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Operators: how do you feel about their current state ?

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11 hours ago, Lutesque said:

I have only 3 Words:


That is all... 😤 !!!


This!! They need change this, after that we talk about balance, damage whatever you want, but if you have 250ms its pretty much impossible to have a smooth gameplay with operators

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I would call them an immature and unplanned accident of parents that cannot give them any attention or necessary support hence they lack in any physical and emotional development.

Yet the parents feel the need to show them once in a while and are disappointed when they perform poorly.

So they push them more without actually improving their capabilities.


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I think the most accurate word would be "lame". They are by no means useless, and pretty good at what they do - but everything they do, and every possible upgrade to them, is boring. They are utility bots, with nothing else going for them. Everything active they do warframes do better. Even their animations are lame.

The biggest fun I had with operators was, with latest event. They actually felt like they had purpose and reason to use them, to make up for necramechs chunkiness. I really hope DE explores mech/little S#&$ combo more.

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To me, operators feel unfinished. As if they were the beginning of something big, but then the people working on it just got bored and moved on to something new.

I wish they'd come back and finish what they started, I'd like to see what their original idea was.

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I made a three part dissertation on a Focus rework, basically every facet of Operators has glaring flaws that need to be addressed.


Operators have a ton of potential, but that is all they really are right now... potential. They are a solid utility tool for movement and invulnerability, but they should be far more than that.

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The face system needs rework, the combat system needs fixing, and the animations need an overhaul. Combat especially. I see no reason why we can't use a few of the handguns out there in the game. Maybe even some primaries. Give us options. Plus, Void damage still needs to be buffed. Right now it still sucks.

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12 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Know those Void ghosts on Lua? That's what Operators should have been: Oro made manifest by the Void. Imagine you're a Grineer and you're fighting for your life against an unstoppable Tenno, and then it just stops and slumps over. And then this thing crawls out of it and starts tearing people in half and throwing lightning around!

Duelista - [3.10] Slayer Lightning Strike | Inpulsa + Storm's Gift | Insane  clear-speed | All end-game content - Fórum - Path of Exile

Instead we got this...


Ok, well maybe they'll grow up and become cool space ninjas or something? Like there'll be a training montage with Teshin where I'll Make a Man Out of You plays and the Operator learns to fight without their Warframe? Right? Well it's been five years and there still ain't no montage!

Gameplay-wise they're like a lot of DE's other systems in that they can't stack up in combat so they've been relegated to a utility role. Their only value is that they can move fast and not die, which is the same as the one Archwing that matters right now. It's a shame that this is all they're good for. Story-wise, Operators need to grow the heck up already. It's my dearest hope that they actually grow up in Duviri and it isn't some stupid mechanic where you can only be an adult in that one zone. Sure, they're not crazy #*!%in' energy monsters like the Void ghosts or Vor, but it'd still be badass to have our Operators actually grow up and mature as a character, have a real weapon and role in combat, and fight along their arsenal of awakened Umbral Warframes. Warping through enemy gunfire, blasting people, doing combo takedowns with their frame, stuff like that. It'd be a heck of a lot cooler than mY WaRFrAmE iS StRoNg and mommy issues.

I would've preferred if they were just powerful astral projections from the chair. 

But I get why DE did it the way they did. I think being able to customize them and make it a playable avatar was a big motivation. 

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2 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I would've preferred if they were just powerful astral projections from the chair.

I reckon they still are, just better ones than the chest-beam initial attempt at transference. That's how I see it anyway, how else can they be shot by the enemy and just fall over back into the warframe.

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8 hours ago, Danielw8 said:

This!! They need change this, after that we talk about balance, damage whatever you want, but if you have 250ms its pretty much impossible to have a smooth gameplay with operators

With that Latency I just get bugged... Turns out the real void is somewhere in between Operator and Warframe mode. :😥


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51 minutes ago, gbjbaanb said:

I reckon they still are, just better ones than the chest-beam initial attempt at transference. That's how I see it anyway, how else can they be shot by the enemy and just fall over back into the warframe.

From what I gathered the chest beam mode was pretty much astral projection, but in the full Operator mode you're physically there. You've got a gun you can shoot people with, you can pick up objects, revive people, hack doors, interact with things, etc. On death it's more of a "you teleport to safety before you take fatal damage" kind of thing. Though DE hasn't done a very good job of explaining what's going on either way.

3 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

But I get why DE did it the way they did. I think being able to customize them and make it a playable avatar was a big motivation. 

I get it, too, but I still would have preferred it being done differently. DE set up a lot of stuff in the lore involving Oro but then just kind of dropped it and went a totally different direction. In the early parts of the game everything was Oro: the Orokin passed their around to make themselves functionally immortal, Cephalons are Oro turned into computers, Vor managed to Oro himself and become an energy being, the Tenno literally use their detached Oro for sport... The Lua ghosts, too. But for some reason the Tenno are the only thing that isn't Oro.

