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Apparently DE still can't figure out NW after YEARS in game.


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4 hours ago, .Millennium. said:


same here

Still i need Nitain, Reactors, Catalysts.

I can't get any more standing



Tenno, have you ever heard about this thing in your oprbiter called the market console? It lets you trade plat for things! It's amazing. It's what we used to have to do back when we had those stupid alerts.

With just 20 plat you can buy one potato of your choice! And before you say it, the answer is "sell prime junk". 😉

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Just now, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Tenno, have you ever heard about this thing in your oprbiter called the market console? It lets you trade plat for things! It's amazing. It's what we used to have to do back when we had those stupid alerts.

Nitain is the only one of those that is painfully rare outside of Nightwave and not bought for plat, so that I have some sympathy for.

I'm aware that there's a comically small rate of them from caches in sabotage/exterminate, but that's a bit much.

...Though one would only need a total of 189+18 currently, not counting Warframes that need a second build to be subsumed, which could easily make people need more these days.

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1 hour ago, Aldain said:

Nitain is the only one of those that is painfully rare outside of Nightwave and not bought for plat, so that I have some sympathy for.

I'm aware that there's a comically small rate of them from caches in sabotage/exterminate, but that's a bit much.

...Though one would only need a total of 189+18 currently, not counting Warframes that need a second build to be subsumed, which could easily make people need more these days.

Agreed, but realistically they probably won't need all of that at the same time. So over the course of a couple of nightwave seasons they'd be fine...... unless they really want to spend all their creds on fancy helmets. 🤷‍♂️

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On 2020-09-24 at 8:34 AM, Luciole77 said:

POSITIVE to NW. You can buy potatoes at any time.(DE looses money)

NEGATIVE to NW,  Limited rank, same itens from alerts, DE expend much more time and money on this.


POSITIVE to Alerts. Save time/money to DE. Players dont get burnout from alerts or complaining in forums about chapters.

NEGATIVE to Alerts. There is no negatives against alerts🤣

I would disagree with this.

Alerts had a problem of causing intense FOMO to casuals and also to said casuals they would have to set their phone to alert them in the middle of the night for a rare vauban drop or something like that.

All in all it was an overall better system, but NW has it's benefits as well and is generally better received by the playerbase.

That said, the thing where you finish NW before DE does (prestige ranks included) should not be possible in any way and is a horrendous miscalculation on their part, made worse by the fact that this has been a problem since NW started.

At most players should have no more than a month between down time, and that's only if they have something else to do besides fissures at post game, which would be something like RAIDS.

I honestly think the game would be served better if they brought back alerts lite (like maybe reduced to one spawn per hour with it remaining up to 2 hours) with NW as is.  That way there is always something worth doing up and players have more choice in how they pursue rewards.  This is especially true with Nitain since it's really not new player friendly to do this exclusively (or nearly so) with NW.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Agreed, but realistically they probably won't need all of that at the same time. So over the course of a couple of nightwave seasons they'd be fine...... unless they really want to spend all their creds on fancy helmets. 🤷‍♂️

The only issue is that "a couple of nightwave seasons" at this rate seems to be a year long thing, Covid or no Covid DE has been slow with Nightwave refreshes...

Honestly they could just have a few alerts that drop a Nitain or two every now and then and it would likely be a good supplement to the Nightwave cred ones.

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hace 4 horas, (PS4)guzmantt1977 dijo:


Tenno, have you ever heard about this thing in your oprbiter called the market console? It lets you trade plat for things! It's amazing. It's what we used to have to do back when we had those stupid alerts.

With just 20 plat you can buy one potato of your choice! And before you say it, the answer is "sell prime junk". 😉

that's the problem, having to buy what you can farm. keep thinking like this and one day you will buy credits

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11 hours ago, .Millennium. said:

that's the problem, having to buy what you can farm. keep thinking like this and one day you will buy credits

👆 Pay very close attention to the following quote 👇 

20 hours ago, .Millennium. said:

same here

Still i need Nitain, Reactors, Catalysts.

I can't get any more standing

I made the last line bold for a reason. You see Tenno, you can't farm what you can't farm. 

On the other hand a sensible person would realise that you can farm plat by selling prime junk, and with that you can get catalysts and reactors. 

