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Plains "Secure the Camp" objective is BROKEN in solo mode.


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This is a forum for feedback, not ranting.  So here is my feedback:  The "secure the camp" objective, where you have to repel an unstoppable tide of Grineer troops, Nox, Archwing fighters, and that freaking near-indestructible bomber, is BROKEN.  It is NOT scaling for a single player.  I've tried it with Frost, Inaros, Ember, and even Limbo.  If I have a frame defensive enough to not die over and over every time the cheaty bomber flies past, I still can't do enough damage to kill the bomber *and* actually kill the Grineer faster than they spawn.  And they drop in *really* fast.

For those of you about to give a "No, that's really easy" reply:  Good for you, it must be awesome to be so l33t.  I've seen videos of someone like Tactical Potato simply vaporizing the bombers, so obviously there's *some* nearly broken build that can kill them.  However, I don't have access to it, and it *shouldn't be necessary* to have a five or six forma weapon with a god-tier riven just to solo the *mid tier* bounty.  I'm not even discussing the T4 and T5 bounties.  For me, it's a complete waste of time and energy cookies to even attempt those.

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Yeah but have you tried Messa (lul)?

She doesn't give a .... I've been playing t4-5 bounties with her for month+ since poe dropped. Excalibur is worse but doable, I imagine Ash will be also okeyish. Or nuke Oberon, Saryn/whatever else you have.

But in general there's a problem with several missions in poe, this is one of them. Objective "secured" or full goes to "weak" in a matter of seconds without a dps frame it's a pain soloing it.

Edited by -Temp0-
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Err, you don't need god tier anything?

My Corrosive Rivenless AkLex Prime does fine, takes a few shots sure but it strips the armour pretty quick.

And I'm Wukong, not even a damage frame.

Just ignore the bomber if you must, it doesn't count towards the objective.

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Hello. 2.5k Hours in Warframe here, and I'll be the first to admit that I don't even step out into the Plains in Solo mode WITHOUT one of my tweaked to absolute perfection Frame Builds. Getting that Bounty is always a pain for me, especially in vast, open locations, or in ones that have a sub-layer of some kind in them that requires constant travel between them. Most times in most locations I can hold them back, only dipping into the "Weak" zone about halfway at most, but there are times that it becomes a complete, totally FUBAR mess, and I end up failing it because I got knocked down at JUST the wrong time, or Enemies suddenly pumped into the Sub or Top Layer of the zone, Etc.


That Bounty, even for me, still posses a Fail Threat, so you're not alone in this mess. We can only hope they somehow rewrite parts of the coding for it, maybe keep certain places from being points, maybe having a Middle Priority mark that makes it where the further an enemy is from it, the less influence they have on the Mission Meter, I don't know. Just right now, even a Sortie and Kuva Flood destroyer like me is still having issues with it from time to time.

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I played them with a variety of frames and build and managed to complete T5 bounties without too many problems with either of of them.


Complement your frame with weapons that cover its weaknesses. Get upclose weapons if your frame can tank/avoid the damage, take long ranged weapons if your frame relies on CC and has to fight from a distance. 

Frost, Gara, Mesa, Rhino, Ivara, Loki etc make short work of the defense parts of bounties or any other type of mission. You don't need meta builds , you need build made against the grineer and which are fit the area. Corrosive and or Radiation makes a helluva lot of difference, CC is king, high range is awesome. 

Edited by aligatorno
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To be honest, I solo those with just a Valkyr Prime (Because I like her) and a 2 Forma (no riven) Corrosive build Akstiletto prime.

I even solo them with Irradiating Disarm Loki (Disarm, as in, not going invisible)

Yes. I have builds that can vaporise the ships. No, I do not use these. No challenge = boring.

Are you building your weapons correctly? A simple corrosive status build is sufficient to make most of it fairly trivial. Given that your frame choice looks fine (fine, as in with a proper build they are okay for soloing it), your weapons are probably the issue.

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I think I know why you are swarmed.

"Tusk Seeker Drones are Grineer flying drones with flapping, accordion-like wings, that are deployed by Grineer Tusk Lancers, Tusk Seekers and Dargyn Pilots. They have the ability to call in reinforcements by firing off Fosfor flares, and will do so more quickly if the number of nearby Grineer dwindles".


