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Kuva Bramma Changes: Explanation and Timeline.


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2 minutes ago, AnJetCat said:

You don't nerf the weapon to the ground just because it's too OP, you buff the others so they can do what it does!

Or even maybe make a balance between the op weapon and other weapons, not nerf it so hard that no one wanna use it anymore.

This is wrong.

Yeah, let's buff 50 weapons just so that they are at the same power level as the Bramma instead of nerfing the one weapon so that it is at the same power level as the other 50.

Stellar move!


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My personal gripe with Kuva Bramma is the lag it creates. As a non-Bramma user in a public mission, there is always a Bramma in the squad, and always alot of lag that comes with it. There have been sessions where I have lagged out, or my game has just locked up when around Bramma (Not in every case, but a few cases). 

I don’t mind the amount of damage it does, I just want reduced explosion animations from it. 🙂

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4 minutes ago, lainverse said:


DE should probably "buff" Lenz, though, by reducing delay before the explosion since with removal of self-damage it serves no purpose and only make it inconvenient to use.


Arent we supposed to eventually get a corpus-esque Lich? Would make no sense to make any changes to the current Lenz. I mean if you really wanna make the Lenz unique let the cold AoE give max stacks of cold. I mean cold in general is a trash element as it is. I feel Frost should be given the same kind of thing I mean if an element is gonna be borderline useless at least give us something that can make it better. I mean thats the same reason youd use say Harrow. To give a weapon with no crit viability viability

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i'd prefer Visual Effects that weren't by design blinding in the first place, but if that's too tall of an order i'll take less Explosives meaning less of those Visual Effects to reduce the problem if i have to.

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3 hours ago, Casardis said:

Note that MR on Kuva weapons does nothing, because they come prebuilt in the foundry which will ignore MR requirements.

the solution is comeing as a blueprint and then costing next to nothing with a 1 min build time (similar to how umbra worked) that or place the MR check on the larvling.  

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6 minutes ago, Lindon7864 said:

Yeah, let's buff 50 weapons just so that they are at the same power level as the Bramma instead of nerfing the one weapon so that it is at the same power level as the other 50.

Stellar move!


Love the sarcasm. But in all seriousness, if a weapon is not powerful then its not fun. You can't make grind easier by nerfing them. Thanks for your first post.

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2 minutes ago, GOKUSSJ4Z said:


how about you bring the self damage back? there was nothing wrong with that, as so many people, myself included said ingame or forums, skilful play was needed for explosive weapons.

removing self damage, regardless of power, has opened the way for abusive multishot everywhere aiming players who not only disrupt the gameplay, but are A*****s when asked to stop spamming the shots

I would say bring it back only if;

1. They prevent self damage to proc when hitting friendliest that happen to get in your way when you least expect it.

2.  Only the primary shot can proc the self damage not the additional shots produced by multishot.  If primary shot has additional explosives effects such as the zarr and brama only allow the primary shot count for the self damage.

3. Add a damage % cap to player.  For example if the player is affected by self damage allow the first shot not to exceed 90% of the players health.  Second shot can finish them if they have no shields.  


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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Tenno -

If you’ve been plugged into the community discourse since the self damage changes, you’ll have seen a lot of discussions about the Kuva Bramma. 

What makes this formerly self-damaging weapon so much more dominant than the others?

It has quickly taken the place at the top of the usage charts - which is where it should be given its acquisition - but the degree of dominance (about 3 times more popular than anything else) is not something we feel is good for the primary weapon Arsenal options.

We are changing it so that:

- It has a smaller reserve ammo (15 to 5), and gains fewer arrows from ammo pickups - This is to encourage players to aim the bow deliberately at crowds of enemies and not fire it wildly everywhere
- Fewer cluster bombs are produced on impact (from 7 to 3) - Reduces the overwhelming AOE potential somewhat but also makes the Bramma less visually busy. Players have said that the many many explosions produced by Bramma are hard to see through.
- Increased cluster projectile radial attack size from 2.7m to 3.5m
- Reduced cluster projectile fall off from 100% to 50% - Fewer explosive fragments, but they cover more area and generally do more damage

We will be monitoring feedback after these changes go live to ensure we’ve struck a better balance of having a powerful weapon - but not one that overshadows everything else in the game to the detriment of your squadmates.

You will see these changes in Update 28: The Deadlock Protocol, and we can discuss feedback once they are in your hands.

Until then, Tenno! 

