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[PC] C̶̹̃h̴̊̍̐͜i̶͓̩͛̽m̸̨̈́͘e̴̤̒ŕ̸͉͋̕å̸̙̭͕: Update 23.10 - Arbitrations: Lethal Alerts Feedback Megathread


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What is the point of a repeating C rotation when it takes 40 minutes to an hour to reach the C rotation at all?

Make it so Rotations function normaly as in any regular mission. 5 minutes, 5 waves etc... not double. Double makes it extremely, extremely long and tedious and thus not worth it at all, and when you finaly reach  the C rotation and get the reward you quit because YOU JUST SPEND 40 MINUTES TO AN HOUR TO GET TO THAT DAMN THING!

I'll do Elite Alerts until I buy the Hexis statue, Hexis Decoration and -Power Aura and then Elite Alerts can FK OFF until the rotation duration is returned to normal 5/5 etc etc...

It is not fun, it is not enjoyable. It is tedious, it is annoying, it is tiring and draining. I am not having a single shred of fun in Elite Alerts and honestly, they just piss me off with how long and drawn out they are.

Edited by Acersecomic
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1. Rewards for arbitration are real lame. Endo is fine and all but the fact that its the ONLY reward besides the mods is not cool, since once you get the mods theres very little reason to play it.

2. The time it takes to get rewards just is not satisfying ESPECIALLY since its basically just endo.

3. the decorations you get with the new essence stuff are pretty lame too. Only thing thats even kind of cool is the emblem and the particle generator.

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(insert text wall)

As a player with a lot of in game hours I feel that some of the rewards are very nice but some are really a let down. I like all the cosmetic stuff its very welcome and ideally what I like to see but there is a limit as to how long those cosmetic items will last and that means that eventually the mode will just turn into a simple endo farm and we will start stockpiling another resource like tilerium with next to no use. The mods are good with one or two winning mods and others that again are kinda a letdown. 

The mission modes could use something more of a surprise in them as they can get kinda dull. My initial idea would be to add in an event that at the end of a C rotation will trigger a faction assassin to appear (G3 for grineer, Zanuka for corpus, Stalker for infested, and Cap Vor for the corrupted). It would give some of us a reason to keep coming back to the game mode more or less the fight the enemies there. Another idea would be to also up the appearance of some of the specialty units like the cat ladies, manics, the scrambus, and the crewmen that drop the spawn traps.

As for the post mission rewards an initial idea would be to add the conclave skins in to what you can buy but have them on a kind of rotation.  another would be to add something like a an armor set and syandana or other weapon skins that are specific to the Arbitration mode and have their own unique style to them. Adding on to the armor set and syandana you could add on the same kind of effect that the Celestia Syandana has but you essentially take the vitus essences you get and you dump one into each cosmetic and it adds a special energy effect to them for the week.

The mods could use some changes, currently the winner of them all is adaptation with power donation coming in second. Rolling guard and Vigorous swap are nice but there effects seem more like cantrips if that gets the idea across. If they were just coded to be an exlius mod then they would be something to consider using and formaing frames for to compensate for their massive drain. Lastly sharp shooter is nice and Its likely meant to be used buy dropping the fodder mobs to get the 15 energy but in the current state its out performed buy the use of many other mods and has kinda wound up like target acquired a mod that is really interesting and I want to use but it gets dumped into the pile due to other mandatory mods being needed more. Now if you could just get the energy on a head shot and not just a kill it brings in that interesting choice do I keep what I got or build this to be a way of maintaining my channeled abilities; and the energy gains of the mod could be nerfed to 10 or even 5. Another idea would be to have the energy gains be effected buy the sniper combo counter. I mean snipers are a skill biased weapon and it is called "sharpshooter" It kinda makes scene. 


All in all I like a lot of the changes and the additions that came with the update. though there possibly some longevity issues. I do find it being a mission type that I would really like to be something that I would keep coming back to, and not do it then a month later I forget about it like onslaught. More cosmetic rewards, more ways to spend and use vitus, add in the assassins, and some small changes to the new mods would be nice.

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So I know people don't ask about this too often, but I would like to suggest Improvements to the simulacrum Since I like making NPC Battles and etc


- Option to fly (like a flying camera)

- Ignore player (so when you make an NPC Battle you don't have to go Loki and spam that invisibility)

- Add different types of arenas, because the current one is kinda wacky with NPC Battles (and the NPCs fall lol)

- Add some missing NPCs like bosses (aka Stalker,Vor,Etc)

I Hope this gets attention from any of DE lol .-. 

(Edit : I would also like to see different Warframe specters and have them use their abilities)

Edited by Bombarder0
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6 hours ago, Aisu9 said:

As end game stuff, put a max rank requirement, it's just boring to see rank 0 chroma or any warframe jump into the mission and instant die

There is a Rank 30 Requirement for Elite Alerts. I learned that from having a frame ranked lower than 30 and having a Message Pop up about that.

