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Burned through Fortuna pretty fast. Reached max rep, just grinding standing for items. But man those bounties got repetitive quite fast. I feel like I'm going to throw up if I ever see "go to the ambush point" on my screen again.

So Warframe once again hits a wall it has been hitting for years. Repetitive content. Those arcanes are neat, but repeating the exact same thing over and over again has its limits. Which I feel like I've reached.

How do you guys cope with this ? What motivates you to play warframe ?


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My question is why you subjected yourself to bounties? I did enough to get Garuda pieces and I'm done. All other resources and rep can be gained faster and easier than through the mind-numbing process that is bounties.

The only other reason to do them is those new mods which are none too impressive. So the bulk of Fortuna can all be done without even touching bounties. Never, ever do them unless absolutely mandatory.

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Just now, Azlen said:

The only other reason to do them is those new mods which are none too impressive. So the bulk of Fortuna can all be done without even touching bounties. Never, ever do them unless absolutely mandatory.


Just now, bad4youLT said:

you know were is a guy named Ticker , hes real bro when it comes at solaris standing

I'll try those I guess. Thanks for the suggestions.

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For me, i Change the Way i Farm Standing daily. One das mining, One day hunting, One day bounties. If i get a res Booster as login reward i mine, since you can easily get the Standing for a week saved up in gems in a few hours if you are a fast digger.

By doing so i have something a Bit fresher to do every das instead of the same Chores over and over again.  And if i dont feel like going near Fortuna, well i have 250k Standing in gems i can sell

Edit: im not a Fan of ticker.  While having a charity vendor clearing debts is sure fun ans fits the setting, i dont want to pay tons of res just to get my standing

Edit 2: if you want to get Standing fast, either hunt kubrodons (8k on a Perfect incarnadon catch) or if you dont have the Lure yet go mining (around 20k in 30m without Booster, and you can find toroids if you know where to look)

Edited by Eisdschungel
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-everyday i do my daily bounty for cap with a different frame to feel different.

-Sortie for my daily sculpture.

-After daily cap i do my endless void fissure, 4-12 wave for enough relic to BAROS THE TROLL. 

and hit the bag. never burned.

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I'm taking my time with Fortuna. I don't have any Kitguns or a Moa built yet, but I am looking forward to making one eventually. I'm still only second or third ranking with Solaris, not because I don't have an interest in Fortuna, but I just don't feel the need to complete all the content in two weeks. Getting to max standing as fast as I can and focusing on nothing else just isn't how I want to play. If I get tunnel vision, the game starts to feel tedious and repetitive. So I still do Teralysts, Sorties, Relics, and occasionally do some farming with nekros/hydroid for a few mods that I'm missing, along with whatever else I feel like doing that day that isn't on Fortuna. Then I generally take whatever shiny new warframe/weapons I have fresh off the foundry and go into Fortuna to do some low level bounties (swap to maxed out gear for the higher tier). 

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vor 40 Minuten schrieb kotex073:

What did you expect, endless new content ? wondering how many games having that.

Well, its not really about "endless new content", but people were already complaining in PoE that we have to do the same exact bounties again and again.

And that didnt change for over a year now...

The reward table already has a rotation, so the mission types should have a rotation aswell.


Warframe has many different gamemodes already, and there are many ways of spicing things up without creating completly new content.

The problem is that we got 4 different mission types in all 5 bounties together (find something, defend something, escort something, kill something),

and we have to do the exact same thing over and over again. Ofc, Warframe is basically always about killing or defending something, but with just a few little twists you can bring variety to it without having to invent something completly new. For example, excavation is basically a defense aswell, still it feels a little different then a defense.

There are lots of possibilites (i am gathering ideas in the Mission & Levels feedback section, feel free to check and add ideas) to make things more enjoyable.

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so a person went to a steakhouse and eat a 2 pound steak in 3 minutes. Near the end of his meal he feels that he is about to throw up....

after he has done gulping his meal, he proceed to ask the other patrons.. “how could you guys stand eating a chunk of steak after another in this restaurant for so long?”  “I felt that i’m about to throw up just eating that one..”

op.. perhaps you should play the game in moderation.. don’t rush things. Don’t burn yourself out from 1 game.

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1 hour ago, White_Matter said:

How do you guys cope with this ?

I take it slowly.

Consuming obsessively a piece of game content is a guaranteed way to make you hate it.

I'm personally still halfway through Cove reputation. I alternate my grinds very strictly - sometimes I just fish, some days I only hunt, some days I do a couple bounties. If I feel that some of the content is getting boring, I don't. Maybe I only play Sorties, or do a couple ESO, or do my Syndicate missions, or an Arbitration. Maybe I don't go to Venus for a couple days.


This grind is supposed to last for months. What's the point of trying to finish it in three weeks?

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i wonder if some people try to go as fast as those "always looking for content to show" youtubers  for swag purposes.

Something like: "hey dude! i just maxed my rep as fast as that guy from the channel ! See how cool i am and burn in envy! "

After you, average player, reach the summit, you will start to feel that "content drought" feeling... And thus, come to the forums to whine like a spoiled brat. is this your idea of happiness?

Did you try to enjoy your MOA companion?  Your kitgun? or just go Hydron/Berehynia/ESO to speedrun mastery?

