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Nyx & Titania Dev Workshop


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Honestly, the Nyx rework looks great, and so does most of Titania's rework except for Lantern. The casting animation still looks too long for a frame advertised as an agile trickster. Also from the Dev Stream, Lantern did look a lot less bouncy, but if you are trying to CC a specific area it still looks ineffective. I'm worried about Razorwing as well as teammates with Arca Plasmor, Ignis, & Catchmoons bouncing them out of the intended area while clearing out crowds of enemies attracted to Lantern. I would have preferred a stationary animation similar to Trinity's Well of Life with a butterfly theme similar to Titania's Dust buff. I do love multiple enemies can be turned into lanterns, but it still looks like the most clunky part of her kit. 

A more radical rework suggestion for Razorwing would be to make the butterflies exalted weapons upgradable with sentinel /robotic mods. I think this would help with their performance at higher levels. Also an innate life steal and/or serious DPS buff for Diwata.

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15 hours ago, NyxSilence said:

Calm down Jim. Put the gun down.


To be serious this is a buff across-the-board having all the buffs instead of arbitrary ones is a pretty sweet deal. To be more realistic a lot of people only used Titania for the razor Wing in the first place just like a lot of other warframes are only use for one if not two abilities at all. Most of these Warframe is consist of valkyr, Nova, and inaros. Really the only Warframe I can think of that has multiple uses that you still have to drastically change builds for is Equinox being either sleep or bleed and bonus damage which would be part of bleed or burst heal and that's about it. So far Titania I think this is at least a step in the right direction.



Read my prior posts, bub. Already said my prayers to a soundroom. Funnily enough, I wanted Titania to be able to do MORE than just Razorwing. And no, Tribute's buffs are garbage. Entangle has a fixed 10 meter radius, Thorns is just... c'mon? Unairu's passive as a buff? And that's only half the joke that Full Moon is. Companions have garbage TTK, their AI is stupidly unreliable, and Full Moon is going to focus exclusively on buffing this gawdawful source of damage?

Oh, and Dust. Made inapplicable by enemy accuracy scaling. So much for a defensive capability. Nothing Tribute offers is worth peanuts; all of it is useless.

And if you think that every single Warframe has a single build application, think again. Ever heard of Dust Devil Inaros? Paralysis Valkyr? Tank Nova? I could go on and on about how build diversity opens up more versatile applications, permitting for greater player choice regardless of mission type, but answer me this: would I be wasting my time trying to impress this upon you? Because I've already done enough of that in this DEVworkshop.

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I personally find it very important that they add that you can get out of the transfer while razorwing is active. this guarantees better playability as well as more survival for titania, I think it is something that should be added.

Do you know anything about this?

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As a long-time Nyx main, I'm very grateful for the proposed changes. Love the ideas for the new passive and for Mind Control. Psychic Bolts debuff sounds great too, and if affected by mods, might actually give some motivation to build for a little power strength instead of dumping it entirely in favor of range as is currently optimal.

@[DE]Rebecca One question though: Is the slow and ancient-aura-removal effect going to be restricted to infested per se, or to any target without shields or armor? My only concern is that, on long runs against Corrupted or Grineer, it is very reasonable (though not necessary) for teams to opt for 4x CP and complete armor removal. I'm afraid the ability would not have any effect in that situation. Additionally, Chaos already cancels Ancient auras, so there's a bit of an overlap there. Instead of aura cancellation, perhaps use another debuff such as increased vulnerability to damage from targets under the effect of Chaos and Mind Control?

I like the proposed change to Absorb and personally do not mind it being implemented as is. However, I feel it does not go far enough in terms making builds without Assimilate attractive enough. Beefing up the CC aspect of the base ability (but not Assimilate) or giving it another debuff such as "enemies hit by shockwave have decreased accuracy for x seconds" would make it scale better and might motivate players to make viable non-Assimilate builds. Depending on how well Nyx's proposed Mind Control and Psychic Bolts scale with ability strength, I can totally see myself using a debuff/CC build where I drop Assimilate for a strength mod instead of using the standard CC/tank build all the time.

Thank you again for revisiting Nyx. I look forward to more updates on these changes.

