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The old Console vs PC arguments


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This is intended to be about the technical side of the game rather than who hates or likes what. That said, it would be interesting to know what newbies and boomers alike find easy/difficult per platform? I realise this has all been talked about before ad nauseum ... but I'm yet to see a comparison in one place besides a few YouTube videos.

A lot of influence and debate goes on about the work DE does on the PC version... but I never really hear much about Xbox and how DE tailor controls or graphics and performance issues for the consoles in general. 

Are there things PC tenno can do which Xbox tenno cannot do? Easier modding, better squad organisation and communication, more complicated wall-running for example? 

How smoothly can a PC player transition to an Xbox controller or visa versa?

Let's take Old Blood, Railjack and Scarlet Spear's entry to the console... how much of it is unique to the Consoles? Do the animations and loading times get better or worse or stay the same?

I've tried the PC version and I find the keyboard very difficult to use compared to an Xbox pad. I don't own a PlayStation or Nintendo, so I don't know how to compare those. I imagine that it's hard to see what's going on in a Switch screen?

How many accounts do you have and which one do you like the most and which one is more challenging for you?

Have DE interwoven more difficulty or easiness into specific platforms intentionally or accidentally - IF there is any, I mean?

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Are there things PC tenno can do which Xbox tenno cannot do? 

Yes Indeed. 

KBM has the obvious advantage of allowing more precise aiming while moving, as well as being able to access more functions at the same time without having to take your hands off of either control stick. 

I personally use a Razer Orbweaver rather than a keyboard. I control basic movement on the thumbpad, leaving 4 fingers free for everything else. Sprinting, crouching, jumping, interacting, weapon switching, reloading, abilities, operator, gear. All of this can be accessed whilst also moving and aiming. I don't have to stop for anything. It's a much more fluid gameplay experience. 

And then There's mice with extra buttons. Without exaggeration, my mouse has more buttons than an Xbone pad. Logitech G600. It has a Left click, right click, AND an auxilliary click. Tilting the scroll wheel to either side counts as an extra input, there are 2 extra buttons on the top and a full suite of 12 buttons on the thumb side.

There are games that I play entirely with this mouse by mapping keyboard functions to the buttons, Like Cities: Skylines. 

Edited by Brynslustafir
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I play on ps4 and PC.  I started on PS4 and now mostly play on PC.  The biggest difference is frame rates and load times.  Loading the biggest zones like orb vallas in 5 seconds or poe loads in the time it takes to run to the door is very nice, and having a smooth 144fps (locked at refresh rate) at 1440p that never dips it starts making it feel pretty bad when you go back to console for a few days for something like the Scarlet spear.


 Speaking  of the Scarlet spear this event to slightly different on consoles they only go to 70 instead of 100.  My guess is console flotillas have a smaller capacity...  or it could be something else they might have even said it somewhere and I just haven't noticed.


I also play with a controller on both, I think the movement systems in Warframe works better on a controller.

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Honestly in games where twitch reflex isn't a priority I don't see the advantage of M&K.

Sure, menus are insanely better with a mouse, but I will never believe that WASD is comfortable, sure there are keyboards that make things better but I'd rather use one thumb than 3 fingers to move personally. I also (this is purely personal) don't see the appeal of having a flight simulator's worth of buttons available to me, games are at their best when their source of input is simple and instinctive imo.

On a completely seperate note however:

3 hours ago, (XB1)Primus Patronum said:

I imagine that it's hard to see what's going on in a Switch screen?

It actually scales better than you'd think, only difficulty I have is seeing resource drops in Empyrean.

If anything because of my issues seeing at a distance I have an easier time with the Switch screen, but that's just me.

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I've played for about one year on PS4 before moving to PC. This is what I can recall from the top of my mind:

1) Aiming. You can get pretty good with a controller, but nothing comes close to what KBM can do when you get accustomed to it.

2) On the PS4, I would basically not use most of the semi auto pistols, due to how exausting it can be constantly pressing the trigger on the controller plus handling recoil. On PC they are my favorite weapons

3) With KBM I can make full use of keyboard mapping and extra mouse buttons to do stuff that is simply not possible on a controller.

4) Spoilers: On console you get everything spoiled for you. Quests, bosses, lore, you name it. Hard to avoid it. On PC I can be surprised by the game when DE launches something new.

5) On PS4 I never got a game breaking bug that I can remember. When things got to us, most of the critical bugs had been identified and fixed.

Regarding performance, my experience with the PS4 Pro was pretty smooth. The game and missions loaded fast, and the graphics looked phenomenal. Sure, you can get much better quality with a beefy PC, but IIRC I never complained about that kind of stuff.

One thing I do remember and sometimes miss is the convenience and comfort of coming back from work, sitting back chilling on my sofa with a controller on my hand and enjoying the game on my big OLED 4k TV. I literally spent hours just sight seeing landscapes and some of the beautiful tilesets DE built for us.

Worth mentioning this was a while back, before the Old Blood, so no idea about Railjack / Scarlet Spear.

