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[PC Update 23.5] Revenant Feedback Megathread


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Revenant is on the verge of greatness, but he's lacking in a few departments.

Firstly, almost nobody ever uses Reave, so we should have a reason to use it. We almost never need it cause Mesmer Skin is just a straight up better survivability ability. The problem with Mesmer skin however is that it disappears really fast, since one charge is drained for every enemy that hits you.

- I propose that Reave should be able to restore Mesmer Skin charges per enemy that you dash through. this would make revenant more survivable and Reave actually have a purpose.

Secondly (this is maybe just me), the cap of 4 on the thralls is a little too low.

- My idea for this is either 1 of 2 things:

  1. Increase the cap from 4 to 6, this doesn't seem like much, but it would help a lot.

  2. Make the cap scale with power strength, like Mesmer Skin does.

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If DE even read this, Reveant in it's current state is just a mix of nothing good for anything. If he's not going get huge tweaking in a week than this warframe will be forgotten like many low-tier warframes such as Atlas. I hope DE won't do same thing again and leave this masterpiece of 3d moddeling to be discarded after ranking.

Edited by BeyondUs
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So i been playing this frame for about 2 days now and i can honestly say i like this frame, FOR ME anyway it does what Nyx couldn't do which was be fluid in MY play style, But honestly there are a few things that could be better for him. To Start off, his 1 shouldn't have a Cap...The Cap on his 1 just seems underwhelming and it should be at least risen to double digits, His 2 Should have a health for each charge because this can and will go down fast by stray bullets, his 3 is in my opinion good the way it is, but his 4 i feel like is REALLY Good because it can actually scale, and I'm scared because i feel like this ability will be nerfed

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51 minutes ago, Kymaeraa said:

My idea for this is either 1 of 2 things:

  1. Increase the cap from 4 to 6, this doesn't seem like much, but it would help a lot.

  2. Make the cap scale with power strength, like Mesmer Skin does.

In addition to an increase on the cap, I would also suggest:

Enemies are enthralled when they are attacked by a thrall or when they attack a thrall.

When an active thrall is killed, the affliction has a 60% chance to jump to the nearest enemy within 10 meters for the remaining duration.

Make those changes, increase the cast speed and enthrall will be a much better part of his kit since it won't punish revenant when allies kill your thralls or you use your 4.

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hi. so about revenant. all of his spell are good. really. creating zealous thrall, making his 2 really op vs boss or enemie cant be stun (like grinner machine gun tower on the plain) cause they only need 1 stack but revenant keep reflecting the dmg. really it's good. his 3 dash-regen. the 4 is powerfull too but.... revenant need some change. seriously. 

first the 1 : 4 thrall seriously??? it's useless. they can last for 60+ sec with all the duration mod (which make 306% duration stat). but 4 thrall is not enough. maybe changing this spell can be good. i dont know, maybe 5-7-10sec base duration but 7-15-20thrall max? i dont care if they deal less dmg when they are under control of the 1, or if they go slower or if they cant touch everytime an enemie, but more thrall can be really good. it can be good for fightning in normal , high lvl or ultra high lvl (3-7K lvl)


the 2: mesmer skin. 7 stack max without mod? cant be used again and again? seriously? it's useless , ok when the 2 use 1 stack, cancel a dmg, and sleep is good. but 7 stack is not enough. seriously. maybe change the 2 so you only have 2-3 base stack but you can spam it and go to 30-50 stack max? but every time you add stack you, you take more dmg when a stack is used? like the 2-3 first stack can cancel 100% of the dmg revenan will take. and every time you add a stack, the 2 cant cancel 1-1,7%, again and again? which mean when you are full stack, you cant cancel 100% of the incoming dmg. you can only cancel 30-50% of the dmg you take,  it can be really cool. which mean revenant need to used his 3 if he want to regen the dmg he will take when the 2 is full stack.

the 3 is cool. 40 % life and shield regen is a lil bit low. but it's enough. 


the 4:  danse macabre deal a lot of dmg. and can be used on any faction. it dont need any change, yet. 


ok that's all, i know it's weird that i ask something like this, especialy for the ultra HL. but we need it sometime. seriously the last warframe DE released and can do a fight vs 4Klvl and more is octavia , 2year ago. it's been a while. 

