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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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3 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

its already been confirmed that umbra would be a new frame rather than a skin. thats not up for debate. as for whether or not they should make more, we have to wait for the first one to truly be able to tell

Has it ever been confirmed if umbras have new abilities or not? I've been hearing that both ways.

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Just now, maj.death said:

Has it ever been confirmed if umbras have new abilities or not? I've been hearing that both ways.

i dont think it has, all we do know is that its not a skin, the Sacrifice should bring excal umbra, and that they wanted to do a unique system around them

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Just now, maj.death said:

Has it ever been confirmed if umbras have new abilities or not? I've been hearing that both ways.

Confirmed? Not that I know of. Heavily hinted? Yes.

If they make Umbra just alternate stats with the same abilities then DE is going to have a whole lot of S#&$ thrown at them.

I mean hell, they could have done that ages ago. They already have the model.

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9 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Confirmed? Not that I know of. Heavily hinted? Yes.

If they make Umbra just alternate stats with the same abilities then DE is going to have a whole lot of S#&$ thrown at them.

I mean hell, they could have done that ages ago. They already have the model.

Exactly. As far as making an entirely new frame that too would require new abilities that still fit the frame. It'll most likely just be a major cosmetic, stat changes, and augmented abilities, not completely changed ones. Or we get what China-Frame has had for years now, who knows?

But first things first, Plains itself is gonna need a ton of patches after release cause if it is on Earth it's gonna laaaaaaaaagggg

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2 hours ago, JSharpie said:

Confirmed? Not that I know of. Heavily hinted? Yes.

If they make Umbra just alternate stats with the same abilities then DE is going to have a whole lot of S#&$ thrown at them.

I mean hell, they could have done that ages ago. They already have the model.

Where is it heavily hinted that Excalibur Umbra has different abilities? People's overly wordy headcanon doesn't count.

The only confirmation is that it is a frame and not a skin.

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I hope something interesting with him in gameplay wise even if he be regular excal but additional things on his abilities.

More Umbras seems unlikely especially if they do alter the abilities. Plus i don't want to re-farm the frames after primes been forma'd.

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Do we all remember this?

I personally think Umbra will be "the 1st Warframe", a prototype of sorts, the original creation, and excal will be the only umbra.

  Excal Prime Umbra
Armour 225 250 250
Energy 100 100 150
Health 100 100 100
Sheild 100 100 100


Edited by Carnage2K4
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20 hours ago, maj.death said:

Has it ever been confirmed if umbras have new abilities or not? I've been hearing that both ways.

In the china version they had the same abilities, just different stats, 
Umbra is basically like another variant like how primes are. 
So how primes will have +armor +sprint speed
Umbra could have +armor + energy
In excals case its just +energy over the prime. (which does make it better than the prime)
other umbras could have two separate stat increases than the prime vs the normal version in the future.

It is possible they could change what excal umbra's stat increases are on release since our build is different than chinas.
Since for us it's just a straight upgrade instead of acting like a variant as it should. 
It's possible they came with different polarities, that i'm not sure about.

Edited by Vesiga
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2 hours ago, Vesiga said:

In the china version they had the same abilities, just different stats acting like the opposite of a prime variant. 
different buffs than the primes. 
so like if a prime had +armor +energy the umbra could be +hp +sprint speed

wrong. They made umbra better than our prime, stat wise. It has the same (pathetic) armor buff that prime got and it got a buff to the energy pool

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12 hours ago, JSharpie said:

Confirmed? Not that I know of. Heavily hinted? Yes.

If they make Umbra just alternate stats with the same abilities then DE is going to have a whole lot of S#&$ thrown at them.

I mean hell, they could have done that ages ago. They already have the model.

A different ability set was not heavily hinted at, ever. What was heavily hinted at was that it would play a big role in the story and that it would have a different passive effect than the primes energy orb thing.

Edit: Clarity.

Edited by Avenwing
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The main issue with Umbra is that way too much time passed and now there is no way to push a result that won't piss people off : 

Solution 1: Only one Umbra frame - "omg, DE stop being lazy we want more umbra frames!" 
Solution 2: Umbra is only a skin - "omg, DE stop being lazy we want an actual new variant!"
Solution 3: Multiple Umbra frames - "omg, DE we don't want to forma again + it devalues primes + why is that frame an Umbra, while my waifu is not!"

Alternatively a convoluted solution is for Umbras that have prime variants to be as a side grade with "toogle" switch on Primes - akin to the Prime details for tennogen skins. But only time will tell how DE will deal with the situation.

PS: I am all up for more frame variants, as long as they are meaningful (not like Telos Boltor vs Boltor Prime), and do not devalue primes as they are right now. We really do not need more power creep.

Edited by phoenix1992
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I really hope Excal Umbra or Umbras in general will be something different, something rare not like Primes are these days. Would be cool to bring back the tower system to obtain the parts in the Void. And don't make the parts tradable. If you want that Umbra Frame, farm it yourself, if not get the Prime version which is great too.

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I would rather have the same abilities on Umbra. I want a direct upgrade to Excalibur like prime not a damn sidegrade. After all this waiting if Umbra ends up getting a set of useless abilities and force me to stick with my vanilla I would be mad and immediately uninstall this stupid game. 

Edited by Marvelous_A
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If they start making a new warframe type series, would that mean Primes would never finish? It already takes month to bring new primes, and I doubt they would release a prime + umbra together everytime, that's double the work the do now. So either primes for the remaining frames take forever, or they receive umbra versions instead, which would be a shame not seeing their prime designs.

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12 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Where is it heavily hinted that Excalibur Umbra has different abilities? People's overly wordy headcanon doesn't count.

The only confirmation is that it is a frame and not a skin.

If "Umbra will have it's own System" means it's just the same powers with slightly different stats, then DE #*($%%@ up big time.

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As far as i know, its been confirmed that Umbra is not a skin but a complete warframe.

And as I remember sometime ago Steve talked about Umbra's being a whole line of "Twisted/Dark" Warframes like the Primes on a Devstream.

On the whole topic of weather they should have different skills or not, on one side it would be really boring and tedious to have 3 copies of every frame with the only difference being a few stat changes, on the other I feel as if different abilities will kinda be chaotic and confusing for people. 

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