Edited by renleech
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Leveling is the only real reason I play...Without anything to level..I'm just beautifying my dojo and wishing No Man' Sky had a better inventory system and Elite Dangerous wasn't an even worse credit grind than Warframe and then there's Nerigigante farming..but what's the point...? MHW II will be released some day so the all effort is for nothing....

And I have nothing to level because I don't like any of the new weapons...I got Akvasto and a riven for it..and I'm like meh...so what?...Does it do anything? so I don't want to waste my time putting in forma...But Warframe is like weightlifting...you never skip legs day...

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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1 hour ago, White_Matter said:

Burned through Fortuna pretty fast. Reached max rep, just grinding standing for items. But man those bounties got repetitive quite fast. I feel like I'm going to throw up if I ever see "go to the ambush point" on my screen again.

So Warframe once again hits a wall it has been hitting for years. Repetitive content. Those arcanes are neat, but repeating the exact same thing over and over again has its limits. Which I feel like I've reached.

How do you guys cope with this ? What motivates you to play warframe ?


I personally love the grind. Been playing for 4+ years on PS4 mr25 have everything but lato/braton vandal and a couple mods and I'm still not bored/burned out. You can count on one hand, the amount of days I've missed playing the game by choice. (Few days missed because of wifi trouble) I'm married, over 40 and thank my friends for introducing me to this game.


I just don't hit that wall, ever. Still changing/tweaking builds. Spend days upon days in simulucrum... Kuva never gets old. ESO for focus farming and vandal parts. Eidolons solo and team play cuz it's fun. 

Fortuna will bring another 300+ days of joy... And mesa prime on the horizon. Just never gets old. My suggestion to u... Avoid the meta.


Ty DE!

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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1 hour ago, White_Matter said:

So Warframe once again hits a wall it has been hitting for years. Repetitive content. Those arcanes are neat, but repeating the exact same thing over and over again has its limits. Which I feel like I've reached.

How do you guys cope with this ? What motivates you to play warframe ?

Outside of quests (which you can get through in about the timespan of a standard single-player game, maybe a bit longer), repetitive missions are the foundation Warframe is built on. If you're tired of it, play other games. That's not a dig at the game, the devs or anyone. Do other things if you're bored of the thing you're doing. Come back sometimes, but if it's still not doin' it for you, just do other stuff.

If Warframe were my only game I'm sure I'd dislike it by now. I'll have days or even weeks at a time where I don't play it, though I still love the pants off it. Just in chunks. This game offers tons of variety, so my pattern is that I usually get intensely into a particular frame or build or weapon for a while, then take a break from the game. Right now it's figuring out Garuda (makes sense), before it was a lot of Mirage play, before that I did a bunch of missions with a Gara fascination, and previous to that it was experimenting with Sniper and Status Melee builds.

So I guess that's part of what keeps me motivated: with a repetitive gameplay structure but incredibly variable player customization, I tend to focus on that (on varying it etc.) to keep my interest. The other thing I do to keep enjoying the game is that, unless I really want something, I keep a loose grip on the acquisition-heavy nature of the game. So like if the Falcor comes out and it's really strong but it takes a grind to get and I don't love thrown melee/Corpus weapons, I'm okay with getting it eventually instead of right now. Unless I'm intensely interested in something, grinding for the new stuff leaves me burned out, so I just don't and continue enjoying the game while grinding for stuff somewhat slowly. It'll still be there when I get to it. 

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2 hours ago, White_Matter said:

Burned through Fortuna pretty fast. Reached max rep, just grinding standing for items. But man those bounties got repetitive quite fast. I feel like I'm going to throw up if I ever see "go to the ambush point" on my screen again.

So Warframe once again hits a wall it has been hitting for years. Repetitive content. Those arcanes are neat, but repeating the exact same thing over and over again has its limits. Which I feel like I've reached.

How do you guys cope with this ? What motivates you to play warframe ?


Well there's your problem right there. WF isn't meant to be burned through.

I said this would happen before Fortuna was released. DE spent over a year creating it and I just knew there would be some players who would do everything (or just everything that interests them) and complain they were bored within a few weeks of release.


I'm a casual player and there is still months of potential gameplay for me.


Try not doing everything as fast as you possibly can with the next update...maybe you won't feel like throwing up in future...


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1 hour ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Well there's your problem right there. WF isn't meant to be burned through.

I said this would happen before Fortuna was released. DE spent over a year creating it and I just knew there would be some players who would do everything (or just everything that interests them) and complain they were bored within a few weeks of release.


I'm a casual player and there is still months of potential gameplay for me.


Try not doing everything as fast as you possibly can with the next update...maybe you won't feel like throwing up in future...


He's not a casual player and there isn't months of potential gameplay for him.

See how that works? You just assume your opinion is more valid than this, despite them being the EXACT same. 

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Fortuna is currently a barren and boring place. You can stand around for hours in the middle of the map without seeing a single NPC. There are no dynamic events. Nothing is happening unless you go start something. Fishing, mining and conservation is boring but the fastest way to earn rep. Basically the place is barebones just like PoE at launch, which is a shame because DE should have done much better this time.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

You admittedly burned through Fortuna pretty quickly, so naturally you'll get bored faster

There is a lesson here folks

This game is based around grind, not casual play.. To say that someone is doing it wrong and should PLAY LESS is absurd. That's real healthy for the game, instead of addressing the issue, just tell them to stop playing. 


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