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Sooo, I even rushed this one to try it one out while weekend. Overall I like it, he feels like smthing new and really fun. But also have a lot of problems, and  most of them comes from tralls:

1) Passive: meeeh, I dont have much to say about this one - I dont feel it ingame, like, at all. Maybe a bigger radius would make a thing?

2) Enthrall

Horde meme incoming

Last time I checked ppl called "horde" is smth bigger, then 4 persons. I would replace word "horde" with "small company of really close friends". Really, it is just too small amount, even though I understand that it is just his 1st ability, and it shouldnt be super powerful, but now it feels like too underpowerd. When I saw him at devstream, I thought of about 10 thralls at 1st lvl, and 20 at max. I mean, its not really easy to make a real horde of thralls really fast - animation speed is pretty slow, and if you are surronded by enemies - you prob will die before you can build a team of enslaved dudes. Sure, if you enthrall one, and he attacks others, and then two attacks and it make them four (and this is limit for now), then 8, etc. And it will be not op at all - enemies deal too small dmg to each other, while having your own army of meatbags is pretty fun. And you should keep enthralling new ones so old ones keep being on your side - should be an interesting managment mechanic too (for me, at least). Also, thralls can be killed by other party memebers. I was with Mesa on one mission, and my thralls existed, for, like, 0.5 seconds most of the times. Even Nyx one and only mind-controlled dude not recive any damage from party memebers, but accumulates it, and dies then effect of it runs off - super handy for Nyx, while pretty annoying for others, but her chaosed enemies is vulnerable like usual, so its kind of annoying for Nyx already (not really, though). So you need to find some kind of a compromise here. What about damge pillars thralls leave on death - I have no problem with their damage, cause I look at it like a small nice bonuse, and not the main goal of this ability

But quantity of thralls is a problem not only for its first ability:

2) Mesmer Skin

Im fine with it having charges instead of timer, or being aura, anything else, cause it stuns enemies for a pretty large amount of time, and I like it, but it stuns enemy on any damage it dealed to you, so why it need reflection at all? Most of the times it reflects 10-30-50 dmg back to attacker, which is ok, but feels like useless addition. I just got an idea - maybe instead of reflecting damage back on enemies, you will make Mesmer Skin charges to absorb it complitly, and accumulate towards next usage of 4th ability? Cause reflecting 50 dmg is bullcrap, dealing additional 50 dmg with each ray while Danse Macabre - sounds really good. And also, so it will not be infinite dmg accamulation, you can add some cap of 3-4-5k dmg (but it draing enrgy pretty fast, so it should not become a problem).

Back to amount of thralls. Mesmer Skin feels like it designed to have a good synergy with Enthrall, but cause of limited quantity of thralls most of times I feel like I cant fully utilize this synergy, and it feels annoying. For example, I got 11 charges of Mesmer Skin, and only 4 thralls avaible. I made 1 thrall of some strong enemy, and he make 3 more really fast. I used Mesmer Skin and stunned other strong foe with it, so I want him join my team of strong thralls, but I cant do it, cause I already have a horde small group of really close friends fulfilled. Ultra frustraiting. Maybe, you can make so you can reaplce old thralls with new ones with you 1st ability? Especially those ones who was enthralled by your thrall. Cause I feel like I have no control over my thralls situation like, at all.

