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Coming Soon: Devstream #128!


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COMING SOON: Devstream #128!

Who:  Rebecca is joined by the usual crew!
What: It's possibly our last Devstream until TennoCon. A perfect time to reveal a new Warframe: the 41st! We've got lots of work to do for the players to make that extremely official Whiteboard Roadmap happen. Our goal this stream is to set the stage for the remainder of 2019 and give you - a Warframe player of new or old - a vision of what to expect with the items that remain (and more)!
Prizes? Because we forgot to do Equinox Prime Access + Prime Vault last Dev stream, we're ONLY giving those away this stream. 3x Prime Vaults, and 2x Equinox Prime Access!  Making up for missed giveaways.
Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe
Twitch Drop: Tune in to find out what you can snag for watching our Devstream!
When: Join us this Friday, May 24th at 2 p.m EDT!

Please ask your questions here! Thread closes at 10 a.m EDT on Friday, May 24th!

By installing the Youtube app for free on your Nintendo Switch, you can conveniently watch the stream on the Warframe Youtube channel from your portable system!


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Any news:

  • "Kingpin" system;
  • Thumper Bot from 105 and 106 devstreams;
  • Any chance to PoE grinding changes;
  • Pets 2.0;
  • Cephalon Samodeus lore or something(some fragments across world like kuria with some stories) with it;
  • Companion/pets commands system;
  • Any warframe add in Arbitrations droplist;
  • Old quests replay;
  • Limbo deluxe;
  • Seasonal events (winter event?);
  • Reveal Fortuna items in profile (MOA's still hidden, boards still bugged);
  • Wukong rework (or mb not? he's ok);
  • Omega and Umbra Formas myth or not;
  • Next Umbras info (Excal out >6 month ago);
  • Trials news;
  • So Hildryn and Wisp are fem frames, where male one?
  • Next prime info;
  • Frame Fighter abandoned? Baruuk & Hildryn are missed (mb like Wisp);
  • Any chance to get lore about new frame (Garuda, Baruuk and others);
  • Planes of Duviri news;
  • Ingame(or mb not) Comics with lore.

How about: 

  • Eidolon Hunt Bounties not depend on Cetus night, but limited per full cycle (5 runs for example);
  • New archwing & arch-weapons;
  • Arch-guns Rivens;
  • New Landing Craft ship;
  • New Weapons, mods(weapon augs) or something(not capturas) for Faction Syndicates;
  • New mechanics with Helminth Infirmary room;
    • Infested Kavat;
  • New Kavat type (2 kavats vs 5 kubrows + helminth, unfair);
  • Moddable weapon for pets (like Kavasa Prime Collar);
  • New Venus Kubrow type(Kubrodons);
  • MOA (Venari mb?) mod sets;
  • New MOA unique mods;
  • Chesa Retrieve rework (since Fetch ingame, Chesa useless)
  • Status mods like Rifle Aptitude rework;
  • Sentinels weapons Augments;
  • Unique skins for Login Rewards weapons (AzimaZenistar...)
  • Clan management system:
    • Fields for "Clan description"(Clan Rules), except for the already available "motd"
    • More information for admins:
      • Player(x) invite Player(y);
      • Curent resources progress (%);
      • Curent research progress (%);
    • More flexible and variable "Hierarchy and Roles" system:
      • Stricter access to the Dojo and Labs (to avoid players who join the clan, buy BP's and leave).
  • New map for Relay's and Dojo (colored with markers) like in PoE or OV;
  • Dojo:
    • Custom Obstacle Course increase decoration limit;
    • Remove/change requirement Hemocyte Cystolith for Plague Star clan trophies;
    • In-room Dojo spawn point(marker);
    • Changeable statues in Temple of Honor;
    • Infested & Corpus statues decorations (now only Grineer);
    • Weapon racks decorations;
    • Infested theme decorations;
    • Orokin Derelict theme decorations;    
    • Factions Storage Containers;
    • Factions Resource Caches;
    • NPC for dojo;
    • Sentient (Amalgam) Lab;
    • Syndicate rooms (like in relay);
    • Dojo Hangar (like in relay);
  • Boss reworks:
    • The Sergeant;
    • Hyena Pack;
    • Phorid;
    • Zanuka Hunter.
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Hello again!

1. Is restoring Arbitration rotation length to normal (5 minutes in Survival, 5 waves in Defense, etc.) completely off the table? Maybe it could be part of a new Elite mode, with a higher starting level and/or faster level scaling? 

2. Will Kubrows and Kavats ever get a Sentinel/MOA-like weapon slot? The pet mod category is extremely overcrowded, and the maximum ten slots pets come with usually isn't enough to include mods like Bite, Maul, or the new dual-stats in a build.

