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March 2022 Riven Dispositions


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Greetings Tenno!

Garuda Prime slices her way onto all platforms today, and we’ve got a few Riven changes to help with all the bloodletting and violence.

A few points of order: 

  • The weapons that were released along with our last Prime Access, Knell Prime and Scourge Prime, were found to be taking the base weapon’s disposition instead of starting at 0.5. Instead of resetting their disposition to 0.5 after already launching, they shall follow the usual procedure from here on out.
  • Since it has been awhile since we’ve stated that usual procedure, we wanted to share these rules in a new pinned post - read if you’re curious about our Riven process!
  • In September 2021 during the Nidus Prime Access update, we increased the disposition of Ankyros, but in doing so also increased Ankyros Prime accidentally. This change slipped by us and for that reason was never stated in notes. So we have reset it back to 1.45, which is where it was before the accidental change.

Thanks everyone!



Amprex: 0.8->0.85

Basmu: 1.15->1.2

Baza Prime: 0.95->1

Catchmoon (primary): 1.05->1.1

Fulmin: 0.7->0.75

Kuva Ogris: 0.8->0.75

Kuva Quartakk: 1->1.05

Nataruk: 0.5->0.55

Opticor Vandal: 1.05->1.1

Proboscis Cernos: 0.6->0.65

Quanta Vandal: 1.35->1.4

Scourge: 1.15->1.2 (offsetting error in Scourge Prime setup)

Simulor: 1.2->1.25
Synoid Simulor: 1.15->1.2

Soma Prime: 1.05->1.1

Sporelacer (primary): 1->1.05

Sporothrix: 1.25->1.3

Stahlta: 0.95->1

Tenet Envoy: 0.6->0.65

Tenet Flux Rifle: 0.8->0.9

Tenet Tetra: 0.85->1

Tenora Prime: 0.9->1

Tiberon: 1.05->1.1
Tiberon Prime: 0.95->1

Tombfinger (primary): 0.9->0.95



Arca Plasmor: 0.85->0.9

Astilla Prime: 0.95->1.05

Kuva Hek: 0.8->0.85

Strun Prime: 0.5->0.9

Tenet Arca Plasmor: 0.5->0.55



Akarius: 1.05->1

Aklex Prime: 0.9->0.95

Catchmoon (secondary): 0.5->0.55

Knell Prime: 1.25->1.05 (recovering from error in setup)

Kompressa: 0.9->1

Magnus Prime: 0.5->0.8

Pandero Prime: 0.9->1

Staticor: 0.7->0.75

Tenet Detron: 0.75->0.8

Tenet Diplos: 0.6->0.65

Tenet Spirex: 0.7->0.8

Vermisplicer (secondary): 1->1.05

Zakti Prime: 1->1.05

Zymos: 1.15->1.2



Ankyros Prime: 1.5->1.45 (was accidentally changed when we buffed regular Ankyros, returning to what it was before)

Arum Spinosa: 1.1->1.15

Furax Wraith: 1.38->1.3

Ghoulsaw: 0.5->0.85

Jat Kusar: 1.1->1.15

Korumm: 0.5->0.75

Nepheri: 0.5->0.7

Rumblejack: 0.5->0.8

Pulmonars: 1.15->1.2

Tenet Agendus: 0.65->0.75

Tenet Exec: 0.65->0.7

Tenet Grigori: 0.65->0.7

Tenet Livia: 0.6->0.65

Venato: 0.5->0.85

Verdilac: 0.5->0.75

Vitrica: 0.95->1



Larkspur: 0.95->1

Morgha: 0.95->1

Prisma Dual Decurions: 1.15->1.2

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18 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:


Proboscis Cernos: 0.6->0.65

Nice! I was expecting a Proboscis Cernos riven increase, glad to see I was right.

18 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

Kuva Hek: 0.8->0.85

An unexpected but welcome change! I think so many people sleep on this weapon. I love using it as a boss killer weapon.

18 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

Kuva Ogris: 0.8->0.75

18 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

Akarius: 1.05->1

Sadly expected :(

18 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

Tenet Detron: 0.75->0.8

Tenet Diplos: 0.6->0.65

PT player happiness

18 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

Furax Wraith: 1.38->1.3

Guess like so many people have finally learned about the power of amalgram furax body count. Otherwise ?????? that is a strange dispo nerf.


Nice to see sweeping buffs to melee that I was expecting as well.

No high disposition melee changes for stat sticks is interesting and something to keep an eye on in the next couple of riven disposition changes.

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"The weapons that were released along with our last Prime Access, Knell Prime and Scourge Prime, were found to be taking the base weapon’s disposition instead of starting at 0.5. Instead of resetting their disposition to 0.5 after already launching, they shall follow the usual procedure from here on out."

Right, it was noticed 5 seconds after release that their disposition wasn't 0.5. Why does it take 3 plus months to acknowledge this?  Sure I'm glad they weren't nuked back to the minimum, but this should have been a note in a patch 3 months ago.

