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Echoes of Veilbreaker: Hotfix 32.1.2


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1 hour ago, zaturalma2 said:

If you do not have console player in your party then I should be able to join and no console player will be able after me. 

But I don't want you to prevent console players from joining me if you join my party.

1 hour ago, zaturalma2 said:

To the scenario you described I would say though luck, I can sck it up and still join (could be notified or whatever) OR (and this would be an acceptable solution) you dont show up in recruit chat for me ONLY if you already have a console player in the party

What if I invite you to my squad and then after that I invite a console player?

1 hour ago, zaturalma2 said:

(likewise, if Im in your party and I dont want console players our msgs should not be visible to them).

Again, I don't want you to prevent me from sending messages to console players just because you joined my party.

And all of this is a lot more complicated and isn't well thought out (e.g. I send a message to recruit chat before you join, console players still see that message, then you join, but console players can ask for an invite because they saw the message before you joined).

What you're saying is that if you join my squad, you turn off crossplay for me. That is you forcing your preference on me. The alternative is to force you to play with console players. Someone's preference has to be overridden. That is the conflict. That is why players who have crossplay turned off are separated.

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2 hours ago, --N-- said:

But I don't want you to prevent console players from joining me if you join my party.

What if I invite you to my squad and then after that I invite a console player?

Again, I don't want you to prevent me from sending messages to console players just because you joined my party.

And all of this is a lot more complicated and isn't well thought out (e.g. I send a message to recruit chat before you join, console players still see that message, then you join, but console players can ask for an invite because they saw the message before you joined).

What you're saying is that if you join my squad, you turn off crossplay for me. That is you forcing your preference on me. The alternative is to force you to play with console players. Someone's preference has to be overridden. That is the conflict. That is why players who have crossplay turned off are separated.

I'd say adaptibility needs to go both ways. You don't want me to keep you from playing with console players, while I do not want to be  COMPLETELY kept from playing because I prefer PC players. This is discrimination and I think that you would agree that it would be an inconvinience for you that players like me occasionally keeps you from playing with console players, while the current system is not an inconvinience for me, but makes it outright impossible to play as I can not organise parties, effectively keeping me from efficiently playing the game (which as we know is key in playing warframe).

My suggestion can use some finetuning for sure, but it is much better thought out than the current mess. The issue you raise can be solved by expiring invitations (which they already do) or by extra notification. Keeping from PC players to play with PC players for the sake of crossplay is just a terrible 'solution' and it is not my job to come up with better alternatives.

What you are saying is your inconvinience outweighs my opportunity to play in squads. Which means that your preference keeps me from playing completely. Who looses more? You with my suggestion or me with the current system?




And make no mistake, I do not hate console players, Im okay with playing with them, BUT! They have inferior controls, which makes it incredibly annoying to do dificult content with them and console is just the begining. Switch will be integrated after which mobile is next. It will be a terrible experience to play with someone who is travelling and on cellular data (connectivity issues) and with even less precise controls than console and switch. Why do you think they changed void dash into this abbomination of voidsling? It has console written all over it, except the playerbase pushed back because it was slow, so they increased speed and now it is a less controllable, laggy, slower and shorter void dash. All for the sake of crossplay and the future mobilemarket.

The issue of opting out from crossplay and yet still being able to play with other PC players has to be sorted out NOW, because later they wont and it will only get more complicated.



Another idea would be apply the host's preferences to the party. If you organise the party you can invite players as you want. If I organise it I can invite only PC players. Similarily your msgs would be also visible to console players, mines would not, only for PC players. This would also promote taking on the burden of organising parties (which usually is a thankless job).

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Same-platform users don't need icons at all. We played without them for all these years somehow.

Console-specific icons are fine - everyone deserves to know when they are at the mercy of a Switch host. 

If you're afraid of console wars, don't be: right now the noble PC gamers have a BARRED PRISON WINDOW to their names, and console gamers are... human? Ironically, this offends me beyond the irony.

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1 hour ago, zaturalma2 said:

The issue you raise can be solved by expiring invitations (which they already do) or by extra notification.

I don't understand how an expiring invitation solves the problem. You already joined my squad, the console player already sent me a private message, and then I go and invite them.

You already get a notification if a player joins, and that notification contains the crossplay icon.

They could add a warning when you join someone who has a different crossplay setting than yours, like the current high ping warning. The ping limit does not prevent you from seeing everyone in recruiting chat (they could add an option to chat filtering to filter out other platforms), but you get a warning when you try to join, and it prevents you from joining those players in public matchmaking. A differing crossplay setting could simply act like a ping that is higher than your limit.

1 hour ago, zaturalma2 said:

Another idea would be apply the host's preferences to the party.

I don't think that's a good idea for public matchmaking (for invites, you would get the warning, so that's different). The host should not be special. If I join a public match, but then want to invite a console friend, It'll depend on the host if I'm allowed to do that or not. Conversely, if you join a public match with me as the host, you could meet console players. And people won't understand why they're still getting console players when they have turned crossplay off.