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hace 33 minutos, Bombarder0 dijo:

So I know people don't ask about this too often, but I would like to suggest Improvements to the simulacrum Since I like making NPC Battles and etc


- Option to fly (like a flying camera)

- Ignore player (so when you make an NPC Battle you don't have to go Loki and spam that invisibility)

- Add different types of arenas, because the current one is kinda wacky with NPC Battles (and the NPCs fall lol)

- Add some missing NPCs like bosses (aka Stalker,Vor,Etc)

I Hope this gets attention from any of DE lol .-. 

(Edit : I would also like to see different Warframe specters and have them use their abilities)


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On 2018-10-17 at 10:22 AM, Neyar said:

I like the idea of buffing a random warframe or weapon, but it might open up more build options if the buff were more generic. Unless you really want an ultra slow Nova build, +300% Strength isn't as useful as, say, +300% Duration. Maybe if the warframe buffs were instead:

"+300% to your highest warframe stat"


And if you have multiple stats with the same value it averages the buff between them. Conveniently, 300% if one is highest, 150% to each if two tie, 100% to each if three are tied, and 75% if all four are equal somehow (that coveted vanilla 100/100/100/100 build...). The drones already pretty much prevent max range builds from overtaking arbitrations like some other game modes.

FYI Nova slow has a cap of 65% regardless of power strength, and Duration on Nova only expands the time that the wave radiates, allowing you to slow a larger radius of enemies. The range is quite Ludicrous on normal Nova anyway, so 300% would be completely pointess.

Power strength is the only stat that makes sense for their system and your suggestion is really bad (not to mention that it's based on a total lack of actual game facts)

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On 2018-10-17 at 6:47 AM, ReaverKane said:

TO be fair, i think bleedouts should stay. But no other means of ressurecting (aside from modded stuff like Sacrifice and Arcanes, because those are in your build).
Haven't played Nidus or Inaros on Arbitrations, what happens when they die? DO their passives kick in? If so, then it makes sense that other build-based means of ressing are kept viable.

So, no to earning resses as you progress.

Why though? Well, last time i played (only played it twice, a survival and a defense, it's not fun for me, especially with the low spawn rates). The second time, we were just chatting away inside my frost bubble and destroying enemies outside it. And someone linked a riven, i previewed it, and died... Inside a huge frost bubble, from max to 0. I'm not even sure it was a bug or a legit kill, but there's a lot of people complaining about the same thing, they just die out of nowhere. And in this game mode, that can't be allowed to happen. Having a bleedout timer, allowing you to be ressed by team mates and or built in modded means would reduce the strain from these random acts of RNGesus.

Aside from that, i think the entire reward structure and the time change is detrimental to the game mode. It's pretty much geared towards the already niche population that enjoys 2h survivals, just for the "challenge". And since those people already have that, maybe making it rewarding for those of us that are mindful of spending our time efficiently, might improve the odds that this won't be the next Lunaro.

Because as it is, without any changes, as soon as people get their mods (or just Adaptation, since it's the only good mod out of the bunch), they'll do it once in a stormy season when out of endo. The mode isn't fun, and the rewards aren't liable to make it a repeat occurrence after you get them.

Enemies hitting you is basically an RNG calculation, at higher levels their tracking is almost perfect and enemies hit incredibly hard.  The more you stand still the more accurate they get to be, whereas rolling and jumping reduces their accuracy during that brief window of time.

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DE, could you pls address the issue of enemy scaling in Arbitration being only 1/2 as fast as that of regular missions? This pretty much defeats the purpose of an endurance game mode meant to be a challenge, if you can't get the enemy levels to go high within a decent time frame. The whole draw was having a game mode where you could fight high level enemies without having to wait hours for it first. 


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Just to respond to some of the comments about the random buff. Power strength is absolutely NOT the only stat that would work with the bonus system and it is actually not ideal for several frames or doesn't really make up for why you wouldn't want them in a high level one life mode. 

If the bonus system is meant to make the frame better and be a reasonable choice, it should be frame specific and tailored to make that frame a better choice than it otherwise would have been. Currently it will be ignored most of the time and you'll just take a meta frame unless you're actually taking the bonus as more of a challenge than a bonus. I would also be fine with them changing the bonus system to a challenge system where you have to take certain things to get a bonus reward for making it more challenging, but if it's meant to just be a buff, they need to have different buffs for different frames. 

I think one option would be to come up with multiple buff categories and frames in those categories get a set of buffs rather than one big buff to one stat that's not universally useful and will not universally make that frame a better choice. This would also save them the work of coming up with individual buffs for each individual frame. 

