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Cross-Play & Cross-Save Megathread - The Soonening(TM)/Public Test Edition


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I was wondering if cross play between all platforms ( pc,ps4/5 ) will be coming soon?
My laptop broke and only have PS5 now. i'd really love to play on my pc account at the ps5.

i been searching but i keep finding No there wont be cross play and yes there will be later but nothing specific.


thanks u in advance

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It was announced at Tennocon 2021 that crossplay is coming. But Duviri Paradox was also announced at Tennocon (2019?), and that's still nowhere in sight.

Timeline-wise, the Tennocon announcement had very strong "around the end of 2021" feel to it. But that's obviously gone now. Considering that the last devstream announced a bunch of upcoming updates and made practically no mention of crossplay, I suspect we'll have to wait until the end of the year at the very least


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What connection issues have been addressed in the face of cross-platform integration?

Trade- whats going to be done to combat trade economy disparities? How will trade look?

Will higher tier platforms continue to be limited by highest performance of the lower tier ones?

Is cross-platform going to be a speed hump for future updates?


Just thoughts I had. Have been taking a break for quite a few months now. Just built a gaming PC for VR and am ready for cross-save to make its way into Warframe to get back to playing again. Hope cross-platforming proves to be a big boost to the game.


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11 minutes ago, (XBOX)AMONGTHEWEAK said:

Will higher tier platforms continue to be limited by highest performance of the lower tier ones?

It will get worse lol. Phones are going to be "Host Migration Prime" as someone on another thread put it.

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I'm glad about the new update news. Looks great but the news with Cross Save is a bit opaque.

It'd be nice to have some news at all. Is it hanging up on tech issues? Legal issues? I guess they can't share everything, all the time. 

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1 hour ago, (NSW)mrEkli said:

I'm glad about the new update news. Looks great but the news with Cross Save is a bit opaque.

It'd be nice to have some news at all. Is it hanging up on tech issues? Legal issues? I guess they can't share everything, all the time. 

Probably alot of coding is my guess and trying to figure out plat/tennogen/exclusive type items. Still looking very forward to it.

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At this point I am sick and tired of companies promising/ advertising games and features years before its released. Only make you trailers a year or less before expected release. And for #*!% sake leave some room for delays. As for when cross save will happen? I say around or after we get next gen consoles or in pc terms: when we get 60 series cards. In other words 5 years plus. I no longer have faith in reasonable release dates for any game. If you want to play with your friends DE would prefer you suck it up and go buy another consol/ pc and start over while pouring more money into their game. If they really wanted a perfect time for cross platform, they would've done it with the new war update. I've already started over on PC the switch version is borderline unbearable at this state. Start over, just trust me. Even without paying any money you WILL progress much faster now that you know what you're doing. And I'm certain account merging will be a thing far in the future. You won't be loosing anything. I love this game but they should really open their eyes and work on what people really want. But that's not gonna happen. I doubt anyone read this far, but thanks if you did. ✌️ 

Edited by PalkiaApyro
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I am new to posting here and reading through the whole comments to see if my question was answered was well not gonna happen for my adhd/autistic brain. So with them announcing this as being their main objective for 2022. If I prioritize my console account , but link my pc account. Like I have some things on pc that I did not get on console... would like missing frames/weapons fill in the blanks on the main account or will i just be better off trying to farm it on my main account and not link the pc account? feels like alot of wasted money for something they should have done a long time ago.. instead of people being forced to start over and money be wasted ... it should just merge everything :/ i dont know im just overthinking this i guess 


to add 


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Many tenno have been forced to build up accounts on separate platforms in order to be able to play on the devices that are comfortable for them at the time, or to play with different friend groups, etc.  It would be rather messed up to then force those tenno to choose to discard up to half of all the work they've done towards the game.  There must be an account merge process, in order to demonstrate respect for the hard-working players of this game (and don't anybody tell me that playing this game isn't hard work!)

Give us all our weapons/frames/companions/items/etc from all accounts, all weapon slots that were purchased with plat at least, all the total focus, etc.  Then let us log into our new account from any playform, and go back and forth without getting stuck again picking one platform prioritize.  Do this, and you will be a shining beacon in the game industry, and gamers across the lands will flock to play your game and sing your praises.  PC and console Tenno will unite as one (after the console Tenno get over their frustration with the impact it will have on their plat markets), and peace will spread across the lands.  And I'm sure many a Tenno coinpurse will loosen up, confident that their new plat will remain relevant no matter what platform their friends are playing on next year.

Full disclaimer: I've always been a PC-only player, but I have multiple friends coming from different console platforms that are really feeling the burn of grinding from scratch on PC, and deserve not to have that go to waste.

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On 2022-03-23 at 10:10 PM, LillyRaccune said:

I made 5 different profiles because I was bored and wanted to replay the new player experience. Will there be a loss if I can't merge, yes I would be very dissappointed about that. But I only spent money on one profile, so that is my primary concern.

i have 1 account on every platform 

>:D i wanna merg them all

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There will likely be a LOT of criticisms especially when it comes to the merging of inventory and platinum (if any) so I hope DE is mentally prepared for this.


Generally speaking however, I still think this is definitely the right way to go for the future of Warframe, no matter how the merging turns out to be.

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On 2022-03-24 at 5:10 AM, LillyRaccune said:

I made 5 different profiles because I was bored and wanted to replay the new player experience. Will there be a loss if I can't merge, yes I would be very dissappointed about that. But I only spent money on one profile, so that is my primary concern.

36 minutes ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

i have 1 account on every platform 

>:D i wanna merg them all

I will be very, very surprised if account mergers will be a thing. All DE has announced is crossplay/save. Nothing about account mergers in the slightest. Best not to get your hopes up in that regard, because I honestly don't see that happening.

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52 minutes ago, Numerikuu said:

Nothing about account mergers in the slightest.

Actually DE_Steve did say it was their intention to have merging. Although some other players suggested that merging would only be available for a short time (like various console migrations). And yes you are correct that DE as a collective made no commitments to account merging. So we'll see what we can get.


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6 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

Actually DE_Steve did say it was their intention to have merging. Although some other players suggested that merging would only be available for a short time (like various console migrations). And yes you are correct that DE as a collective made no commitments to account merging. So we'll see what we can get.


Oh nice, easily missed since it's off the forum (I avoid Twitter like the plague lol). Sounds like it's something they'd 'like' to do, but as pointed out will be rather... complicated. Hopefully they manage to pull it off should they do it, but I'll be surprised if they do. So many things could go horribly wrong in that regard. At the very least I can see them making an attempt after crossplay/save is release and not at the same time, since that alone will come with a bunch of kinks to iron out I'm sure.

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