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Echoes of Veilbreaker: Update 32.1


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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed an issue where skin tone might not apply to all Operator customization slots if you owned more than 3. 


WAIT. you can have more then then three slots? HOW? PLEASE i have always wanted this how do i get more slots???

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16 minutes ago, iHeuksal said:

Operators have now no way to change emissive colors for ephemeras. Ruining my entire color theme...


Why do you guys don't think about separating the functions for each class?

this happened recently in an update and was fixed. dont worry, it will be fixed again

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I see a lot of ppl complaining about how the new Ephemera looks.

Bruh imagine buying them and not seeing them appear in your inventory how much would you complain ?


Wait, why do I don't see them in my inventory ?


Actually I see them in my inventory but they are nowhere to be found when I want to equip them, even on a frame that does have equipped shards

Edited by Chinome
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Please let us fully color the conquera armor set and syandana, the syandana can be colored on drifter, but not the armor, nor can the syandana be colored on warframes.

Please fix the zenoriu face mask not sitting on the face of drifter if you aren't host.

Please let us "copy main colors" on drifter and operator, putting the colors in manually is a pain.

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2 hours ago, IFVTA said:

Friendly reminder Spring-Loaded Chamber aswell as every other "on reload" mods aren't functional.

Can you elaborate?

(Things I tried that didn't seem to cause this problem, were using context-reload versus explicit reload control,  or using Xbox controller)

Edited by [DE]Momaw
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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Kompressa’s additional bubbles (after the first 4) not exploding with radial damage as intended when modded with Multishot. 

It's nice to see a partial fix for this, finally!

But there is still trouble - some multishot bubbles explode immediately in your face, dealing no damage, and causing an annoying visual flash.

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3 minutes ago, Her_Lovely_Tentacles said:

It's nice to see a partial fix for this, finally!

But there is still trouble - some multishot bubbles explode immediately in your face, dealing no damage, and causing an annoying visual flash.

Yeah, I find it completely blinding.

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Was the equinox duality using archguns really needed?


I know that DE is trying to move away form specters being useful. and I dont understand the "it brings it in line with other specter ai that only use primary secondary and melee." now there is nothing that sets equinox duality apart from the other specters that we can summon other than:

all its downsides:

-Low duration

-costs energy to recast

-constant switching leaves you not being able to take advantage of equinox's kit fully.

-building for it requires one to focus exclusively on duration since no other stats affect duality

and the biggest of them all....

Archgun damage is terrible compared to what our guns can currently do. they are however more fun than regular guns.

this change will not make me deal less damage.... it will in fact make me deal more damage since ill be using basic *@##$ high damage weapons with the augment instead of the funny and fun archguns thatI used to and that I dont get to use often because of the terrible ammo economy compared to the ammount of damage I deal with them.

archgun equinox was fun and barely even as strong as other damage dealing builds.

now there is nothing that sets duality a}part from other specter AI other than the duration limit, constant energy casting requirement and the limiting of ones kit by building for it.

EDIT: not to mention that getting an archgun to deploy in atmosphere is a huge grind and that build was already incredibly niche. there was a bug where the clone wouldnt take from your ammo but that could have been fixed and wouldnt have been enough.

but just taking away a fun mechanic just to "put it in line with other abilities" just makes the ability a worst wukong clone or umbra specter that borks your build to focus on it.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Energy Motes generated by the Emergence Dissipate Arcane not providing Energy if picked up by Necramech. 

also quite nice, but Emergence Dissipate still suffers from the bug where it triggers behind your Operator instead of where you are aiming.

Could this get looked at, because it makes the arcane extremely clumsy to use?



Edited by Her_Lovely_Tentacles
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1 hour ago, EquinoxPrimeUmbra said:


I love DE so much, but why would they do this? Who was asking for this? They've taken so much away from Equinox because of Wukong that I don't understand why they felt the need to take this too.

The other AI Fighters are different enough from Equinox that this kind of nerf without anything to balance it out hurts so badly. They have no time limit, they can actually use a melee weapon effectively. All the clones, they all served different purposes. Wukongs is a crutch, Umbra's is thematically cool, and Equinox's used to be, in a pinch, a considerable extra source for damage. Her clone never casted abilities like the other two, it didn't follow you on your heels, it was always effectively just another gun, one you had to tactically deploy. A turret with a 10 second life. And now it's one gun less.

