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Yes or No, Will we ever have the chance at Mag and Frost Heirlooms?


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I'm aware that im pretty much beating at a dead horse at this point...
Final calls were the night of the new year 2023, all my money was put towards family and rent (as is my priority at any point in time), however I didnt even know they were around until well into February! Yes they were released at some point in August, and I'll be honest I wish I had paid closer attention while I was on my break (took like 6 months away. literally JUST left before the news came out).

but now I feel like I cant look away for more than a day or a week or else I'll miss something!
I've been playing Warframe for ages, since my sophomore year in high school (off and on), and I've never felt so robbed by FOMO. Then hearing the rumour that the packs were around 100$? 

what the hell is that about????

Even w/o the holidays to worry about, who in reality had that sorta of extra cash and not have to worry about not paying rent or getting full cabinets of groceries to last till next payday?
like actually???

but okay, lets skip passed the moral parts of it all for a second...

Mag was my first ever frame.

I stuck around on mag since the start and continue to switch onto her to this day every so often, even after getting new and better frames and even a handful of primes now.

but to miss out on a huge bundle, that was to celebrate 10 whole years of a game I love very much and continue to return too, and also featured the very frame Ive kept up with the most?

it feels like a hard slap to face that i missed out on it and to top it all off -

DE addressed the issue, not only saying that future packs would only be solo frame bundles going forward but also that they would be around for good.


but ONLY those in the future...

i dont care if i have to pay the same sum that everyone else did at this point, if that is what will keep people from making a huge fuss. DE saying it feels unfair to bring Mag and Frost back because of THEIR mistake for inflating the bundles or whatever - I'm sorry but thats a pretty sh*t excuse because what is unfair is to those then who missed out for financial reasons (ive been told that people made the attempt of boycotting also), and those in the future (newbies and New players coming in now almost a year later) who never had the chance in the first place. 


if you want my opinion? Make it an Anniversary pack.

DE still gets money, players get their bundles and the middle finger to FOMO gimmicks, and people who purchased the originals and got their trophies or badges or whatever still get that bragging right. (if thats something your into I guess)

Plus it keeps it special. Introduced on the 10th anniversary, a decade of celebrations, and forevermore a symbol of Warframe's and DE's prosperity into the next decade. 


Is that really so hard to do?

I mean we do it with Prime stuff? That's what the Regal Aya and prime resurgence is about after all? Its also already implemented in the very Void Trader we all love and hate, and he's got a hefty rotation for things(not to mention the grind).

and what about seasonal events?

The point is, there is no reason why we shouldn't be able to have access to these bundles again, if even for a short time ( make it week or two, I don't care).

It just doesn't sit right. Those who bought it for full price already got extra things (I believe it was plat and some regals, I don't know) as a halfbaked appology for it being so expensive, so they already got plenty compensation prior. 

a return bundle should be appropriately priced for that of the skin and cosmetics alone with maybe an option to have plat for an extra cost, go ham- but keeping it out of reach is not the answer....



I doubt anyone will read this and consider it, or even make actual conversation, and instead ridicule me for (again) beating the dead horse.

so that's my beef, thank you for coming to my ted talk

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They should, people that bought it can have their 10 year badge to flex their dumb exclusivity if they want.

They won't though, the opportunity to do something about it without making some people pissed has already passed and they gave a terrible excuse for not doing anything.

On 2023-08-30 at 4:08 PM, [DE]Megan said:

We do not feel it would be fair to those who purchased an Heirloom Collection already with the understanding that they were time-limited to now remove that element. Those who have purchased simply get more, and ultimately they are now a good Platinum deal with exclusive Cosmetics.

Now instead of continuing to profit from that offer they got their money from it and no more, exclusivity for digital items is such a silly thing, at least the new heirlooms won't be bad like that one.

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I read what you wrote, and sympathise, and have made many critical posts about this topic, and I agree and understand your frustration. 

That being said, despite what I just said, your, or our best bet, if I had to speculate, would be to try and temporarily put the issue aside for now. 