3. Currently, randomly coloring a frame/weapon/etc. picks colors for every channel from a single color palette. Is this behavior intended, and if so, would it be possible to add a "true" random option that picks colors from every owned palette?

4. Are there any plans to include more bosses, like the Orb Mothers, and/or more mission types, like Capture and Vallis Free Roam, in Sorties? Alternatively, do you have any long-term plans for a Sortie rework?

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could the ballistica prime get the same "burst fire" treatment that the quartakk and akjagara got a while back? it unfortunately uses shotgun status calculations, which means without 100% status, the gun just doesn't do status good at all, despite having what on paper looks like a good status chance (for anything that isn't a shotgun). It's the one thing holding this weapon back.

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Will we get Valkyr Deluxe Skin? I know we got the Gersimi Skin but that isn't really deluxe, is it?
Will there be more syndicate weapons?
Any plans on allowing Archwing Mission to be fissures, so the entire planet of Uranus can be used for fissure missions?
Can Kuva Fortress and Lua be Fissure-viable please?
Will Corrupted Mods get a look at again at some point? 
Gentleman a short view back to the past. four years ago, Some Guy told us: "Take a trained monkey, place him infront of the computer and he is able to copter through the void." four years later years later some guy told us: "I had to move through the void like a robot. It's very complicated." And some other guy said, err, he pressed during the mission, I don't remember what mission, the wrong button on the keyboard. Question for you two both. Is warframe movement today too complicated with 20 and more buttons on the keyboard for movement, are you too much under effort, under pressure? What are your wishes for the future, concerning movement, errrm, during the race? Less buttons, more? Or less and more communication  with your lotus.
Where is single sword + pistol dual wielding?
Are there any plans for allowing dual wield with thrown weapons like the Kunai, Spira (Prime) or Hikou (Prime)?
Will we ever get primary and/or secondary stealth finishers/finishers?
Any news on the (promised) updates to current boss fights. Mainly Phorid, Seargant?
Any plans for new Kavats? 
Any plan to buff Kubrows?
Is there a way to see how much xp each Weapon/Frame/Companion got in a mission when they are already level 30?
Is it possible to have us set up the "important" resources that pop up when we pick them up, like Tellurium and Argon Crystals?
Possible to add hours next to Usage in the profile?
And what about Usage in the last 28 Days, 365 Days, maybe that would be neat?
Is it possible to add mouse over for the buffs at the top of the screen?
Can Kuva Survival Life Support Kuva scale? Maybe for every completion we get 1 Kuva more? That sounds fair?
Will there be more stuff to unlock with focus points? Sitting at 40 Mio Focus and everything unlocked. What about relic packs for focus? That would be nice.

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  • Will there be any more weapon design contests? If so, is there an ETA on the next one?
  • Any possibility for pets to have separately modded "weapons" (Kavat Claws and Kubrow Jaws for instance)? 
  • Any news on new Infested weapons? Before the Pupacyst back in October last year, the last Infested weapons we got were the Hema and Hirudo with Nidus back in December 2016 (excluding the Plague Zaws, although if we're including them then it would be Novermber 2017). Or any news on more Infested content in general?
  • Will there ever be an Infested special variant like how Corpus have Vandal and Grineer have Wraith?
  • Small nitpick, would it be possible to swap the tap/hold functionality for Khora's Venari ability? It's inverted in comparison to the other tap/hold abilities (tapping Venari cycles between modes whereas tapping Ivara's Quiver casts the ability, for example). 
  • Would it be possible to allow Khora's Whip to be separately moddable and usable while no melee is equipped like Garuda's Claws. Its model is very nice but we don't get to see it so much due to Whiplash's animation being pretty quick.
  • Any possibility of Umbral Forma being potentially made purchasable from Nightwave Offerings for Wolf Creds (or whichever future currency) once you've obtained your first one from the Season rewards (100 of the currency maybe). 
  • Any possibility of a favourites feature in the arsenal? Press a button to mark an item as favourite and "sort by favourites".
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This is a txt file I used to use for Devstream questions but forgot about it, last modified October.


Hey DE here's some questions.

Will we ever get the ability to customize our Tenno Specter apperances? Colors, helmets, syandanas, sigils armor? p.s. Revenant specters are kinda broken atm

Can we get a Radio/Somachord/Mandachord module for the K-drives to let us play music while we grind?