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At base form fresh from the War Within, Operators are incredibly underwhelming.  But, if you spend months, or even years, grinding out arcanes, amps, and the focus tree, you will earn yourself an Operator who is only moderately underwhelming.  Our operators are supposed to be [i]void demons[/i].  But they're anything but, even fully upgraded.

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1 minute ago, Hearsay said:

At base form fresh from the War Within, Operators are incredibly underwhelming.  But, if you spend months, or even years, grinding out arcanes, amps, and the focus tree, you will earn yourself an Operator who is only moderately underwhelming.  Our operators are supposed to be [i]void demons[/i].  But they're anything but, even fully upgraded.

Not only are they underwhelming even when maxed, but even a lot of fairly hardcore players just won't get them that far... 

They made leveling it way too longwinded compared to other stuff in game that levels so much faster. Yes, I know there are tricks to do it a LOT faster, but most average players are just going to play, and the focus lens system is unnecessarily punishing to get stronger lens conversions for. Apart from spamming eidolons and using shards, most players are going to level at a snails pace. And you are punished for trying things. 

In most MMO's I have played, I can respec my points anytime my want to try out different parts of a tree. Maybe it takes a few credits, or some xp, but it is relatively doable. Experimentation is punished, operators are weak at max, and leveling takes forever. Survivability is a patchy mess, and void damage is STILL not really that useful. 

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1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

You've got a gun you can shoot people with, you can pick up objects, revive people, hack doors, interact with things, etc

You have void powers and a new-age hippie charm bracelet that Onkko tells you can channel your hoodoo beam into different effects and charges you a fair bit of cetus resources to make. Not quite the same thing as a gun that shoots things. Picking things up, sure - but them I can fit 1000 fish that are as long as my warframe is tall in my warframe's pockets so lets gloss over that one (and whatever "revive" is)(and lets not even consider if a warframe has pockets). Besides, you don't necessarily pick things up as teleport them into the warframe's magic pockets and manipulate things via telekinesis and the hand gestures that make it look like you're interacting physically but without leaving sticky fingerprints. It still doesn't mean you're actually there, just a more solid projection than the original chest-beam shooting original.  That makes more sense to me than teleporting from the orbiter chair onto the planet surface 😕

Its also why you can appear on Deimos and not get infested. I prefer this idea that you're a projection with more interactive powers than the first feeble attempts at projecting the operator learns.

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I have all focus schools completed so I really like my operator and what it can do, I do missions with my operator to make things interesting whenever I can, my operator is out and about beating up enemies, the sprint speed isn't too bad around Cetus could be faster.... 

The one thing I love doing in missions when I see an eximus with a shield bubble up, I say to my clan mates bubble enemy left pocket, then void dash them and they go flying across the map bubble and all it's awesome when you do it in an open world.

Before this self stagger thing, I liked to use my operator in arbitration now and then with clannies when we did them, with my nuke nova amp it could kill up to about level 80 or more from memory, it was fun to pop the three novas then let them blow, add an arcane to the amp and make it even more powerful.

The operator schools and all the millions of focus left over really needs to go into somewhere else, I don't know maybe a secondary tier that has fun aspects to it, once you max out all operator equipment their isn't much more to do, not to mention all those shards just sitting there doing nothing, should be able to convert them into something else.

/Enough dribble from me, I have to go kill some factions now.


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1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

In the early parts of the game everything was Oro

I think you interpret too much into that word. Its means "ruling class" or "rich elites". There was the Corpus too at least. Some people got turned into cephalons - some were from the Orokin caste, but some (like one ships computer) most definitely wasn't, as he refused the option of becoming an Orokin so got Tronned instead. We see from the Naberus tale that the Orokin were just idle rich who would go into the peasant villages to mind-control children's bodies for twisted amusement. Nothing special about them other than their access to advanced technology which includes the mind-control kuva and biological. Big Pharma will have even more to answer for in the future!

Vor is now a partial void-energy being, so more like the Tenno than anything else (or two helf Tenno glued together!)

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Operators need a lot of bugfixes and QOL-changes.

  • client-authoritative transference needs to happen.
  • Warframe falls into an abyss while you are void jumping? Enjoy your unnecessary black screen. (Also, it sometimes randomly teleports you back really far if your timing is unlucky in this situation)
  • Also, why are these teleport volumes often on the ceiling/open air, relatively low, meaning when I Void Dash, I get sent back and have to try again, just because I aimed a little too high? (Why are teleport volumes so aggressive in general? A topic for another time, maybe)
  • Have 2 HP on your frame, but plenty of Shields or Energy with Quick Thinking? The second those Shields or Energy so much as get scratched, you get sent back to your Warframe, making your Operator completely unusable in these cases. Literally! Transference out, Warframe gets hit and you instantly get sent back.
    This of course only happens when the frame is vulnerable in this state because of abilities, which leads me to the next point:
  • Abilities leaving your Warframe vulnerable follow no sensible pattern. A defensive ability, or an ability that doesn't affect enemies should not leave your frame more vulnerable than without. Also: that ability ran out? Your Warframe is still vulnerable for no reason.
  • Operators clip into the ground when sitting. It's embarrassing.
  • Operators can get knocked down while they aren't even spawned. (They are just hidden, and can be affected by knockdowns while you are piloting your Warframe.) That's just silly.
  • Also, your Warframe can get knocked down while you are in your Operator, which is kinda annoying.
  • Auto-mantling ledges just doesn't work most of the time, resulting in either falling, or repeatedly getting teleported to the ledge in question if you keep Void Dashing.
  • Please, for the love of Lotus, make our Sentinels invulnerable while we are in Operator mode. Deactivate them if need be, I don't care, I just don't want my Sentinel to die a senseless fight while I'm off on void-adventures. In high level missions, that takes seconds.
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I never got into eidolon hunts as much as I tried to.