Regarding the still needing Nitain, what did you buy this season with all the nightwave creds that you got? 


12 hours ago, Aldain said:

The only issue is that "a couple of nightwave seasons" at this rate seems to be a year long thing, Covid or no Covid DE has been slow with Nightwave refreshes...

Honestly they could just have a few alerts that drop a Nitain or two every now and then and it would likely be a good supplement to the Nightwave cred ones.

Yeah, but we've got the intermissions so it ain't that bad, I figure. But I'm not opposed to nitain being easier to get otherwise. Ever since we got this system I've said I'd like to see the prices for stuff like Vauban, the weapons, the mods and the stuff the newbies really need to get being cheap. I went so far as to stock up on a few of the basic mods to give away, just in case I ran into newbs who needed them. Potatoes aren't supposed to rain from the sky, but that's what all of these threads seem to really be about. 

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Still don't understand why Nightwave and Alerts couldn't both exist at the same time......enter your snarky comments here...XXXXX

far as i know the Alert system was set it and forget it for DE limited staffing

Yea we all know Covid mess up a lot of thing.. time wise.. But is it really that hard to extend the Prestige rank to match the extended run?

I dont think so.. While i expect comments about "Whaaaa free stuff xxxxx" for me its not about that. Its about having a system in place of another, NW over Alerts,

that now i,m at the max rank, well over by a bit,ARDUfCp.jpg

That "I" feel like i,m locked out of.. this of course is my opinion... yours may be different. much like your playstyle, favorite frame or choice of colors.


But i think think the MAIN point here is that this content is here for longer then DE expected.,,,and yes we know why.,, and i have yet to see a response from  DE regarding this If even to just say 'To bad. Buck up buttercup, don't like our game ... don't play"




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On 2020-09-24 at 9:34 AM, Luciole77 said:

NEGATIVE to Alerts. There is no negatives against alerts🤣

People don't play Warframe consistently. If you go by alets, the rewards are cycled without knowing the schedule. This means players would often miss the items they want.

With the Nightwave store, we have all the items available we just need to earn the currency to buy the ones we need. It's a fantastic system.

I don't think Nightwave needs the current interactive story sessions. They're very boring in gameplay. I'm not really a huge fan of Gone Home mixed in with Where's Waldo. The story however is good.

Instead, we should get a new mission mode known as investigation where we look for yellow icons as points of interests primarily for exposition delivery. If yellow icons are too easy, we can use scanners to track residue similar to Sanctuary targets. The objective would be to look for hidden cache of data with the purpose of story delivery. Puzzle elements would be added to increase gameplay. These may include objectives of uncovering hidden rooms, tracking safes, locating murder weapons, finding corpses, or other evidence. Each of the objectives would then have additional puzzle solving aspects such as a dead body would need to be scanned in order to find clues to what happened to it. 

I liked alerts as a weekly task. I think players just want to do check box tasks to fill their time. So what DE can do is make Nightwave missions the "new alerts" where story content gets delivered with minor rewards. I add minor rewards because no one wants to do tasks without a carrot in front of them. I presume something small like avatars could be good. I think DE gives away too many avatars for free which could have been used for minor rewards for tasks such as this.

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On 2020-09-24 at 8:34 PM, Luciole77 said:

NEGATIVE to Alerts. There is no negatives against alerts🤣

Oh please,

1. Unnecessary rewards that barely worth it, 5k credits? Yeah sure, I can get more from one earth exterminate mission raiding their storage

2. Too sensitive on time, you're not on the same time zone when the aura or potato alerts pop up? Yeah, sorry, you missed the alerts because you were sleeping or in the middle of class/work so you better put your app and give notification on every alert that came out, but have fun snoozing around waiting for an alert that worth doing


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On 2020-09-22 at 10:48 AM, TARINunit9 said:

I would snark that it's only been one year...

...but the underlying problem itself has been an issue since about 2016 when they started abandoned adding lore to the Simaris room because it took them too long

Then Sorties followed suit

oh yes, because writing a story is harder than writing a script, having people record said script, animating a character saying the lines and adding it to the game.

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6 hours ago, nerfinator6 said:

oh yes, because writing a story is harder than writing a script, having people record said script, animating a character saying the lines and adding it to the game.