IE: Caster Group Buff:

Gain 5 energy per second (passive, stacks with other energy sources), +100 base energy (affected by mods) and +100 power strength. This buff could be used for frames like Banshee, Ember, Mag etc. The energy regen and extra energy could also make quick thinking a better survival mod for these softer more caster themed frames.

Hunter/assassin Group: 

Increased chance to get health and energy orbs on kill, +150 base armor (affected by mods) and +100 power strength. This buff could be for frames like Ivara, Ash, Excal etc.

You could even throw in frames like Titania who would possibly fit into the caster group also, but use an exalted weapon and wouldn't benefit from the energy regen as much (unless you made the caster groups regen work with things that normally disable it). 

Support/other frames:

100 strength 100 duration and 150 base armor. You could give this to Trinity/Harrow. I was going to say split it between strength/duration/range but maybe they wouldn't want to give any bonus range to anything. 

If you didn't want to list all the buffs in the UI, each category could be given a name so that the bonus just shows the frame name that gets the bonus and what the bonus category for that frame is. 

Really tanky frames like Inaros/Nidus could either be excluded since they don't really need a buff, or you could add a bruiser type category with some lighter buffs of some kind or just stick to three major buff categories and fit them in somewhere (even though a lot of the frames I stuck into utility/other as an example wouldn't need the armor).

If you just had the three categories of buffs an example of how to split them up could be:

Casters: Banshee, Ember, Equinox, Frost, Hydroid, Mag, Nova, Nyx, Saryn, Vauban, Volt

Assassins: Ash, Atlas, Excalibur, Ivara, Khora, Mesa, Mirage, Revanant, Titania, Valkyr, Wukong, Zephyr

Support/Other: Chroma, Gara, Harrow, Inaros, Limbo, Loki, Nekros, Nezha, Nidus, Oberon, Octavia, Rhino, Trinity, 

I could see some frames in multiple categories, IE: some of the casters may want the duration from the support category more than the caster buffs, but that was just a rough idea. 

edit: I didn't do any math to justify the specific numbers vs. the current 300% buff, just using them as examples of how to buff frames in a way to make them a better choice at higher levels so the buff isn't just "randomly get +300% strength on a frame that's already decent, otherwise ignore." Survival is an important factor for a lot of them, particularly if people don't already have crutch arcanes to carry lackluster frames survival. In the cases of adding armor, adding a larger amount but unaffected by mods might be a better idea. 

Edited by Borg1611
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Please for the love of god...make it so that the ancient healer aura DOESN'T effect the drones. The drone's negating all dmg done to all the enemies is bad enough, but when you have the very thing that is negating all dmg done to all enemies, under a dmg reduction aura buff itself, it gets ridiculous, tedious and becomes nothing more than artificial difficulty. every becomes a double bullet sponge. it's not fun, it's not challenging please fix this.

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Would be nice to be able to queue for each one more than once.

It's super frustrating jumping in ready to go to at least rotation C, only for two members to decide they want to extract at rotation A, and that locks you out of that content for 50 minutes.

I get that you don't want to encourage rotation A-extract-A farming, though. I don't know if this is possible, but would it be possible, in that case, to implement a lockout of rewards per elite alert cycle? So if you've already gotten a rotation A reward for the hour, you can't get it again, even if you re-queue, until the next elite alert pops.

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On 2018-10-18 at 7:06 AM, Bombarder0 said:

So I know people don't ask about this too often, but I would like to suggest Improvements to the simulacrum Since I like making NPC Battles and etc


- Option to fly (like a flying camera)

- Ignore player (so when you make an NPC Battle you don't have to go Loki and spam that invisibility)

- Add different types of arenas, because the current one is kinda wacky with NPC Battles (and the NPCs fall lol)

- Add some missing NPCs like bosses (aka Stalker,Vor,Etc)

I Hope this gets attention from any of DE lol .-. 

(Edit : I would also like to see different Warframe specters and have them use their abilities)

how is this related to Arbitrations at all? It isnt, so ask in appropriate threads.

As for actual feedback, for arbitration defense; dont make us defend an npc, make it the old "defend a pod" way

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Le 12/10/2018 à 16:30, [DE]Marcus a dit :

We encourage you to play Arbitrations before providing feedback.

Well so far it's such a disappointing new "content" for many reasons:

1- First it's no actual new content, nothing's really new since we're basically playing the same missions, as opposed as Sorties there's not even additonal factors that could change the mission or the frame you should use so i wouldn't say there's anything "funnier" in this missions than in Vanilla's. New mechanics could have been nice, such as mobile defense with two objectives at the same time, Mini bosses in Survival or Defenses etc. I know that too much tactics kind of hurt such games as Warframe since most players are really straightforward fraggers but i think that it could fit Warframe's spirit.

