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Nightwave - The Wolf of Saturn Six: A Farewell to Alerts


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I'll be honest, I'm not liking this so much. As someone who has almost everything(outside rare arcanes), I would still log in for some things like Void Traces, Oxium, 100/150 Endo, Kavat Genetic Codes..... I would even do the Archwing missions. Plus, it's possible to show off cool guns, frames, and fashion to a lot of new players through these missions. Without these, I won't check the ticker. If I don't check the ticker, there's a lot less of a chance I'll log in at all. Having to grind out multiple missions for something that was once a one-off isn't something I call an improvement. Perhaps I am missing the benefits to late-term players such as myself?

Saying there are other ways to get Endo and Traces is amusing. ESO, Arbitrations, and that disgusting Rathuum are some of the worst content in this game to me. Fissures are a multiplayer activity(for efficiency reasons) which is something I don't enjoy. This game's multiplayer is too often just 1 person nuking and 3 people observing a genocide.

It's not all bad, though. The Nitain bundles and Slots are pretty cool. I guess what I want to say is I can't see why both systems can't coexist to some extent.

Edited by ArcKnight9202
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I don't see why you guys wouldn't run the Alerts and Nightwave thing concurrently in the game to get better data on whether on not people ACTUALLY prefer the old vs the new, or vice versa. so you know if you're wasting time & effort on the new or not.


And I'm honestly not sold on this new one, I like the Alerts system the way it is. It's fine, just needs difficulty and reward tweaks is all. Not a total rework into a...whatever Nightwave is, because I just don't understand what you're aiming for here. Defining Alerts is straightforward. I read through the description for Nightwave 3 times and it's still only about as clear as mud.

Edited by Nyx219
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i might.... suggest that Nightwave not having Rank up and Currency be the same thing might be something to consider for all of the other Syndicates in the game. Daily limits that you complete in like 20 minutes and then you have no more content with that part of the game until a timer ends, and optimally shouldn't buy anything from a new Syndicate until a full week later is just.....
surely, Digital Extremes can see that this is not fun, and arguably even anti-fun?



anyways, overall i like Alerts moving to what's being proposed. the Alerts themselves did give a small sense of a living world in the sense of more Mercenary Contracts rotating through, but even if we did completely lose that we wouldn't be missing all that much in the grand scheme of things. and "Nightwave Challenges" could manage to keep that feeling anyways, potentially.


20x Void Traces
Traces can easily be earned while playing Fissure missions!

though, collecting Traces is still a completely miserable thing to do. why isn't there a way to get Traces that is something OTHER than Void Tears? why don't we get some for playing Onslaught, and maybe some other places.

we get say, Fusion Energy in just about every Mission. why not... Traces?
going AFK for hours in boring Solar Map Missions AND then having to wait for timers for more hours in Void Tears is so incredibly boring. it's not even fun to do this stuff for hours on end, let alone the amount of time it actually takes to do it.

Edited by taiiat
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8 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

The Wolf of Saturn Six is the first Nightwave, our replacement to the current alert system where daily/weekly challenges are offered over the course of multiple weeks and will center around new characters and Episodes. Completing challenges will earn you Nightwave Standing and ranking up will reward you with a special kind of currency that expires after the Series has completed. For The Wolf of Saturn Six we are calling this special currency “WOLF CREDS”, which you can earn and spend!

Challenge/Variety + Fun-Factor/Narrative: 

You can expect “Elite Weekly” challenges for those looking to earn more faster. The challenges can range from completing certain mission types to performing certain actions/tasks and everything in between.

How many daily challenges will be available? Will it be like syndicate missions and how you get 3 random ones a day per syndicate or will it be a differing amount? ie. more on the weekends and less on the weekdays

And for Elite weekly challenges, what type of things could be purchased for this special currency.

Lastly, how does ranking up Nightwave standing benefit us? Are the normal cred rewards locked behind your rank in the Nightwave or is it purely just "here are some special creds for cool stuff"? I don't want to see things like you need to be this rank in the Nightwave to be able to exchange creds for a nitain, forma, aura mod, and etc. 


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is the item able to be purchased many times? if so, I'm angry with this update
its basically negate that good feeling when potatoes bp showed up, and you could simply buy 20 bp of them and settle forever

also the nitain, it would be totally unfair if new player able to buy TONS of nitain in 1 day compared to trickle of 1-2 nitain per day for people who have life

its basically the "Hema" problem. if DE doesnt want to change Hema ridiculous requirement because "old player already deal with such bullS#&$", then why DE practically removes the time gate of nitain for new player?

also, please keep kubrow and kavat genetics. despite how ""(((easy)))"" it is to get, its still pain in the rear to look for kubrow nest and invisible kavat, which only available on 1 planet and its availability is pretty scarce, especially kavat, with seemingly only 3-6 spawn per derelict

Edited by cypherusuh
add rant for kubrow+kavat genetics
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I remember making years ago a suggestion about allowing the radio broadcasts to give alerts (invasions with corpus/grineer telling bounty hunters that they'll pay them to fight their enemies, encrypted broadcasts with routes of payments you can intercept and hijack, cries of help, spies getting a signal out etc etc), and this sounds a lot like it would bring alerts more into the experience of the game, to use that tired word, become immersive.

