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Move the New Augment Mods in Conclave to Syndicates or other parts of the game


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It does not make to sense to me that universal medallions got nerfed because a few people complained about Conclave getting devalued. Fine, I get it. They don't want their hard work to be cheapen by a universal medallion.

However! Why must I now play the conclave to get these new augment mods? This runs directly counter to the whole point of nerfing universal medallions. Let PvP stay where it is with its mods specific for PvP. Don't put PvE content in the PvP section...! Just no! 

I don't like Conclave at all, nor PvP games in general. I've played them in the past and always had to deal with cheaters; from Halo 2 to Apex Legends. Always got cheaters. Furthermore there is an entire industry dedicated to making hacks, aimbots and all sorts of cheats for PvP games. Let's not draw their attention to warframe, ok?

The only solutions I see are:

1) Undo the universal medallion nerf and buff the drop rate. (cause 5% for 1k standing is horrible)

2) Allow other places to acquire the PvE augment mods. (I've farmed for mods that have a 0.01% chance, don't care I'll do it.)

3) Tell me to shut up. (but it'll make me cry! 😥 )

Edited by Kajin_Style
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vor 14 Minuten schrieb Kajin_Style:

However! Why must I now play the conclave to get these new augment mods?

You don't. Go to the patch notes where you learned about the new augment mods and read the parts you skipped last time.

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They are going to be in the nightwave store for glassmaker.  They just switched them over first since no reason not to, lets them actually test the augment values in PvE and lets those who did grind them out get to use them before hand so they still feel special. 

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17 minutes ago, Krankbert said:

You don't. Go to the patch notes where you learned about the new augment mods and read the parts you skipped last time.

Oh then I definitely missed that.

I just found it odd they would introduce these new mods in a big update post but wall them off in Conclave. If it'll be in Glassmaker, then that's great! Question is how long until then?

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10 minutes ago, Kajin_Style said:

Oh then I definitely missed that.

I just found it odd they would introduce these new mods in a big update post but wall them off in Conclave. If it'll be in Glassmaker, then that's great! Question is how long until then?

Expect it next week or the week after.

Edited by DrivaMain
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35 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

Nightwave Series 3 will add it to the offerings. Just be patient.

yes but will they evergreen them from the start or go off of some horrible RNG rotation before realizing the rotation is horrible and eventually evergreening them like they should have been in the first place?

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I still think they should be obtained from PvP only

Let the augments work in PvE for incentive to play PvP

(PvP is actually pretty decent if you can handle fighting enemies that act like kangaroos on crack and steroid)

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2 hours ago, 844448 said:

I still think they should be obtained from PvP only

Let the augments work in PvE for incentive to play PvP

That defeats the purpose of making them usable pve then. And if have to resort to that type of underhanded tactics to get people to play to pvp then maybe just give up on pvp


2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

I wonder if DE is testing the waters for retiring Conclave to the Armistice....

Only a matter of time

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4 hours ago, 844448 said:

I still think they should be obtained from PvP only

Let the augments work in PvE for incentive to play PvP

(PvP is actually pretty decent if you can handle fighting enemies that act like kangaroos on crack and steroid)

Please tell me you're joking? Conclave is a nightmare unless you're one of the small group of people who know how to make loadouts specifically for conclave because it behaves so differently from the rest of the game.

I could probably handle conclave just fine on Switch since I was decentish at it back when I still played PC, but the thoughts of teaching any of my clanmates to handle it just makes me cringe.

The thought of forcing them through the grind of conclave is just miserable, especially on switch where you'll be waiting an eternity to get a match since literally nobody wants to play conclave (why I stopped after moving to switch).

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8 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

I wonder if DE is testing the waters for retiring Conclave to the Armistice....

dear god please. then they can take the "conclave team" (who I'm convinced don't actually exist, yet people are quick to say "BuT ItS a SePeRaTe TEaM") and get them to focus on the proper game. at the same time, DE can turn Teshin's Conclave Syndicate into a sort of Nightwave-Lite (Litewave?) system; he gives a bunch of objectives, but you have all the time in the world to do them, and over time you earn points to buy the Skins, Stances etc. that he sells.(all usable in PvE now, since PvP won't exist anymore).

if they do all this, then I think we can happily move on and pretend like Conclave never happened, while still allowing people to get the rewards. 


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12 hours ago, Oreades said:

yes but will they evergreen them from the start or go off of some horrible RNG rotation before realizing the rotation is horrible and eventually evergreening them like they should have been in the first place?

They will almost certainly be spread over the duration of the series, at least several weeks/months to collect them all, similar to how auras work now.

It's not a bad thing, none of the mods is groundbreaking in any way.

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What happened to the completely separate stance?  The medallions got made useless to keep things separate then nothing from pve should be put in pvp regardless of where else it's available.  Then move the pvp weapon skins and cosmetics to be obtainable in pve.

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32 minutes ago, anarchy753 said:

They will almost certainly be spread over the duration of the series, at least several weeks/months to collect them all, similar to how auras work now.

It's not a bad thing, none of the mods is groundbreaking in any way.

That's just asking for problems like when they added Kuva as a sometimes drop when it was obvious from the get go that it was going to be something that if not always available should definitely be available in the last shop instance, which it was not. 

Relegating them to an RNG rotation is a sure fire recipe to piss people off with literally no benefit to the game. Sure the people who get them will be happy but that small portion of the community that manages to dodge them for whatever reason is going to walk away unhappy, congratulations you just managed to snatch defeat from the gaping maw of victory. 

I dunno maybe I'm just one of those crazy people who's experience isn't embiggened by the knowledge that someone isn't enjoying their experience as much?

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Part of the problem with pvp is the pve mod and forma system.  

I will not buy an identical weapon, waste 4+ more forma on different polarities, just to be able to play pvp and pve.  I'm not willing to invest the time to play pvp, so I do not.

It could be fixed by allowing multiple polarities on the same Warframe or weapon slot, but that will never happen.  DE hates versatility.  They hate it more than making profit.  

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11 hours ago, 844448 said:

I still think they should be obtained from PvP only

Let the augments work in PvE for incentive to play PvP

(PvP is actually pretty decent if you can handle fighting enemies that act like kangaroos on crack and steroid)

Noo.. that was terrible enough in Halo with people bunny hopping around trying to get you to miss your head shots. With bullet jumping and dodge roll it'll be near impossible.

PvP is not fun at all. I rather avoid it entirely

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PvP was fun when it had a fine selection of weapons that made the game feel competitive yet not hardcore.

Then they started the hardcore play where it was the weapons being META and those who used them were getting the kills. With those who knew the META would keep those secrets to themselves and wipe the floor with new players, the word of PvP being terrible started to spread. What reason should a player come into a game to get trashed by tryhards that get off on killing and no info to share to even the playing field? So PvP got toxic from the tryhards wrecking others and the wrecked saying it is not fun....cuz getting wrecked is not fun. 

Buying a second weapon to use in Conclave should be the way to go...but by the time you get that weapon and use it, DE has already nerfed that weapon or buffed a new weapon in Conclave that a the tryhards are using. Players already do not want to buy multiple weapons and frames for PvE....so doing it for a toxic play area is not gonna fly. 

The mods are coming to PvE...the skins should stay in PvP. There needs to be something to get in Conclave now that the mods are going away. If you want the skins, play to get them. If you don't want to play, then don't worry about the skins cuz they are for those willing to go the distance. Kind of like a reward. 

The mods do need to be in either Exilus slots or pumped up when using in PvE. 

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