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Personally, I can't adjust to playing this game on a controller, but that's probably because I'm more used to KB/M. From what I've experienced, modding is a lot smoother on PC because it's just clicking and dragging the mod into the desired slot.

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operating any of the Consoles is basically the same, because they're basically the same. except for Switch just being really small.
how well one can use a Controller or KBM if they normally use the other is a matter of experience mostly, but the way your brain thinks also comes into play.


for example, the only games i can use Controllers for, is Driving Games. the Steam Controller is supposed to be more akin to KBM than other Controllers, so i got one for cheap but i still haven't used it in anything yet.
but for the rest of Controllers, Thumbsticks are just more abstracted from Human muscles than a Mouse is, so i cannot comprehend how to operate it. i grew up learning how my Human Muscles worked after all, and i understand how to interact with the world through that knowledge/experience.

i always prefer KBM in every single Video Game (except Driving Games, but i also don't play Driving Games very often so investing into Hardware i will only use for them is not very efficient at all). all of them. yes, that game that you heard people copy paste parrot that "you have to use a Controller for this", i play it with KBM and i enjoy the game fine. Input Hardware choices are not predetermined, you're the one that's going to operate the damn game, so whatever you operate well, is what you should use if you aren't looking to learn/gain experience in new Input Hardware.

i have upwards of 150 buttons in front of me. i can have a dedicated button for everything. that makes for very consistent, reliable execution of actions. i press this button, this happens. period, no questions.
combo/compound buttons are total cancer. they remove that confidence, now pressing this button is capable of doing more than one thing. contextual overrides are generally fine though, like how generic 'Interact' functions usually work. but most functions, overlapping them onto the same button makes using both of them more complicated.


is there anything KBM can do that Controllers can't? not really, though as a general rule i will say that KBM can do the same number of things faster, or do more things in the same time window. between dedicated Binds and if nothing else unquestionably having faster and more precise Camera control, it's not surprise if you ask me.



as for the Platforms past just the Input Hardware, as a general rule, PC Gaming has the capability for wildly higher performance than any other Platform, not to mention full control over your property doing what you want it to do and the way you want to do it. since Hardware/Software is freeform, you can opt in/out of essentially infinite choices.
this also means that Consoles struggle to Multi-task while PC can excel at this - not a requirement by any means but it's definitely very, very useful for Content Creators, people that are purchasing Electronics for more than just Entertainment needs, the list goes on quite a ways.





i probably had more to write but i got distracted and forgot about this Tab sitting open with a bunch of words in it for like 3 hours, so i just Posted as is.

35 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

One thing I [...]sometimes miss is the convenience and comfort of coming back from work, sitting back chilling on my sofa with a controller on my hand and enjoying the game on my big OLED 4k TV.

there's literally nothing stopping you doing that with a PC.

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20 minutes ago, taiiat said:

there's literally nothing stopping you doing that with a PC.

Technically you are correct, but I'm not giving up my office setup for a living room couch setup for that to make sense.

And I'm certainly not going to drop a pile of money to replace the PS4 Pro that does its job fairly well for the $300 I spent on it.

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4 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

Technically you are correct, but I'm not giving up my office setup for a living room couch setup for that to make sense.

you don't have to move anything if you really don't want to :)
LAN streaming games is offered via many vendors thesedays, and people are usually using Wireless Controllers anyways. put those together and you should be able to play the game from rooms away if you so desire.

there's a minor Latency penalty, but TV's are also slow enough that you may have difficulty noticing the difference anyways.

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I play PS4 Pro because: great controller, less bugs, less toxicity. PS4 makes more relaxing experience overall.

There is no big deal with toxicity on PC but I was MR7 and many PC players were writing "complains" - Don't use that ability/weapon because.. I'm talking about common startchart missions (no raids/eidolon hunts). PS4 players doesn't care (maybe because it is too much effort to write on controller). When I see other player who use some "wrong" ability/weapon/AFK/Saryn, I just take it as extra challenge, not something I have to comment or something. Of course I will write if objective is critical. I'm now MR25 on PS4, using controller+USB keyboard.

Note: I recently tried my old PC account and I saw 3 better things: Precise mouse, frame rates, loading speeds. But graphics looked the same (on HD) and my keyboard-hand got tired quickly.



Edited by (PS4)shann_cz
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7 hours ago, Brynslustafir said:

Are there things PC tenno can do which Xbox tenno cannot do? 

Yes Indeed. 

KBM has the obvious advantage of allowing more precise aiming while moving, as well as being able to access more functions at the same time without having to take your hands off of either control stick. 

I personally use a Razer Orbweaver rather than a keyboard. I control basic movement on the thumbpad, leaving 4 fingers free for everything else. Sprinting, crouching, jumping, interacting, weapon switching, reloading, abilities, operator, gear. All of this can be accessed whilst also moving and aiming. I don't have to stop for anything. It's a much more fluid gameplay experience. 

