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Is Loki outdated, in your opinion?


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1 minute ago, ZeroX4 said:

I dont get what it should mean maybe language barier or just me being stupid whatever

Can you explain?

I reworded his post to say that Loki is outdated instead of him asking the question. It's basically a way of me saying that Loki is outdated but joking a little bit while doing it

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

I reworded his post to say that Loki is outdated instead of him asking the question. It's basically a way of me saying that Loki is outdated but joking a little bit while doing it

Hahahaha and i used search function to check if he double posted

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His switch teleport makes certain Spy & Rescue rooms into a 5 second sprint.  It also works on his own decoy, for those who don't know.

Also, I use it to help people bypass several bugs (not its intended feature, but anything helpful is worth noting).

All frames have particular situational scenarios & mission types they excel at, not everything has to be a tanky dreadnought of destruction.

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Yes he is.


Decoy needs to absorb damage on cast like Molt does.

Invis is fine.

Switch Teleport is almost useless, but it's great to have an ability in the game that can get an NPC to the exact position you want, the abiltiy should remain unchanged.

Disarm, even with the augument isn't doing much in the "kill everything on sight" meta, but I don't think every Warframe should suddenly become a mass killing machine just because that is what everyone wants right now. Maybe add the ability to remove sentient resistances on cast, this would give him some usability when/if the new war adds a ton of new sentients to deal with.

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at least a little, yeah. the game has largely shifted away from a time when survivability or energy economy were an issue, and towards increasing your efficiency (read: damage output) when farming. he's definitely still useful as an entry frame to getting ivara, but that's a bit sad in its own right

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Loki is outdated but usable. He needs mostly tweaks and maybe the switch teleport and decoy could be merged and giving him a new ability. His passive also can be changed but there were already few threads where this subject was discussed.

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Decoy is practically a waste of energy unless you use it for switch teleport. It gets instantly vaporized in combat. I think it should copy your secondary weapon at 50% of modded damage as well as absorb some damage on initial cast just like molt. We have wukong's twin with full damage output and healing/ invulnerability when using cloudwalker, so a secondary on decoy isn't that crazy.

Nothing to change with Invisibility.

Switch teleport should have a hold function where you can do a radial swap with multiple enemies. Effective for grouping enemies together for melee/ explosives.

I think Disarm should have the augment baked in and have a new augment that creates a shrinking radial field like Nyx's chaos, but reduces the effective range of the initial cast.

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Every part of him has been outdated for years and some of his kit even was back when he was unironically one of the better frames.

Decoy and Teleport have only ever been useful when they can be used for a borderline/literal exploit. Invis has become less relevant since Ivara with her infinite duration and Octavia with hers and the rest of her overpowered bloated kit. And disarm has been dead since CC died.

He at least needs a Oberon/Vauban level rework if not a full blown rework.

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Kind of.

I dunno. He's kinda just fine. Not great not terrible.

Most of his problems are the same as years ago.

Switch teleport is lame and decoy is not better. Disarm is god and invisibility is okay.

Overall Chroma Hydroid and Nyx could use a rework sooner than him as they have more problems than Loki.

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Loki's powers are either extremely useless or extremely powerful. On the one hand, decoy and switch teleport are both just sort of there (which could easily be fixed by making decoy invincible, and also doing something with switch teleport, idk what). On the other hand, we have invisibility and radial disarm. Which are both perfectly overpowered as far as abilities go, which is fine.

I'd sooner like to see another hydroid rework, as to date he's the only warframe I actively avoid playing. Because believe it or not I don't like playing as a puddle for half the mission.

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Yes, Switch Teleport is not a good standalone ability, no, Spy vaults alone don't justify it not being a hold cast on Decoy instead.

Current Decoy is also basically useless, and turning it into a sponge isn't a solution.

Ironic that the frame named after a Trickster God has people fooled into thinking he's anything but outdated.

Is he bad though? Not exactly, there are frames in worse spots, but that doesn't make him not outdated and in need of some help too.

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If the decoy was indestructible and actually attracted every enemy in a certain range like Octavia's Resonator then Loki would be golden. Switch Teleport has very specific uses but no other frame can do it so the only way I can think of to buff it would be to allow either an aoe switch where you can swap with a whole group or give it an alt function that allows you to teleport the target to your location without you switching places.

Also if you slap on Equinox's Rest via Helminth you create the greatest stealth frame possible that also doubles as an amazing animal hunter. You could also just add on Resonator via Helminth as well but I find Rest to be way more useful for the missions I run Loki in.

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He's a frame themed around clever tricks in a game where clever tricks are not allowed. Every time a good use is discovered for switch teleport, it gets patched out because its an exploit. I'm surprised you're still allowed to teleport the cetus drone.

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Yes, Loki is outdated. He has all the hallmarks of an outdated frame:

  • His kit follows the old warframe design where building for one subset of abilities makes the rest useless. Loki's even worse off than most others, because his builds cover only one ability each, i.e. Invisibility or Radial Disarm.
  • He's been left behind by power creep. Once one of the old gods of Warframe, Loki hasn't received many changes since, whereas frames like Ivara and Wukong can now bypass most Spy vaults effortlessly thanks to their ability to ignore lasers.
  • He has a bunch of abilities that are essentially dead. For the longest time it's been his 1 and 3, but now his 4 is arguably not all that amazing either.

So effectively, what was once one of the most powerful frames in the game has been reduced to a one-button frame due to shifts in the meta and generational power creep, and as a result the flaws in his design can no longer be ignored. Decoy's health bar makes it poorly designed for its intended function of drawing enemy fire, Switch Teleport is a gimmick with no real use case, and Radial Disarm's become kinda meh for a 4 ability when many other frames now can output far better crowd control through cheaper abilities. Even his 2, the only thing making him usable at the moment, could use a touch-up, as it's invisibility implemented in the absolute most boring fashion.

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There are a lot of ways in which Loki has become outdated, but the first step in a proper Loki rework is removing/heavily nerfing Octavia's invisibility, which completely invaded his own invisibility's design space (long duration with no restrictions to movement) while doing, idk, a billion other things as well.

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