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Scarlet Spear: 27.3.14


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Why do this to Harrow why is this a mod and not a buff that makes him decent in pubs why isn't it an EXILUS at least!? the effect should be active at all times, not when enemies are condemned, Harrows biggest problem is enemies dying before you can kill them, so how does this even help? If Harrows have issues getting kills in public play when hitscan weapons and the Ignis exist then how is a SLOW moving line projectile going to help them out? it should at least give 150% instead of 50%, this make it an actual ability and enforces cooperation with chaining for allies instead of lessened punishment because someone picked Mesa or Saryn.

Furthermore the mod in it's current state is not increasing his potential or making the ability "stronger" but instead adds a utility he should have had since release, the fact this is not an elixus mod while Grendal gets new freaking ability is triggering, it not even a buff because he is getting a lessened value that struggle to repay the 1 needed to benefit from it, it's literally a team based utility, UTILITY, and not only that, it's an augment that can actually LOSE you energy.

This isn't creating new playstyles because an Ignis wraith will generate me more energy and DOESN'T take my redirection, adaptation or stretch slots while this does, if I ONLY had to give up my Power Drift then this MIGHT situationally be useful on infested nodes...

I can tell you don't play this game because you didn't consider how a projectile with travel time will NOT fix Saryns or Mesa 1 shotting the map and granting you zero energy for your 400 energy buff

To make this mod even better I use a build where I get 45 energy on kill and I have 100% efficiency, this mod actually loses me energy if I don't latch 2 targets at max strength meaning this mod is more like a condemn efficiency mod, or Harrows version of Photon Repeater, because of the minimum latches needed to not get caught up in an energy scam, if your team is nuking the map the hardest part is refunding the condemn energy cost and then trying to make a profit lol, and that's full charge, god forbid you do a cast with less then 45 energy a kill which is a 400 energy invested, you might need 3-5 mobs per cast to get a refund, try doing that vs non infested.

Another super sub par update for me, I feel insulted as someone with Harrow as my main frame, If this doesn't get buffed to 100% AND is put in the exilus slot then I won't be buying from you EVER again, I'm done getting screwed by every patch you have released these 12 months...

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6 hours ago, -AxHx-Vile said:

Why do you keep adding new things that probably almost nobody will even use

Speak for yourself, I think that Titania augment looks mighty useful, it might encourage me to use her some more

6 hours ago, -AxHx-Vile said:

when there are so many abandoned aspects of the game that absolutely need "revising" / "reworking", etc? I could name them all, but you've heard them all a hundred times I'm sure.

Problems so numerous that you couldn't even cite one or two as examples. Problems you supposedly care about so much and don't want them to keep being forgotten, yet you don't even mention them. That'll help.

6 hours ago, -AxHx-Vile said:

I just don't get it. Can you guys truly make a "Warframe Revised", instead of just glancing over a few things, tweaking them and acting like you've massively changed the game?

You minimizing the recent changes doesn't make them any less broad in scope and deep in impact. Do you have any idea how intimidating it is for any company in DE's position to revisit the freaking damage system, the very core of the game?

6 hours ago, -AxHx-Vile said:

And instead of just constantly stacking new content on top, while older content just appears to be utterly forgotten?

Believe it or not, 100+ people are capable of both refactoring old content and preparing new content. But even ignoring that, would you really be cool with a 6-12 months new content hiatus in order to revisit those "many abandoned aspects of the game"? No, you'd be among the first to complain. I know because your post was 100% nostalgia, dramatizing and making it all about what you want, as if everything else DE does is worthless because it doesn't cater to you specifically. Not even the shadow of constructive feedback in sight.

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Hi DE,  hope u all are staying safe .. thanks for hotfixes.. appreciated as always !  .. and here comes the BUT.. hows about augments for frames that have very few .. like Revenant for example. 

While we are in lockdown we need things to do, Warframe is great to get stuck into, but we need to have goals or it just becomes grind for no reason.

Railjack/Scarlet Spear .. what about letting us farm intrinsics for the Command Module.  You've given us a neat event that we can use to get arcanes etc but we still cant progress intrinsics for the next module once we have the other 4 maxed. Put umbra formas in the lil ducks shop, we are battling Sentients and Umbra mods were made to do this yet we cant get them

Arbitration .. The drop rates for Vitus are terrible it used to be great I still dont know what happened but it went from a good different challenge for the long run players to farm Kuva and other stuff from Arbitration shop to a waste of time .. increase the drop chance to give us the desire to go there again.  Its a great mode and it would get used more if the rewards were up'd.

