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Some sort of system needs to be put in place to stop griefing in Railjack.


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More than once I've had some rando join my ship in pub and immediately start firing off all our ordinance and burning all our flux with battle avionics at either nothing, just to watch the light show, or at one or two fighters.  I have solid guns on my ship for the area I play in, there is zero reason for people to be burning resources for one fighter.

In any other game mode, sure "play how you want" but those resources being burned are also MINE and the rest of the team's, not just theirs.  The fact that it effects everyone makes pub a nightmare.  We are also left empty in the event we do need them for something, and forges are being taken up rebuilding those things that could be building other materials like revolite.  Not to mention the fact that 100% of the time these players do not have the intrinsics or the initiative to go and make more, meaning I have to stop what I'm doing to go do that only to come back to find them flying my ship directly into being surrounded by crewships and fighter craft.  No, I don't mind if someone competent is flying my ship.  Yes, I absolutely mind if some griefing jackass is in my pilot's seat.  You earn a railjack.  You pay the costs and farm the resources and no one can do it for you.  It takes a good bit of work to have one of these things, and it absolutely is a problem if someone is not only wasting the crew's resources, but refusing to get off the helm of a ship that isn't even theirs.  

People are also joining to leech.  They might get on a gun and maybe kill a couple of fighters and dump their thankfully unlimited ammo into crewships ineffectively.  I've had several pubs refuse to deal with boarders, or deal with repairs or engineering.  They also refuse to be the away team and go deal with bases or take out crew ships.  The only time they will go deal with bases is on the maps where the base can drop a weapon BP, at which point I've had them leave before anyone else could get it, as console doesn't have the universal drops yet (no idea if PC does.)  These people are there for themselves, crew and mission be damned.  And of course, when you go deal with all the other problems yourself, you come back to find them piloting your ship.  If you don't contribute to the team and mission, you don't get to fly.  The host (who's railjack it is) should be able to commandeer the helm at any time.

The only thing we can do about afk leeches, trolls, and outright bad players right now is either put up with it for the remainder of a mission (if you can even finish the mission without proper teamwork, and people actively trying to sabotage the ship through either ignorance or griefing.) and then hit drydock and make them leave, or host migrate them in the middle of a mission.

Much as been done to prevent griefing and trolling in the core game, and Railjack needs that almost as much as it needs its massive log of bugs fixed.  

And before anyone says it, I've been on plenty of good crews.  More good than bad.  But being on a bad crew with players that are trolling or so bad at the game that it just feels like they're trolling is a really souring experience and there's no recourse for it right now.

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3 minutes ago, Saberfrost said:

The issue with Railjack is it's simply not worth doing right now. DE made content that blatantly disrespects our own time.

the only thing we can do is farm intrinsics to get everything rank 10, and by then we still wont have a vidar reactor

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This seems very difficult to address in a way, that doesn't take away the freedom for everyone to make mistakes.

It could be addressed if everybody had a reputation to lose, but I don't see an obvious way to implement it into public matchmaking.

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The abort mission button exists as does recruiting chat if it bothers you so much.


I don't do it often but I've been in a few matches where someone starts yelling at other people to do stuff/not do stuff or how terrible x person is at x job so I just leave.  I don't really care much about people using  resources they're cheap to replace. 


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I completely agree with the OP.

I am usually a crew member of random public games and then always do my best to make sure the mission succeeds. I wouldn´t even think about sneaking into the pilot seat.

But when I fly MY OWN Railjack, I expect others to behave in the same way, as a cooperative crew. Which is, of course, impossible with the current system.

I am the CAPTAIN of my ship. Every child knows that if you don´t obey the captain, he will either put you in jail and drop you off in the next harbour or he will just kick you out through the air lock.

I don´t want to encourage overdramatic actions, but there needs to be a way for the host (the captain) to give or take priviliges and set roles.

A menu where I can enable or disable certain tasks for every member of the crew. Come on, this is how it works in "real life", and that is because of a reason! Anarchy doesn´t work. And democracy doesn´t work on a SHIP. There has to be a commander or everything goes down the drain.

And for those people who now say "But I want to play the game the way I want it to play! Don´t tell me what to do!" - Get your own railjack and get your own crew then.


I cannot understand that we, as the owners and the captains of our ships, have NO option to kick a crew member or prevent them from steering the ship into a life threatening situation.

