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The old void.


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In my opinion. 

The old void system was a lot simpler and rewarding.

Why did DE had to change that

You could get as much prime stuff you wanted. It was kind of like a endgame thing in itself 

I remember building my frames and weapons for some kickass endurability.

My usual frame used to be frost prime 

Built for max strength and range. 

And the once reliable soma prime

The new void system is just straight up confusing 

And a lot more Grindy. 


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This has been discussed many times over the last 3 years. The relic system is preferred by many players because it allows you to get what you want faster. If the system is confusing, maybe look up more about the overall mechanics. It seems pretty simple. You farm for relics. You then invest Traces into the relic to improve drop chances for rare and uncommon parts. 

It would be nice if the Void had permanent fissures of each gamemode. I do find it boring to need a part from a Lith relic that forces me to a low level Earth mission which has terrible enemy spawns.

Edited by Voltage
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9 minutes ago, OH_GOD_NOTTHISGUY said:

You could get as much prime stuff you wanted. It was kind of like a endgame thing in itself

I think most of the change was to move away from end game feel, one example being the lephantis where it used to be a sort of final boss. Being that warframe is constantly adapting end game equipment seems to be something that I think DE would benefit avoiding. Though to some point it was in its own way better for aquiring certain prim parts as well the new relic system also allows a similar way for the player deciding what parts they would be obtaining. Although I also miss they older system where one would need to aquire void keys to access the void its understandable that they would need a different way to access the void for quests like the second dream to be more fluid.

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I much prefer the new system; being able to somewhat manipulate RNG and try for a specific part is great, as is being able to experience other tilesets besides the Void (don't get me wrong, the Void is pretty, but we needed the variety.). the biggest disadvantage is the need for traces, and I do think that DE could help make the grind for Void traces a lot easier, perhaps by having enemies in the Void drop them from time to time. that would get more people going to Mot as well. 

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the old void system was much better, even now the newer relic system cant fill it's shoe. talking from a progression feel, the old void system did that ( prime parts was a bonus).  it made you mod your frame to PLAY. it gave you such a rewarding feeling when you went past the 1hr mark or 50 waves + in defense.

it also promoted TEAMPLAY which is non existent in the game today, also you could assemble a team in recruiting much easier. gone are the good times of warframe cause now you barely even start a mission and 2 players are already at the extraction zone.

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6 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:

Why can’t DE just restrict relic missions to Void tile sets? 

Why can't DE do the exact thing they changed so that wasn't the case?

51 minutes ago, ranks21 said:

the old void system was much better, even now the newer relic system cant fill it's shoe. talking from a progression feel, the old void system did that ( prime parts was a bonus).  it made you mod your frame to PLAY. it gave you such a rewarding feeling when you went past the 1hr mark or 50 waves + in defense.

it also promoted TEAMPLAY which is non existent in the game today, also you could assemble a team in recruiting much easier. gone are the good times of warframe cause now you barely even start a mission and 2 players are already at the extraction zone.

You are conflating the tiles, in this case everything on the T4 branch of the "new" Void, with the rewards from the Void Key system.

Mot is still there, T4 Survival, T4 damage multiplier and all. You are free to go 239 hours with your besties. You aren't banging your head against the wall hoping you roll a useful thing like most any Prime part and not a 5 pack of gold cores.

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Why would anyone want the old system back? The fact that we're no longer forced to farm 1% drop rate items from C rotations should be enough to end the consideration alone.

I spent my hours grinding t4 defense to build Loki and I'm glad I'll never need to spend that long getting a single prime piece again.

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24 minutes ago, trst said:

The fact that we're no longer forced to farm 1% drop rate items from C rotations should be enough to end the consideration alone.

After new void relase someone made a math and it turned out new void being quite alot more grindy (but the grind was "hidden", obscured by void traces, thus it felt better).... Not to mention I don't remember old void having any 1% drop chances on any rotations. If anything they were actually bit more fair and balanced, cause they didn't had to force players to invest into traces to boost their chance. So either you are biased because of bad luck (and that's okay, I'm also biased myself, it's normal) or you just exaggerate to make it look worse than it actually was.

Edited by deothor
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44 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Why can't DE do the exact thing they changed so that wasn't the case?


Why did they change it so we can farm prime parts in places other than the Void in the first place? I don't understand why they couldn't simply change how relics work without having to change the tilesets too.

