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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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2 minutes ago, Lollipumpsie said:

I like nothing, it my favorite dish!

Apropos of nothing, this reminds me of my daugher when she was very young. She was whining about wanting to play with a toy her brother was using, and I said, "No, you'll have to play with something different." To which she replied, "I HATE SOMETHING DIFFERENT!"

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I would have left the enemies armor alone. They should be harder to kill. The community asked for harder content and now they are saying it's too difficult? If you aren't ready to go to Railjack, don't go. If you can't make it past a node on your own, that's where you belong. Don't say it's too hard and needs to be changed. 

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Given railjack a good go and I don't see a (Ps4) feedback section so it's going in here.:

All in all I love the new game mode, had a lot of fun but it has an onslaught bugs, bad design choice, shallow design and poor foresight.

I'll go from the beginning
Building the ship: For me it was pre-empyrean so the 12 hour builds were nothing, I am high MR so the farming was easy, a non-issue and worked very well as a hype building mechanic. But now the ship is released I tend to try look at it from the point of a lower MR player, already strapped for cash and resources due to the fact MR8-2x is a foundry massacre, non stop crafting, leveling, farming. Even the mission would have hit quite a few with the fieldron, mutegen etc. All in all it needs to be shortened, either the farm the cash or the time. That being said we're building a huge spaceship. So it can't be a minor feat.

1st few hours of Empyrean, got it built, coloured, named (Red Dwarf), and away we go. 4 man team all on mics, was brilliant, ship was weak which made battles fun, we tried to progress through Earth fast which led to some epic moments where we thought we'd lost it. Pulled through. great fun. Then you start to get new parts and quickly the ship is way way too powerful for Earth, so onto Saturn we go, A little tough but not too bad. more parts...more strength. Onto Veil, once again it was a little tough for a few missions. Then we became gods...and all the fun was suck right out of it. 6k hull monster, ignoring all ruptures, fires etc. Kill Kill Kill.

Once this happens, once fun has stopped; everything become casual, subconscious and easy. So then rather than 4 people on a ship running around like madmen, surviving. We get 4 people chatting about all that is wrong, all that could have been.

Railjack(the actual ship): (based upon Veil face punching machine)

Movement- I really like the movement of these ships, but I can't roll, I pilot a Fed Corv on Elite Dangerous and roll is a major part of flight, especially combat flight. Not having true free movement takes away part of the 'space' feel that it should have.

Damage- doesn't die...cannot die. And the mechanics to fail a mission are very very shallow. (blue lightning symbol - ignore, red fire symbol - ignore, Orange fracture - ignore, Red fracture - 60 seconds to do a very small task(or be weak and glitch it with breach quanta). What is missing is damage, we don't take damage, little scenarios appear on the ship which for the most are insignificant. This falls under another big issue(engineering) that I'll tackle a bit later. Damage to the ship should cause performance issues. Engine damage(speed), thruster damage, reactor damage, electronics damage. This could help set urgency and priority to the mentality. Fires should spread, electronics should cause issues with UI, doors, consoles. The ship should have atmospheric control that should cause damage to players at an increasing amount as breaches appear.

Empty - The ship is a head and a butt, mid belly is just the area where weird symbols appear. I do have ideas for this. See below in my engineering blurp.

Leadership - Once you are in a mission, if not my team. It's in the hands of randoRNG, I can tell people what to do, or what roles I'd like to see them do until I'm blue in the face. realistically I just sit in my pilot seat, knowing if I step off someone will probably nab it and do what ever. We need to be able to assign roles and permissions. See below 'Roles".

Aesthetics - Looks good, love my ship. Down side, tycho seekes look like I stole them off a WWII sub, down match my ships(which capitalizes on the wear effects. Engines look brand spanking new....My ship beat down red with wear...engines bright, plastic red. minor minor problem in reality, but DE know we get a little obsessive of looks.


Pilot - Pilots role is in a very good place, for the most the crew is at his/her mercy. A few improvements would mainly be communication based, ability to mark target, thrust is either on or off, no range in base speed(visualized). Battle avionics are shared, which can cause issues. On the PS4 only the host can see healing bubble most the time, causes issues for my pilot. An upgradable cockpit or cockpit AI would be nice, but nearly all Pilot intrinsics are based on bosst/drift.

Captain - The captain (ship owner) should have the ability to set roles and permissions. Current set up allows for easy grief. The owner of a ship should have full control of his ship. People will be more willing to run with randos if he can safeguard his ship.