Here's my take on these changes:
Ammo Reserve Nerf: As if 15 arrows wasn't bad enough, now we have 5. I feel out of all the changes this one is the worst, and it doesn't even really accomplish anything.
Fewer cluster bombs and more range: That's a pretty good trade off to be honest.
Overall it's pretty good as a nerf, but the ammo is a little ridiculous.

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2 minutes ago, DontRunWScissors said:

Here's my take on these changes:
Ammo Reserve Nerf: As if 15 arrows wasn't bad enough, now we have 5. I feel out of all the changes this one is the worst, and it doesn't even really accomplish anything.
Fewer cluster bombs and more range: That's a pretty good trade off to be honest.
Overall it's pretty good as a nerf, but the ammo is a little ridiculous.

the lenz by default has 6 why  this one had 15 is beyond me

it needs a draw speed nerf the lenz is the slowest bow for a reason

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Please keep on releasing strong butt weapon and then ner- 'rework' it, DE!

I really can't wait for the future when there are new strong weapons that released and getting 'rework' after it's overused/too strong. Please keep on doing this formula, it really entertains me when you guys wasting time doing this (you know, when there are plenty of things needed to be checked and fixed first) even this weapon got it's own dedicated thread to let players know why it's overused, strong and why it's going to be ner- 'reworked' a little. Very good, DE. good job.

Don't you guys test the weapon and predicted how this weapon (or next strong and getting ner- 'reworked') is going to be for the players and other players inside the squad?

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1 hour ago, lainverse said:

What is a point of a weapon which makes every other weapon in that category largely useless?

Of course it's easy to say: buff everything else!

But, consider this: they buff every other weapon, but now enemies die way to fast from everything else. To fix this they'll buff every enemy in the game... and now we end up in the same situation as if we'd only nerf one single overpowered weapon, but we came to it in the most roundabout way.

What is the point of making everthing useless that can do area damage and has fun potential? Yeah sure if we make launcher weapons useless we can enjoy all of the 300 type of braton :DDD It wont solve the problem either. Have u ever saw somebody using a bow or a sniper in a normal mission and making any damage?Nooo? Ye maybe because everything is much better with dealing a group of enemies? Its easier and faster just kill them with a rifle. Launcher weapons are the same thing they do big boom boom they kill they enemies fast?They do what they are designed for. Why not nerf the S#&$ out all the #*!%ing rifles shotguns till the bows and snipers can compare them in group enemy situations?.... Its retarded... Everthing has its purposes. And its DE-s fault that the game is only consist of huge group of enemies.... Imagine if there were some enemies that has special armor that need the power of a sniper or a bow to be killed and not everthing would be easly killed by some explosions....
Its the game fault if the only thing matter is fast killing them fast and large numbers.... How the f... there would not be one best weapon type?.... Why not nerf snipers and bows that can oneshot eidolon weakpoints? How dare you let them doing their jobs? Why not just delete everthing that do its job? Why not nerf banshee, saryn they can nuke places? OOOOOhhh they do their job? Thats problematic..... Oh no nerf ember she can nuke low lvl maps and stealing the kills from crying babies, everything that can nuke in this game.... nerf them all...

> But, consider this: they buff every other weapon, but now enemies die way to fast from everything else. To fix this they'll buff every enemy in the game... and now we end up in the same situation
nobody told buff all of the weapons, buff some of them to give the players variety especially those one which has special mechanics

But consider this:to sorti lvl everthing dies so quicly mostly from mostly every weapon why does it matter if bramma still 1 shot them, to be honest a lot of weapon one shoting enemy groups... one spin with a lot of melee also a huge pile of enemy corps.... overkill is still a kill?
already existing enemy scaling in endless missions, also in development: hard and expert mode to start chart

If somebody want a challenge won't even look in normal mission or a sortie....  he/she has to wait hours in a survival to get to that lvl where enemies don't piss them self when they see us.

My point is its doesn't matter in the current state of the game... If something has the potential to be fun and strong and they nerf if because too many player use it it basically just saying the players no fun allowed. They have to get inspiration from that weapon cuz that one was success and make more of those instead saying to players i don't like when u have fun...
We are pissed of because of that and not really for the nerf(This stupid mentality 1. make something strong 2. let them farm it and suck a $&*^ for it 3. let them put into it 5-8 forma 4. nerf it instead of a finetone when they start using it too much). Don't make it super strong if u doesn't want it to be.....How many times will they release something good and then nerf it to S#&$? How many time do we have to put effort and resource into weapons then get a S#&$ in our face for using it?

