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How would you feel if WF 1999 have another Open World map?


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cool but mildly useless honestly, i feel like the variety of tilesets ends up paying off more in the long run compared to the openworlds. they're cool for the first 10-20 hours you spend in them but after that it's basically just skipping from location to location with whatever the fastest travel method is.


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I don't really have any expectations, but I would be a bit surprised if was an open world per say... Though I guess it depends. Even though I don't really have any expectations as of yet, if i had to guess, it would be... well I guess more like Whispers. Tile sets you move throughout. You know/see that room that has the portal that has a present day/retro style train bursting through the portals? Sort of like set pieces like that. 

That can't really do a meaningfully sized city, I think... also thats not really their strength either. Again, not that I am ruling it out, but I just imagine, if it is a city, its going to be a Warframe version, DE style interpretation. Like Duviri had towns, but it also had surreal "natural" landscapes, that twisted and turned in weird ways, and with odd geometric patterns. Whispers had science labs... mixed with magic and alchemy, and brutalist surreal landscapes merging with them. 1999 will probably have some subway areas, and city stuff... but with void features, or infested stuff and trains going through big portals and other set pieces like that, in big tile sets. Again, just my guesses. 

Not opposed to open world, just think their strengths tend to be tile sets, especially as demonstrated with Whispers and Zariman (over say Deimos, but I also personally enjoyed Duviri Experience, so I wouldn't necessary be against anything either). 

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1 hour ago, SDGDen said:

cool but mildly useless honestly, i feel like the variety of tilesets ends up paying off more in the long run compared to the openworlds. they're cool for the first 10-20 hours you spend in them but after that it's basically just skipping from location to location with whatever the fastest travel method is.


Agreed. The intramap portals on POE / Vallis / Cambion make most of the pseudo-open world a waste of effort. Esp. the missions types DE set up where they are always location specific tied to 5-6 specific locations. And literally no other reason to use most of the maps.

After POE was released they moved Blink from a dedicated ability on a single Archwing to standard usage across all archwings - which in turn made ground travel pointless. When POE was first added we had limited usage of archwings via a token that we had to build in the Foundry - DE then removed trhat function and allowed players to simply have endless+anytime archwing access sans tokens which made ground travel pointless ... again. And more recently they dropped portal markes all over each map for instant teleport - after which  - what's the point of the open world maps?

Even certain resources are only found in specific locations on each open world location - example > Toroids - certain ones are only in certain spots. So no point roaming all over the place exploring to find any at random. Same goes with mining. There is a sh*t ton of open space with no mining deposits. After a few times you knwo definitely on the map that there's no point going to certain locations looking for deposits. Complete waste of time for players and developers. 

As a result wasted effort by DE except for those extremist players that wish to inspect every nook and cranny of the environment. Especially after they added all the fast travel options in.

It would be different if DE had plotted out tons of random locations for the available missions and with a good enough RNG system that did not constantly repeat 1-3 locations that forced players to be everywhere all over the place and they forced the player to travel there and search around moreso.

The other problem is that the game is intended to be played fast-paced. If you get into a Co-Op w/ players mostly MR25+ you will find that the hardest missions (any missions) are burned through at break neck speed to gain resources fast and move on to the next mission to rinse and repeat. Nobody is slowing down to take thier time to smell the roses.

Additional - even operators that used to move around slow and clunky have gained all sorts of ability to scream across maps with the right builds.

Add to all of the above the fact that grinding is near endless in the game short of regularly dropping some cash to skip some things - waste of time for too many more additional open worlds in WF. It was a neato idea when POE came out and maybe even still a bit fresh after Vallis dropped. But Deimos was just a rebrand to inject the Entrati storyline into something without having to really build out a whole new planet or leave the Origin system; even still tthey left the old derelict missions intact after the addition of Cambion; except they kind of did that with the Railjack content - but that's another conversation.

So No they should stick to quick tilesets akin to the mainline origin system maps and be done with it. IF DE and the community want "open world" like spaces both groups can look to the Jupiter rework a few years ago. Those maps are super massive and would work well for those wanting some "open world" like game play but are still dedicated Point A to Point B finsh sh*t and GTFO out maps.

Have you spent time looking for literally 8 Syndicate Medallions on Jupiter yet? That should give you some idea and balance.

Side Note - I wish they'd at least allow us to fly through the caves on POE with an archwing like we can on Vallis and Cambion. I skip those missions lots of times just so I don't have to venture down into the cumbersome POE caves.

Edited by uberfu
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Open worlds are more annoying than fun for me. Often there are either no enemies to be found when you want them, or enemies "See" you from a mile away, and begin sniping you with shots from off screen (normal grineer troops on PoE, Sniper centipedes on Deimos)... or pelt you from the sky from tiny, extremely hard to hit, quickly moving enemies (Dargyns on PoE, those tentacle things on Deimos) The hard to hit part is mostly when I'm a client, and the enemies just warp from one place to another in the sky.