Engineer - Currently when I see a 'LF RJ engi for veil' I know that my idea role will be diminished to just sitting at the back of the ship, trying to stay awake whilst refilling flux for a void hole spam, boredomfest. The engineer should be the most overworked crew member. To do this a huge overhaul of everything is required(ironically so does Empyrean lol). Refill and refining should be a once or twice per mission thing, not a pull up a chair job, or a non job(With my crew we don't actually fill until everything is dead).
What I'm going to suggest will seem overkill, but added to the rest of my idea's would be (in my opinion) fun.

  • Stockpile/cargo - Using just 4 resources to do everything is boring, we have an onslaught of materials to use in warframe, to see 4 new ones being all we need is crappy. I think we should have to stock cryotic, scrap, alloy plate, circuits and other existing materials.
  • Belly of the beast - The center of the ship is a great space for an engineer, has the look and feel of such an area. So it is here I'd suggest a console was added for repairs, resource management, power management.
  • Engineering - This should be a role of ship control and maintenance. Instead of Revolite, repairs should be based upon what is needed. Fires should need cryotic to keep fire supression systems working, electrical damage circuits/scrap. Hull breach - scrap and alloy plate. Bigger issues would be repaired over time using the console. Engine failure would effect speed/boost, thruster damage would effect all other movement, reactor damage would effect entire ship(a rare more critical issue), which repairs times being extended, cooldowns extended, potential avionics failure. Grid goes down and you are in the 1000/1000 ship until fixed.
    Another part of the job is making sure general systems are working and are being maintained, flux, munitions, weapon coolant systems etc. Moving power to where it is needed(1 gunner, why feed both?), more power to tactical and battle avionics to increase the effectiveness and/or efficency. Flux pool, if the ship only uses Particle ram, why does it need 10x the amount to activate. Maybe that flux power can be fed somewhere else/

Gunner - 1st off why do bother gunners have to have the same gun? they also need their own battle avionics that don't effect or mess with pilots. Ping system to alert pilot to hazards and threats.

Away team - To get all AW intrinsic bonus' the away team needs to be 8888, bizzare... The away team needs a more responsive waypoint/tag system to allow for better communication from outside, a complete archwing overhaul(featuring just about all archwings/guns and melee). Some more activities to do while out and about. On Ps4 they have the name 'crewship killers'. because that is all they do... I'd prefer for them to be a critical role, killing crewships is critical, but it is simple, easy.



Very early stages of this game mode, so variations will be at minimal, that said every mission is the same one. I was expecting a defense style mission, a spy(sneaky sneaky) mission and an endless mission, how far can we push it. Everything seems too easy, Boss missions have bosses with no real protection, would have been the perfect mission to add some cool new mechanics, shutting down certain defense feilds(like we saw at TC2019), crippling defense forces and hunting out a weakness in the asteroid based, rather than the open door policy the game currently has.

Can't access arsenal, during mission I can understand it causing issues, but maybe once mission is complete, open it.

hacking turrets is a very cool mechanic, but bares no use as they do minimal damage and cant be killed by us if they survive so we loose out on the loots within them.

Loot clean-up is tedious and messy, maybe the only reason I could see using void hole. On Elite dangerous they have 'limpets' that are ai drones that collect loot with 1km, but a very very squishy so can't be deployed during combat, Sentinels have vacuum, kubrows have fetch, Itzal have that one skill. Space ship capable of system wide travel have a close range suction.....

Too many smaller rocks are gods, indestructible. Let us smash through them, damage to ship based on size. 

Even with as few choices in ship modules there are no real choice, (Vidar reactor, Zetki shields(25% bonus, shield stats are pointless) etc..)

No variation in builds. Shield offers nothing, 6060 hull 2800 armor or go home.

We get avionics from ships that don't use them.

Weird mission rewards RUBEDO!!!!!!


They brands/schools idea could have been done better, rather than 3 types of 1 av with only 1 being good. They could have focused on the own ship build style with bonus' based upon amount of one type used.
This is a huge area, and a big mess, AW av's being power hungry with trash range. Tactical avionics not all that tactical.