3) Reave

Weak. Short. Long animation. Turn yourself into life draingin wall of energized mist - sounds amazing! In fact, Im never using it, cause its feels awful. Reave can be manually cancelled, but why? For what? It lasts so short, for, like, 1-1.5 seconds, and 6-10 meters, I barely can see it, you need a reaction of 0,333 seconds to stop it at right time (if you ever need it for anything). Animation is too long. In fact, most of his animations are too long, but his abilities are not that powerful as of right now, so this be for a reason of balance. Also, drain is too weak. What were you afraid of? That he will restore himself fully by the cost of only 75 enrgy? But, for example, Trinity (pls, dont nerf her even more because of it) do the same thing way better, for just additional cost of 25 enrgy. For 100 enrgy she restores full shields and health. And grants damage reduction for at least 75%. For ALL allies. In range of ability, yes, and I also understand, that she is supprot frame, but this is the reason she heals all, not only herself. I think this would be not op to make drain a little stronger. Cause its only for one dude for a pretty big cost.  All other frames, who can heal themself, do it way better for the same, or little greater cost of energy. Maybe, you can make mist slower, last longer, and also give opportunity to change directions of it (but not speed), so you can actually utulize it to replenish some health and shileds properly. Also, amount of thralls again. You may need to use Reave while you really far from your thralls, and you will draing really little of it. And even if thralls near you - you have no control of them, so they can leave area affected by your Reave, so you will spent 75 enrgy for nothing. Also, there are too little of them, so you may be not able to restore you hp and shields fully out of them, soooooo. Yeah, nearly useless. If you dont want to raise amount of thralls - you better make Reave to draing more from not enthralled foes, and you can make it to draing less from thralls in exchange - still will feel more like a buff for it, then nerf

4) Danse Macabre

I just LOVE this S#&$, maaaaan. Super funny, super useful, looks neat, make you feel nostalgie for 80s discos (never visited one, though, cause I wasnt even born that time), while you were still young, full of energy, and was capable of blasting any party!

But then it comes to "synergy" with enthralled foes, mmmmhhh, yeaaaah, problems again.

First of all - you forced to kill your thralls while this one is active. Feels just not right. I would prefer my slave dudes running around, giving flyers, and inviting others to my party. Maybe, you can make them accumulate damage of Danse Macabre, while Enthrall is still active, so they can keep runnning and making new ones? And then die, after effect of Enthrall runs off? But not only you foced to kill tham while discoing, also, you do it so you can gain overshields! Not only for you, but for all of your team! Sounds like a fair deal, isnt it? Yeah, but... 50? Like, really? I know, that this ones is practically free, considering how you can make thralls, but its too low, even for almost free restoration. 50 shileds regens in, I dunno, 0.5 seconds? Also, keep in mind, you cant make new thralls while you spinning right round, baby, so this feel like super seek synergy, also, annoying, cause it kills thralls.

So, this is it. Looking at this text above can make you think that I hate revenant into the deepest corners of my soul, but this isnt so. I really like him, and like to play with him, and I think he is really fun to play too. I just want him to be comfy to play, and also felt powerful in all of his capabilities, not only with his 4th ability


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They need to buff Enthrall and make the thralls serve a purpose in death other than a pillar of fire that hurts enemies IF they walk into it which they rarely do.  I'd like it if his 3 would interact with dead thralls as well.  His ult's synergy with thralls is pointless, and the ability itself is painfully boring to use.

His 2 needs work as well.  It would be nice if enemies that are proc'd by it are highlighted and prioritized by Enthrall so that you can better enthrall the correct target out of a group.

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16 minutes ago, ReaperOfTheSouls said:

Its kinda look dumb his 4th abilty animation, spinning around like ballerina, shooting laser out of his finger nails. Maybe DE should change that his tendrils will shoot the lasers.

How is this any different than the Sentient that folds itself into a disco ball and shoots lasers all over the place? It's fine. Plus, it gives folks some music to play while streaming Warframe.

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The reason I was initially excited for Revenant was his ability to have ~20 minions at once. Ever since I started playing this game I've always wanted a true 'minion commander'. Nekros was as close as I got, Khora ever so slightly running around with two Kavats that were *kinda* controllable with her 3. If the thrall cap on Revenant's 1 was raised to about 10 or higher he'd be perfect.

