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Warframe profanity filter is REALLY funny


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Hi everyone.

So recently I came back from a one-year break because of Railjack. I love the idea, I do. So I rush out the missions and get myself a nice Railjack. 

I was so glad that I can name her. Then I type "The Rose of Sharon Cassidy" in, and guess what, Warframe told me the name is unacceptable because of profanity words. I removed the part "Cassidy" and it's OK. So I guess the last name of my favourite game character is profanity in some mysterious way, somehow.

Can someone explain to me how thật filter works? I don't wanna name my Railjack with the last part "Kassidy" like some MK style.

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Chances are it saw the "ass" in Cassidy (obligatory rimshot) and flagged it as a no go. Which means that 'Kassidy' also will get flagged.

Because you know someone would probably name their railjack "Assteroid Blaster" or 'Asstral Express' or some other pun about butts.

It's unfortunate, yes, because I'm sure there are plenty of great names, many of which rather congenial, that contain the aforementioned word... But at the same time there would also be those who would use it to create inappropriate and profane names using 'Ass' as well.

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1 hour ago, Letter13 said:

Chances are it saw the "ass" in Cassidy (obligatory rimshot) and flagged it as a no go. Which means that 'Kassidy' also will get flagged.

Because you know someone would probably name their railjack "Assteroid Blaster" or 'Asstral Express' or some other pun about butts.

It's unfortunate, yes, because I'm sure there are plenty of great names, many of which rather congenial, that contain the aforementioned word... But at the same time there would also be those who would use it to create inappropriate and profane names using 'Ass' as well.

i wonder if "Assassination Bus" would be allowed, assassinate and its similar forms might be on some kinda white list since its a real word and not trying to make a pun like in your examples. 

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Funniest filter i ran into was a diffrent game. They had an event with portals opening each portal having a number.  This was before i had 2 screens so i used my character bio to type up the order i needed to do them.  The funny part was when i had 13 and 16 next to eachother i couldn't save the bio until i put something between them.  

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Il y a 2 heures, DrivaMain a dit :

It might be harmless, but some other language will mark the term as a profanity word. DE’s profanity filter is multilingual.

Bite, the mod for companion, literally mean "$&*^" in french, so if even DE bypass this filter...

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The absolute funniest is how the filter saved Xenogelion (that British content creator that they consulted for the Oberon rework way-back-when) from making a terrible mistake.

He was the one that famously said, in full knowledge that the DE staff were paying attention, that he'd 'better be able to shoot MDRLOz out of a torpedo tube'.

So, knowing that he was going to shoot his long-running co-host out of a torpedo tube, in effect making LOz into a torpedo, he wanted to name his RJ the 'SS LOz-pedo'.

I think you can all see where that would not have been quite right.

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10 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

It might be harmless, but some other language will mark the term as a profanity word. DE’s profanity filter is multilingual.

Not multilingual enough, I can name my weapons, pets, RJ etc. whatever I like in swedish aslong as it doesnt contain parts that the system flags as english profanities. And that goes from mildly morbid stuff to full blown having-FBI-or-NSA-knocking-down-my-door level of criminal references.

edit: Funny thing is, we arent allowed to talk about assassins or reference them in our naming choices... in a game about ninjas.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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10 hours ago, Emolition said:

Funniest filter i ran into was a different game. They had an event with portals opening each portal having a number.  This was before i had 2 screens so i used my character bio to type up the order i needed to do them.  The funny part was when i had 13 and 16 next to each other i couldn't save the bio until i put something between them.  

I need this humor explained. How is 1316 profane? Google is of no help.

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Thank the soccer mommies who implemented the rating system.

I am so very, very tired of people making me worry about what their spawn sees and hears though restricting my expression.

And then we wonder why people cannot deal with reality...

Edited by Zimzala
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3 hours ago, Wearbe said:

I need this humor explained. How is 1316 profane? Google is of no help.

No clue the only thing I can think of but that make no sence is to stop adult looking for teens but it make no sence as it was just alot of numbers no text at all. Exemple 30  3 13 16 29 4   and so on.

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25 minutes ago, Emolition said:

No clue the only thing I can think of but that make no sence is to stop adult looking for teens but it make no sence as it was just alot of numbers no text at all. Exemple 30  3 13 16 29 4   and so on.

So, you all don't know about the secret numbers language that controls the Illuminati?

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Censoring words never was a good idea to begin with. Asking peoples behave nice is acceptable, but banning words when the game is multilangual and many nationalities exists with their set of words is just a joke. Also english is not that brutal language when we talk about the obscene words. Also the obscene words usually meaningless word throwing and anyone who takes it deep are snowflake. For few people banning the majority is a false way to go.

Still seeing funny names in every languages and in my own language. Filter is limited and hopefully one day they will realise it needs to go because solves nothing.

Instead teach peoples to behave civil and give them more emphaty instead of cleaning the problems under the rug.

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20 hours ago, Wearbe said:

I need this humor explained. How is 1316 profane? Google is of no help.


Various other sites report that 1316 = abbreviation of hong kong stock exchange and "hong kong" is often censored on chinese sites or controlled sites to adhere to their censorship rules, same for anything related to taiwan, tibet and more.

Edited by Methanoid
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52 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

1316 = abbreviation of hong kong stock exchange and "hong kong" is often censored on chinese sites or controlled sites to adhere to their censorship rules, same for anything related to taiwan, tibet and more.

Thank you.

(Really, the only thing more evil than the Hong Kong stock exchange and Taiwan are stuffed-crust pizzas, so this totally makes sense.)

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