SO/ESO .. another great mode that has fallen flat, players only use it for XP/focus .. put somekind of reward in, give us players a reason to be there

Right now in this era of Warframe we are gearing up for space and ground battles against Sentients as well as all other factions.. let us gear up for it.. The lockdown that the world is in currently is a real pain for most, but Warframe can alleviate some of this pain for us, instead of added to it with purposeless grind .. give us some purpose to utilise this player time opportunity with, Umbra forma, vitus, Intrinsics etc ..



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Good augment to most of frames, but for me grendel is still bad, DE hyped ppl so much bout this warframe ( and all the other recently launched) but in the end its just a half uselless frame. All the hype about a catamary warframe gone to space , cuz dunno why but DE probably tought it was too op, or something like that, and even with this augment this doesnt change the fact grendel have horrible manouvering in his 4th, wich u constantly keeps crashing into things and loosing momentum, this will just help a lil with moving in ball mode.

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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed markers not pathing properly in the Infested Salvage mission.

O dayum, I thought you guys forget about this mission type. I must say this is a great place to farm relics fast (and those old mods ...) alone.

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At least this time half the comments were about saying thanks and showing appreciation. Still whiners and people saying there's never any worthwhile new content or changes, but I guess you can just never please some people.

Thanks for continuing to support the game from home DE. I really do appreciate it.

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5 hours ago, sorcer3r said:

"Harrow - Condemn Augment - Tribunal
Other players will proc 50% of the effects of Penance and Thurible when attacking chained enemies."


Please "fix" 🙂

Honestly, this really shouldn't have to be an augment. The restrictions that already exist from the limited radius of the abilities are enough of a balance for this change to be implemented outside of yet another band-aid mod.

Penance and Thurible should simply just work with allies killing and damaging enemies within the ability range. Maintaining the 50% effect value is fine.

There have been several threads asking for this change - I do not believe that what has been provided is adequate. 

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I'm waiting for you fix the plains the power is insanelly  higher now and the game drops below 60, yes all set it to max  but thats not an excuse for an RX 580 at 1080p so netter fix this crappy performance on the Eidolon Plains 

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9 hours ago, RevanZim said:

Interesting, thanks.

Also is it known why the Arbitration Arcanes are still not available from Little Duck? Patch 27.3.8 said this:

Which made it sound like ALL Arcanes were added. But they weren't. There's still 5 rare Arcanes left to add (Blade Charger, Bodyguard, Pistoleer, Primary Charger, Tanker). Why are they excluded?

If there is a particular reason and this reason is known, can anyone link me to a statement from DE explaining this discrepancy? Otherwise please add these Arcanes DE, this makes no sense right now. People that had a rank 3 in one of those 5 still need 11 more like anyone else now to max it.

If I'm not mistaken, these are the arbitration arcanes. I don't have any official statements to link you to, but it appeared that they wanted to keep these arcanes special since the prerequisite to getting these arcanes is different than the ones that were originally in the Eidolon drop table! I'm sorry I couldn't help more!

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9 hours ago, Drachnyn said:

(in regards to "Tribunal" augment for Harrow)
This will not solve Harrow being the most selfish support. It needs to give the effects of Penance and Thurible to allies hit by condemn, not just the enemies hit by it.

That sounds like just a missing feature and not something that should be bandaided by an augment.

Harrow's abilities should count allies killing/damaging enemies within the ability range - it should have always been like this. 


8 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

I'm salty about the Harrow augment, but whatever, I just won't use it.

I think, for the most part, you'd be hard pressed to fit this augment into a build - let alone use it without it feeling clunky. 


8 hours ago, Asdryu said:

Tribunal exilus? No? Thanks, but actually, no thanks.

Harrow was supposed to get energy or whatever from "assists" and he gets nothing. He needs so many mods to be worth using in non solo scenarios and not only that, enemies need to be chained too?

And let me recap: he needs to use the 1, but the augment works for the 2nd and the 3rd. 2nd still requires energy to use while it asks you to sacrifice shields so better to activate thurible to save up the energy (don't get me started if there are nullifiers). Augment is heavily oriented on teamplay and this frame not only failed miserably to replace Trinity in any shape or form, but still is mostly solo oriented to work. Bah, confused af

It's an incredibly long path for minimal results. I fear this has not helped Harrow in the slightest. Having the conditional clause that they must be chained is complete nonsense... the chains travel too slow for this to be worthwhile; it's more likely that your bullets would travel faster.

