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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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13 hours ago, Matzelito said:

- give Shield arrays, engines, reactors and weapons upgradeable stats. Avionics Capacity should be upgradeable and shouldn't be RNG. Reactors from dojo should be a base stat + dropped reactor to make them any useful. i mean once you dropped a better MKlll reactor the sigma reactors from dojo are useless and not viable, purely wasted time and ressources. Same for those engines, shield arrays and weapons.

I believe this is working as intended. Or rather ... what you're describing is the intended situation. The Sigma parts are meant to be something the clan can invest in for players starting with a fresh, new railjack. Player tools up with Sigma parts as quickly as possible, then goes hunting for better ones. Notice that the resources required for repairing scrap are much more than for crafting new. So you play a bunch of Railjack getting RNG scrap parts, and wait until you find something worth investing in to repair. 

For the parts, MKI is obsolete when the dojo gets MKII, etc. Which I think for any clan with anyone really invested in Railjack, was as fast as the research timers would allow.

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Can there PLEASE be some better indication that you're going to lose the mission from an easily repairable fault with nothing but a microscopic counter at the top left to let you know? It's unbelievably easy to miss the announcement that there's a critical failure if you're in the middle of focusing on gunning, I've failed over 10 missions that were easy wins exclusively because I didn't notice it. Something in the centre near the reticle like a red circle flashing circle would be a huge help

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Why does DE make Zekti Bulkhead such a *@##$ to drop? It's a fundamental avionics like Vitality.

Lavan Bulkhead is useless and Vidar Bulkhead simply doesn't exist. There are only a 1 rank version and a 7 rank version and no intermediate? WTF? Do you forget how to design a damn game?

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I don't think these points can be said loudly enough or enough times:

We need a MUCH larger Vacuum radius in Railjack.
Drops need to be MUCH brighter, with an "I'm right here" marker on the map.
Railjacks need Loot Detector over thousands of kilometers. (and a "Cosmic Crush" type radial tractor beam to gather stuff would be nice)

I mean, even doing routine scavenging around asteroids and wreckage, I can shoot a little rectangular crate on the other side of the fairly narrow wreckage, and I don't vacuum up the drop? During space combat, am I supposed to track down every single kill as they spiral out of control and explode somewhere behind me? There's no "tell" as to where combat took place, and where enemies died, except faintly glowing little things that get washed out by the bright sun, planet, or other background elements (not to mention the massive amounts of space clutter... rocks that aren't really there, but exist solely to indicate the speed of your vessel moving through it.) I THOUGHT the little dark green/black clouds were possibly kill sites, but they seem to be Cubic Diode resource thingies... those are easy to spot, even from a distance. Funny that.

Ideally, drops from kills would be instantly gathered, while scavenging would need to be a little bit closer.



Edit (addition):

I understand the programming trickery required to simulate the railjack's position in the space environment may make normal Loot Detector type functions not work, but that's no reason not to have a new version that works in Railjack. (Plus, if this has anything to do with why we don't have ranges in km placed near the aiming reticle, there must be SOME code that lets the guns know if they can hit a target or not... and that same principle should be able to translate into knowing the position of any thing that the aiming reticle is pointing at.

Clearly, I'm not a programmer familar with the innerworkings of Warframe's code, but I've done enough to know something like this must be possible. Regardless of HOW it's done, this functionality is kinda needed to make collecting your actual rewards for the game mode actually be receivable.


Edited by (PS4)AyinDygra
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13 hours ago, Bathynomus said:

You think that's bad? So far I've found 2 mk.3 reactors. One had capacity of 13, the other 23. My current mk.2 has 29. Maybe it's just me, but mk.3 should be objectively better than any mk.2, and mk.2 better than mk.1 and the researchable untiered ones. After all, what's the point of having them in tiers, if they mean nothing?

This is why it always grinds my gears when people try and defend Empyrean's RNG by blindly comparing it to the popularity of Borderlands. Yes, Borderlands does have RNG stats on gear, but a Lv50 weapon that drops will NEVER be outright worse than a Lv40 one (which is all too often the case with Mk-II and Mk-III railjack components). In addition, a Borderlands gun that drops with low damage values will have higher stats in other categories, like a higher magazine capacity or faster fire rate. That's how the randomized gun parts are balanced. It is simply not possible to get a terrible-in-every-aspect gun in Borderlands, and that's how it SHOULD be in Empyrean too if the devs insist on keeping the unpopular RNG rolls as they are. If you get a low avionics roll on that 2% droprate reactor, you'd better be getting some obscenely high flux capacity to at least attempt to balance it out.