Secondly: DE, you've made Reave castable while in Danse Macabre, go the extra mile and make all of his abilities castable while in Danse Macabre. It would make him feel so much better to use overall in my opinion.

Give his 2 a stack cooldown of like 3 seconds, so if a heavy gunner or the like shoots you rapid fire your stacks don't evaporate within seconds.

also pretty please lower the base energy cost for reave it hurts my soul


  • raise enthrall minion cap to around 10
  • give mesmer skin a cooldown when taking rapid consecutive damage
  • lower reave energy cost
  • make all abilities castable while in danse macabre, like hydroid's undertow
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Yeah, my only issues are the cap on Thralls (there’s too little of them at a time and they die too easily).

Visually, I find the mist effect from his 2 annoying at times, his 3’s mist wall looks 2d and unfinished, and his 4 blinds my eyes.

Other than that, he’s pretty cool!

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1 hour ago, ReaperOfTheSouls said:

Its kinda look dumb his 4th abilty animation, spinning around like ballerina, shooting laser out of his finger nails. Maybe DE should change that his tendrils will shoot the lasers.

There are men ballerinas and his stance isn't overly... "feminine" or society's perception/expectation of stuff.


Now if DE would just set things right and say Equinox is gender neutral or gender fluid.

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9 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

There are men ballerinas and his stance isn't overly... "feminine" or society's perception/expectation of stuff.


Now if DE would just set things right and say Equinox is gender neutral or gender fluid.

It's not gender stuff, i am just saying that his animation doesnt fit with his theme. Its like seeing pink rhinos with mirages nobel animation. Its funny, but still doesnt fit.

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1 hour ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

Are you seriously complaining about the spin to win warframe? Like, how early does it have to be?


I'm waiting for a nerf, personally. Possibly for the gun, as well. Going to enjoy murdering things spinning around in the meantime. Who needs the other abilities. 

A nerf? are you serious? he's not especially useful as it is, thralls are useless and danse macabre's damage is easily outdone by any other dps frame like saryn. Luckily his 2 seems to work and his 3 is actually really good at healing & energy regen. But still definitely not worthy of a nerf, he doesn't really have a utility within a team either, no crowd control & unreliable dps.

It's really fun to play but there's no utility.

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My .002 cents may as well be chunked into the qq fountain though i doubt any of it hasn’t already been said:

His 3’s heal is outmatched by the damage reduction of his 2. Would rather it buff his “horde” for a few seconds to do dmg of elemental weaknesses like his 4 does, and/or restore 2’s charges. 

The charges for his 2 should  auto-thrall instead of making the cost 0.

I would like to see 1 affect more enemies, the more the better, and refresh their duration when recast on a thrall. 

His 4 is solid, I love the punchthrough and anglular reach instead of needing range to be viable. 

Edited by Eidolor
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Revised Feedback:


Needs raised cap, or uncapping. Maybe limit the number of enemies you can enthrall manually be capped to 20 and uncap the number spread by turned enemies.

Mesmer Skin:

Needs more charges, needs a mechanic like health conversion where each charge protects for a short duration before disappearing when consumed.


Needs to be faster, and move in any direction. 

Life and shield-steal percentage needs to be bumped up to 40% for all enemies, and enthralled enemies need to grant mesmer charges when passed through with Reave.

Danse Macabre:

Reave should cost less when cast in Danse Macabre.

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Maybe thralls dying leave an energy pillar and also free their spectral Vomvalyst skull to ghost around the area taking over new enemies? Imagine it working like Oberon's Smite homing projectiles.

So even if Dance Macabre murderized your thralls, their Vomvalysts would find new targets to keep the pillar and Overshield pickup production going. Allies killing your thralls wouldn't waste your energy, it would get you new thralls in the area.

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I'm back again, to repeat all the love I have for you, DE, and for Revenant.
I just realized something very important to me..
The existence, of an obvious connection, between Revenant, and the hero of my childhood, Raziel, of the Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver serie.

Here is Raziel, in his form of soul devourer.