8 hours ago, pokeyoface said:

Harrow and Grendel's augment both sound like they should've just been built-in, not a mod, I can't justify using a slot for either mod in my actual builds, Grendel is too energy hungry to get much use out of Pulverize and therefore the augment for it by extension, and I tend to be a solo player so Harrow's is automatically pointless for me, Titania and Hildryn's augments do sound good though, so points for that.

Agreed. 100%.

It's augments like this that fall far too short to be useful. It's very clear that there was debate on whether or not these should have been added as core components and the objectively incorrect choice was taken. 

Grendel's augment at least has the benefit of being an exilus. 

7 hours ago, ADirtyMonk said:

(in regards to "Tribunal" augment for Harrow)
Too conditional. Chains are too slow and have too narrow a range. This also makes for a very unreliable heal/energy restore. Players should proc effects so long as they are in the radius of 2 and 3. Also this should have been built into Harrow's kit. Not as another bandaid. This should be part of base functionality of the ability.


Again, I have to agree. It's clear that many of us are disappointed with this augment mod. It's obvious that it should have been added as a core mechanic.

4 hours ago, ldegroodt115 said:

Grendel and Harrow augments look like direct bandaids to kit issues..

Truth, and truth again.

3 hours ago, ParadoxWill said:

TBH, while somewhat welcomed for some, most are bandaids:

Harrow - 100% Pure Bandaid. Harrow should've had something akin this from the jump, no excuses.

Grendel - Another Bandaid, I see. Sucks that this is his first agument, not great here. Pls revisit Grendel his overall kit can be much better.

Overall this feels more like afterthoughts than introducing another way to play a frame. I would rather you revist all the warframes and integrate some of these augments to the base kit and make good augments.

There are far too many augments that already exist in the game that offer so little and should be incorporated into the base kit. This is, after all, an entire mod slot that is going to be used. Augments should offer unique, ability changing mechanics - not strict upgrades or fixes for abilities that aren't currently working as intended. 

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Don't quite understand why the cap on Scarlet Spear bonus is so low because it encourages leaving the current Flotilla and searching for another that is likely to reach 100 Murex, which usually there are no flotillas open with a low or high enough number after about an hour and a half of reset. Needing to cram a full squad into a good Flotilla is also a pain. It all just feels rather frustrating, the matchmaking, the heavy reliance on other players, the bugs, oh the bugs... Warframe is becoming more and more frustrating to me by the month. As much as I appreciate the hundreds of thousands of bugs fixed, the way so many things work (or don't) just, feels wrong, or just bad. The more the game progresses, the more core components and mechanics become tedious and "why bother?"-some, I understand as a dev. negative feedback is just that, negative, but if criticism isn't taken, cynicism can lead to failure... and for me that's where a lot of components look like they are facing- a cynical demise.
For efficiency's sake, when I'm actually trying to get things done in game it feels like I only ever make any progress or can make progress when I have a booster that makes getting to little milestones more rewarding, because it feels like I'm actually making progress, even if I'm basically wasting my time leveling freshly forma'd pea-shooters. For example, I feel like I'm wasting time when I'm doing the index when I don't have a credit booster AND it isn't a double credit weekend.

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb Mr_S0und:

i still feel that titania augment for razorwing damage reduction needs rework since no one is going to pick that over aviator.

Yes people do. That augment is meant for The Index.
By default Titania scoops up all points from afar, making it impossible to play with her in a team because if she kills something, it's probably within range of her vacuum, so she can't leave the points to a Rhino player.
With this augment she is a serious pick now. I only play Index with her now and am a valid alternative to Mesa at that.

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The new titania augment is cool I guess. but can you do something about the hot garbage that is her Exilus. Aviator is better. and I don;t mean nerf aviator. why not something like "Titania can use primary weapon in razor wing" kind of augmnent or at least "Titania can use archgun in razorwing"

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48 minutes ago, Reyj said:

Yes people do. That augment is meant for The Index.
By default Titania scoops up all points from afar, making it impossible to play with her in a team because if she kills something, it's probably within range of her vacuum, so she can't leave the points to a Rhino player.
With this augment she is a serious pick now. I only play Index with her now and am a valid alternative to Mesa at that.

That is the worse excuse I have heard for a garbage augment. If titania gets points in index..then she gets points in index, what is wrong with that? is your titania build so bad that you can;t handle a couple of points? I solo index with her and get to at least 10-15 before banking.

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Ehm ... another thing ...

Harrow's Augment ...


so now harrow is even more of a dad that doesn't even need to cast his abilities as his children already did the job and become indipendent?

Is this supposed to be the joke?

am i reading too much into it xD ?

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