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hace 7 minutos, Crevab dijo:

"The weapons that were released along with our last Prime Access, Knell Prime and Scourge Prime, were found to be taking the base weapon’s disposition instead of starting at 0.5. Instead of resetting their disposition to 0.5 after already launching, they shall follow the usual procedure from here on out."

Right, it was noticed 5 seconds after release that their disposition wasn't 0.5. Why does it take 3 plus months to acknowledge this?  Sure I'm glad they weren't nuked back to the minimum, but this should have been a note in a patch 3 months ago.

DE is extremely slow to implement small changes or small fixes. 9 years and some things do not improve.

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I know this isn't that really related to the riven talks in general, but am I the only one who's annoyed at the fact Sporelacer and Catchmoon primary are in rifles, when they use shotguns mods and skins? I get they don't really care about like 70% of weapons in this game, but It's a depressing kind of funny when they don't even pay attention to the weapon categories of kitguns. At least sporelancer primary is fun to use.

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3 hours ago, ReddyDisco said:

Surprised Nataruk got increased and glaive prime was spared! 

IMO, Naturuk is not an "AOE" weapon and it has small radial blast via perfect shot mechanic.  Why "aim" when players can just "spam" and "go ham" from meta AOE's.  Unless your a Mag main/specialist like myself, not too many players will flock into Nataruk.  Just my 2-cent.

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As a heads-up, the links to this forum thread and the "Riven Disposition Guidelines" forum thread from the Warframe updates page both actually link back to the Warframe updates page. Looks like someone put the hrefs in a src attribute on the link elements.

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@[DE]ConnorNagantaka Prime inherited the base dispo.  At least according to the Arsenal/Mod screens.  I don't have Corvas or a Corvas riven to check that.

3 hours ago, alchemystn2o said:

IMO, Naturuk is not an "AOE" weapon and it has small radial blast via perfect shot mechanic.  Why "aim" when players can just "spam" and "go ham" from meta AOE's.  Unless your a Mag main/specialist like myself, not too many players will flock into Nataruk.  Just my 2-cent.

I don't know what Reddy would say, but for me I halfway expected no increase.   And I wasn't surprised the increase was the smallest possible.

Not because it deserves an ultra low dispo, but because DE let's popularity determine about 50% of their calculations.  And because their "internal ranking" doesn't seem like it looks at the big picture meta. 

Like, I don't know if this is exactly they do, but it wouldn't surprise me if Nataruk got such a small dispo buff because a lot of people used it, and it happens to be the best non-launcher bow.   OTOH, Tenet Envoy got a small boost as well, and while it's not a great dispo it's still better than Nataruk's.   Does that mean they think Envoy is a worse weapon than Nataruk?  I doubt it.  I think it's probably just a little less popular than Kzarr and Bramma, so it got a little bump.

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All this time I thought knell prime and scourge prime would be the start of new prime variants finally being worth being bought with real money since they wouldn't be significantly worse than 3+ year old variants.
Looks like ya'll just messed up and didn't bother fixing it.
Never played a game before where devs went out of their way to ruin upgrade paths for weapons.
You try so hard to make variants all identical by changing dispositions on each while raising MR requirements as if there is supposed to be a upgrade path through weapon variants when there isn't.
What is even more curious is you expect money for worse weapons. Yeah new players without rivens get a slight bump in stats but anyone else will just stick with old variants because you won't let a upgrade path in weapon archetypes exist anymore.
I'm not arguing for a new weapon to get higher dispositions out of the gate,i'm arguing for new variants of very old weapons to have value beyond just one variant among usually several.

If knell has slightly less stats for example but a significantly higher disposition,knell prime has no reason to exist except for new players who haven't built up their inventory to gear towards their favorite loadouts. Warframe is a looter shooter,I'm collecting what I can which includes rivens to build up my arsenal. You've made it so there is no reason to bother with new primed gear for people who care about looting.
Now why would I buy knell prime or any prime weapon for that matter when they're inferior weapons to players that have continued to play your game?
I hope you can help me make sense of this because I don't get it.

If your argument is to decrease scamming in trade chat then make a npc sell rivens for new variants temporarily that release to cut back on the scamming. This way we get new exciting weapons to upgrade to and people aren't taken advantage of nearly as much in trade chat.

There used to be a upgrade path through weapon variants in the game,I hope that can return. 

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11 hours ago, robertobear said:

I know this isn't that really related to the riven talks in general, but am I the only one who's annoyed at the fact Sporelacer and Catchmoon primary are in rifles, when they use shotguns mods and skins? I get they don't really care about like 70% of weapons in this game, but It's a depressing kind of funny when they don't even pay attention to the weapon categories of kitguns. At least sporelancer primary is fun to use.

what Mod Set a Weapon ends up using isn't just thematic - it can significantly affect their performance. depending on the type of Weapon one Mod Set is significantly stronger than the other.

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