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Something that's stuck out to me for awhile is that Empyrean/Railjack was noted for a more consistent progression system, and the intrinsics succeed at that for the most part, but the railjack's progression itself is RNG-based and hardly consistent, between hunting for MK 3 Zetki parts, resources, and all the avionics you could want. Also, didn't having both Mark tiers and schools (Vidar, Lavan, etc.) seem a bit redundant? Players can get perplexing situations where a Mk. II can be better than a Mk. III

If people are stopping at certain intrinsics, as was noted on stream, you should consolidate some useful higher functions down into the lower levels. They don't all need to cap at the same number if they don't all offer the same amount of functionality. Trying to make them all cap at the same level just forces you to fill the transitional ones with more incremental fluff.

Edited by Scorn
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1 hour ago, Sapphirya said:

This is why it always grinds my gears when people try and defend Empyrean's RNG by blindly comparing it to the popularity of Borderlands. Yes, Borderlands does have RNG stats on gear, but a Lv50 weapon that drops will NEVER be outright worse than a Lv40 one (which is all too often the case with Mk-II and Mk-III railjack components). In addition, a Borderlands gun that drops with low damage values will have higher stats in other categories, like a higher magazine capacity or faster fire rate. That's how the randomized gun parts are balanced. It is simply not possible to get a terrible-in-every-aspect gun in Borderlands, and that's how it SHOULD be in Empyrean too if the devs insist on keeping the unpopular RNG rolls as they are. If you get a low avionics roll on that 2% droprate reactor, you'd better be getting some obscenely high flux capacity to at least attempt to balance it out.

Add to that the need to grind to repair the weapons. I don't think I'd have so many hours in borderlands if the rng was as unfair and unbalanced as the current empyrean.

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6 hours ago, Sapphirya said:

This is why it always grinds my gears when people try and defend Empyrean's RNG by blindly comparing it to the popularity of Borderlands. Yes, Borderlands does have RNG stats on gear, but a Lv50 weapon that drops will NEVER be outright worse than a Lv40 one (which is all too often the case with Mk-II and Mk-III railjack components). In addition, a Borderlands gun that drops with low damage values will have higher stats in other categories, like a higher magazine capacity or faster fire rate. That's how the randomized gun parts are balanced. It is simply not possible to get a terrible-in-every-aspect gun in Borderlands, and that's how it SHOULD be in Empyrean too if the devs insist on keeping the unpopular RNG rolls as they are. If you get a low avionics roll on that 2% droprate reactor, you'd better be getting some obscenely high flux capacity to at least attempt to balance it out.

Untrue, I've had lvl 8 stuff better than llvl 30 stuff, and lvl 30 stuff better than lvl 60 stuff.

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Cephalon Cy and others talked about how Sentients constantly adapt and rebuild themselves.

I want that to be true for Sentient spacecrafts.

If you're dealing high damage consistently, it should split into 3 smaller units.

If it isn't taking damage consistently, it will launch parts of itself, like Helios, as ramsleds and lose armor.

If the small fighters are dying off quickly, they should join together into a bigger unit that can only takes damage from week points like outriders.

If archwings are launched and kills Sentients on impact, they will launch more ramsleds.

If a spacecraft with <60% HP hasn't taken damage in a while, it should blink away, and go into status mode. In that mode, it stays still, has a small damage reduction, heal a small amount of HP per second, and recover lost armor.

Edited by (PS4)ObsidianJackal_
Sentiment should blink away before enteringstasis mode.
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It has been awhile since I wrote this so kindly allow apologize beforehand if I mention has already changed or been addressed.


