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i am disapponted de. warframe into a mobile game, i think is a bad choice!


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why develop a mobile game? it feels like a cash grab. greed has gotten so long that they dont even care about feasibility like at all? i love warframe. hell, i think some of their greatest design decisions probably made them lots of money.
why not impove companion app instead?
i dont know about everyone but i dont buy 1000 dollar phones. i would match rather take that money and invest in pc or consoles. they work and can run much higher games!
though maybe i am wrong, maybe people will love this more than i thought.


though, i can say good things, I like the design of soul frame. hard to follow writing/voice acting wise but good. maybe intentional for mystery vibes?


the warframe 1999 is well intresting, it pokes a giant hole in current lore though?,  i wonder though how are they gonna patch it up?

i thought warframes were infested right? why does author have excalibur powers? what was entrati working on? who is the sleeping one? not the original loid right?

how exactly does magic books fit in? hey not saying it isnt interesting just would be nice to not just have oh here have a magic book instead of normal rifles?

are they ever gonna expand explictly what caused the duviri paradox? are we gonna leave at the void is strange?

who is the man in the wall? will we get more lore about him? what kind of deal did we make with him? what could we give an entity so powerful?


what are your thoughts

Edited by balckillofdeath
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15 minutes ago, balckillofdeath said:

the warframe 1999 is well intresting, it pokes a giant hole in current lore though?,  i wonder though how are they gonna patch it up?

i thought warframes were infested right? why does author have excalibur powers? what was entrati working on? who is the sleeping one? not the original loid right?

My current guess is that Warframe 1999 will be a look into a parallel universe rather than directly into the past

16 minutes ago, balckillofdeath said:

how exactly does magic books fit in? hey not saying it isnt interesting just would be nice to not just have oh here have a magic book instead of normal rifles?

As seen through the models of the pages, it's infused with Void energy, and Void energy had always been Warframe's equivalent of magic

17 minutes ago, balckillofdeath said:

are they ever gonna expand explictly what caused the duviri paradox? are we gonna leave at the void is strange?

It was pretty well explained already: the Drifter didn't make a deal with The Man in the Wall, they hid and locked themself away, and the Void manifested a world from their emotions and imagination (based on a book they enjoyed)

When the Void meets consciousness - it creates a thing.

23 minutes ago, balckillofdeath said:

who is the man in the wall? will we get more lore about him? what kind of deal did we make with him? what could we give an entity so powerful?

That's exactly what this whole new era of Warframe will be about, stay tuned

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i mean i get the part about conceptual embodiment but what created the spit? or maybe that why its a paradox? either way doesnt matter.  i do enjoy the duviri paradox!


and for respone about 1999, i dont think my questions will be somewhat answer until after the content drop. though no matter how it goes it will be interesting.

and new gameplay with transference is good!


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6 hours ago, BatVenomPL said:

My current guess is that Warframe 1999 will be a look into a parallel universe rather than directly into the past

Warframe is built on concepts related to eternalism so "parallel universe" is a little weird to define. It's technically all the same universe just all points of time have reality, which makes stuff like zariman and the void etc. Complicated because the past, future and present all comingle and influence one another regularly.

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6 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

Warframe is built on concepts related to eternalism so "parallel universe" is a little weird to define. It's technically all the same universe just all points of time have reality, which makes stuff like zariman and the void etc. Complicated because the past, future and present all comingle and influence one another regularly.

DE can dress it up as much as they want, it's still parallel universes which is a trope and cope out to tie anything and anyone together.

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8 hours ago, balckillofdeath said:

It feels like a cash grab.

Greed has gotten so long that they dont even care about feasibility.

"decisions" that made them lots of money.

You are only just figuring this out now, oh you sweet summer child.

I honestly feel a bit bad since judging by your Profile and only very few posts, I assume you are either new to the game or the forums, Either way, welcome! but yeah sorry sport, this is the future of Warframe now.

Microtransactions (and more coming)

Overpriced PA & Limited Items 

Show & Tell Updates (AKA: Show and Years to Release/Then Delayed)

They might show you how cool the new update is going to be or tease the next update after that (As they did before and before) but it's just a cycle.