Before, he was a vampire, then, he was thrown into the depths of the Lake of the dead, and he was saved by a god.
He experienced it as a curse, returning to the world of living as a zombie, like Revenant came back.. sort of.
Later, he will come into possession of the soul of a sword that will bind him.
He will then have a spectral sword wrapped around his arm. '-'
You start to see the link? 😄
( I even not talk about "Reave", who sound like Reaver.. )
DE I love you for that, even if it was not intentional, it's perfect.

I'm not joking about Raziel being the hero of my childhood, I litteraly have a photo of him, in a frame, above my pc screen.

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Alright ! I took some time to test different combinations of abbilities, mods, and survivabilities to see what we could do with revenant. I'd like to share some feedbacks on the quest too, but i'll do it later, on another post, this is not the place to talk about it. Also ! I unfortunately don't have time to read 20 pages of feedback to be sure that what I said was not said elswhere... So, if some of my ideas are shared acrossed other posts, I'll see it as a good sign. Finally, to the people who will read my post, thank you by advance to put some time in it, hope you'll appreciate it... And please, forgive my english writing, not my native tongue, and I curently don't have the time to correct myself, must go back to work ! (^_^)

[ Edit : Back from work, I made some corrections in my text, sorry if I missed some in the process... ]


At the first, I'll say the concept of Revenant is really well done : in term of design, animations, its cosmetics, ect... But in therm of gameplay, clearly... it's lacking a hell lot of fun or interrest. And in his state, i will not recommand peoplewho hesitate to farm his composents in the plains  to spend plats on him to win some time, it's clealry not worth it.



The proc is quite short ranged, and I personnaly would love to see it expand further. from what I saw, the proc was a range of 2 to 3 meters around Revenant... would expand it between 5 to 7 meters : it would be visually pleasing to see a chockwave throwing back to the grounds a full squad of ennemies, while allowing an acceptable CC in critical situations.



Now we strat to attack the serious problem.... why Limitations ? And why only 4 ? I would call a "horde" a group of at least 8, if not 10 and further grunts to charge on the ennemies. With only 4, it's just a "squad" and that makes a gigantic difference ! Plus, I can imagine that in some specific scenarios, they would make a possible divertion... ? In solo... ? For less than 5 seconds : ok, let's be honest here, using a grunt that doesn't scale with your own firepower is absoloutely meaningless in action.

If it was design to make a diversion, I'm sorry to say that even Nyx can do a better work with her Chaos ability, since everyone in range will fire on everything that dare to move... But if it was turely made to help in combat ? It's a complete miss. And in multiplayer, even more pointless to use this ability... the main reason being : your zealots freshly converted to the ravenous powers of the sentient will be killed like any other mobs by your team-mates, most frequently, in the space of 5 seconds !

My ideas to fix that and make it even more fun to play as well as more efficient is the following, combined in two different play style ( don't mind the names, it's just to give an idea of what it would looks like, not to change the curent name of the ability ) :


- first play style, "Rapturous guards" :

If we keep a few number of soldiers, then pass from 4 to at minimum 6 mesmerized grunts. Make them scales with power strengh while under mind controll, to be sure they are usefull soldiers, not just trainning dummies. Make them physically unkillable by allies, the same way Nyx's mind controled target become, to avoid friendly fires in the heat of battle... I also would suggest to make them lose, little by little, their HP while under the sentient's influence, to make them easier to slay once they are free from the spell ( thinking especially in high level missions where some ennemies can be very though to slay ) as well for balancing purpose... Finally, allow Revenant to be the one able kill the mesmerised target, if he completed its purpose before the time limit reach its end. And that, by being the only player to have the ability to put damage on him ( via his own guns, mele,and powers ) OR, probably simple, by a second cast on the mesmerised target to deal strong damages... and for a litte touche of fun, make it explode if killed by the second cast. Also, the fire left behind a corpse when it's dead is a nice touch... But come on DE : make it a TRUE Gantulyst's laser pillar ! THAT is what you'd expect from a sentient frame, make it worth to witness their death and pay the ennemies close to him !