The fact DE went after this idea has made me happy AF and proud to play it. But it was rushed, On PS4 we cant trade avionics, host migrations galore, bluescreens, have kinda left a bad taste on players tongues. I am however confident this game mode will come good. so thanks


Edited by (PS4)covan2306
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5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Another note for a short term fix for a bigger issue. All Platforms will receive this very soon since it's a Data fix:

Tenebrous Ephemera Removal and Future Acquisition:
We will TEMPORARILY remove the Tenebrous Ephemera as a drop from Reinforced Sentient Containers aboard the Sentient Anomaly in Veil Proxima. The drop method is causing numerous issues in terms of connectivity stability and player frustration. We’re going to be changing the acquisition method that won’t involve a direct drop rate in a near future Hotfix/Update, and will instead be closer to a token system (complete X Anomaly missions to buy Ephemera from a vendor).
The Tenebrous Ephemera will be coming back as soon as possible in a better acquisition method

Great, now do it to the rest of them.

(Blazing Step, Seeding Step, Freezing Step and Shocking Step)

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A token system is a very good decision.

I made a topic about this a few weeks ago. It's the right design philosophy, hopefully it will be expended.

Personally - I love the idea of "Upgrade Kits" as token rewards that improve RNG rolled Kuva/RJ-weapons up until their limit. That would actually get me to play frequently again after Lich and RJ loot systems drove me away from Warframe.

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7 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Another note for a short term fix for a bigger issue. All Platforms will receive this very soon since it's a Data fix:

Tenebrous Ephemera Removal and Future Acquisition:
We will TEMPORARILY remove the Tenebrous Ephemera as a drop from Reinforced Sentient Containers aboard the Sentient Anomaly in Veil Proxima. The drop method is causing numerous issues in terms of connectivity stability and player frustration. We’re going to be changing the acquisition method that won’t involve a direct drop rate in a near future Hotfix/Update, and will instead be closer to a token system (complete X Anomaly missions to buy Ephemera from a vendor).
The Tenebrous Ephemera will be coming back as soon as possible in a better acquisition method

what about Blazing Ephemera?


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Feedback post-patch 27.0.11

It is good that house reactors now universally have better avionics capacity than base reactors. Thank you.

It is fantastic than you rescaled existing reactors to the new limits instead of simply adjusting them to the new minimums. Double thank you.

I think you went too far with it. I would have done something like Zetki 55-80, Lavan 65-90, Vidar 75-100. But I suspect you overdid it on purpose to make up for the previous state of affairs, and I can certainly both understand and respect that.

I hope that this change follows through (to a lesser degree) for shields and engines. The worst house engine should have both stats equal to or slightly higher than a Sigma, and the worst house shields should have all stats equal to or slightly higher than a Sigma.

I would equate this to weapons; every house weapon is better in pretty much every way than a Sigma. The only deviation is in accuracy; which I would correct as well, so that all house guns have at least the same accuracy as a Sigma.

Edited by rstripn
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42 minutes ago, (PS4)Deadmennwalking said:

When will console get any of these updates?

It is lovely that PC has been receiving numerous updates, including the reactor changes in 27.0.11.

But when can we console players expect to receive anything other than our current broken railjack release version?

Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.


Certainly a release window would be nice, but as far as "broken railjack release version", consider that at least you know what changes are coming and can plan your gameplay accordingly. e.g. Now you know to keep Zetki reactors until you get a Lavan or Vidar, and you know that if you want to farm for the ephemera from the sentient ship you need to do so before the patch hits. i.e. You have in some ways an advantage over PC players, you simply have a longer wait time.

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21 minutes ago, rstripn said:


Certainly a release window would be nice, but as far as "broken railjack release version", consider that at least you know what changes are coming and can plan your gameplay accordingly. e.g. Now you know to keep Zetki reactors until you get a Lavan or Vidar, and you know that if you want to farm for the ephemera from the sentient ship you need to do so before the patch hits. i.e. You have in some ways an advantage over PC players, you simply have a longer wait time.

Anyone that has played Warframe for a while should already know to keep their "best" loot even if it currently has poor stats.

Farm ephemera? For that to happen I actually need to have a rare cache spawn during my farming runs. I have completed around 50 anomaly runs, with at least 2 players doing the rare cache search, and am yet to have even 1 rare container spawn. So no, based on my experience, it would be far better to wait until the proposed changes come into effect.

Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.