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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7 hours ago, balckillofdeath said:

why develop a mobile game? it feels like a cash grab. greed has gotten so long that they dont even care about feasibility like at all? i love warframe. hell, i think some of their greatest design decisions probably made them lots of money.
why not impove companion app instead?
i dont know about everyone but i dont buy 1000 dollar phones. i would match rather take that money and invest in pc or consoles. they work and can run much higher games!
though maybe i am wrong, maybe people will love this more than i thought.

It is a cash grab. Mobile has the largest market share in the gaming space, with top performing games making billions in revenue.

The bigger concern for me is how it will affect the game due to the intent for Warframe mobile to be intertwined with other platforms and to what degree the game will be dumbed down. Mobile has been in the plans for a few years now and over the years we've seen the game being dumbed down by way of more powerful AoE options, weapons that aim for us and at Tennocon DE talked about plans to implement auto-melee.

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4 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

DE can dress it up as much as they want, it's still parallel universes which is a trope and cope out to tie anything and anyone together.

Not really... 

The only time I can think of a parallel universe being a cop-out was in Fortnite to explain why Darth Vader or Master Chief can just show up in my lobby and 1 shot me. 

Even then they still used alternate universes to explain some of the actual important Fortnite villains.

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You aren't going to need a $1000 phone to run Warframe tho. 

I seriously doubt Warframe will be more intensive than Genshin Impact  of all games, and since a lot of people play Genshin on mobile (including myself from time to time), a lot of people will be able to play Warframe mobile as well.

Edited by (XBOX)Upl0rdYT
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can't wait to connect to a mobile host for all of 0.000001 seconds before their device turns into an incendiary grenade and gives out host migrations and third-degree burns in equal measure. 

my problem is that trying to force warframe onto less powerful devices means we're never getting better graphics, more spawns, more intensive setpieces etc. because the whole thing has to work on ALL platforms... if DE were willing to cut the cord, Warframe could reach incredible levels of potential, but they won't do that. 

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23 hours ago, balckillofdeath said:

why develop a mobile game?

They are porting the full Warframe game to iOS, not developing a new mobile game.

This is most likely a function of getting Warframe running on ARM and the resource-constrained Nintendo Switch, once they had found people to get over that hurdle I imagine they had already covered a lot of the distance toward getting an Apple silicon port and only needed an iOS wrapper.

I say "only", it's still a lot of work, but nowhere near as much as porting a DirectX game directly to iOS.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Hmm ,I am of mixed minds on this , 

Mobile phones are , in today's time, competent enough hardware and software wise to keep up with PC games running at low to moderate quality.

What does worry me is that once it's open to the "generic" mobile users , the expectations of what should be developed will get skewed.


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Yeah how dare DE push the game into the largest gaming market in the world. Especially onto a platform that has more powerful hardware than the Switch version!

Seriously, if a game can be ported to mobile there's no reason for companies to not jump into that market.


As for the lore questions it's a weird setting but enough seems to be left vague enough for it to all reasonably fit into the lore. Especially as we're finally dealing with Wally directly and his meddling as some Void entity allows for a lot of unknown wiggle room. Plus the entire premise of what Duviri is and how it came to be allows for all sorts of setups.

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People irrationally predicting and deciding what every piece of content, mechanic, and feature in this game is going to be like is a parallel universe in the making on a daily basis.

Maybe just wait and find out instead of scaring yourself with a shadow you create over the next year worth.

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7 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Hmm ,I am of mixed minds on this , 

Mobile phones are , in today's time, competent enough hardware and software wise to keep up with PC games running at low to moderate quality.

What does worry me is that once it's open to the "generic" mobile users , the expectations of what should be developed will get skewed.



This is pretty much how I feel as well. 

I am not inherently against Warframe being on mobile. In fact, if it opens up more ways for existing Warframe players to play, and reach a new audience, I think thats great. Its not as if this is an example, of a game being developed to be a mobile game, and thus with all that that entails. Its not like they are making Warframe 2 for mobile, and then having a console/PC version. 

