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People on Railjack are freaking rude


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I literally can't play Railjack any way but solo. When I join on people they are rude as hell. If you move the Railjack because they left it unattended and you're being shot at, they curse you out and tell you to 'effing leave'. I try to give advice when they are having trouble killing Crewships and they call me a liar and to shut up. I am constantly getting cursed at for no reason. When I let people join on me, they try to steal my Railjack, or don't do mission objectives. When I ask them to help they either ignore me, or curse at me.

Seriously, what is wrong with people?

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I've found it hit and miss whether people are actually a help or a hindrance.... (So I go solo) but in the few pub messions I've done,  I've rarely had anyone even speak, certainly nobody being a jerk.

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I find a good general rule of thumb is leave the piloting to the railjack owner and just support with turrets/forward artillary or rushing objectives. Unless they refuse to pilot their own ship. If someone grabs your helm than just go along with it, but when It's my own railjack I like to jump in the drivers seat while the level is loading to establish my role. People will usually leave you to it unless you leave the seat for too long. Just find a job no one else is doing and do it.

Never had any complaints. The worst pilots I've had were only ones that wouldn't hold still for forward artillery to do their job, and when that happens there's always the option to board the crew ships instead.

It's not common to find a group of genuinely competent and coordinated railjack players tho. But it's really satisfying when you get a team that runs like a well oiled machine and churns through missions.

An issue you run into a lot in this game is not a lot of people actually know how to play it at all. It's easy to see this in disruption when you can often sit there and do nothing for 10 minutes with a key sitting in front of a conduit before someone else realizes the mission isn't progressing and actually picks it up to trigger it. or spy when you'll have players run to a vault and then ether sit at the entrance and not do anything while everyone else runs to the other two, or bullet jump straight into the first alarm triggering obstacle. It always astonishes me when I see MR cap players do this. I saw an Excalibur prime do this once.

I think players like this just always have public on and are use to the mission progressing without their input so they don't actually know what they're suppose to be doing.

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Hmm i do get the occasional player that takes over as pilot (while i am away on foot) and sucks at it , and any further requests are ignored.

Also the common AFK player.

But abuses and curses have been very rare.

If you are getting it very frequently you are just unlucky.

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vor 13 Minuten schrieb Hayrack:

Whar region are you playing in? Some regions seem to have more "special" people than others...

in europe something like this happens from time to time.
i have met very sick people. but there is an ignore list (too short!).
this sick creature screamed pitifully when i took control of the railjack.

apparently there is internet in the insane asylum.

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6 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

If you are getting it very frequently you are just unlucky.

Unlucky or potentially the problem. If they get it so often there's a chance that they're doing things that stall the mission. Whether they know they are or not. Can't be totally sure without more context.

Unlucky is certainly a possibility tho.

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48 minutes ago, taiiat said:

the F2P game experience. you get a higher ratio of problem People than in other types of games.

But in other hand Warframe has pretty strict rules and they can give you permanent ban. 

I think that at least courage people not to say anything if they don't have anything nice to say. 

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb (PSN)M00n_Slippers:

I literally can't play Railjack any way but solo. When I join on people they are rude as hell. If you move the Railjack because they left it unattended and you're being shot at, they curse you out and tell you to 'effing leave'. I try to give advice when they are having trouble killing Crewships and they call me a liar and to shut up. I am constantly getting cursed at for no reason. When I let people join on me, they try to steal my Railjack, or don't do mission objectives. When I ask them to help they either ignore me, or curse at me.

Seriously, what is wrong with people?

I don't know man, you say on the one hand that if you move a Railjack from another person, they are rude to you and on the other hand you say that people "steal" your railjack. Your words, not mine. And this shows that you need to be a bit more chill yourself. Who cares who pilots the thing if there are results? And if there are no results, leave and join another group or start your own.

I very, very rarely encounter problems like yours. Warframe players are really chill.

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Don't know about rude but my crew whisper naughty things in my ear from time to time. :awe:

Though I have only come across a rude player back when Empyrium was released, apart from that, most players seem reasonable, though I solo 99% of the time now so it solves any problem.

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Haven't met any rude players. Nay, haven't met anyone who talks at all, let alone being rude. On the other hand I've met way too many afk players filling the spots with literal deadweight that would've been better off replaced by a crewmate. I'm fine with people being clueless or not doing their work properly, we can always teach them. But you can't do anything to an afk player.

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12 minutes ago, (PSN)icecell6 said:

I have never ever from my 2-3 years playing in any calibur experinced this in any way, shape, form, or any other synonyms. I might have 1 or 2 people refuse to leave my wheel every RED BLOOD MOON every Planetary Alignment, buttttt for the most part your statement is 99.99999% false.

Which region are you playing on? Heard western regions tend to be "special"

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1 hour ago, Venus-Venera said:

in europe something like this happens from time to time.
i have met very sick people. but there is an ignore list (too short!).
this sick creature screamed pitifully when i took control of the railjack.

apparently there is internet in the insane asylum.

Sign for you to move to Eastern region

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PSN)IdoThea:

But in other hand Warframe has pretty strict rules and they can give you permanent ban. 

I think that at least courage people not to say anything if they don't have anything nice to say. 

bot is scanning the chat. at the moment even a letter with 2 spaces can mean a permanent ban, as i read in the forum.

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it has been fairly common since railjack first came out.  Anytime I ever do a railjack mission I leave the ship immediately and do everything in archwing even if its my ship.  Doing it this way your least likely to have issues.  Railjack isn't really needed at all to do those missions for the most part.

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10 hours ago, RafMatador22 said:

Does this happen in every Railjack game you play? Well, rude people exist in any online game, we eventually run into them unfortunately, but in warframe I rarely found players like that.

Not in literally every one, but I play Railjack significantly less than other game modes and yet the harassment is significantly more common there than in regular game play. It's the worst when I join onto people. Generally people joining on me aren't so much rude as just completely useless and do nothing. RJ is definitely easier/better with at least two people, one to pilot RJ and kill fighters and the other to do crewships/away, so I prefer to run with others and I know a lot of people just doing RJ need the help anyway, but I just don't want to bother anymore.

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Don't forget, people can't read mood or intent off of text.

Seemingly innocent questions can't be interpreted as a complaint, sarcasm, mockery etc.

I am pretty sure if you are polite and diplomatic and communicate with "tone" in mind, 99% of warframe players will return it.

Then for something as railjack, you really have to be equally tolerant proportionally to how terrible the design is.

For instance how unstable the arty-gun is on ship movement - no player should ever be blamed for anything during a railjack, it's not their fault.


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