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PLEASE improve the resource and reward infrastructure, you NEED to be given the rewards and resources to your account on pickup. This has been one of Warframe's biggest issues for years, and is one of the reasons why people are encouraged to get in and get out as fast as possible. Because staying longer in a mission increases losing ALL that effort due to the constant crashes and disconnects and failed host migrations. EXP, resources, mods, intrinsics, wreckage, etc. This issue is even more prevalent now with railjack having 2 objectives along with killing 90 fighters and 6 crewships AND resource gathering from asteroids and containers. I just did a veil mission and lost EVERYTHING, reactor drops, resources, intrinsics just because the game decided to crash right during the mission countdown when i was warping to my railjack. No one will want to spend any length of time playing the game when you can spend hours in a mission and lose it all like this. You did this reward system for open world bounties, so please do it here and across the entire game too for item drops and not just end of mission rewards.

Edited by CephKaron
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Blackout Pulse's cost in comparison to Countermeasures and Munitions Vortex is inconsistent, as the Avionics cost and Flux Energy consumption of the other Battle Avionics are listed properly as:

  1. Defensive Battle Avionics: 25 Flux Energy & 2(6 max) Avionics Cost
  2. Offensive Battle Avionics: 50 Flux Energy & 4(8 max) Avionics Cost
  3. Super Battle Avionics: 25 Flux Energy & 6(10 max) Avionics Cost


The Battle Avionics are divided over their usefulness in combat as either:

  1. Useless (Countermeasures, Shatter Burst, and Seeker Volley)
  2. Decent (Blackout Pulse, Tether, and somewhat Fiery Phoenix)
  3. Desirable or Useful (Munitions Vortex, Particle Ram, and Void Hole)

Of course, no would bother with the other options below (3) as it's far too weak in comparison. Can we get a way to make the other Battle Avionics more desirable and balanced to promote variety?

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I see there are 6 pages of responses. I am sorry if it hit on things that have already been hit on.

I will list out a few pro's and cons that i see going on.

quick pros, over all rail jack is Intense and keeps me on my toes. At times I feel overwhelmed and the battle feels massive. Other times it is slowed down and I feel in control. Flying my ship around is amazing. Each gun feels unique and has its own right and place. With the right team working together each mission feels like a challenge that can be beat.

quick cons, can be very grindy and long on missions. Nothing is explained well. trying to fit your rail jack with avionics is really confusing and not well shown. resource collection is horrid. trolling is way to easy.

Now lets go more in depth on what I have found. I will discuss the pros later. The cons how ever are at the top of my mind just coming off of it.

my biggest gripe is the way refinement is set up right now. especially for open play. Right now anyone can use it at any time. regardless of what is still left to be made at the time. The ship could be completely out of everything and someone can still refine. this would be fine if every person had to pay to refill the ships if this happened. How ever only the person that owns the ship has to pay the materials to refill the ship at the dry dock. This could lead to people not wanting to take their ship out at all. I have a few solution to this. take out refinement and auto do it at the end of a round. 2 only the person that owns the vessel can refine. 3 refinement is only able if 75% of the ships inventories are filled. They way it stands people can go in and play the round, get the rewards, and do so at another players expense.


my next grip is that people can just disembark from the ship. Run to the structure that has spawned. sit in it and do nothing or farm to their hearts content and never do anything to help the round. I know some people are just there for the intrinsics. How ever it really does slow the round down and puts more of a work load on other people. Again gaining rewards at someone else's expense. My solution, Put a wall in front of it. a certain percentage of the enemies have to go down before the doors will open for the platforms. This encourages players to actively try and kill the ships that are flying around instead of just hanging out. until it is done they can't even try to farm the intrinsics.


My third gripe is about the resource collections. I know you are talking about a vacuum. I am here to tell you it needs to be in the game quick. You practically have to rub the ships nose in the resources faces to get them to come to you. There also need to be a boost to the speed at which they travel to you. If you are boosting, many times you will fly past them and they will never be collected. When i think about ships i think about magnetic pulls to bring things closer. This isn't something that should have to go on the ship as an option. It should be there automatically. I don't fly rail jack for realism. If i wanted that i would go play elite dangerous. To make things worse arc wings have to touch the resources as well. flying around to find the resources is bad enough. The rail jack is slow for this. How ever having to touch them directly to collect them makes the task that much more tedious. It makes a person really burnt out. Solution, increase the base collection range and speed of collecting the limpets. What i mean by this is push the distance out that they start pulling. Push out the distance where it is actually collected. Increase the travel speed of the resources coming to the rail jack. If you don't just want to give it to us outright that add it to the engines. The higher engine you have the faster and farther the collection rate is. This includes from what group they are from. How ever don't have a variance on it. Just set based upon engine and group it is from.