In no particular order, here are my points:

  • It is a bit difficult to compare the stats of the scrap weapon armaments as one would have to hover the cursor over the armament A and then press Tab then move the cursor to hover on armament B and press Tab and then, depending on one's memory and how careful one is, repeat these steps to check numbers. May I suggest making it like the scrap components and allow mock equipping of the scrap armaments and see the changes to the current equipped armament stats, allowing one to simply click between two armaments and compare the changes made to the current stats.
  • The placement of Avionic on the Grid matters because the level of a slot in the Grid affects the effects of the Avionic. Currently the only method of swapping Avionics is by unequipping Avionic A, going to Avionic B and swap it to Avionic A, and then equipping Avionic B in the slot where Avionic A was. If there current warframe Mod system did not exist and there are not a lot of slots, it would likely be less of a problem. But being spoiled by the warframe Mod system, may I suggest make it easier to swap Avionic placement by making it similar to the warframe Mod system where one can simply click, drag, and release one Avionic over another Avionic to swap placements.
  • When replacing an Avionic, there is no way to see the stat of current equipped Avionic. This is troublesome as one is likely to forget the stats of the currently equipped Avionic while they go through the Avionics they have, especially if they have few new Avionics. I think it would be nice if the Avionic equipping popup would have the a segment that will consistently show the stats of the Avionic equipped in the selected slot of the Grid or at the very least a way to check the stats without exiting the Avionic equipping popup - all the while all stats shown are affected by the same level of slot of the grid for equal comparison.
  • This is not really a problem and more of a suggestion in case that it is important in the future. Both Avionic level and Grid slot level are represented using the same smalls diamond at the bottom of a bigger diamond this make it difficult to differentiate which level is being displayed. Creating a different way to represent one of the level would allow better differentiation.
  • While there is an easy access to the Railjack from the Obiter, if used there is no way to create payloads to prepare for missions. This is a potential problem as one is unable to prepare the payloads for the Empyrean mission this way. One solution to this is to allow the use of the forge on the Railjack to do the preparations and another solution to create a popup that allows the player to select whether to go the Obiter or Dry Dock when exiting the Railjack regardless of how one enters the Railjack,
  • I am not sure whether it happen in this series of updates or not but Archwing Melee not longer auto locks on nearby enemies making Archwing Melee attacks impractical as it is unlikely to hit the enemy. I think the auto lock on for Archwing Melee should be re-implemented  as it is needed to make Archwing Melee usable.
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41 minutes ago, Huzena said:
  • I am not sure whether it happen in this series of updates or not but Archwing Melee not longer auto locks on nearby enemies making Archwing Melee attacks impractical as it is unlikely to hit the enemy. I think the auto lock on for Archwing Melee should be re-implemented  as it is needed to make Archwing Melee usable.

This seems to be inconsistent among players. It still works for me, but for seemingly the majority of people, it doesn't trigger at all as if it's switched off somehow. I've seen both behaviors as I've watched a friend swinging his sword in space.

And agreed on Avionics ranks, and on replenishing and outfitting the railjack when entering from the orbiter. A configuration console in the orbiter and moving grid ranks to the top instead of the bottom of the card would do it. Feels like basic QoL necessities here to avoid a lot of circumnavigation. (Having to check Grid or Avionics separately to know the actual rank of an installed mod, and having to go to the dojo every time regardless of having a lift to the railjack in your orbiter just teasing you.)

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Hi everybody, and thks for reading me (first post this long)

First of all, i want to thanks and congratule DE for Empyrean. Adding space combat battle, mixed with frames gameplay is awsome and realy refreshing. You guys are awesome ! And have done something realy incredible !! I can't stop playing it !!

But i want to quote Elon Musk : "there is room for improvment" !


I understand this is a new type of game in some way, and you guys have seems to lose some basics. Let me remind you some of them :

1- Components

We have 2 sources for getting thoses : The research consol on the drydock and the scrap wreckage. They can be from 3 différents levels : MK I, MK II and MK III. Standard in all space games are : DryDock stuff < MKI stuff < MKII < MKIII

your statistics : Lets chose the Zetki reactors for example, just the 'avionics' stat, easy to notice that you can get a better MK II than a MK III, etc. This is a mistake. If you want to be correct then you take the numbers in bolt, eventualy you best MK I can go as the worst MK II. Simple.

Zetki MK I                   5-9                  5 - 10

Zetki MK II                  6 - 30              10 - 35 

Zetki MK III                10 - 50              35- 50

It's the same for the fux capacity too...

It's just simple logic, i think you have to review all the Components.

2 - Armaments

The logic seems to apply to armaments. The statistics are fixed so i guess that's why. MKI are worst than MKII. Perfect.

3 - Avionics

Plenty of them, a lot of build to explore as long as you have a good reactor (avionics capacity). They are fantastics and I want to try them all !

Battle avionics, can't be put on the slot we want. I can remember how i was crazy when i first loot Seeker Volley, i was excited, and coulnd found how to put it in my build because i was cliquing on the first slot, and this avionic can only be equiped on the third one ... 