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After using Mind Control on an enemy, pressing 1 again sends the enemy to the location at your reticle, while holding 1 ends the effect of Mind Control prematurely.

After using Chaos, holding 3 will cause all enemies affected by Chaos to attack the mind controlled enemy, if there is one. The mind controlled enemy can be damaged by enemies affected by Chaos. Pressing 3 will refresh Chaos as usual.


This will give Nyx more control over enemies, which is very fitting for a mind control warframe, as well as help the mind controlled enemy to hit other enemies.

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3 hours ago, Simplefolk said:

Are we still going to be able to insta-kill ourselves with Titania's melee in razorwing form? Seems to be a pretty huge problem that I didn't see addressed in the rework.






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Tbh I’m disappointed in what I saw of nyx and titania on the devstream. Yes, we saw the changes in action with nyx however they didn’t show any new changes that the players asked for e.g. make her be able to move in her 4th ability without mod.

With titania, she didn`t get a lot of screen time because they were too busy joking and fooling around wasting time. The only change she got that people asked for is for her to get more energy other than that that’s it.

When I saw the “How to Provide Good Constructive Feedback” message. I’m thinking what’s the point if your going to listen to 10% of peoples feedback. I don`t do this but I understand why peoples cuss DE out because they are making it hard for people (and me) to support them 100% and no matter how logical you are, they still don`t listen e.g. Vauban`s re-visit and it’s a damn shame.

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Le 08/12/2018 à 17:55, (XB1)Vile Slanders a dit :

Oh, and Dust. Made inapplicable by enemy accuracy scaling. So much for a defensive capability. Nothing Tribute offers is worth peanuts; all of it is useless.

Out of curiosity,what are your sources about enemy accuracy scaling ? I knew that health/Shield/armor, damage and affinity are scaling but i thought accuracy was only about motion, range and the type of weapon they're using. So what about scaling accuracy ?

And people are really agressive on such a thread, especially since this frames get so many improvements. Don't forget that Tribute is also an attack power (physics, damages and debuff) that can helps by its own, some of its buffs are also shared among the entire team if they're close enough, so this kind of things must be taken into account before such a powerful toon as titania becomes broken. You can't get overpowered buffs if she's already buffing the entire team, let's get real.

Her 4 along with exalted weapons already make her a real powerhouse. All frames can't have godlike powers only, people are complaining all day long about anything these days, it's only a game - come back to Earth Tennos. The only thing she's currently lacking of is a way to refresh razorfly drones without recasting her 4 entirely - Maybe putting that effect on one tribute could help a lot and would be a nice improvement.

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For nyx those basically just a buffs.Glad You've decided to buff her, but please, either Truly rework her, or call it Buff's instead.But they won't gradually help her. what makes nyx bad and why this buffs('cuz i won't call a passive and small changes of 2nd a rework~) might help her, but wont bring her out of "depth of uselessness" are:

-her 1-2-3 is glorified versions of each other.

-absorb is useless with combination with other skills. How you would collect damage, when every one shoot at each other?

-her absorb is practically useless. It's glorified version of iron skin with higher cost and speed+damage set to 0. even with augment it's still iron skin. still higher cost, but now you can shoot and walk

-confusion on its self is weak CC. Especially since high lvl enemies can one shot you, but with current Armor scaling, it's just sticks to them(but not for us 😞) And it's not that "forcing enemies to attack each other" is not as good, as slowing them, it's just that with current taunt mechanic(if there is one) there is no guaranty, that they won't suddenly start to shoot nyx, instead of each other.

-With current set of skills there is no way to survive, outside of "moded glorified version of iron skin"

so, what these buffs fixes

-1-2-3 problem is kinda still there. its nice that your slave now can be tougher through you manipulation, though it would be better if you could manipulate him, for example through press-1 to attack, hold 1 to release mind control. also receiving damage from Any source should buff slave. Mind control is also a good opportunity to make it also as survivability skill at a same time being mind control. so granting even more distinction of skills would fix this problem

-absorb i think just needs a rework overall. it's just wont work with her abilities, also many people already wrote, but:

1-damage that enemies deal to you is not as lethal to them, as it is to you

2-damage they use is weak against their armor type

3-how passive would work(decreased accuracy) with absorb?

