

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Games like Warframe thrive on new content. Fixing old stuff doesn't engage players nearly as much as brand new stuff. If a player has finished everything in the game and has nothing to work towards, an old frame getting a rework isn't really going to entice them to continue playing, because other than trying it out for a bit, they aren't going to use it for anything.

New content also generates hype and news content, which both bring in new players, while reworks don't. You won't see Kotaku or Polygon or some other site with a headline of "Warframe changes stats on a bunch of stuff" because literally every game does that and more.

Lots of games work like this. Most of them add new content specifically in a way that the overall experience remains largely the same, so that constant new additions don't bloat the core gameplay. Path of Exile is full of side activities but the main gameplay is still largely the same, GTA Online has lots of side ventures to buy into but it's still driving cars to places full of people to shoot at its core, MOBAs and hero shooters constantly add more characters but you can usually get by without having to know everything about all of them.

Warframe has a LOT of side additions and tangents, but at its core it's still speeding through self-contained missions while throwing out melee, guns and magic powers, and then coming back to your ship to engage in the RPG-esque modding system. No matter what you click on, you can rely on that system existing. As long as Warframe maintains that core experience then it will be able to keep on adding new content for a very long time.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

Not sure how many free games you've played. Most don't keep adding brand new content islands, just events and stuff. 

That simply isn't true. Most free to play games, or really, any game that isn't initially a single player game, does not last much longer after going into maintenance mode. Games that enter maintenance mode do not get bug fixes, or any sort of polish. Those games have nearly no development budget, and publishers put in the bare amount of money possible in maintaining said games; after all, why would any publisher waste money on a small game that is never going to be updated?

We have games that are nearly 20 years old, still receiving new content for a reason. Games that are not designed around releasing a new version every 1-3 years rely on new content. We don't get a new Warframe game every couple years.

Even pvp games see new content in the form of new maps, game modes, or weapons/characters.

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we arguably have "enough" content, but as a business, DE wants to make money, which means they need to add new things to attract players. I would love it if they would rework some old Tilesets and some old game modes, but that means delaying The New War and The Duviri Paradox. that's not something the wider community would take lightly, let me tell you. once the Hype train starts it mustn't be derailed, lest there be a Tsaltnami that wipes us all out. I like that they tweaked the Kuva Fortress a little bit, some of that lighting was a bit mad, but most players won't notice that; they'll sure as hell notice a new frame being added though.

they are getting a little better though. Jupiter got a great remaster, they remastered the Plains, and now the oldest of Tilesets, the Corpus Ships, are getting remastered. then there's the companion reworks, which are something we've been wanting for a while now.. I do believe that DE listens, it's just that sometimes we have to scream to be heard. new content will likely always be the priority, but as long as they go back and fix one major thing a year at the very least, then it's a decent enough balance IMO.



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without constant content, what are the players at the top end to do, and if there is no new content why would new players come along. Constant new content allows for the retention of players and attraction of new ones, wanting to see the new features.


Otherwise players like myself would of stopped after about a month. to max the old [U4+ CBT] content. but here i am now some 8 years on, still playing because I obviously have a problem lol, and im trying to drag out intrinsics instead of instantly maxing them.

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Polishing stuff does not make them any money.  They do a tileset rework?  Are people going throw cash at DE for doing that?  They redo the entire melee system?  They aren't getting money for that either.  They have to keep making content to make money off this game as they don't have other revenue sources other than people buying platinum or buying prime access.  

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Il y a 6 heures, (XB1)Erudite Prime a dit :

DE can't just keep adding new mechanics and content islands forever. After how many warframes, open worlds, and quests will DE look at their game and say, "It is finished" and then solely focus on polish and fixes?

_a bunch of simple minded sheeps just bomb rush the forum with "content drought" complaints everytime we get 2 weeks without an update. And our quality youtube "partners", always there to show off their non-existent brain, tend to rally those sheeps to them. (This is disconnected from my next points obviously, as those guys have no patience)

_DE needs to pay their rent and their employees, qol and fixes are not marketable and thus bring no money whatsoever.

_Do you really honestly think even YOU wouldn't start asking for some new things after a while ? I know I would, after 1k+ hours, there's only so much you can do to make your own fun. New frames, weapons, modes and yes, even full on islands help with that.



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There will never be enough. Such is the nature of a f2p live service business model.

This game in particular, even after 7 years, is pretty light in the content department. How many times can you run a lowbie survival mission on the same map in 7 years and still be entertained? Most of the games replayability is an illusion in the form of padding more so than the missions being engaging. 

If you strip away all the mobile gatcha free 2 play nonsense, you're left with a pretty shallow game.

It has always been in need of something meatier and more substantial than the missions available. New frames and weapons are great but they lose their novelty quick when playing the same missions over and over. Especially since the difficulty doesn't ever increase. Perpetually stuck doing level 1-30 missions.



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8 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

DE can't just keep adding new mechanics and content islands forever. After how many warframes, open worlds, and quests will DE look at their game and say, "It is finished" and then solely focus on polish and fixes?

The answer is that we need more content until MR 30 becomes attainable.

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9 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

Not sure how many free games you've played. Most don't keep adding brand new content islands, just events and stuff. 

what? Umm are you sure this isn't your first MMO? Everquest, for example, has been going for 20 or so years (since 1999) and is still releasing content. Hell, I think UO still releases content.

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9 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

DE can't just keep adding new mechanics and content islands forever. After how many warframes, open worlds, and quests will DE look at their game and say, "It is finished" and then solely focus on polish and fixes?

never, because you cannot monetize "polishing previous content".

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)horridhal said:

I’m a vet.  I have every frame in the game, with all but 3-4 being completely formaed, almost every weapon, and every companion.  I want more content alongside fixes.

The two things are not mutually exclusive.

problem is most new content equates to just throwing more weapons at you behind an ever increasing timegate but giving no actual fun repeatable content to play, meaning its back to hydron, eso and whatever else usually occupies your day.

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