This remind me of diablo 3. They did the same thing. You are just limiting our possibilies, and that is not good. I understand that you have to balances thoses battle mods, but dont limit us in our possibilities, because this is what we love in Warframe. We can build ! They are so many games where you can't (Destiny? lol). This is a big thing you have on others, please dont loose it ! Let us explore the possibilities, all of them ! You can patch when ever you want so ...

4 - Drop chance

Avionics : 

Lets take an example : Bulkhead. The drop table :

Enemy Name Mod Drop Chance Chance
Kosma Flak 10.00% Common (37.94%) = 3,794%
Kosma Cutter 10.00% Ultra Rare (1.01%) = 0,101%
Exo Cutter 10.00% Common (37.94%) = 3,794%
Kosma Outrider 10.00% Common (37.94%) = 3,794%
Elite Kosma Taktis 10.00% Uncommon (11.06%) = 1,106%

If i understand correctly and can do math you can read in bold the real drop chance of the mod.

The common version of it (Lavan) drop at 4%. And the Ultra Rare at 0,1%. Honestly i think this is too low. How something common can drop at 4% ? I dont understand.

For me Ultra Rare should be 1%. Dont forget it's RNG. I may kill 300 fighters to get it ...

In conclusion, in my opinion, mod drop chance should at least 50% nothing under.


Zetki components loot from Elite Exo Outrider with a 12,5 % drop chance. (Engine, reactor or Shield array)

Lavan and Vidar drop from mission reward with a 2% drop chance.(Engine, reactor or Shield array)

I dont understand why.

Vidar and Zetki focuses on two different stat and Lavan is alway an all around stat component. So why such a different drop chance ? I see no logic here.

So i can kill some Exo Outrider and get like two Zetki component in the same game. But i can play like 20 games and never drop a Lavan or a Vidar component... ( one roll compare to multiple roll in one game for the same kind of stuff). This got to be changed.

Components are very important to build your railjack. There is a direct link between reactors and avionics. It's important to get a reactor because it let you build your railjack with less limits, so it's a 'basic' and 'must have'. How i'm I suppose to enjoy railjack if i'm not able to play the avionics i want ? "I have plenty of avionics and idear to synergise them, but i just dont have a good reactor" ... dont you hear them ?

You can just put the reactors to drop from the Exo Outrider. Let the engine and shield array beyond the 2% reward mission if you want as they are less essentials.

5 - Loot

Loot are not easy to find on those big maps. It's easy to leave something. You tried to adress that with additional range on pickup. It's not enough. In games like Diablo 3, we have a key that high light the loot. You can see through the Common (white), uncommon (orange), Rare (Yellow) Legendary (Violet) item realy fast ! Why dont you simply do the same ?

6 - Gameplay

We can play with our archwing and the Railjack. The logic is that we have to be able to kill enemies with our archwing and archgun, but i should be faster with the railjack. It's a ship, so it's should be more powerfull than simple archguns.

The way a lot of people play is : They let the Railjack, go with the archwing and do the mission. Until you have a good reactor, this is the best way. You save ressources (nothing to repair) and it's faster. (on Veil nodes). But Railjack with no Railjack ?

This is a balance problem. You have to fix that. There is many ways. You can add targets that only can be killed with front artillery for example ! But one Railjack have realy to be stronger thant 4 archwing. Otherwise, where is the point ?


Honestly the things the community did mention are realy basics. Carracteristics coherences etc. I'm sure you will hear us all. And get some good patchs in the next weeks or so.

This game mode has a hugh potiential ! Take your time to release the COMMAND intrinsics, as we are already playing Veil in solo (with or without the Railjack). Make it usefull and fun !

Excuse me for my bad english. En français ça aurait été bien mieux !!

Cheer !!

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RNG sucks, and I hate its predominance in the video game industry. It's not your fault DE, it's just the trend, but you can do better than the other guys.

Suggestion 1) A wreckage drop is guaranteed to have a better roll than one you currently have.

Suggestion 2) If you don't like A, then let wreckage improve the stats via some kinda fusion.

Suggestion 3 [edit]) Let us spend Dirac to improve the RNG stats. Would give us something to actually spend Dirac on...

