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Do You Think Dormizones Will Be "DOA"


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Hi All

So with the recent Prime-Time stream a very good question was asked: "Will we be able to load into the Dormizones upon Login" as usual the qeastion was avoided and was brushed off with saying you can either load in via Star-chart or walk to it, from the Hub from the Ten Zero Ship. (a simple no, whuold had been better).

With what I understand there is conflicted feelings on if this will really find a meaning for most players, as players did want to be able to load into the Dormizones upon Login and it seems that if this was given a choice, i't Incentive the Dorm to be a primary area and without it will just be another floor space that will be a "One and Done" quest and be forgotten about by quite a lot of players (besides the IKEA Players) and the Dojo seems to be far superior to be a place to do such, as it has much more space, same as the Orbiter.

Now, I don't normally like to echo other people's feelings on something (more so a You tuber of all people) but Brozime does make a very strong point about this matter, if you wish to see the video for yourself, then go for it:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUOKQsWCdPk



However if you don't want to watch the video (I don't blame you) here is the TL:DR:

 1. Dormizones Will be DOA without Login Loading.

2. It will Incentive the Dorm to be a primary area.

3. This can potentially be a opportunity to give players the feel of a Big Progression and for New Players to see what they can unlock in the future and to show what a more "Vet Player" looks like (AKA: Braggin Rights)

4. There is minor theory that this Dorm will be used for other Quests and NPCs, cuz slapping in a new floor space, just for fashion frame, does seem like a waste of resources, this echos the 3rd qeastion. Also: It be interesting to see a Pie chart of who Picks to Stay on the Orbiter Vs Dorm.  


What you all think of this, will you still use the Dorm, will you still visit it or will you just forget about it?, do you think it will be DOA as a result?  




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All I know about any decorate-able areas in this game is that they aren't worth it.  Orbiter, Dojo, and whatever new thing they're adding, anything customizable is pointless.

I say this because if you go in and spend a lot of time to get things looking nice or heaven forbid even take the time to try and build something artistic, there is a chance that DE will break everything you worked on during a patch release and then leave you with the work to fix it.  They did this to me.  They utterly destroyed my dojo and broke things that I spent days building, and then refused to acknowledge that there was even a problem.  I could spend hours and fix it myself, but where does that get me?  Waiting for them to break it again and leave me with the repairs.  Again.  

There's no point.  There is zero point in engaging with any system where they might just break everything you did and then refuse to fix it.  The only things you actually need are the basics with your foundry, arsenal, etc.  We already have those.  New quarters and decorating and all that would be great, if it weren't for the fact that they might destroy what you've taken the time to do.

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14 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Now, I don't normally like to echo other people's feelings on something (more so a You tuber of all people) but Brozime does make a very strong point about this matter, if you wish to see the video for yourself, then go for it:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUOKQsWCdPk


Oh that's Brozime yikes not a good look if he speaking out against it since he is usually pretty constructive in his ideas.


Going on a tangent, Watched the short clip at the start and PLEASE DE make necramechs summonable in ALL missions not just a select few in railjack or open world. God why does it have to take so long to implement? To essentially become a non-talking point even when it is directed as a talking point is that what it has resorted to?????

The video is talking about his ideas as a content creator so he is naturally going to have some basis towards interactions that would be geared towards zones.


Okay back to dormizones. I feel like the parity with the orbiter (or dojo) needs to there to be worth it, trading, foundry and quick arsenal/navigation access are the top three things. I don't see myself hanging out in various areas in warframe such as Fortuna or Plains simply because I have more functionality in the orbiter, I have helminth. Operator access, quick arsenal access, foundry, mod support etc.

While those other areas areas are still there and I try to hang out in some of those areas like the Bazar or Fortuna during my orb mother heists or Dojo for RJ/trades. It is just more of a hassle being in those areas than just staying in my orbiter.