For me operator is basically zenurik for power restore and a death, damage or status escape. Especially sortie style maps where they spam a lot.

I also use operator for stealth and parkour combos. I also put healing on my operator for both myself and the team and it does serve a purpose.

So I wouldn't say operator isn't useful but yes I did skip 90% of the content and I don't put any plat or time into it.

I grinded out the extra power and power regen from zenurik and that's it.

Looking at most of the schools they basically got 25 different versions of stun abilities... that all consume power. Read focus school manuals they literally go out of their way to alert you how putting points into something is detrimental. It's a bad system.

It's also a shame you can only use one school at a time because I am not giving up power restore from zenurik so it basically invalidates everything else. It would have made more sense to me if I could say slot 5 abilities from any school or whatever. As it stands I don't plan on ever grinding out the schools.

Potentially if I were bored enough I might go after some way-bounds but a million points for some extra operator movement range or operator health - including the lenses and the fact I your have to be pestered with playing on a timer, it's all just way too much for hassle for way too little reward.

Was also quite underwhelming grinding out a high level amp both when shooting regular npcs and eidolons.

I even dislike the movement animation how they are bent over standing and running all awkward. Also hate the cyberpunk final fantasy art direction... lol. So yeah.

Lastly it seems a bad joke on the players to  send the message that "you are little kids". But maybe it was the developers' meta commentary on themselves.

Either which way I probably would have done mostly everything entirely different if it had been me.

I am happy to be able to restore power and dash through status spam is basically it.

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Current state I think they are pretty OP.  
They can heal your frame along with party members (with an arcane). 
They can revive anything with almost no danger of death during the revive animation. 
They can move through enemies with more speed than many frames, gaining energy for going through enemies to allow them to go even further. 

I think they're great for what they are, utility moments. 

Should focus schools be looked at again? Absolutely. The problem is I am not sure what changes to suggest just because of how limited most of the abilities are in there. Some rely on dashing through enemies, some with blasting enemies etc and most provide no real incentive to be used, so in the end not many of these matter.

There are a a couple of focus schools which shine. With the reduction in how OP Vazarin was in healing in defense type missions, I think the only 2 "viable" schools now are Zenurik and Naramon. One for energy and the other to boost an already broken weapon type in the game. Zenurik and Naramon mainly serve as utility functions, indirectly increasing your power.
There is a case for Madurai to be used in Eidolons of course but since that content revolves around using the operator anyway I do not view it in the same way as the aforementioned 2.

In some form or manner the other schools should be upgraded to also serve your frame in a way which is noticeable in missions. 


If there is a continued focus on the Tenno combating the Sentients, I think operators should be able to channel their void powers through the frame somehow instead of stepping out of the frame. This could be an ultimate type ability, which adds void to your abilities / weapon fire or something akin which allows a frame to more effectively combat sentients. Focus schools would provide different perks here giving them a reason to be switched between. 

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They are a utility. Personally, I find the utility they offer to be extremely broken. Unlimited energy, mobility, invisibility, invulnerability and unlimited healing. I remember the game pre having operator. It was much harder. Healing and energy were valuable. 

Having said all of that, I do not think they are the highest priority to fix. Damage, enemies scaling and frames balance is far more pressing. I assume Duviri Paradox, coming this year, is going to have many changes to operator. So this is coming... soon (TM).

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3 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

I get it, too, but I still would have preferred it being done differently. DE set up a lot of stuff in the lore involving Oro but then just kind of dropped it and went a totally different direction. In the early parts of the game everything was Oro: the Orokin passed their around to make themselves functionally immortal, Cephalons are Oro turned into computers, Vor managed to Oro himself and become an energy being, the Tenno literally use their detached Oro for sport... The Lua ghosts, too. But for some reason the Tenno are the only thing that isn't Oro.

excellent points. i definitely think they were leaning towards Tenno being amorphous energy beings tranferring from Warframe to warframe in the beginning. Even the Vor speech and his transformation with an orb of light in his belly hinted at that. It made more sense to me, and kind of felt meta because the "energy" was us, as the player, controlling the WF through mysterious means.

but- fashion frame is endgame. DE couldnt pass up the chance to give us unique avatars. I really disliked the concept at first, but im used to it now. 

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