End result: Can keep RNG base, but let us upgrade or get better versions. I hate playing a game where I have no real control over my progression. I want to be able to cap out stats on things, I don't mind grinding for multiple copies to do so, but I DO mind a pure RNG crap shoot. This is why I don't engage with the Kuva Lich content; did one to see how it worked and haven't done a 2nd b/c it's layer upon layer of RNG, and can't play with my friends b/c someone won't be getting their hate bar filled.

Edited by Chornoboh
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Solo feels......painful.

Im aware Railjack was designed as a multiplayer experience but trying to do anything solo feels really bad. You have to practically cheese it with Archeings,abilities etc to even have a hope of completing it solo.


I suppose solo support is the least of your guys worries with Empyrean. 

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For the amount of threat they post to Archwings, Crew Ship need better indicators.
The shape they have isn't distinct enough, and sharing a color with the dozen fighters zooming around the edges of my screen doesn't help any.

The only times I can identify them immediately are when they're still too far away to have agroed so their marker is still grey - the only one on the board.


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I love Railjack. Seems balanced, seems grindy (but not too grindy), it offers a unique gameplay experience and all of the core mechanics seem amazing. It forces teamwork (which some are objecting to, but I love). Obviously, I expect that as time goes on, bugs will be fixed, more avionics/weapons/enemies/missions will be added and the current level of all of that is fine for something in its early days. My one major complaint with Railjack is the Wreckage slots.


Why do we have slots for Blueprints? And unfortunately, no, I'm not going to accept the borderline insulting justification that "They're not blueprints; they are entire pieces of gear that are just broken so you can't use them". So, we have a medium through which we can compare stats of a future item, we view the build requirements, we then commit the resources and wait out a build time before it's complete and we can use it? Yeah, that's a blueprint. Mechanically, they are blueprints. You can't put a duck in a stable and expect it to eat hay. I am totally fine with having slots for *built* and *usable* items - it's annoying at times but that's a system that has always existed in Warframe and I came to terms with it long ago - but slots for Blueprints (despite what you're calling them) is a step too far. If you're insisting on the RNG stat mechanic - which I think is strange, but I don't hate it - then the least you could do is let me farm up a bunch of duplicates to see what the best I can get is before I commit thousands of resources and wait hours to make something.

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Turrets need massive boosts to damage or Veil enemies need a nerf. It makes no sense. I have maxed zekti hyperstrike, polar coil, predator and section density on a zekti photor with +27.7% damage (out of +30% max) on maxed grids, and some enemies take more than a full charge to kill. That's literally all the high end gear on a good roll, but it seems only vidar cryo with +50% damage minimum can do anything at all against Veil enemies. I'm lucky I have one of those. The other option is a fully built Cyngas or Phaedra with a good riven or the ultra rare 500+ platinum-costing munition vortex.


All archwing sure need massive boosts to survivability. Only Amesha can survive thanks to it's first ability. Even a level 1 crewship can easily dispatch a fully maxed out archwing other than Amesha in 1-2 shots, and it doesn't help that they have homing missiles. So, anything other than Amesha is plain suicidal. Other than that, archmelee are still bugged and don't lock on to enemies anymore. Archguns and archmelees just don't deal enough damage to kill anything and the removal of the hitscan killed most of them. There's only one viable status build that can make Cyngas or Phaedra viable weapons. Larkspur seems bugged when it comes to status.

Of course, archwing damage abilities also need major buffs. You couldn't kill anything with Odonata´s rockets or the thumper or the black hole even if you max out power strength. 

It would be nice if railjack enemies could also drop more archgun/archwing/archmelee mods; specially the rarer ones like Dual rounds or the 60/60 mods. It makes no sense to have those restricted to events that happen once every 1-2 months considering that they are finally useful for something.

Edited by ixidron92
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4 hours ago, ixidron92 said:

Of course, archwing damage abilities also need major buffs. You couldn't kill anything with Odonata´s rockets or the thumper or the black hole even if you max out power strength. 

Buff them flat out to compete at the top level now, and they'll just dominate in the lowest levels and become irrelevant again with the next batch of content. Power creep is a thing, and abilities don't move as fast as weapons and mods do, while the kinds of builds a player progress through while working their way up from level 1 to 50 or whatnot content gives weapons many times the damage, but abilities 150%. That's part of why Elytron is such a joke, being stuck with three (indistinguishable) direct damage abilities. Just kill direct damage now and stick to things like CC and % armor strip for offensive abilities. 

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