A new hub I think would further stagnate which areas we should be gravitating towards so that is why I am hoping it has parity with the orbiter along with some trade functionality since that would make it strictly better than the current offerings. So I don't think it is doing to be DOA but rather just going to be seen as the hot new thing and then forgotten about just like how Fortuna got nothing, the Necralisk got nothing etc. There are ways of improving the system and I am hoping that people like it when it launches but I do agree that if it is just exactly as described then it could become DOM- Dead in Months.

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I really don't see the point of dormizones.. Well i do, if i understand it right its to be a player hub to start missions from? Thats the part i don't get. Its just more bloat, more fragmentation. If i had to mingle with the masses i'd rather do it in a relay where i might pick up a random blessing or 3 or cetus, fortuna maroos etc. 

Also these things are dropping at the same time as the focus eximus rework right? Well if those ain't a total mess that just puts me off playing the game i'll be busy gettihg to grips with them in normal missions rather than worrying about where to put plant pots and tea sets in a room i doubt i'll ever spend any time in.

So yeah DoA seems likely for me.

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12 hours ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

And pretty sure you said you'll leave Warframe if you don't get to kill Lotus at one point so you're going back on your words?

Aw Crap, you remember xD

But yes, technically I've got my Wish, as "Lotus" is dead and I now have Natah (Or in my case, Natah with the Eidolon Skin) and we all know that "Eidolons" are undead Sentients or rather spectral fragments of their shattered self, not excaly what I wanted, but I will take what I can get. (I still want the choice to mute the VO, but players have been asking for that for years, pride is a hell of a thing for Voice Actors)

New War, also got rid of another desire I have "No Operators" I have the Drifter now and I will stick to the Drifter forever (Hell, if I chuold I'd permanently remove the Operator, as a choice to swap, that little hand thing?). 


Glad your keeping me on my toes tho!

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DoA? Not sure, cause that implies there will be some actual loss.

I am more inclined to think there will be a niche segment that will enjoy it , just like our ikea frame community.

It will depend largely on what you can actually do. If it's not at all customisable then it's probably going to be something you do for a 1k nightwave , if it includes some unique flavor and bonuses that impact the rest of gameplay it may actually see some use.

But at the end of it i see a very small use case for it.

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probably going to decorate it, spend 10 minutes in it at most and then forget about it, just like Relays, Dojo, Iron Wake, Drifter's Camp... DE's track record of making hub areas that are memorable and useful is not good... at all.

if we have all of the Orbiter's Functions and can spawn there on login, then I'll give it a chance. otherwise it will seem like another wasted space. 

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18 minutes ago, RazerXPrime said:

Brozime, isn't he the one who cries about everything like a child before anything comes out? Yea, think I'll avoid that trap.

By the way, what the heck is a Dormizone?

Most warframe youtubers are either 2 things guys who complain or people you bring you tldr of updates and give guides of how to blank

And dormizone is player apartment on the zariman. Im curious and happy I'll have nice place to put my decorations that i can't fit my Orbiter. To me to if i can invite people over to trade then ill use it alot

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10 minutes ago, (XBOX)The Neko Otaku said:

Most warframe youtubers are either 2 things guys who complain or people you bring you tldr of updates and give guides of how to blank

And dormizone is player apartment on the zariman. Im curious and happy I'll have nice place to put my decorations that i can't fit my Orbiter. To me to if i can invite people over to trade then ill use it alot

Ah ok thanks.

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2 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Aw Crap, you remember xD

But yes, technically I've got my Wish, as "Lotus" is dead and I now have Natah (Or in my case, Natah with the Eidolon Skin) and we all know that "Eidolons" are undead Sentients or rather spectral fragments of their shattered self, not excaly what I wanted, but I will take what I can get. (I still want the choice to mute the VO, but players have been asking for that for years, pride is a hell of a thing for Voice Actors)

New War, also got rid of another desire I have "No Operators" I have the Drifter now and I will stick to the Drifter forever (Hell, if I chuold I'd permanently remove the Operator, as a choice to swap, that little hand thing?). 