That being said, would be worried, concerned if, say in 2 years, it was considered more profitable to design the game in a way which accommodated mobile players more, and the game leaned in that direction, and some of the rhetorical exaggerated jokes in this thread came true. I don't necessarily think that would happen though, but if I could tell the future... well I wouldn't be here typing out this response. 

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On 2023-08-26 at 5:44 PM, balckillofdeath said:

why develop a mobile game? it feels like a cash grab. greed has gotten so long that they dont even care about feasibility like at all?

With respect, there's a lot of Dunning-Kruger going on here:

  1. They're not developing a new game, the existing game is getting ported to mobile.
  2. DE is providing goods and services that people want in exchange for monetary compensation.  What a bunch of monsters!  I suppose the only thing that could explain something so insidious is greed.
  3. In regards to feasibility, the developers of the actual game Warframe know so much more than any of us that our opinions are worth nothing.  They greenlit the project, which implies that they did their due diligence and determined it was indeed feasible.
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  1. Warframe already runs on Switch which is basically a underpowered phone from four years ago. 
  2. Why not? Some people may be able to enjoy Warframe that weren't be able to before with the added bonus of DE making more money, how is this harming you?
Edited by DrBorris
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what gets me is the controls. How are you expected to control Warframe using a touchscreen? I mean... for general movement sure I get it but you have abilities, bullet jumping, multiple mode weapons (some require holding secondary fire to use), gear wheel, transference, railjack, archwing, necramech, kdrive....

Power to people who can play with touchscreen controls but even if I wanted to I don't think I could ever get used to having no actual buttons.

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  1. Eternalism. 
  2. do more lore quests
  3. Because not everyone wants to or can hop onto the pc.
  4. Android in necessary but iPhone has one software version across all units so it's faster to approve.
  5. It's a parallel thread / alternate divergence see #1
  6. It relates so multiplatform / cross progression
  7. The app has already existed for years in Dev hell while covid and it's not the first game to have a smartphone port. It doesn't change in game mechanics or purchase points.
  8. mobile ports have a lot of hardware constraints and contractual limitations related to in game purchases or platform based purchases. See Epic games Vs Apple or eveyr company ever Vs Sony (rotfl)
  9. It's development is independent of the companion app see 2021&2022 tennocon.
  10. hardware restrictions are a null-point. Many smartphones have more powerful CPUs than people's potato laptops or Nintendo switch etc.
  11. iOS and Android are more than just phones. See #2#6#7#8
  12. No one forces anyone to buy 1000$ devices. And you can always get something used.
  13. Get off your high kaithe. If you haven't done all the quests or don't understand the lore don't just assume something doesn't work just cause it doesn't meet your personal aesthetics. See #2
  14. Rap. Tap. Tap.


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It is pretty awful. The game will be a nightmare to control on mobile so getting squadded up with a mobile player would be akin to getting squadded up with an 8yo for how well they'll be able to play. And probably will be an 8yo on top of the inevitably awful controls half the time. I kinda hope we get a separate cross platform option to specifically exclude mobile players cus that's gonna get beyond toxic REAL fast. I think they should maybe not even have cross platform access. Only cross save.

If DE thinks they have an afk problem with their playerbase now. Boy just wait until the mobile market gets their hands on this game.

And we've already seen the negative impact this could have on the way the game is designed and balanced, with how they massacred Void dash.

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Financially I think it's the smartest thing they possibly could have done. The mobile market is the biggest market in the game industry. Not breaching into that is a big loss. As phones get more powerful and gaming gets more accessible people are looking for exactly the type of game that warframe is for mobile. 

This isn't a perfect situation though because there are problems that can come from mobile. For example, requiring more effort to balance around an extra control scheme, or people may also disrupt missions due to the nature of warframe not being very "on the go" friendly like a lot of mobile games are. 

I would also like to see certain options to help alleviate some of the issues that can impact others, like excluding mobile from hosting my games, as a PC player I never, and I really mean never, want this to ever be a thing I have to put up with, but I am more than happy to still play with people on mobile. 

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