I mean if I'm whipping out an archgun it's because I didn't bring an AOE weapon, I'm getting overrun, and I need all the firepower I can get. The clone doubled that. It was my pseudo-exalted weapon. Who was abusing it, how were they abusing it on a clone that has a time limit?

I mean before this update, if you weren't host, pulling out an archgun made your entire ammo pool disappear, meaning you effectively had 2 clips with which to kill your enemies, yours and your clones, before having to put the gun away. Fully modded thats only like 20 seconds of oppressive damage (half of which an AI is aiming and missing with). WHO WAS ABUSING THIS AND HOW?

Like please DE, have the clone start using its abilities, have it do more than be a turret, give it a longer duration, please DE, don't just nerf my goddess like this, give her something in return.

I'm begging

Yeah, it's totally mind boggling considering the other issues with it that they just refuse to touch, like clones not benefitting from arcanes (probably because they're almost certainly specters, which were in turn created before arcanes were even a thing that existed). Which wasn't so much an issue back in the day, but arcanes are how DE has decided to scale damage, so it's very much an issue now. 

And relying on the Duality clone meant you were handicapping the other abilities of your kit, because even with 200% duration you're hitting that every 15-20s and constantly switching forms. 

And the clone likes to constantly reload back to back without firing, too. Which for archguns could be absolute murder with some of the longer reloads...

It was a niche use case that made sense because of the extra hoops you had to go through. The augment didn't get touched in the augment pass months ago BECAUSE of that niche buoying up its use numbers. Now a significant benefit of it has been dumpstered, but hey, gotta be consistent - even if the Duality clone is not at all consistent with other clone abilities in the other ways you listed (not using abilities and such).

Ugh. Yeah, gotta 'fix' the stuff that gives players power and options. The bugs and inconsistencies that inconvenience players, though? Those'll stay.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

General Additions:

  • Iron Wake is now home to a very special memorial to the late Tenno, Datareaper, located just behind Clem’s Fort. Datareaper created the character Clem and, with it, brought joy to many fellow Tenno. His memorial displays his favorite and most used Warframe, and his custom-colored Kronen Prime, as the Kronen was also his creation from a Contest long ago. Clem Forever <3. 

Thats really cool, glad you have done this

3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

New Landing Craft - Skaut

Wish I could see what my ship colors would look like on this BEFORE buying it but I will get it eventually anyways I guess...

4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Break Narmer Mission Changes & Fixes:  

  • Cumulative Challenge Change: Progress on Break Narmer Challenges now persist between mission runs, rather than being reset for incomplete challenges. 

    • The Break Narmer mission progress screen will now show your challenge progress. 

Finally! Its here! Thank you 🙏

4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

General Changes: 

  • Armor attachments (Chest, Arms, Legs) and Syandanas are now available to be equipped on the Drifter! 

This is pretty cool, spent waaaaay longer then I thought I would tweaking it but happy to have it included. Now if only the Mustaches would last... Limbo Prime desperately wants it all year round.

4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed enemies instantly dying when casting Mag’s Pull on enemies that are affected by Titania’s Spellbind. 

Too bad that sounds fun lol

4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the Primed Sure Footed Mod having a very tiny chance of not preventing knockdown at max rank. 

Thanks for this! Very rare that it would be an issue but I remember it happeneing 3 times in 1 mission once...

4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Kompressa’s additional bubbles (after the first 4) not exploding with radial damage as intended when modded with Multishot. 


4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed cases where audio transmissions playing in a specific order (Quests, etc.) could get interrupted by other transmissions that are unrelated. 

  • Transmissions that are unrelated to the main event ones will now play at the end of the queued sequence. No more rude interruptions! 

Cool, actually had this happen to me a few times lol

All in all nice work DE

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vor 48 Minuten schrieb TyphlosionToaster:

Are there plans to add rewards to bothering fighting Tel & Sprag?

Wdym? Being able to play as Kahl is great enough on it's own. I regularly startup Warframe just to enjoy these missions. I hope DE puts more development resources into these. Maybe they should even consider a standalone release, given the groundbreaking gameplay elements not to be found anywhere else. /s

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Would it be possible to get a name that is already taken in the future now that we have tags? 

For example someone has the username Emily#101, would I be able to get Emily#323?


I personally would like this feature.


Edited by --C--Emily
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