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Apparently DE still can't figure out NW after YEARS in game.


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Nightwave is just fine. Especially for casual players like me. I was doing 5-6 ranks every chapter of this NW just so I did not need to catch up at the end frantically. It's nothing more than a side story feature and players should not be expecting it to be something more than that.

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Nightwave is a prime example of something that DE would do a lot better if it wasn't free. Other games with smaller teams can get stuff like this out on time because it means extra revenue. Instead of finishing Nightwave in a timely manner after delaying it with that insanely long Intermission last winter DE has rather focused on fun things like creating several tiers of "supporter packs" for us. 

Alerts had their faults for sure but that's no excuse for DE to handle Nightwave in such a depressing manner.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

That's exactly right, just don't say "we" when you are talking about what "you" used to do.

When the "You" comprises the majority, it's automatically going to be the "We". When your "we" is the exception to the norm, then I'm afraid that you'll always find it to be a "some of us". 🤷‍♂️

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18 hours ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

Just have to say, in my case, this was demonstrably false. I got at LEAST 3 times more stuff from alerts, plus tons of resources and things Nightwave doesn't give that Alerts did. (and I was working 2 jobs for that year) Nightwave is a mega-downgrade in the amount of rewards you get out of it, while it's a MASSIVE increase in required "things you have to do" to earn those lesser rewards. Alerts were a superior source of stuff, and is likely why they yanked them and put the Nightwave thing in, IMO.

Yeah, this. What do i need Nightwave for if 7 minutes for 3 alerts give me resources like "15000 credits" "150 endo" "20 void traces"? Real ton of resources and stuff right here. And how to forget the "5 Synthula", whatever those things are.

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40 minutes ago, DLOArceus said:

Yeah, this. What do i need Nightwave for if 7 minutes for 3 alerts give me resources like "15000 credits" "150 endo" "20 void traces"? Real ton of resources and stuff right here. And how to forget the "5 Synthula", whatever those things are.

Yeah... like enough Catalysts and Reactors to still have a stockpile after putting them in every prime frame, and every weapon I care about.

I got tons of early resources when I was starting out, including resources that came from planets I didn't have access to. Also resources that I would still want to get today, like Cryotic and Oxium, as well as lesser, but still rare stuff like Tellurium and Kavat genetic codes. Nitain extract is often brought up because it was the Alert resource, and I had well over 100 spare Nitain, after already having built all the stuff that required it at the time, including Vauban Prime.

Speaking of Vauban, I had 3 sets of his parts, before I found out I couldn't save them and give them to my friends when I got them to join. Also, I had all of the cosmetic alt helmets (minus one I didn't really care to get for Ember). I also had multiple copies of aura mods and nightmare mods that I would give away to be nice, since I had so many.

I also had all the alert weapon blueprints.

And we're talking in the space of 1 year... my first year playing, without access to all of the planets and alerts for most of that time. And as I said, working 2 jobs, and I wasn't using an app to alert me to wake up in the middle of the night. That would be silly, IMO.

Compared to Nightwave costs for all this stuff... that isn't always available (rotating stock each week), and competing pool of currency to buy it. I calculated 1 year of Nightwave compared to 1 year of Alerts, and I came up with 3x as much from Alerts than from Nightwave. (and it wasn't counting all of the stuff that wasn't super rare, but was super important to a new player just starting out.)

So yeah... "this"...

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Seeing a lot of people complain:

"You should just shut up and be grateful you get anything!"

No.  Not exactly.

This system replaced alerts, and frankly gives a lower payout than they did.  I'm not asking for alerts back, because they had their own problems, but ideally this should increase overall player engagement.

The whole concept is you play the game to earn rewards.

The specifically implemented this system to get players to engage with more content they otherwise would not (as well as train new players on those systems by enticing them to interact with them).  Overall that's good, but that's like saying "You should be grateful you get any rewards!".  Not hearing that.

The problem is that I'm trapped in a prison of having to deal with Nora chirping in my ear and dealing with glass resonance, I can't escape that.

I have to do that now for NO reward (for likely 3-6 months), so A) my time is wasted and B) this is especially frustrating when using a mech, and the only time you'd really want to use one is to take down packs of juggulus with your 4 on an SP bounty, and that's exactly when it's inconvenient to deal with glass resonance because you have to come out of your 4, to melee, and then get your mech downed by the juggulus.

But shouldn't you already be done with Deimos?  I mean I am... except that I'm a dojo decorator so I'm really never done with any of the open worlds, am I?  Particularly with the entrati because their deco happens to be the most accessible of the three worlds.

So yeah, I get it, your argument is "I'm a casual, this doesn't affect me personally, therefore it's not a problem" except that it is a problem and not everything is about you.

Ya'll still haven't learned that when the post game players talk about a problem, that sure, maybe it doesn't affect you now... but it will, eventually, and if you don't understand the problem, speaking ignorantly against it doesn't actually help anything, not to mention you have nothing to complain about as a newbie casual since DE bends over backwards to make everything in the game accessible to you for the last forever.  You have 3000 hours of content, where as post game players have a total of 0 hours, unless you count running fissures until your eyes bleed, except that's not catered to post game players either, it's catered to new players, it's just something that happens to still be rewarding to post game players...

Simply put, getting 15 NW creds is not a game changing thing.  The prestige NW levels should not end until AT MOST 1 month before the content is retired, and that's really only if they give post game players something to do like raids, which they haven't.

Why?  because not everything is about you, and just because it doesn't affect you today doesn't mean you won't understand in two years.

Would you like proof?  Look at all the changes to systems over time that make them easier that post game players speak about on day 1... funny how they never seem to get "fixed" though, till the mid gamers find out it's a problem and throw a twitter tantrum en masse about the literal exact same issue.

If you're a newbie or mid gamer, sure it's possible that the dude with more than double your 3k hours in mission is talking out their butt... but chances are, they may have greater insight about the bigger picture at that point because it's hard not to learn a thing or two in that time.

Also, the game isn't free for me either.  I'm one of the necessary people that doesn't have to but does pay to keep the lights on at DE (as well as a content creator that promotes the game), so that YOU can keep playing for free, so yes, I am a paying customer regularly and thus I will complain when things are broken in the game for over a year, covid or no.  If you're playing playing for free, you're welcome, but stop telling me I'm not allowed to complain because that's ridiculous.


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nw must go DE....! didnt change anything in game...just make players more anxious and same time bored.

I remember the surprise of alerts...was very cool in my opinion. But need some rework for example...for potatoes 48h.


With nw everybody is stocking potatoes much more easy....

is that what you want DE?

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That glassmaker is gonna die of old age before this thing wraps up.  Im on, like rank 72 of this thing now and that is casually working it after I got the last umbra forms, and I'm so over it.  Here I am doing whatever, getting attacked by the stalker and all of a suddenly "hold up, dreamer". Sigh..stab stab stab stab.  Clear all that junk and then for the next five minutes she's still talking about how "there must be some way to stop them". 

No, no  there's not, Nora...because obviously Nora won't wrap this thing up in under half a year. 

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I don't miss the alerts, because those were only boring endless missions. Nightwave is a low-effort scam though, looking at the prices.

Low-effort, because they don't even care about it to calculate fastest possible max rank date and use it as a deadline to finish the season. Then I would mention the more than 6 months long intermission. Nightwaves are poorly planned and poorly executed. Could have been good, but sadly it's not.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

Then work for it or buy them, otherwise you have nothing to complain about.

??? What are you on about.  They just need to do it like every other bp and just drop the S#&$ty story/mission that come with them.  most only care for the rewards

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