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Most of my runs have been the "dump the railjack far away and archwing it" kind. 

The fact that I successfully join a pub match maybe once in 5 tries has kept my overall railjack experience sparse but usually rewarding (4,5,5,7 intrinsics with 100 points to spare) 

I am still lacking enough resources to build any mk 3 item due to the sparse matchmaking, (tried solo and took me more than an hour to finish a veil mission by myself as I don't get a crew when I launch my own ship) 

Very few of the missions have I seen the railjack being used (but when it is boy is it a lot more fun). 

The opposite is the case for the assassination and sentient ship missions, some dude is always rushing the commander or the ship and quitting if nothing drops while increasing the aggro on the ship and not helping, mostly the host, I am so tired that I actively avoid these missions now (don't have the pennant, but the shedu and quellor should be done cooking by now) 

So I am in agreement for some sort of control, though my opinion may not be as strong considering my lesser experience as host. 

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I play as host almost everytime (RJ or non RJ missions). In my experience out of 10 RJ missions I play (or host in this case) daily, I meet at least 1 or  two Objective rushers or what I would like to call "rebels" who refuses to cooperate or take the wheel without returning it to me, the Railjack owner. If I meet one of these people I either adapt to the situation or just leave if the adapt thing isn't working.

In pub matches, I always be a "lone wolf" and treat others as bots (unless they are willing to cooperate). My mindset for pub games are "Carry or No Victory". Because it's better you carry everyone and win instead of relying on teammates who refuse to cooperate.

I bought some plat to buy rush repair drones to get MK3 asap in fear of constantly lose everytime if I get paired with trolls or "rebels". Looks like that was a good decision.

Edited by DrivaMain
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3 hours ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

More than once I've had some rando join my ship in pub and immediately start firing off all our ordinance and burning all our flux with battle avionics at either nothing, just to watch the light show, or at one or two fighters.  I have solid guns on my ship for the area I play in, there is zero reason for people to be burning resources for one fighter.

In any other game mode, sure "play how you want" but those resources being burned are also MINE and the rest of the team's, not just theirs.  The fact that it effects everyone makes pub a nightmare.  We are also left empty in the event we do need them for something, and forges are being taken up rebuilding those things that could be building other materials like revolite.  Not to mention the fact that 100% of the time these players do not have the intrinsics or the initiative to go and make more, meaning I have to stop what I'm doing to go do that only to come back to find them flying my ship directly into being surrounded by crewships and fighter craft.  No, I don't mind if someone competent is flying my ship.  Yes, I absolutely mind if some griefing jackass is in my pilot's seat.  You earn a railjack.  You pay the costs and farm the resources and no one can do it for you.  It takes a good bit of work to have one of these things, and it absolutely is a problem if someone is not only wasting the crew's resources, but refusing to get off the helm of a ship that isn't even theirs.  

People are also joining to leech.  They might get on a gun and maybe kill a couple of fighters and dump their thankfully unlimited ammo into crewships ineffectively.  I've had several pubs refuse to deal with boarders, or deal with repairs or engineering.  They also refuse to be the away team and go deal with bases or take out crew ships.  The only time they will go deal with bases is on the maps where the base can drop a weapon BP, at which point I've had them leave before anyone else could get it, as console doesn't have the universal drops yet (no idea if PC does.)  These people are there for themselves, crew and mission be damned.  And of course, when you go deal with all the other problems yourself, you come back to find them piloting your ship.  If you don't contribute to the team and mission, you don't get to fly.  The host (who's railjack it is) should be able to commandeer the helm at any time.

The only thing we can do about afk leeches, trolls, and outright bad players right now is either put up with it for the remainder of a mission (if you can even finish the mission without proper teamwork, and people actively trying to sabotage the ship through either ignorance or griefing.) and then hit drydock and make them leave, or host migrate them in the middle of a mission.

Much as been done to prevent griefing and trolling in the core game, and Railjack needs that almost as much as it needs its massive log of bugs fixed.  

And before anyone says it, I've been on plenty of good crews.  More good than bad.  But being on a bad crew with players that are trolling or so bad at the game that it just feels like they're trolling is a really souring experience and there's no recourse for it right now.

All you'll find on the forums is excuses and rationalisation of leeching & trolling to the people here it's perfectly acceptable and if we ignore the problem then there is no problem.