2- Increased level is welcome since many players were craving for missions as difficult as Sorties. Nevertheless level only isn't what really makes Sorties difficult, Sortie conditions are. That leads to my third point - Additional mechanics.

3- First, perma death. I don't think that perma death really works in Warframe, and tbh it doesn't fit endless missions at all. Let say you died, what happens next ? Nothing. You have two options, quit and enjoy your ayatan or stay but wait for... for what ? hours ? No, seriously a player shouldn't have to wait for others to extract to get anything. Perma-death also makes many frames barely viable especially at higher levels. I mean, just check what happened with Index, you did the same mistake at this time and keep doing it again and again. Smart players will always bring their tankiest frame in Arbitrations cause that's what one does when you don't want to die - Rhino rules in Index for one reason only.

3'- So there's a 300% more power strength bonus to help with diversity. That's not working either for various reasons. First of all, many frames don't care about power at all so i don't see why would anyone bring a Nyx in with such a bonus. Some frames also don't need much power even if it certainly helps, Inaros for example is perfectly viable without this bonus and tbh i can't tell much the difference when i play him with this buff, he's not much of a caster anyway. You also broke the game with this really high power increase - Some frames become completely overpowered with such a buff, which isn't much consistent since Arbitrations were supposed to be harder missions. Perma-death killed diversity so you won't solve this issue with buffs only -  Sorry it won't work, ever. There's a lot of discrepancy in how balance is handled in Arbitrations.

4- Then there are the drones... Power creep is real so the only solution you've found is some common invulnerability mechanics. I don't mind invulnerability but when it comes to buff enemies it's rarely working or fun. Drones have a lot of issues. First they're flying drones, which pretty much prevents us from playing melee since you can't kill flying stuff with melee only in Warframe, especially in a crowd and with auto-targeting on. It's a real pain, so everyone is bringing an Arca Plasmor now, remember what i said about Index and diversity ? Rhino and Arca Plasmor are kings there already, for reasons. Second if melee isn't your thing, and you're then lucky in Arbitrations, you still have to shoot at small flying drones first, and they're flying like they're on drugs or anything. Their AI doesn't make much sense either, they're barely visible most of the time, stuck in ceilings, behind doors etc. Buffing one specific enemy like what you did with Eximus (let say the drone is flying above his head just like revenant thralls) would have been way less frustrating.

5- Perma death and drone's invulnerability combined definitely make squishy frames barely viable since this kind of frames rely upon crowd controls or specific mechanics to survive. I'm sure you're having hard time balancing content since many frames are so "broken" but Nullifiers already do a better job than this brand new drones. Tbh i've found some Void fissures harder than Arbitrations so there's something definitely wrong in how Arbitrations new mechanics have been designed.

6- Bigger isn't necessarily better. Lots of people already complained about Arbitrations missions length. This missions we already played a billion times are now more tedious and longer to achieve - This doesn't mean harder at all, this only means the pace has been broken. These are only more boring now. Some can be still completed in a decent amount of time (Interceptions for example) but i don't think that most players are really enjoying a full hour spent in a defense, for three rotations. Most people have a life (well some don't but who cares) and Warframe isn't a job. Actual timers are working fine, i don't mind more difficulty but more time spent is really not fun (and makes the game's experience really slower).

7- I know that fun has nothing to do with what we get in the end but we should talk about rewards. Endo and Ayatan are already rewarded as the most common missions reward in the entire game. If you're removing the 50k credits reward, this missions are a huge waste of time. We're spending an hour in there to get almost nothing, no credits, almost no crafting materials (at least useful for our beautiful Dojos), just Endo. New mods is always fun but they could also drop from enemies - Once one got his own it's only a trader fodder and Warframe doesn't need more of that. What about one hour buffs, even more credits (tbh Index as the only cash machine gets really old) etc. Arbitrations aren't rewarding at all - Even the amount of cryo you get in really lng excavations is pathetic, especially compared to its difficulty.

8- I know this is not necessarily something related to Arbitrations but something should be done with pets survivability. For some reasons my pets are dying way faster in Arbitrations than in Sorties. Sentinels should definitely not be targeted that much (if it has no weapon i don't see what kind of threat it is) and Kavat also has a lot issues in Warframe. Terrible AI, terrible leash distance, they're quite often dying miles away from us and this shouldn't happen, it's not really endgame compatible.

9- More FUN. I know that many older players are bored and wait for new content such as Fortuna but at this point i'm wondering if simple higher level missions (every missions from the star chart at level 80 with more credits/components/rare drops chances) would have been funnier than Arbitrations. Endless isn't necessarily what most players needed, quite often people leave even before rotation C. Defense, survival or Interception aren't necessarily the funniest part in Warframe, they're already really repetitive missions people already do to level up.

Edited by 000l000
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