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Rest In Peace John Bain, TotalBiscuit.


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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Yes because Biscuit is obviously to WF what Spock is to Star Trek.

You should take another look at that Prime Time cancellation video, take a good look at Rebecca's face.

To DE he may as well be to Warframe what Spock is to Star Trek, if you know anything about this game's history, you'd know that DE have multiple times stated that they had quite a population boom after TB's first video on Warframe. To them, he is a figure of importance.

And for the record, no, I did not say TB -is- the same as what Spock is to Star Trek, and from my point of view, he isn't. That's why I find statues in TB's honor a bit much, while I found a statue to honor Spock/Nimoy in STO to be fitting.

One also has to consider that a tribute can be walking a fine line.. between honoring someone.. and trying to reap benefit from their demise. I fear that things like statues for someone who is, unlike Spock in regards to Star Trek, but a games critic, would cross the line of the later in the eyes of some.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

It's always sad when someone passes, but their memory is kept alive by those who remember them. They do not need digital graves.


9 hours ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Honestly, I hate to sound insensitive but Totalbiscuit to my knowledge was not prominent in the WF Community. So it's crazy to erect something for him.
Even then, I would only expect the type of treatment to go to DE Staff who literally are core to the game like: Rebecca Ford, Mike Leatham, etc).

This doesn't seem insensitive at all - at least to me. And yes it's reasonable to expect that level of treatment for a long-time member of a company. In a situation like that, the loss can be very personal and traumatic for everyone that talked and worked with that individual on a near-daily basis.

The thing everyone needs to remember is that people grieve for and cope with personal losses in different ways.

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11 hours ago, Nembilim said:

I feel if DE wanted to do something, they can do it considering they are the developers of the game and TB made a large impact on their playerbase by expanding it with his videos on the game. They can do anything as big as a statute in a relay, down to a noggle or even just his name written somehere in the game in orokin. I feel that a full on statue would be a bit much, but i also feel as though they should do something, maybe even for a limited time, if they want, when it comes to something like a noggle or glyph. In the end, i feel like there is going to be something of him that is put in the game, at least temporarily, and i doubt they would do it in a way that would shove it in everyone's faces.

Or they could spend those development resources on a donation that actually matters for family members that are currently in the same situation as TB and his family was.

edit: Also as others have said here. Why dont the people that want a memorial made make one themselves in the Dojo? Or is it suddenly not worth the effort when you need to "pay the respects" personally with your own time and resources?

Edited by SneakyErvin
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21 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

No person is important enough to have a memorial raised in their honor if that memorial can somehow cause grief to someone else, atleast not in a game we play to have fun. Leave real life at the doorstep.

If that were the case I don't think people would have done this (see below)

17 hours ago, Etan-gK said:

even the lotus wept


give them time


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I'm pretty ill tbh. Several bad illnesses actually that could get me in a variety of ways. I don't really take carer of myself, which ups my chance of fatal compliations. NVM to be completely frank, periodic suicidal epidodes, and generally wanting to die all the time, even with no intention to act on it. (Thanks but I don't need a suicide horline number.)


All I want to be sure of is that I too will get a memorial. If we are getting a memorial to all Tenno that we add people to over the years. Which no one will look at because omg would that get long.


In that vein, since it's possible my SO and my family (definitely not my family) may not remember to alert DE that I have passed away. I suggest pre-emptively giving me a memorial. Maybe a casket I can use an emote to lie in and people can pretend it's a wake. I mean I stream warframe, have to deal with a highly organizef harassment campaign due to another warframe streamer with signficantly more followers to tap trom,(they got me again today and I will add a small snippet. Twitch does nothing.)