Framing the question around yes or no, will likely only just get a No from DE. If they were to commit to such an answer. The focus seems much more on upcoming updates, Tennocon, which is usually something pretty big, 1997, and even just as far as Heirlooms go, Ember. Whilst in some ways, it might seem relevant to therefore bring up Frost and Mag, the issue... is its so much of a discussed, beaten to death topic... Not only that, replies will often be easy to predict. Some will sympathise, some will agree, some will disagree, some will cite legal or contractual reasons, without necessarily having the legal expertise or skill to make such a claim... Which often ironically starts more people spreading such an idea based on hear say, others statements (have actually had a person claim it was a fact, because they saw someone else claim it with certainty).... Its not like DE is going to go in depth on whether its a legal issue or not (I'd love to be proven wrong if they did, that would be great to know). 

Consumer wise, and if you do want some way of having options for a Mag or Frost Heirloom, and again, just my speculation... Probably be smart to just support future Heirlooms, and when given opportunity, voice your reason for supporting them, being the improvements DE made to them, as being an influential reason why. Then in the future, when its established that new Heirlooms are what DE should have started with, when we have multiple Heirlooms that are on rotation... except for Mag and Frost... Then maybe revisiting those two skins specifically and making enquiries about whether DE might want to reconsider its stance as it has time to time. 

Even more newer players will be around, even more people who missed out for various reasons will be around, the issue won't be so beaten a dead horse topic that pops up so frequently, DE may have better internal data to justify such decisions (going to rotation than being strictly time limited), and maybe those that might have an issue with the exclusivity, may soften their stance when they see that other Heirloom skins are on rotation and why that is a good thing for fans in general. 

Again though thats just my speculation. I just think its something DE would rather ignore for a while to focus more on Ember Heirloom, and fans and players (some) can be fickle, and strongly opinionated. You bring up certain issues a lot and some will double down and start to take joy in the idea that some people missed out, spread speculation as fact (and to be clear, I am not saying they are necessarily wrong, just such things can be complicated and no one here really actually knows the internal stance DE holds over such things, and legally, well its complex), etc. 

Lastly though and once again, I am sorry you missed out. I am sorry a lot of people missed out. Future could be different though. Other time limited exclusive supporter items ave come back, never say never. 

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I get the random urge to desire the heirlooms.

But they are more of a mark of shame for both DE and those who purchased them. 

As for DE it was a rare time when they went full predatory on their playerbase.

For the buyers, it's their shame as they rewarded the predatory practice and now have a glorious skin to display that they are OK with such practices and behaviors and will support such practices. 

Be proud that you don't have Heirlooms of shame in your inventory.

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DE isn't refusing to bring it back out of greed or spite, it is a legal obligation. If you advertise something as one-time and exclusive, but then you go back on your word, that falls under false advertising. DE is also based in Canada, which tends to be a lot heavier on consumer protection laws compared to other countries. 

Even if 99% of the people who got the pack agree that it should come back, as long as there is a single stubborn guy on the planet who would say "nah", then they straight up can't bring it back. 

It is fundamentally the same discussion as the founder packs returning or not. DE's lawyers probably told them they can't return it and no amount of online convincing is going to change that. 

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Will we have a chance at Excalibur Prime? No.

Did we have a chance at Ignis Wraith? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Primed Chamber? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Primed cosmetics? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Lato Vandal? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Braton Vandal? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Twitch Prime cosmetics? Yes.

Did we have a chance at the Athodai? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Deimos, Zariman, and New War Supporter packs? Yes, Yes, and Yes.

Will we have a chance at every single other Heirloom in the future? Yes.

All of these were "no"s, right up until they became "yes". So far there's only ever been one hard "no".

So keep asking. Mag and Frost Heirloom can and should return. The only official reason DE has given for why they don't want to bring them back is that they don't think it would be "fair" to do so. That's it. They don't think it would be fair if you got to participate too. The rest is speculation that doesn't even hold up when you actually dig into it.

Edited by PublikDomain
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6 hours ago, RiddleMeNani said:

Final point proven, wasnt even five minutes after posting 

With respect, you literally titled your post:

Yes or No, Will we ever have the chance at Mag and Frost Heirlooms?

Someone replied:


Your title asked for something specific, and someone provided it.  If that's not actually what you wanted, I'd recommend being more cautious with your phrasing in the future.  If you want someone to read a short essay (which is a valid desire), it's probably not the best idea to invite them into the thread under the pretense that you just want to ask a simple yes-or-no question.

Edited by (PSN)Unstar
word choice
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2 hours ago, Kuvavuk said:

DE isn't refusing to bring it back out of greed or spite, it is a legal obligation. If you advertise something as one-time and exclusive, but then you go back on your word, that falls under false advertising.