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I understand where you're coming from with the old Void System , the ability to get tons of Prime Parts ( Assuming if you're doing endless ) from a Single Key VS 1 Relic = 1 Prime part.


Just what made the old system suckish was the diluted drop tables with various prime parts and mode rotation rewards among them.

The new system feels better in terms of farming the parts you really want , though I do miss the old system where you could get a mass load of prime parts for 1 "Key".

Edit : It made farming duckits more forgiving.

Edited by Azurian-Draguard
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2 hours ago, OH_GOD_NOTTHISGUY said:

The old void system was a lot simpler and rewarding.

You could get as much prime stuff you wanted. It was kind of like a endgame thing in itself 

This was exactly why they changed it. With the only thing even close to an endgame all focused on one node, players wouldn't play anything else. Plus, rewards needed for player progression would be locked behind a single mission with abysmal drop rates

DE did not feel this was at all healthy design and spread those rewards to new nodes with theoretically-better drop rates

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I hate the relic system because it's much harder to find a full squad for old/unpopular relics. 

Not to mention the abundance of relic made it hard to keep track of which relic contains which prime parts.

I truly miss the days of 2 hour t4 survival. 

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I like the new system because it gives me better chances of getting stuff from the higher tiers without having to deal with either doing solo runs, or trying to find someone in recruit chat who ISN'T only looking for "Need [one of three frames] for 60 minute key share."  Seriously, nobody was interested unless you wanted to dedicate hours for a single keyshare run.

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1 hour ago, deothor said:

After new void relase someone made a math and it turned out new void being quite alot more grindy (but the grind was "hidden", obscured by void traces, thus it felt better).... Not to mention I don't remember old void having any 1% drop chances on any rotations. If anything they were actually bit more fair and balanced, cause they didn't had to force players to invest into traces to boost their chance. So either you are biased because of bad luck (and that's okay, I'm also biased myself, it's normal) or you just exaggerate to make it look worse than it actually was.

I wish I was exaggerating.

But even if it takes longer on average to get rares in this system we're still not forced to go 20 waves/minutes per attempt at a reward we want anymore. Even if that amount of time is now put into getting traces we can still luck out on getting a 1% drop while trace farming plus we have ways to farm pre-refined relics and traces are affected by boosters anyways.

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I like how you don't need to farm your own key to do a run in old system. If you have everything in game you have a lot of abundant Survival and Defense keys and you can invite random people to do a 20mins run. Now people won't invite you if you don't have a relic coz they lose 1 possible rare item. 

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No thanks. Trade was the only thing that made the old void system tolerable. At least now I can usually farm for my own parts in a reasonable amount of time, instead of spending hours grinding out random prime parts and then more hours trying to sell them just so I could finally buy the parts I needed from another player.

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I agree. The new system added more layers of unnecessary grind that gets staler than just hopping right into a void mission with a key. It's also much more selfish since you can't share keys. Each prime release means back to square one farming what are essentially keys again when before we could stock up keys. The hundreds of relics is also super convoluted.

I went from a player who only farmed prime parts everyday to one who doesn't farm prime parts at all.

Edited by Feltal
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People say that the new relic system is faster but they never take into account having to grind for relics, maybe grind traces, then attempt to get a prime part. There's too many relics and every new prime part brings new relics that we must get first before making any attempts at the items. Before, you could have several keys and they'd just swap the items within them so you could jump right in.

It wasn't perfect, but the new system isn't as fast as people make it sound. It only makes it so that people play less within a single mission and have to play more missions within about the same time it'd take you to do a survival or defense before to get to rotation C a couple of times.

I understand those that like it now do so because they feel like they play less, not being 40+ mins into a survival per se... But those that loved the senseless fighting for 40 minutes (like myself) have lost something so far irreplaceable.

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2 hours ago, -AiLuoLi- said:

I hate the relic system because it's much harder to find a full squad for old/unpopular relics. 

Not to mention the abundance of relic made it hard to keep track of which relic contains which prime parts.

I truly miss the days of 2 hour t4 survival. 

same feelings.


Its just how messy it is, there' way too many fuking relics. It's ridiculous. 

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The new relic system is a mess to be honest (boring).. i tried it a few times when it released, decided to never touch it (spamming short missions isn't my kind of fun) and instead buy prime sets with plat 😄 (it's easier to farm for plats or just buy it xD).

Wish we could get back our old void or something similar



Edited by _JustSomeone_
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