However, a few concerns.
Previously, you got for example a catalyst bp alert, say lvl15 sabotage on mercury, do that once and you had that reward, both veterans and new players could obtain that.
How much will the grind for creds be to get that same reward now? Will a new player have to spam 10,20,30 times some mission type that matches their gear until they can even come close to buying a reward they previously could get in one mission?
For that matter, as a long time player, I'm not that keen on having more grind for missions, I liked seeing the occasional alert that I just did and got my reward, this extra step of farming creds to buy these items makes me suspect the economy will become a bit painful, it already is in Cetus and Fortuna.
(I'd have preferred a cooldown reward system like Clem alerts; they're there always, but you can't spam them, say 3d cooldown on potato, 1h cooldown on nitain for example.)

And again an issue that doesn't affect me that much as I've unlocked all planets and can visit them rather easily, but what about new players who can't access some of the common resources? Alerts were a way to get something like 300 oxium, or 3000 nano spores, to allow them to craft maybe something they wanted.

I won't cry the end of the world just yet, and wait and see what will happen, but questions have been raised about the potential downsides of this system.
(Expiring currency and standing ranking seems to raise a lot of questions as a player that has started to become less active in the game as it's just not that healthy to keep grinding endlessly.)

Edited by SnuggleBuckets
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8 hours ago, Voltage said:

I agree. This system seems like an extreme upgrade for new players, but hardly worth anything for players who have done many alerts. A Tonkor desert skin is not enough to engage players, especially when your points expire. 

I don't see how this is better for new players.  When I started, I lived off of alerts because I couldn't go to places that dropped mats.  No control modules and the like.  I took every alert I saw to get Tellurium and stuff so that I could build what I wanted before I got to the planets.  New players won't have that at all, so they'll need someone to taxi them or they'll have to farm archwing missions (with most likely a crappy archwing) to get tellurium.  Okay, so they can always farm for that, but Alerts made it simple.  See an alert, do it, get the item.  Move on with life.  They won't be able to do that anymore.

Edited by (NSW)EDarkness
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I haven't played in a while, but it feels like this will kind of make it a little rough to come back to one day. I used to just run alerts because it was like a random button since I had nothing in particular in mind I was working towards, which I found fun. Will the new system have some sort of random node mode so you can join in a session that needs more players regardless of where it is as long as you've unlocked it?

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18 minutes ago, (NSW)EDarkness said:

I don't see how this is better for new players.  When I started, I lived off of alerts because I couldn't go to places that dropped mats.  No control modules and the like.  I took every alert I saw to get Tellurium and stuff so that I could build what I wanted before I got to the planets.  New players won't have that at all, so they'll need someone to taxi them or they'll have to farm archwing missions (with most likely a crappy archwing) to get tellurium.  Okay, so they can always farm for that, but Alerts made it simple.  See an alert, do it, get the item.  Move on with life.  They won't be able to do that anymore.

Actually, this made me curious about taxis. With the current system, people can just hitch a ride and get the desired result with little effort. How will this work with the new system? Your recount of the new player experience is a real concern. Getting a resource earlier than normal can give players a huge boon. This might no longer be possible.

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I really like the idea. My one issue is the Nightmare Mission mods being removed from the pool, specifically Blaze, which has a dismal 1% drop rate but is incredibly useful to new players and even has some late-game applications as a capacity-efficient mod. I feel Nightmare Missions should just be part of the Wolf series which will drop a guaranteed Nightmare mod and reward additional standing/credits for the added difficulty.

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The fact is only going to show at least according to this desert camo skins for new things is disappointing,  

And that the same old lame basic garbage weapons blueprints in the rewards is a major let down.  Seems likea lot of change and work for little to no actual improvement excluding buying potatoes and tain for newer people.  

The thing should offer at least one random purchase only cosmetic from market (syandana or skin or op hair or accessory) and one of any of the many weapons in game, built, not tatered. Snd not with slot. 

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb cypherusuh:

is the item able to be purchased many times? if so, I'm angry with this update
its basically negate that good feeling when potatoes bp showed up, and you could simply buy 20 bp of them and settle forever

also the nitain, it would be totally unfair if new player able to buy TONS of nitain in 1 day compared to trickle of 1-2 nitain per day for people who have life

its basically the "Hema" problem. if DE doesnt want to change Hema ridiculous requirement because "old player already deal with such bullS#&$", then why DE practically removes the time gate of nitain for new player?

also, please keep kubrow and kavat genetics. despite how ""(((easy)))"" it is to get, its still pain in the rear to look for kubrow nest and invisible kavat, which only available on 1 planet and its availability is pretty scarce, especially kavat, with seemingly only 3-6 spawn per derelict

I hate this argument that because old players had to suffer through a bad system every new player has to have the same bad experience. The problem with the potato alert is sure if you get a the alert coincidentally when you have time to play this was good but when you don't have time to play when the alert is live you have no chance in getting anything. With the new system its maybe a little longer then one mission to get the potato but you have at least a clear path to getting the potato. And for anybody who doesn't has 24/7 time to play this system is better.

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I have to say that this makes me wince. Yet another faction to grind, yet another currency- but worse yet, one that expires. This seems like the opposite of a good idea.

The charm of being able to drop into a quick mission for an immediate reward on-spec was it freed you from all the interlocking freemium currency mess. It feels like Warframe doesn't need yet more layers of clutter like this.

Alerts are one of the few daily activities which aren't a rep grind. Without them, the game will be more of a featureless slurry of rep systems- less accessible for new players, more dull and uniform for experienced players.

Edited by Kattefjaes
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