I don't call out streamers by names, but groups verging on corporations, sure. I decided to leave Girl Streamers because there is zero solidarty. what hurt the most was the dismissive atitude. The lack of concern, and the leaders simply not ca\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]

9rin about                      


I sam literslly falling aslep at the ke yborf,,,,


Not to get too in depth, but right now I am dealing with a severe harassment campaign on Twitch. It's pretty organized. I honestly don't entirely know what to do, though today a lot of people hung around, Seraphim modded for me, etc. It was awesome to see support. Also got raided for the first time! The big problem I have, and this sometimes puts me in tears it upsets me so much, is people telling me to ignore them, or don't feed the trolls. Actually, because I always do way more than is necessary or people care to hear/read/see, I've attached a text document with this with "questions" they sent me over my streamlabs overlay.

I had, before, reached out so much and gotten nothing. Even my boyfriend won't help because he'd have to wake up early at somewhere between 4 and 6 am est. So no support from him either. And my mother in law doesn't understand computers enough. As for my actual family, they are barely supportive and wouldn't help me out.

Incidentally, I have reported every name, and email Twitch twice with no response.

Okay this is super heavy for an introduction. Maybe it's the exhaustion. Seemed better to type all out in one place....


Maybe too much drama for an introduction. Again tired, want to get everything in one place, andc just had this happen.



Also, when the chatbot is perfected, please also move it to clan and alliance, that would clean up so muh garnage...

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2 hours ago, main_antagonist said:

If that were the case I don't think people would have done this (see below)


But you see that is my point. They did that out of their own interest to honor him, which is very healthy and good. Those that werent interested simply didnt show up.

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It is sad to see TotalBiscuit go, he was one of the main person that brought me into the game (it was also him that showed me that you can move your ship on the load screen, and in his words "but of course you can!") and made me appreciate the little things that DE puts into their games to make it great!

He was influential to Warframe development that gave DE the kick for success.

He was a firm critic of that games should be made for a fair audience that maximizes the fun and not the profit margin. 

Warframe shows what can be done with ethical development firmly focused on user interaction and user feedback for development.

With out TotalBiscuit it is now time for DE to carry on his legacy and show all these game developers what make a game great.

Godspeed DE and goodbye TotalBiscuit

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Obviously Warframe and DE owe a lot to WTF is, and clearly recognize that. I'm also not really sure what or when most people consider appropriate for a tribute, either, but I think Warframe should have something, and the first thing that came to mind(besides a dedicated warframe, which seems like a disaster waiting to happen no matter how it turns out) is a custom Movember accessory based on TB's iconic beard.

I apologise if this is inappropriate, and don't wish to offend anyone, as I have a great deal of respect for some of what TB stood for, fought for, and represented in his work, and I think there's a great deal to be learned from his effort to bring civilized dialogue to debates that are often less than civilized, and give people who often don't get a chance to speak the chance they need to be heard and represented.

Edited by NezuHimeSama
post moved to appropriate topic, thank you whoever did that
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i've been seeing/hearing various ideas for a tribute, such as
movember beard
name of a relay
a frame
an armor set
a syandana
and a purchasable (armor set, syandana, etc) that when bought also donates to cancer research

personally i think a pack of armor set, syandana, and icon that does the donation thing would be the best

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John Bain, aka. Totalbiscuit was a youtuber/critic/gamer who had recently died because of cancer. He did a lot for Warframe. Lots of people came to warframe solely thanks to him and his publicizing.
Many players decided to honor him by kneeling in front of the statues in the relays.
As me and other Tenno were kneeling in Mars relay, we thought that DE should do something to honor John "Totalbiscuit" Bain, and we came up with an idea. What if DE were to change one of the relays' name to "Bain Relay" as a memento of the great lad?

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It is scary to think that this game I love very much, would not have existed or had last this long if it were not for him.

I can't help but feel really depressed at the thought that one of the very people that promoted this game when it was in its infancy has passed on.

He had a great run, he will be sorely missed.

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TotalBiscuit touched many millions of lives during his journey.  While not everyone was happy, countless numbers benefited from his voice and critique of the game industry, and the industry was improved through his actions over the years.

Warframe was one of those games which would likely be in a much different place today if not for his input.

I know I personally have relied on TotalBiscuit's advice to make informed decisions many times over the years, and while I always would do my own research to back up my purchase decisions, his voice was a very strong force influencing my own choices in gaming.

I will never forget him.

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