4-problem was in absorb itself, not damage type that it dealt

-chaos is still same, so cc is still weak
-outside of her passive(quote"if you want to die in 0.9 sec instead 1 second, thats your choice") no survivability.


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Played this game on and off for years, buying plat during the playing periods. The last time I played was on Titiania's release until some time after when I max'd her (4+ Forma) mostly max mods and weapons, great fun but there was always something missing. Skill 1 and 3 being basically the same, the tribute change is welcome, but it's still not enough. Her damage and survivability really fell off in long survival missions. If DE make REAL changes and roll out Titania Prime (like the love they gave to Limbo) I will bring my money back to this game for a final spin.

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4 hours ago, 45uka said:

[Titania's] damage and survivability really fell off in long survival missions.

Her Dex Pixia, when modded properly for crit/status with corrosive, absolutely rips things apart in long survivals.  She just needs her Tribute to be worth anything at those levels (for god's sake stop making me go in and pick up the damn thing first of all) and a way for her Lantern to just stay exactly where it is.  This tether keeping it from going too high off the ground is a step in the right direction, go.  And I don't care if her razorfly damage falls off, but for god's sake give the things a better way to survive and let me replenish them without leaving Razorwing.

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1. Please let psychic bolts armor/shield strip stack or reach 100% strip from power strength. Similar to ash Seeking Shuriken.

2. Have the mind controlled enemy also absorb the status chance and status types your weapon has because flat damage would not be effective in the high levels unless her 2 could give full armor/shield strips. But even then a lot of energy would be needed to psychic bolt all of the different enemies.

3. May her 4's explosion have a 100% status chance? Also, is it possible for the range on it to be higher? At the moment it only affects very nearby enemies. I'm not asking for a room clearer but just a range boost to where it's very reasonable. At the moment the enemies have to be too close for it to even cc or graze them.

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1 hour ago, Lelinyth said:

Are we going to get some sort of "Vacuum" for Titania tho? It´s kind of annoying having to fly so close to the ground to loot, I feel like we should be able to loot more easily if we are playing with a Sentinel or Pet. 

it's literally part of the very first post in this thread

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So I was looking at the Greek Mythology, which I suppose inspired the Nyx Warframe.

 " Nyx (/nɪks/;[1] Greek: Νύξ, Nyks, "Night";[2] Latin: Nox) is the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night. A shadowy figure,
Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death),
with Erebus (Darkness). Her appearances are sparse in surviving mythology, but reveal her as a figure of such exceptional power and beauty that she is feared by Zeus himself.

Nyx was described as a churning figure of ash and smoke, as big as the Athena Parthenos statue (which was 40 feet tall), but very much alive.
Her dress was void black, mixed with the colors of a space nebula as if galaxies were being born in her bodice.
Her face was hard to see except for the pinpoints of her eyes, which shone like quasars. When her wings beat, waves of darkness rolled over the cliffs.
She rode in on a chariot that was made out of Stygian Iron pulled by two massive horses that were black except for their silver fangs.
Their legs floated in the abyss turning from solid to smoke as they moved.

As one of the Protogenoi, Nyx is an extremely powerful goddess, and therefore feared by many Titans and Giants.
Zeus himself feared her enough to retract all threats against Hypnos, despite the god of Sleeps pranks allowing Hera to undermine Zeus' lovelife."

Her Abilities according to greek mythology

  1. Umbrakinesis: As the Protogenos of Night, Nyx has divine authority and absolute control over shadows and darkness.
  2. Darkness Generation: Nyx can shoot solid bolts of darkness and surround enemies in pitch-black clouds of dark space.
  3. Dark Shield Construction: Nyx can solidify shadows into virtually impenetrable shields.
  4. Darkness Healing: Nyx is able to heal minor injuries sustained by herself and others using darkness.
  5. Shadow Camouflage: Nyx can use shadows to cover herself in darkness to become invisible.
  6. Shadow Mimicry: Nyx is able to morph into (living) darkness or shadow.
  7. Shadow Travel: Nyx is able to travel anywhere she desired at incredible speeds through shadows.
  8. Night Vision: Nyx is able to see clearly in even total darkness.
  9. Night Empowerment: Nyx becomes stronger at night or in dark places (e.g. Tartarus).
  10. Circadian Manipulation: Nyx is capable of controlling the movement and rotation of planets, which enables her to change the flow of night and day.
  11. Control of Nocturnal Animals: Nyx is able to control nocturnal animals, such as owls and bats."