My forth gripe is about ui in space. When you collect any resource it pops up on your screen. This because irritating. especially when you are trying to access the tactical overlay. The resource bar actually blocks the view of the the third tactical slot. You can still click through it. How ever you can't see much info. Accessing the tactical over lay also stops you from doing much as a gunner or a pilot. The pilot especially wants to have access to some of those quick and easy. I know i use the cloak. then we get to avionics. Everything looks the same when you are looking at them. Yes they each have different symbols. How ever the colors are the same. It just makes my eyes faze out and not be able to understand any of them. Es-specially in scrapping. When i hover over a card i want to be able to see how many slots it has on it before i scrap it. Trying to see what level i have put it to is also painful. Same for the blueprints you pick up. There needs to be more color variation on before and after you repair them. The type of item you have you can tell just by looking. The group it is from should be the same. Now i went through a lot here. Will try to give some of the different solutions i have seen for each. resource pop ups. They should be small and quick. Just over your head like most resources are collected outside of it. The tactical use items should be shown the pilot as he is flying along side the aggressive items. This way they can be used quickly and easily while flying your rail jack. There should be a little color differentiation between them as well. Thus you can look at it and see not only by symbol but by color what you are using. Avionics should resemble mods more in variation. they need more color for one. When i pull up mods i see a unique background picture for each. the outside of the color may be the same, how ever you can see a picture in them that really sets them apart. There should also be more tells on how much they can be upgraded. base avionics that only have one slot really should have a crack in them. Follow your normal rarity rating from there. bronze, silver then gold. That way it is relatable.Also just showing how much they can be upgraded or are upgraded like mods is a really good idea. On mods the slots are either empty or they glow blue. It is clearly visible. Blueprints should have a coloring system that shows what group they are from. same with the built item. Yes people should still read the name, how ever they should also be able to look at something and tell right where it came from just based upon the looks.


My fifth problem is that nothing is explained. I had to look up online how to use my different upgrades I had unlocked. This is after probably 50 hours of playing railjack alone. I had no idea until today that i could push L to access the tactical overlay. It took me about 20 hours before i knew that i could use the omni tool to port back to my ship from everywhere. I knew that it was possible to port back. how ever it was never explained. It seems that when you level up and avionics there needs to be a quick video that shows what you got and how to use it. It also took me 10 hours to realize i could right click on my intricacies to see a list of what i would get if I leveled up. It really isn't a good thing that i have to leave the game to find out information about the game. This info should be more accessible within the game. I could go through many ways on how to add more info. make things more in front of the player. How ever there seem to be so many options, and i believe de is competent enough, that they will choose the best path for it. How ever not working on it would be the only wrong choice to me.


alright railing about rail jack is done. On to the things i have enjoyed.

The biggest thing i have enjoyed is how my ship is constantly on the boarder of blowing up. The health and shield of the ship jumps up and down so much. The resource management is refreshing (outside of refinement see above). I know you get a lot of gripe for both. How ever having that go on gives the engineer something to do. On top of that as a pilot i can't just ignore resources on the map the entire time. I have to make sure i am regularly scoping them up. I can't just dive into the fray of things all the time either. I have to be more mindful of it. The game mode rewards team play over solo. Each weapon feels viable in its own right. Each has its own purpose. Each roll feels important and busy. The difficulty curve feels right. I don't like getting super powerful right away. I love how you are more rewarded the more you play. i also love that you incorporate warframe use and arc wing use.

Couple of side notes.

still not sure why to put out a fire. Or why repair any of the smaller breaches. Seems like they bare no weight to what is going on. At least the electricity seems to effect my shield on my ship. it seems to me that if you have so many smaller breaches you should fail the round. 7 of them seems about right. As for fires they should probably make the ship more sluggish. Also if you don't clean them up they will spread and cause more of them to the point where the ship can't move or do anything.

noticed that enemies tend to stick around on my ship even after i have killed them. As in their mangled body stays on my ship frozen in place. seem to be realated with the freeze enemies on your ship avionic. I have also had another bug where a round failed us even though we beat it. The winning dialog was going on at the time as well.  Last but is that my skin for the ship keeps changing. went ahead and traded for plat and bought one of the other skins. When i get on i notice that it reverts back to default a lot. Also in the 25 hours that i have used the toxic guns i have only seen 2 times that a ship was effected by it. may want to tweak that a little bit. That was using the normal mrk 3 of them as well.