And then There's mice with extra buttons. Without exaggeration, my mouse has more buttons than an Xbone pad. Logitech G600. It has a Left click, right click, AND an auxilliary click. Tilting the scroll wheel to either side counts as an extra input, there are 2 extra buttons on the top and a full suite of 12 buttons on the thumb side.

There are games that I play entirely with this mouse by mapping keyboard functions to the buttons, Like Cities: Skylines. 

Just a heads up, xbox has had KBM support for warframe for a long ass time now.

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there are pros and cons to both sides:


+ gets updates first

+  both mouse and Keyboard and controller support

+ higher performance

- updates are much buggier

- must pay for tennogen with real money.


+ smoother updates

+ can buy Tennogen with Plat

- lower performance

- no keyboard support (unless it's Xbox.)

personally I'm quite happy on my platform. I don't have the luxury of choice really, but I wouldn't want to change over anyway: smoother updates and Tennogen purchasable for plat (even if it takes a while to get updates for more) is a big deal for me.


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Having someone on PC transition to an Xbox controller depends on the person. Keep in mind Windows 10 already supports XBox controllers, it's as simple as plugging it in, or connecting through Bluetooth/wireless just as if it was an Xbox. The "XBox" as a platform is also already part of Windows 10 and there's even an XBox game pass for PC/W10. Some people already play games on PC using only a controller, and there's even MMORPGs that were PC exclusive, and still are, that were designed around being used with a controller despite some never even making it to consoles.

As for performance, that largely depends on the hardware of the PC. PCs aren't standardized like consoles, and this is why consoles even still exist; it's easier to just spend 300$ for standardized hardware, rather than coming up with configurations that range anywhere from 100$ to 3,000$. Beyond exclusives, when you know how to buy a PC, even if you're playing in a living room, a console is pretty much a rip off.

I've played on XBox and PC, but I personally don't enjoy playing Warframe with a controller, and I don't use wireless keyboards/mice. The only times I prefer a controller would be for driving games, due to keyboards being an all or nothing in regards to making turns, acceleration, and brakes unless you spend like 700$ on a keyboard that functions like the trigger buttons/joysticks. I really only play on PC due to progress, and even with cross save, I would still prefer playing on PC due to the superior visuals and performance, max settings+constant 110-144 fps and quicker load times.

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Honestly the frame rate and the loading times are the only things i see the differance in PS4 vs PC,that and the abillity to keybind ur gear functions like in pc

Trying to move with bullet jumps on keyboard on pc is a bit cumbersome after being used for ps4 controller,on ps4 you just press the sliding button and x pretty fast while moving the stick which feels pretyy comfrotable,on PC you need to have your hand placed on the keyboard than alternate between A and D while pressing ctrl and then spacebar with your pinky and thumb.

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As someone who began gaming on PC, but plays on consoles for the last 10 years... A mouse is just way more precise than a controller. I love playing with a controller, much more comfortable than anything else, but when it comes to shooters, the analogue sticks just don't allow for the precision you can aim with using a mouse.

I have a regular PS4, and if there's much stuff happening on screen, there are insane frame drops. E.g. the Scarlet Spear space mission is just nuts.

The platinum economy is very different on PC and consoles. On PC, people can get discounts for plat purchase as a login reward, so it worth less than on consoles. But they can't buy Tennogen with plat, only with real money. Tennogen item cannot even be gifted on PC.

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7 hours ago, Eluminary said:

I play on ps4 and PC.  I started on PS4 and now mostly play on PC.  The biggest difference is frame rates and load times.  Loading the biggest zones like orb vallas in 5 seconds or poe loads in the time it takes to run to the door is very nice, and having a smooth 144fps (locked at refresh rate) at 1440p that never dips it starts making it feel pretty bad when you go back to console for a few days for something like the Scarlet spear.

I thought about playing on my PS4, and got seriously annoyed at the frame issues. It's always been an issue with consoles and not being able to upgrade things like video performance like a PC.

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9 hours ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

You guys can keybind pads.. 😞

you can get reinforcements with a push of a button without having to open and scroll through the gearwheel.. 

but that's about the only thing I know of that gives PC an advantage..

If you use said advantages to begin with./ shrug 

That's what I mean in regards to casual gaming.  A lot of the ups and downs really become evident and relevant if you tend to get into gaming more than your average whale. 

I have keyboard set up for the extra buttons on my mouse but that's it. And since those customizations are only client side, I've learned to adapt to not having them because I play on different systems. 

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Over the years there have been lots of games that, as a PC user, I've found easier to play with a controller. I know I'm dating myself, but the Tomb Raider games are the first that come to mind. With lots of different jump/grab/swing moves and auto aiming, those games were a joy to play with a controller and a PITA to play with KB/M. But any time aiming is required, I'll take a KB/M over a controller any day.

These days I use a Razer Nostromo (or equivalent game pad) and a gaming mouse like the Cyborg Rat series or the Logitech Artemis. I find the two of them, along with custom key assignments including a couple of macros for things like bullet jumping, to be optimal for Warframe.

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