Kill them ASAP. They made a distinctive sound and fire of flares. As others said, CC or Invisibilty is your friend for solo runs. And I noticed that if you kill them fast you will have no bombers at all.

Hope this helps.

Edited by rand0mname
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While its all doable, i agree that theres something atleast slightly off with POE scaling or maybe its a bug showing the wrong level on enemies im not sure

Even the lower level bounties, level 30 enemies you can do part 1 of the missions and the enemies all level 30 you kill them, their not hard, then the very next part of the bounty itll be the exact same enemies at the exact same levels but your weapons seem to do less damage and theirs seem to do way more for no clear reason, except maybe that its the part 2 of the bounty, im not sure if its a bug and the enemies are supposed to actually be a higher level and its just showing 30-35 or whatnot or if its the scaling off but most times ill be like wait a second here lol


i was leaning towards scaling issue as photos from the event showing level 6,100 latchers made be beileve the levels show correctly

Edited by Tokens210
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Just sharing, I always solo with Loki perma invis and irradiating disarm build, watch them kill each other. Since your always invis they wont call backups. Switch teleport is another means of traveling POE. I slot loot detector and thief's wit for the cache part. For weapon plasmor corrosive build, kavat is a great armor stripper, for my "snipe", I use scisco, atterax status and healing return build if need a bit of healing and my can opener too. With that i farm top tier bounty just for the breath of eidolon =(. Hope it helps.

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I tried it one last time.  Got the "Secure the camp" as the second objective.  Within *fifteen seconds,* without seeing one of the drones anywhere, I had a bomber and THREE of the troop transports with miniguns.  It took less than twenty seconds to use up three revives, because the three of them could pretty much obliterate me the moment I stopped being invulnerable.  And then I autofailed the mission because there were too many Grineer.



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The ships are weak to puncture, radiation and shock. Have a fast & high-status weapon modded to corrosive (4 corrosive procs are enough to bring down armor down to 30% of what it was) and then one-tap them with a radiation burst damage. Radiation has become my default element for plains since all enemies with any worthwhile health bar is weak to it (ships and Teralyst).

I highly recommend AkStiletto Prime, AkMagnus, AkLex Prime, Braton Prime, Boar Prime, Latron Prime, Karak Wraith, Prisma Grakata (since the target is huge and moves predictably the recoil shouldn't be much problem), Sicarus Prime, Zenith--basically any hitscan, high RoF high-status weapons for armor-stripping. For the kill weapons most sniper rifles, Ferrox, Euphona Prime, (Ak)Lex Prime, Opticor, Sybaris Dex/Prime etc modded with radiation damage should work. Any crit weapon with Volt should also work since his 3 adds crit damage and shock damage to the weapon. (I also like playing mobile shocking pillow fortress on Plains.) 

However, this may force you to notice just how slow and frustrating weapon swapping in Warframe is. It still infuriates me that an untrained civilian in Black Ops zombie mode swaps guns faster than Warframes. But hey, Speed Holster exists so that makes it all OK and absolutely not idiotic at all. 

The wide open area and aerial assaults in Plains means melee is often relegated to serving utility rather than damage. Hirudo or any status polearm modded with Healing Return will be your good friend. 

If you want to go the really cheesy route: Plains uses a separate group spawn where you have to kill all members of a group for it to be replaced by another spawn. So it's possible to stall the spawns by keeping alive harmless mook(s) from each group that spawned. Spawn group is pretty easy to tell, you know, a ship contains a spawn group, the drop missile thingeys is another group, etc. I've often ended up with just playing run-around-the-post after I killed only Bombards and Napalms (I hate Napalms so godda*n much) and left most of the melee units alone. 

While we're on about Plains Grineer ships, I will concede that Bolkor turrets' accuracy and/or damage need to be toned down just a little bit. I mean yes, we can shoot down the turret and after that it's just another Firbolg with slightly more health, but they're much harder to deal with than Ogmas. Ogmas at least show where their explosives will land (so all you have to do is get out of that area or try to stay airborne since they can't hit anything mid-air) and have relatively low armor; Bolkor's turrets have much more range and accuracy, so unless you have cover ready they can be brutal against squishier frames. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)evilcrap1010 said:

Loki perma invis

Ivara laughs at this Loki Perma invis talk.  Mwuhahahahahaha

3 hours ago, aligatorno said:

Complement your frame with weapons that cover its weaknesses.