False advertising indeed, precisely. Misa Prime was billed as a $140 accessory "exclusive" to the highest tier of the very first Prime Access. Then it wasn't. Years later it was made available to players late to the party and for cheaper. It's fair to say that I was thoroughly FOMO jebatied into purchasing a $140 micro-transaction as the word "exclusive" was used multiple times in its advertising.

Now I'm not out here asking for a $60 refund. I'm glad Misa Prime returned for those players who missed it. That said, personally I don't have a horse in the heirloom-return race. If DE keep their word and don't bring Frost and Mag heirlooms back? Cool. But if they do? I'd be like, "eh...no surprise. that's nice."

An archive - A nostalgic look back at all the warframe prime access's - 2 -  General Discussion - Warframe Forums


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2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Will we have a chance at Excalibur Prime? No.

Did we have a chance at Ignis Wraith? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Primed Chamber? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Primed cosmetics? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Lato Vandal? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Braton Vandal? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Twitch Prime cosmetics? Yes.

Did we have a chance at the Athodai? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Deimos, Zariman, and New War Supporter packs? Yes, Yes, and Yes.

Will we have a chance at every single other Heirloom in the future? Yes.

All of these were "no"s, right up until they became "yes". So far there's only ever been one hard "no".

So keep asking. Mag and Frost Heirloom can and should return. The only official reason DE has given for why they don't want to bring them back is that they don't think it would be "fair" to do so. That's it. They don't think it would be fair if you got to participate too. The rest is speculation that doesn't even hold up when you actually dig into it.

It's too bad they removed the Jade items from the Market right after launch because those were meant to be "exclusive". Good thing I bought them for Platinum. Cringe move honestly.

You're right though, being "fair" is the only reason Excalibur Prime isn't returning either. People who use the whole "legally binding" argument are just coping. The absolute best case scenario for a Founder using the "false advertising" angle is being refunded 11+ years later and nothing else. Mag and Frost Heirloom used the same marketing as Founders. That's what I don't understand at all really. They aren't fair in the way they word their monetized "exclusives" 90% of the time, but on the other 10%, they double down on "being fair". It amazes me that people still honor DE in that way. I just merely buy exclusives because of the ambiguity. If it returns, cool, another point of reference for releasing everything else. If it doesn't return, cool, I didn't miss out. The only value these packs have to me personally is the wording of "exclusive". I'd like all that to go away in all honesty, especially with the Supporter Packs doing this even after previous ones were added in-game.

Edited by Voltage
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Short answer: No.


Longer answer: It's their strictest wording of "this will NEVER return" since the Founder's pack and DE has already made it clear they don't intend to go back on that. And if it ever did return then it'd certainty remain cash only and likely at/close to the same price they originally were. So your only shot, and it's a long one, at seeing them again is needing to drop near $90 USD at some point years down the line.

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7 hours ago, Aerikx said:

I get the random urge to desire the heirlooms.

But they are more of a mark of shame for both DE and those who purchased them. 

As for DE it was a rare time when they went full predatory on their playerbase.

For the buyers, it's their shame as they rewarded the predatory practice and now have a glorious skin to display that they are OK with such practices and behaviors and will support such practices. 

Be proud that you don't have Heirlooms of shame in your inventory.

Mad Penguin GIF by Pudgy Penguins

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6 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Will we have a chance at Excalibur Prime? No.

Did we have a chance at Ignis Wraith? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Primed Chamber? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Primed cosmetics? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Lato Vandal? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Braton Vandal? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Twitch Prime cosmetics? Yes.

Did we have a chance at the Athodai? Yes.

Did we have a chance at Deimos, Zariman, and New War Supporter packs? Yes, Yes, and Yes.

Will we have a chance at every single other Heirloom in the future? Yes.

All of these were "no"s, right up until they became "yes". So far there's only ever been one hard "no".

So keep asking. Mag and Frost Heirloom can and should return. The only official reason DE has given for why they don't want to bring them back is that they don't think it would be "fair" to do so. That's it. They don't think it would be fair if you got to participate too. The rest is speculation that doesn't even hold up when you actually dig into it.

In case of all those items they never stated they wont return right? Because thats the case with Mag and Frost skins. The only other instance when they stated such thing was the founders package as you pointed out. They did stick to their word so far. And yes its not about any legal nonsense or any other made up reason. Its only about keeping the promise, nothing else.

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