Don't run public groups, set up a group in recruiting just search for the term "RJ" 

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The refining system is bad. I understand why they made it, and it is a cool idea but it simply doesnt work with a game full of randoms and no punishments at all.

They should remove the refining system entirely, or change it that it doesnt affect your fellow crew members resources.

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On the one hand, I could say hurr durr use recruit. But on the other, I do not think a solution is out of the realms of convenience and possibility. What I suggest is this:
- the owner of the railjack can disable/lock avionics or ordnance by pressing Reload + the corresponding key of that equipment while mounted on a Railjack emplacement.

Edited by Goodwill
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Neat idea, SneakyEvrin. I think the default should be everyone though, and you set them when you launch if you want different. And it remembers how you want your ship configured next time, so it's a set and forget thing which you can change on the fly if needed.  

Another good thing on the railjack owner OR hosts ( in case of migration ) tactical screen would be a forced dismount option for each client player. Swap to their view, then dismount them, preventing re-mount for 10 seconds. This would let you return control from someone trying to hijack your ship, or someone afk'ing in the slingshot or artillery, etc.


Also, resource refining needs refinement. Make it a cap not of 200 for each type of resource, but of 800 total, and add a meter graphically and percentwise showing relative fullness of total stocks. To work in concert with this, each type can be refined individually without tying up a station as current. oh, and have the stock status represented in the tactical screen as it is on the forges.

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Don't forget the navigation as well. Now that is something that i find insanely annoying. 

Had it happen several times yesterday that people basically hopped on navigation the moment the mission was done and sent us into the next mission, i was the host at the time. Those that aren't host shouldn't be able to move the ship anywhere but the dry dock. Then again it equally sucks when the host goes and continuously chains missions without going to the dry dock to let people leave. 

The best option here would probably be a defense style stay or leave menu if the ship is headed anywhere other than the dry dock, let those that want to leave there and keep their rewards up to that point.


The refine option should be removed entirely, it really isn't needed at all. If you head to the dry dock it supposedly already auto refines so removing the button would be no loss whatsoever as resources that go over the cap are just rewarded to players as well. 

Being able to lock the avionics abilities and artillery would be nice as well as i've also seen people that show up, hop in the artillery and try to use it to swat fighters and waste all the ammo. Or just spam the abilities for no reason. 

Edited by Vahenir
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I normaly don't mind what ppl do on my ship but only thing I got a problem with is greed and ppl that use up all resources spamming missles , dome charges and flux draining the ship then run back and push refine so they can get 100% resources without paying anything back of what they wasted.

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10 hours ago, Saberfrost said:

The issue with Railjack is it's simply not worth doing right now. DE made content that blatantly disrespects our own time.

I'm not sure what you're expecting. It's meant to be fun. If you dont' find it fun, don't do it. That's how literally every single component any video game ever made works.

You play RJ missions to get better RJ stuff so you can do harder RJ missions to get more RJ stuff ad infinitum. Which uses the exact same cyclic model that the whole of Warframe has been using for over 6 years. Granted, there is a relatively low cap on RJ difficulty, but it is brand new.

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3 hours ago, Goodwill said:

What I suggest is this:
- the owner of the railjack can disable/lock avionics or ordnance by pressing Reload + the corresponding key of that equipment while mounted on a Railjack emplacement.

Or make it so the owner has to Ok use of some things, like have Cy say "A Tenno wishes to use X" and have the owner say yes or no with a cooldown on request making if the answer is no to prevent spam, and disable this system if the match is anything other than public matchmaking.

You could also have a way through the tactical menu to grant permission to use things in advance too.

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Recruiting channel.  Live it.  Love it. I’ve never used a complete random pug for my groups.  I prefer to talk to people, figure out their desired role and build a competent team.  Yeah it may take a few minutes (the horror!) more to put together a group but well worth it.  And to be honest I’ve made so many friends doing so I’ve started to be able to build teams just messaging people and ask if they are down for another disappointment Gian Point run.  

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3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Give the owner of the railjack an option in their tactical screen that lets them disable access to ordinance, flux powers and front arti for crew members.

3 little check boxes. Everyone, Captain only and  Crew only. Default should be Captain only.

This would work well, but it should also include the intrinsic system,

“pilot be at least rank 5” check uncheck.

”Engineer rank 6 for CD reduction”

To access the heavy gun you have to be rank 5 which shows that the system exists and it could possibly be tweaked.

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