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goo goo ga ga de taking my toy away de bad wah wah

please ignore how the nerfs are borderline unimportant, with its insane Base Damage remaining untouched, same with its significant Crit Chance and Crit Damage, and Status Chance getting only indirectly nerfed via the bomblet decrease, as if it needs any Status Effects with all that raw damage it deals, now furthermore increased via the bomblet AoE size increase and maximum Fall Off reduced from 0% damage to 50%
or how the tiny ammo pool can be managed with mods on the Exilus Slot, other Equipment, Companions and Ammo Restores
or how it retains the second highest rate of fire of any bow

de bad for nerfing the strongest Primary in the game, which also happens to be among the easiest to use... yeah I too like having effectively no choice if I wanna be near the meta power level. how about you start complaining that DE pushes out blatantly OP stuff, instead of crying when they inevitably nerf them?

and speaking of nerfs, when are we gutting Viral?

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18 minutes ago, .LeiA._ said:

Please keep on releasing strong butt weapon and then ner- 'rework' it, DE!

I really can't wait for the future when there are new strong weapons that released and getting 'rework' after it's overused/too strong. Please keep on doing this formula, it really entertains me when you guys wasting time doing this (you know, when there are plenty of things needed to be checked and fixed first) even this weapon got it's own dedicated thread to let players know why it's overused, strong and why it's going to be ner- 'reworked' a little. Very good, DE. good job.

Don't you guys test the weapon and predicted how this weapon (or next strong and getting ner- 'reworked') is going to be for the players and other players inside the squad?

They doesn't play their game.... 😄 If they would it wouldn't be like this. Maybe Pablo the one who actually plays it and that's why he understand how to make a good rework and good changes to the game.

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5 minutes ago, Petroklos said:

goo goo ga ga de taking my toy away de bad wah wah

please ignore how the nerfs are borderline unimportant, with its insane Base Damage remaining untouched, same with its significant Crit Chance and Crit Damage, and Status Chance getting only indirectly nerfed via the bomblet decrease, as if it needs any Status Effects with all that raw damage it deals
or how the tiny ammo pool can be managed with mods on the Exilus Slot, other Equipment, Companions and Ammo Restores
or how it retains the second highest rate of fire of any bow

de bad for nerfing the strongest Primary in the game, which also happens to be among the easiest to use... yeah I too like having effectively no choice if I wanna be near the meta power level. how about you start complaining that DE pushes out blatantly OP stuff, instead of crying when they inevitably nerf them?

and speaking of nerfs, when are we gutting Viral?

yes! Also lets make weapons heal enemies, and damage the player when they shoot. Lets make this game as unfun as possible. Excellent idea.

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If you want to nerf the Bramma this absurdly high, then give us something of equal value in return. Make Arbitration drones vulnerable to exalted weapons. Since that's the only time my friends and I use the Bramma. Shoot the ground, drone gone.

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12 minutes ago, TheRealSpy23 said:

They doesn't play their game.... 😄 If they would it wouldn't be like this. Maybe Pablo the one who actually plays it and that's why he understand how to make a good rework and good changes to the game.

the same Pablo who nerfed the Catchmoon? the same nerf that this forum was crying over, yet the weapon remains to be absolutely fine? like the Bramma will be post this? damn you lot don't spend a second of a brain cell's time to think over what you're typing. for all you know this is Pablo as well, since you're so dedicated to praising him at the expense of every other DE designer, even though he has publicly stated that this exact attitude makes him feel uncomfortable. good job.

6 minutes ago, BartTheChicken said:

yes! Also lets make weapons heal enemies, and damage the player when they shoot. Lets make this game as unfun as possible. Excellent idea.

"if I can't mash m1 and kill everything the game is unfun!"
as if this "nerf" will even change that. I'd say that labeling this thread as "significant nerf" gives you lot reasons to act as if it actually is significant, but you've shown time and time again that you'll jump on the "why does de ruin the game, make it unfun, not respect my investment and whatever else catch phrase going around currently" even for the slightest of nerfs, as the Catchmoon nerf.
I'm surprised there wasn't uproar over the redeemer nerfs, but then I remember that you don't spend the time to test stuff out, or to even think before you complain about stuff, so why would I expect you to actually read the patch notes.

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Wait, serious question, ya'll decided to do all of this to change what largely seemed like a visual issue with the bow? O.O;; Seems kind of messed up for the folks who invested in formas/rivens. I'm glad I'm not a riven user :s

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