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On 2022-11-04 at 2:06 PM, -Prototype-XIII said:

Suggestion: Make the platform icons visible only if people are on a different platform. Looking this ugly icon next to my name and everyone in clan chat, is really bad.


This ^

Not having an icon for those on the same platform as you is how we've seen it for forever, so it's already a universal concept that everyone understands. We should keep that.

Couple of other things:

Using colors to differentiate between platforms is an issue for those who use accessibility options (colorblind, others) so text would be better if the actual platforms icons can't be used. And please change the Windows logo to a PC logo - not all who use a PC are on Windows.

These forums use "(platform)Username" for those not on PC and "[DE]Username" for staff; something similar in-game would be easily recognized, especially since [DE]Username is also used in chat channels there.

There is also a helpful notation under the member's icon here that they are a "PC Member" / "PSN Member" etc and that same notation could be placed in our in-game profile if someone cared enough to look to see which hardware someone is using, if you wanted to go with no icon/text indication at all.

Or you could use @

[PSN] UserOne:
[XBOX] UserTwo:



Either would be an improvement to the current clutter and generic icon currently used for other platforms. 

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50 minutes ago, Youknow-nothing said:

Please return my HELMINTH module to me!

Hi! I saw your other post about your foundry eating your Helminth module when you rushed the build. I'm pretty sure it automatically installs it without you having to do anything, so it may have done that. The easiest way to tell would be to go talk to Helminth and see if the new options are there.

If they are not, then definitely fill out a support ticket at https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/

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On 2022-11-04 at 11:23 PM, ArcticHelix said:

Cope + Seethe + Mald + L + Ratio.

Cope? No I ain't coping, that is why I was Malding :D

Seething? I am disappointed, I believe by definition those things are different.

I hate to do this, cuz I do not endorse it, since it is not representative of truth, but...... you cannot say "L + Ratio" when 9 people agree with me, and many others express the same opinion, when only 2 people support yours.

Those types of responses carry no constructive substance, you and a bunch of others are just jabbing at the disappointed people, which does not lead to anything productive. Telling someone "cry about it" in a different way, is giga bland. Why not think "WHY" are people actually reacting like this? If you do not care, it's fine, but mocking other people for caring about their own experience, just makes you look like *something that would get be banned from the forum*.

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16 hours ago, muziqaz said:

You want us to run Kahl's mission 5 times in order to get "Break Narmer Veil", since there is only one veiled enemy in the mission? Yah, nah, thanks

Where is "Hide Owned" in Chipper's wares?




I get criticism...but in every single mission there are a ton of enemies with veils.  To illustrate, I could break about 7 when I ran the mission today.  Let me offer you some assistance.  There's generally 2-3 in the pit areas, and if not more.  I've seen a minimum of 2 and at most 4 in the two pits.  These would be the areas you have to jump up, and then jump down into.  You need to enter one of the pits to get two crates moved to scan and progress down the main corridor towards the quad symbol matching puzzle of phase 2.

Likewise there's at least 1 person veiled at the start of the area for the quad match-up puzzle, if instead of going left you take the elevator to the right up at the beginning of the area.  Heck, there should be 1-2 in the quad match puzzle area simply looking at walls.

None of this includes the one or two you can get while searching for the k-drive parts...


I ran the mission again.  7 total veils broken.  Managed all 6 challenges.  21 minutes and 24 seconds...largely because I hate the Deacons basically infinitely spawning and causing cheap deaths.  Nothing like 4 of them running at you at once...and basically having no way to deal with them because the torch takes so long to initiate.  

Edit End-



I think maybe you just don't know that the solaris personnel are also veiled?  It seems like that's the part you're missing.

There's plenty to hate about this low effort trash, but not having enough of the veiled is not one of them.


My larger question is why fight the bosses?  I went through the Venka sniper fight...and was rewarded with nothing.  Fighting her seems to only be an annoying stretch to how long these things last...because after nearly a decade of a joke boss fight DE is cool with selling us a cosmetic skin, when it seems more appropriate that Kahl would just bring us back the sniper after the mission considering that apparently removing her veil doesn't even put her into your retinue for completing the mission.

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DE please check content before you put it out. Thank you.





3 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

Same, I did the normal mission first to be on the safe side given new content bug history, completed all challenges and went back in to do the Ven'kra Tel sniper fight, ripped off her veil she just stood there and then she just went poof and vanished, nothing left to do and not completed.




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16 minutes ago, Kronee said:

it is very torture everytime DE rush to push the update out with countless bugs

and their excuse for suspending the bug fix is preparing another update

And that "preparing another update" means a few cosmetics ..

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12小时前 , xyshift 说:



I searched the room at least 30 times and tried every corner. I knew there was no automatic installation.i wrote two letters of support six days ago。

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Hello DE,

My Kahl is stuck on the sneaky mission and hasn't cycled to a new mission for the past two weeks. I already completed the sneaky mission once and I never want to do it again.

I can wait and skip Sorties, Arbitration, and other rotating content if I choose to. Please allow me to bypass this mission and do the other kahl missions in the rotation. thank you.

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