- Second play style, "Rapturous Devotion" ( could even be seen as an augment ) :

This idea was suggested one or two pages ago, and it is truely interresting. In a few words, break the limits. Or at least "let the beasts do their work !". Lets imagine you can infect only 4 ennemies in total ( why not even less in the idea of an augment mod to equilibrate : maybe 2 )... But those zealots are now able to spread the devotion to Revenant on a 3 to 4 radius meter, with 50% chances of proc ( maybe more, maybe less : it depends on how the numbers would work, and that, I can't imagine ) to win a total of 10 to15 grunts ! Now the 4 ( or 2 ) originals would be recongnizable by their sentient fragments floating above their heads, while other minions emits a light of same color as our warframe's energy... these lesser zealots would still be killed like normal grunts by team-mates, they would see their HP burn quicker and would not emit any pillar of sentient energy at death... In the end, only the 4 ( or 2 ) main zealots with their sentient fragments would recive the bonus and protection as i designed it in my first play style. But this would allow a more powerfull feeling of croud Control, as well as a pure... strong... and unholy feeling of pleasure and fun, while seeing yourself rising a little army !



The basic idea is great... But it is not foncionnal at all, as it curently is. Wether in solo or multiplayer.

We will face countless ennemies, and between the time we recive the impact, locates the stunned grunt, and cast the spell... The consequence is simple : out of 6 stunned, less than 2 can be controlled. My idea is pretty straigh forward : make the protection "duration" based ( lets say 15 to 25 seconds of protection, with duration mods ), while the stun would no longer be affected by "duration", but "strengh" ( maybe ), OR give it a bigger supply of eidolon skin...'cause gunners, bombards, and so on have great fire power and status effect... ... ... ...

Also ! Speaking of that, here's an idea that crossed my mind ! We have a SENTIENT based frame... So ! A funny though you might say, but... why not giving it with that skin some, I don't know : ADABTATION capacities ! Somethin' simple in design, like less status duration ( reduced by 50% ? Or 25% of normal duration proc ? Not sure how it would impact in game... ), and / or 20% to 40% resistance to status proc : like knockdown, Blast, toxic, magnetic, ect... but that would be unique ! Don't remember a frame that have a natural resistance to Status. Would make Revenant even more unique with this power !


  • REAVE :

Change it... Completely.

Let's face it : It's pretty ugly ; it's unefficient ; it's useless in stress scenarios, and don't do it's job properly... Plus, the control of this power is truely horrible ( colision in walls, time cast, the akwardness of the dash, especially when you miss the target ). My idea to replace / modify drastically the ability :

AN ETHERAL FORM ! You have in stock a ghostly asset for Revenant, the one that we face during the final step of Nakak's quest : Mask of the Revenant... here's my idea : use it as an ability ! Make him pass in ghostly form, Vomvalyst style, to become for a short period of time (10 seconds would be nice, not much more than 15 in my opinion thanks to duration mods ) invincible, and immune to status effects... Also, while under this ghostly form, make his 1st ability a drain life power : aiming a target will no longer change him into a zealous warrior, but will wound him while providing Health on flesh being... and Overshield on machines ! ( reduced cost of energy ? or greatest for big heals ? The thing you'd fid the most equilibrate ).



Honestly, I have nothing in mind to replace it. the concept is fun, the power is strong, the effect is enjoyable... many people will have some ideas to change or boost it, i'll leave the work to them. If i had a little add to put on this ability, maybe it would be nice to see him float a little more upward while his 4th is active : it could be quite usefull to reach ennemies that have the upper ground... Plus, it would be like those sentient on Lua.

All that i've written was only to bring a point of view on the 3 other powers that were clearly rushed and funless to use. I can only hope that those ideas will not fall into the ear of a deaf ( if i may use this term XD ). Revenant is a great concept, and feel quite unique. He deserve more love and care. I hope those ideas are shared across the 20 pages and that maybe I brough Something new. (^_^)

Edited by SirArtilleur
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