Glad your keeping me on my toes tho!

Doesn't make Lotus dead in any "technically", you simply choose the Natah persona to be in charge in that body, being the dominant personality while the others are staying behind. Killing Lotus would mean having Lotus stopped appearing as transmissions everywhere and you either go by yourself or getting a new transmission operator.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)The Neko Otaku said:

To me to if i can invite people over to trade then ill use it alot

If inviting players to visit is much easier because Zariman will be in a relay, then this could be a good. They didn't show anything on the streams about trading, but it would be nice. Hope it happens!

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Depends on the functionalities provided. For example Iron Wake, who goes there and why? After the Chains of Harrow I only go there if I find myself holding Riven Slivers. The Camp is also something I used for a while but stopped because I am not much of a decorator and I was put off even more when I discovered I couldn't decorate the open side area. Missed opportunity. 

The easiest thing I think DE could do to give the dorm a real chance at being a big thing especially if they make it into something we can launch into at login, is to give the apartment a sort of hatch or docking port to the side that leads into the orbiter. Think of it as an access hatch or door to your workshop in the cellar or garage. It's separate of the apartment but still easily accessible. 
Luckily, this type of thing seems like something relatively easy to implement. Biggest problem being decoration cost and potential massive hit to performance due to a lot of decorations. 

On a side-note there are two things about decorating that I want to see done. One is in regards to the Camp and that is the ability to use dojo decorations in there. Maybe we'd need to build them first and then have the option to "ship" them to our camps so we can use them as decorations on site, but either way, it's a large open space that just can't be sensibly decorated with orbiter stuff alone. If we could. 
Second and FAR more important is having the option while decorating to set the decoration as a physical solid object. I HATE with a passion how nearly everything besides ayatans are just holograms I can walk through on my orbiter. This will feel weird in the apartment also. 

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I think it depends on how much people care about a space that only works for decorations. Certainly not me, as I only have a few roombas and posters in my orbiter, but I did switch to the drifter hideout because the overall open space looks a lot more cooler and serves a reminder of TNW. That said, it's not decorated at al.

So for me and those who are like me, the dormizones will be ignored if their only functionality is cosmetic. For the rest? I guess those who like decorating their dojos (Which is essentially the same thing access-wise) will invest on them.

That said, I would be much more likely to cycle between the drifter camp and dormizone if I could load directly into the dormizone and it had all the functions to serve as a base of operations. 

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It's not like FFXIV housing with thousands of items to make and being able to basically devote yourself to collecting exotic items from around the game world, the ability to create new rooms and amazing spaces in a huge variety of styles, which you can use for a bunch of things for real.. I will play with it for a few minutes but IKEA frame is not really that feature filled or exciting ^^;

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1 hour ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

Doesn't make Lotus dead in any "technically", you simply choose the Natah persona to be in charge in that body, being the dominant personality while the others are staying behind. Killing Lotus would mean having Lotus stopped appearing as transmissions everywhere and you either go by yourself or getting a new transmission operator.

Fair enough, but this is what I'll have to live with, for now.


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1 hour ago, LillyRaccune said:

If inviting players to visit is much easier because Zariman will be in a relay, then this could be a good. They didn't show anything on the streams about trading, but it would be nice. Hope it happens!

Imagine if to trade both players have to sit at the dinner table, i don't know why but the visual of 2 warframes sitting at table to trade is fun to me. 

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2 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

If inviting players to visit is much easier because Zariman will be in a relay, then this could be a good. They didn't show anything on the streams about trading, but it would be nice. Hope it happens!

I imagine a lot of exchanges happening in those places if its possible.

 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Even if we could load directly into them they'll still go unused by most players if they take even slightly more effort to navigate than the default Orbiter. After all the slight transition on the Drifter's Camp is why most people stopped using it. And even then those who don't care about decorating won't bother with it to begin with.

So it's already a niche addition that'll be dead on arrival for most players regardless of being able to load directly into it or not.

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