Anyway i hope that this info might help you tweak railjack to make it a better and more enjoyable game.

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What is the reasoning behind random stats on Railjack equipment? I keep spinning this in my head and only one thing comes up "so all players won't use one thing that's good". Is that it? Because people will still use one thing that's better than everything else.

And to make things even worse, repair cost of Mk3 is ridiculous. I'm not going to spend this much knowing that I can get the same exact thing but better.

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13 hours ago, rstripn said:

you know that if you want to farm for the ephemera from the sentient ship you need to do so before the patch hits. i.e. You have in some ways an advantage over PC players, you simply have a longer wait time.


12 hours ago, (PS4)Deadmennwalking said:

Farm ephemera? For that to happen I actually need to have a rare cache spawn during my farming runs. I have completed around 50 anomaly runs, with at least 2 players doing the rare cache search, and am yet to have even 1 rare container spawn. So no, based on my experience, it would be far better to wait until the proposed changes come into effect.

The ephemera has already been removed on consoles. It was actually removed first on consoles and then, a few hours later, on PC.

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Could we have an Avionic that shares shields between the Railjack and any archwing within ~100m?


The reason I ask is that (when not Hildren) I often get killed before I have a chance to activate my Archwings abilities or get my bearings. Alternatively If we have ~300ms of invulnerability on entering archwing or just invulnerable until we use some input (movement, shoot, ability).


Just something that lets me catch my breath and decice on which direction to move before I die to a hidden Crewships missiles. The RJ could be providing us with some sort of cover/protection.


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1 hour ago, Raskalnickoff said:

Could we have an Avionic that shares shields between the Railjack and any archwing within ~100m?


The reason I ask is that (when not Hildren) I often get killed before I have a chance to activate my Archwings abilities or get my bearings. Alternatively If we have ~300ms of invulnerability on entering archwing or just invulnerable until we use some input (movement, shoot, ability).


Just something that lets me catch my breath and decice on which direction to move before I die to a hidden Crewships missiles. The RJ could be providing us with some sort of cover/protection.


We already have it. Was added on a hotfix.

When exiting your Railjack or a PoI you get 3 seconds of invulnerability.


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  • A gun at the forges? Right at the tail window. Throw us Engineers a bone? 🤣
  • More than 5 dome charges? Crewships are taken care of either by boarding or this BFG. Currently BFG is just no where near as effective as simply catapulting a Tenno and one of the reason is keeping dome charges up. Not my fault ok, people miss. But a misfired Tenno can still fly towards the crewship, without consuming resources. Granted the Tenno still needs to deal with the enemies inside, but a misfired BFG is resources down the toilet. That said, do not make the slingshot consume resources!
  • Wider "vacuum" range for the ship? It would make picking up loot a lot more organic while being bombarded from all directions. I'm not asking for the ship to pick-up something from Saturn while flying around in Veil, nono. Just make it a tad bigger like slightly further than the particle ram?
  • Longer immunity when boarding crewship or dropping out of airlock. Or anytime when we do not have control of our characters. I lost count of times I get one-shotted right out of an exploding crewship. Perhaps latency do play a part. If it's not too much to ask, take latency into account.

This gamemode is fun despite the critics. I hope it gets better, incorporating some of the "requests" above of course. 🤣


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1 hour ago, Currilicious said:
  • Longer immunity when boarding crewship or dropping out of airlock. Or anytime when we do not have control of our characters. I lost count of times I get one-shotted right out of an exploding crewship. Perhaps latency do play a part. If it's not too much to ask, take latency into account.

This sounds like a network issue on your end.  I doubt DE could extend the window based on your latency, not even the matchmaking ping limit works properly so if the code can't accurately recognise network delay then the window extension would be incredibly inconsistent and wouldn't fix the issue.

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On 2020-01-17 at 1:07 AM, Cubewano said:

I suffered over 900 runs and I am glad nobody else has to deal with that kind of awful design going forward, it was a terrible experience that I regret sinking my time into and I am very in favor of DE making the right choice to step away from such a hideous grind for this ephemera.

It was something to pine for. Something to show you're insane and feel good that sane people don't have it. Why can't that be a good thing?

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