I'm not sure the point of your comment, unless it's to agree with me. After all, if they couldn't even put out Synthesis scripts out on time, what hope did animated Nightwave stories have?

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Honestly i think at this point de shouldve just kept old alerts alongside NW,I dont really think they could do either of these justice tbh.

The biggest advantage to nw that alerts didnt had is having access to aura mods,catalysts/reactors and nitain to be more easier to obtain instead of waiting for a random alert for 1 measly nitain,but aside of that they couldve worked more on the other things tho free slots is neat to have i guess

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Dude, give it a rest already, alerts sucked. 

Same to nw....same crap over and over and nobody know when wil lfinish. Im tired...the comunity is tired to wait for something....hard to understand? NW consume DE time and money and the game is stagneated with repetitive voice lines from nora....

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1 hour ago, Luciole77 said:

Same to nw....same crap over and over and nobody know when wil lfinish. Im tired...the comunity is tired to wait for something....hard to understand? NW consume DE time and money and the game is stagneated with repetitive voice lines from nora....

And how is that a good reason to go back to alerts when all of the same complaints existed and most people were flat out unable to play the vast majority of them, and ignored the majority of the ones they were able to play anyway? At least with nightwave we get to pick our rewards, and get triply rewarded, once from whatever mission we choose, once from the nightwave tiers, and once from the cred store. You should look around in your settings for how to turn off nora's voice if it's bothering you so much.

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I remember the alert system. It plain sucked in comparison to Nightwave, in my opinion.

Nightwave gives players free stuff, just by playing the game, with no issue of time zones or other such temporal limitations.

Yeah this season has gone on too long, but apparently it's what the playerbase asked for. Ultimately the developers want us to spend money on the game (not unreasonable in the slightest), but trying to please everyone never really works out well. Just my two cents.

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On 2020-09-21 at 5:02 AM, Klokwerkaos said:

Need I say more?  This is inexcusable to STILL be a problem.



This is not a problem. They are taking their time to round it up. We are in the middle of pandemic times. Everything ended upside down. I would not be so harsh with them. I finished NW episode without doing the four chapters. I'm still waiting for chapter five to play them all at once. 


DE knows what to do since we know who is the Glass Maker and the item that he will drop. It was mentioned in one of the streams. 


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2 hours ago, Felsagger said:


This is not a problem. They are taking their time to round it up. We are in the middle of pandemic times. Everything ended upside down. I would not be so harsh with them. I finished NW episode without doing the four chapters. I'm still waiting for chapter five to play them all at once. 


DE knows what to do since we know who is the Glass Maker and the item that he will drop. It was mentioned in one of the streams. 



I don't complain about the nw for his dropable item, but if he will be more of a temporary boss like wolf or an event with him? Because all this time that the DE made us wait, I hope it will be something relevant as an event .... if it is just another temporary boss, criticizing the DE will only increase even more!

Was it worth waiting so long for a temporary boss? We'll see...


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1 hour ago, Luciole77 said:


I don't complain about the nw for his dropable item, but if he will be more of a temporary boss like wolf or an event with him? Because all this time that the DE made us wait, I hope it will be something relevant as an event .... if it is just another temporary boss, criticizing the DE will only increase even more!

Was it worth waiting so long for a temporary boss? We'll see...



DE made an entertainment out of the Alert with the "narrative" of Night Wave. They chose a good presentation with fair rewards and fair items for us. Takes time doing a 3D model of a ship, takes time making a 3D model of a syandana and the shoulder plates. We should not present ourselves as insatiable clients who wants a great epiphany out of all that DE makes. 

I was here seven years. I learned, I understood and moreover, understood how to CONSUME their GAAS F2P game. This is entertainment, this is our free time and for such entertainment we have to pay directly or indirectly. I don't mind waiting. I don't mind of NW end up with a weak conclusion or something underwhelming. Do you know why? It's pro bono. 

We enjoyed the game for so long. Why should we make a drama of each detail in the game when the game doesn't deliver according to our PERSONAL expectations? I think DE faces a lot of unfair judgment in a daily basis. Maybe we MUST temper our judgment towards more realistic outcomes or simply suspend judgment and enjoy. 




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