TL/DR: Nyx should be way more badass...
Let's use this to inspire some changes to the Nyx Warframe :laugh:

passive maybe give Nyx a change to have bullets pass through her

New effects for her powers:

Dark shadowy-foggy effects,  with energy color at the edges and ghostly sound effects.


1 Bolts -> Nyx can shoot solid bolts of darkness.  No other complaints here the new debuff is something I'm looking forward to.

2 mind control
This doesn't really fit the theme…

Let’s get a new power!
Disappear into Nyx shadow! Players touching Nyx shadow get healed and enemies can’t see players standing in Nyx' shadow.

Mucho energy drain, and it could basically work like the hydroid's puddle but to heal teammates. A faster movement speed than the puddle and being able to "jump" to other shadows would give it some fun. Jumping to enemy shadows and emerging could make it possible to appear behind enemies and stealth kill them. Large distances would mean's large energy drain, but don’t make this too slow… because you should be able to go fast and it should be necessary to come out of the shadow to stealth-kill an enemy. Make it risky not completely op. Great for shenanigans! Obviously, it should not be possible to kill 87 enemies in one go.

Should give you a nice stalker-thrill, because if you pop out of an enemies shadow when he turns it’ll be all alerts and confusion.


3 Chaos: Let's change the effets here too!
It should be more like Nyx confuses enemies with shadows.
I imagine little shadow Nyxies with glowing eyes sitting on enemies and poking/distracting them (cute and creepy, Yay!)
Shadows attach to enemies confusing them and making them attack each other. Mostly the same but new effects.


4 Absorb: Set her free!
Lets you create a larger shadow Nyx which aggros enemies and draws fire and move to masses of enemies. Instead of being boringly immobile or slow poking around.
At the depletion of her energy or ending it, the shadow bursts into shadow-tendrils these home in on enemies and return the stored DMG.
Please make sure, that void DMG can be loaded into this too!
Other abilities should be usable at the same time, since the player Nyx is free! (and killable, booo!)
The mod could be used to makes more killer-tendrils 

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I would love to see this in game. Especially 

vor einer Stunde schrieb Jensethi:

Dark shadowy-foggy effects,  with energy color at the edges and ghostly sound effects.


vor einer Stunde schrieb Jensethi:

I imagine little shadow Nyxies with glowing eyes sitting on enemies and poking/distracting them (cute and creepy, Yay!)

Sadly I fear, they won't do such a dramatic change for her and she will be one of those frames whose name doesn't fit her theme ...😭

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I'm actually surprised they haven't amended the razerwing butterflys not regenerating issue yet. They're great for low lvl dmg, but they're integral for late level survival as they distract enemies.

Side note, I want a few Titania butterflies in my orbiter XD

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On 2018-11-28 at 1:20 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


So we have been looking at your responses in this thread, and have made some additional adjustments, based on your feedback. These developments are still being tested, and we want to thank you all for your valuable feedback!

Additional Nyx Changes:

  • Mind Control can now be cast while moving, and no longer halts Nyx in her tracks!
  • The cast time for Mind Control has been decreased, so you can better use the 4-second window to ‘power up’ your new minion!
  • Nyx’s passive ability to make enemies miss will be deactivated when she is using Absorb, meaning no shot will be wasted!

Additional Titania Changes:

  • Baseline Energy Capacity increased to hit 225 at Max rank.
  • The energy cost for Tribute has been decreased from 50 to 25.

Work continues, and we are very excited to bring these changes to you!


Just letting you all know, we have added some additional changes to this rework post, based on your feedback! See above, or see the original post!

Keep your thoughts coming, folks!

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2 minutes ago, [DE]Bear said:

Just letting you all know, we have added some additional changes to this rework post, based on your feedback! See above, or see the original post!

Keep your thoughts coming, folks!

Will Aviator/Agility Drift have any affect on Razorwing to provide some use in the mod and a niche?

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