Has DE ever considered the idea of Tennogen for tiles? So players can make tiles and similar to regular Tennogen it's given final tweaks or critique from DE staff then submitted into the game for all players?
I think this would bring more life into Tile Sets that have been neglected for a long time. (Jupiter is my favourite tileset so I'm hyped for the remaster) Plus many players have already shown great creativity in Dojos, why restrict that to just Dojos?
If there is the desire to compensate creators I recommend taking the TF2/Valve approach and having "stamps" that give some money towards its creator for said tile. Maybe even award the players for purchasing by having a sigil or emblem tied to it.
Lastly given how a map/tile is different from viewing a helmet it might make sense to have some option to go inside and test it for both creator and players to better get a feel for it before voting.
I'm not going to assume but I remember hearing about players making their own Tiles at TennoCon.

Somewhat similar to the above question, will we ever get the option to place props/objects in Captura? I feel the tech for it is already existant enough for it to be a (relatively) easy transfer since it can be done in Dojos, however I'm no game Dev.

Is there any intention to maybe rework or redo the space skyboxs for the various planets in Warframe? I feel as though many of them seem to be quite dated. I'd assume with the upcoming additions to Venus it'd make sense from a lore perspective to add those Orokin planetary defense systems, also I'd like to mention most of the time when looking outside the Private Quarters window you are just looking out at empty space.

Similar to the prior question, is there any new Railjack concept art or work we could have the pleasure of viewing?

As is often the case in Warframe and just games in general, what used to be a bug or glitch can become a feature, many players have found out how to get on the exterior of the Orbiter and decorate the ship from the outside, I think this would be a great thing to expand upon.
Since relevent features are coming with Railjack, is there a chance we could use our Archwing to go outside our Orbiter when we're outside of missions and use it to view our Orbiter and decorate it from the outside such as placing noggles on the exterior side of windows?

Is there a specific reason why in Warframe wall latching has a set duration? I personally don't see it as game breaking for someone to latch onto a wall for 5 minutes straight (though that would be annoying if they're afking), it just seems like an outdated idea. Aim gliding I can understand as that fills in more of a "matrix slow time" sort of deal but for Wall Latching I feel there should not be any limitations.
I might even say Wall Latching could or should be made permanent. Compare it to the recent changes to Archwing, by removing a limitation (archwing deployers and making the transition instant). It actually makes a feature more fun and more used. I don't really see players wall latching and shooting while mounted on a wall. Remove the timer on wall latching and it could open more possibilities. Such as latching onto a ceiling.
In a game about being ninjas it just feels right to have that. Hiding up high on a wall or ceiling to ambush a target or just to simply avoid some gunfire.


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A bit of an intro:

Hey there guys. Longtime player here.

I've been around Warframe since Nekros was released. I remember being able to farm my Volt (when it wasn't a starter) out of the J3-Golem in Jupiter, before Alad V. I've seen a lot of the story of Warframe, not leaving the game for more than one month (because of health issues) That said, I've came to a point where i don't have anything to do. At all. Yes, i'm talking about endgame, but it's more than that: I feel the game has become stagnant.

My problems with the game: 

-All my builds end up the same
-New Warframes don't feel as "new" since all of them need a Damage ability to be relevant
-I don't have needs for new weapons, since mine already are formed and have rivens.
-I don't have activities to share with my clan, since i am enough to deal with almost everything

And the most problematic of them all:

-Every time Warframe throws a challenge at me, is being one-shoted by enemies, no matter how much i try to dodge... Unless i bring something like Inaros or Chroma.

And it's that, or nothing. The last time this happened was with the Saturn Six Prisioners throwing 20 napalms at once during the Wolf fights.

My Questions are:


1) Is there any plans on reworking mods or damage systems to make builds more varied and versatile?
2) Are you thinking on changing the scale of damage and stats from the enemies? or the way they're designed so we don't depend on damage dealer frames?
3) Are any clan or squad-oriented activities gonna be added soon? (besides Railjack)

Lastly, i just wanted to say that i love your game, and that i've been glued to your news and updates for 6 years. I don't want to stop playing, but i suffer of "endgameitis" where there's nothing to do. And every new addition to the game doesn't fulfill that necessity. I don't need any other fancy open world: i need warframe to feel as good as it did in 2013 (even with old systems like the stamina bar that nobody liked) There was something in the past of warframe that i don't feel is there today. I don't know what it is, but i'm hoping for it to come back someday.

That's all, sorry the giant post Rebecca. Hope my questions are addressed on devstream.


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why no grenade in your game? its a thing in warframe you know corpus and grineer like to use them when you stand still too much.why not tenno? NO Castanas and the like are more traps and mine. Am talking HAND GRENADE. RAMBOOOO but in space. Hey Vauban exalted weapon grenade maybe? To give him a cool damage buff tie in with vortex power?

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