^This.  In addition to this, you could make a loadout and frame build specific for the Plains.  I did this with Ivara.  I gave her Lenz, Sicuris P or Arca Scisco, and the Glaive P.  Changed up my usual build to add lots of range to enemy and loot radars.  I don't get surprised by nothing anymore.  :D  

As for the Defense type areas, I've learned to recon those areas and take out all the turrets, etc from range before entering the mission start zone.  It helps.  

OP, I will admit that I did have some trouble with those Defense parts solo at first.  I've since improvised, adapted, and overcame.  :D

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Nezha was here. Being utterly unkillable and locking down the entire camp. Everything's on fire now, and Nezha will continue to be hyperspoddygofaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssst.


Bring a Corrosive Status build Akstiletto and melt the armour off those gunships. 


Bring a polearm, because the Plains is where everything is BIG. Tusk Grineer no like Viral/Slash status weapons. Mmmm mm, no.


Bring a high crit snip snap, and snip those gunships to deaf once you have their armour off.


When you are not shooting at gunships, you are mobile. The floor is lava. Grineer are turkeys.

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I sometimes have completely opposite problem with those objectives, when enemies do NOT spawn at all.

It's quite ludicrous to see "CONTROL: FULL", yet the meter constantly counting down until the mission is failed.

And I'm one of the few people who use Enemy Radar, so I know for a fact that there's no enemies in the aria.

Edited by WindigoTP
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Personally I've never had difficulty with t4-5 bounties, sure securing camps is the most "active" objective but I've still never had many issues with it.

However I would like if we could get map markers on all enemies within the camp area, at least when there are less than ten.


Far as advice for said objective I'd say don't take frames that reduce enemy mobility, ignore heavy units if your weapons are not up to par for killing them fast, and don't kill too fast.

If you're running out of time finding enemies to kill then using say Frost or Nova can make it harder; keeping enemies further away and eating up your time finding them.

Heavy units seem to add more control for killing them but it's not necessary, just ignore them and kill the more "fodder" enemies with them.

And finally if you're already at 100% control just don't kill anything, keeping easy enemies around for when control starts dropping make it far easier to manage than scrambling for whatever is in sight.

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This is pretty much the only incursion type that I ever fail. And most of the time, the control bar is still at strong when I do. I don't know if it is just plain broken, or so many new enemies spawn at once that I lose so fast the HUD doesn't even have time to update properly or what, but its definitely not right. The level of the bounty does not matter either. I have had this happen in T1 bounties just as often as T5.

As for the Ogma and Bolkor, they definitely need some fixing as well. The Bolkor should not be nearly as accurate AND damaging as it is, while being able to shoot you from halfway across the plains. And the Ogma needs a limit on how many bombs it can drop in a volley. It really sucks when either of these ships decides to just fly in little circles over your head endlessly blasting you, instead of coming and going like they usually do.

At least I found that Exodia Contagion is quite good at destroying Ogma, if you can hit them.

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Impossible ? I have killed those level 68 bombers with Oberon and a Snipetron vandal in freaking solo.
People keep exaggerating as it is.

Just have to shoot the weak points. 
If you are Chroma, just lolnope the whole thing with a well placed (or 2) shots from an Opticor.

Edited by fatpig84
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You know what I like about the game the most? I look at this threat and is seems every person before me has a entirely different way of doing this.

My piece of cheese: pick Octavia, drop 1 (Mallet) in a centrally located spot with good visibility from every side, drop 4 (Amp), pop 3 (Metronome), teabag for Nocturne, go AFK. Don't use 2 (Resonator), it only makes your Mallet harder to hit. Those otherwise annoying bombards possess an awesome ability to KO themselves with hilarious blast procs. Well, not entirely AFK, because in solo mode control bar is filling fast enough, you got to shoot occasionally with any weapon that deals with groups well (Astilla, Plasmor, Kohm or Amprex are my usual picks). Oh, and make sure to destroy the rocket launchers turrets, these are badass.

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