I could see a Saturn Cloud City style tileset, taking the parkour and verticality from that design, and applying it to a cityscape theme where you're moving across the tops of skyscrapers, jumping between buildings, going through a mix of apartments and corporate offices, etc... and then in the underground, a series of subway tunnels and building basements and parking garages and that sort of thing... and there could be a ground variant of tiles between these, taking you to city streets... perhaps taking place in the aftermath of the 1999 new years event with infested TV things roaming the streets, overturning cars, setting things on fire, etc.) I'd love access to the Archwings in the sky portions of these maps, just like I'd like to be able to fly through Saturn Cloud City tiles as well...

However, I don't like the idea of this being an open world, given their track record of implementing open worlds.


(a variant of the 1999 city tileset could be a futuristic Corpus Uranus tileset, jumping on flying cars, running across power lines akin to those in Fortuna... I would have to do more brainstorming, and have more input from their design team on what sort of things would exist in a Corpus city.)


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6 minutes ago, Elenortirie said:

I thought DE has moved on from doing freeroam maps?

In dev streams, they said they didn't want open world maps to be the new "next big thing" for each year's expansion... so, don't expect an infested open world next, which would have been the predictable "next thing" since, we already got Grineer and Corpus... and yet, they produced Deimos after that declaration... so...

They still like open world maps. It does provide some variety COMPARED to the tilesets generally feeling claustrophobic to some people.

It's just, they need to learn how to make them interesting places to be... once the initial exploration is over.

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The deeper endless eternal grind they give me, the better.. Once you reach this point in the game that you have done everything the game has to offer.. You will wish there was something to do. Even syndicate ranks to farm.

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5 hours ago, Rixuel said:

How would you feel if WF 1999 have another Open World map with city buildings, subways, etc?

it's only my opinion, but I feel like 1999 should be a more linear experience, so people can appreciate all the little details: it's such a different time and visual setting compared to the curvy, sleek sci-fi we've been accustomed to for so long, and it almost serves to show that, if DE wanted to, they probably could nail the setting for a gritty 90s type action game, like the earlier Max Payne titles. with all the experience they've got from warframe, it'd probably have decent gameplay too. 

I certainly won't be disappointed if it turned out to be much bigger than just a few missions, because I like the 1999 style, but I feel it might outstay it's welcome for others. if it ends up an actual game mode, I imagine it will probably be a sort of Duviri-style setup, where you can drop in and out of it whenever (but it would have it's own associated grinds, which so far people here don't seem to want, understandably.)

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I mean, I somewhat doubt it at the minute? The mode isn't currently giving me the vibes of an open world, especially since apparently the rest of the world is still active and unaware of what's going on, so it'd be strange to jump out as a Warframe and run around like that.


That being said, I've been longing for an urban open world, just because that'd have such great opportunities for parkour gameplay, so I wouldn't be upset, I think.

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I wouldnt mind a Grand Twisted Carframageddon Combat Auto 1999 open world with car theft, pedestrian mass murder and potentially a moddable modular vehicle of death and destruction. Drifting or sliding over an unsuspecting cheerleeder troop could be fun!

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4 hours ago, Joezone619 said:

If it was a genuine open world and not the half-baked version like the zariman or the new entrati labs? I'd enjoy it.

A new tileset =/= an open world? They not 'half-baked' because they're not the same things.

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37 minutes ago, McRibbles said:

A new tileset =/= an open world? They not 'half-baked' because they're not the same things.

That's what i'm saying, these aren't open worlds, stop advertising them as such DE.

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I think it would be cool. However, instead of it being fully open, I would love it if DE used the linear New War layouts with the design elements of the new lab added. With the layouts not changing, but being pretty expensive, we get a very cool story, great level design but still keep it as a quest and, thus, have a good recipe for every other location we would have to go to...if that is DE's goal.

I would also love if we experience Arthur and Aoi's character developments grow from the basic New War Drifter to the version of Arthur we play in Whispers. No Warframe like powers at first, and no inhuman decrees. 

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Dunno, might be cool if it was as destructable as the new Entrati Lab tilesets. A smaller denser Open World kinda like infested Deimos, with lotsa verticality and destructible objects. Let me explode cars and postalboxes and shatter every window I see, stealing taxis and punching out the military tanks and choppers when I get 5stars from turning too many civilians into red mist from bulletjumping through them (it's OK they're 1999 Orokin)

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4 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

We might get some city setting with survival aspect?

Dying Warframe LED Light


The Walking VCRs or Fear the Walking VCRs maybe

Killing Ceiling

Resident TV or TV-Hazard

Silent Console


I want to commit crimes in the city, get in gang wars, and evade police to collect laboratory product for Papa.

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