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On the change to Venari Heal


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Following the recent Hotfix, Venari was changed to no longer be able to heal OpLinks, under the justification that OpLinks aren't meant to be affected by any abilities.

So far, so good. It's an event, and supposed to bring some challenge, I guess... No big deal.

But then apparently the possibility of healing defense targets was also removed, any and all defense targets. Why?

This has been a feature since Khora was released, and it was just that, a feature. You guys have listed it as a "fix" to Venari. I am sorry if I come off as rude but it is just ridiculous, I've played this game since 2013 and this is the first time I have been significantly disappointed about a nerf, especially one that comes labeled as a "fix". Please notice this Tip included on the Khora abilities screen. Healing defense objectives has been an intended feature.


There is even less reason to change Venari's stance now. Please reconsider this change. As I said, I have no issues with OpLinks, but removing a long time feature from a Warframe that affects the entire gameplay and not just this particular mission is completely unreasonable. This sort of rationale reminds me of Viver... and what happened to poor trinity... but I'd rather not discuss that.

In the meantime, some other frames remain mostly broken, the general "meta" unchanged, and somehow Venari is the edge that needed to be cut off the equation.

Please, reconsider.

EDIT: It appears my topic in Feedback was merged to another (or many) that was located in general discussion. If you see disconnected discussions or repeating posts, that is the reason.

Edited by Slaytanic93
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25 minutes ago, Slaytanic93 said:

Following the recent Hotfix, Venari was changed to no longer be able to heal OpLinks, under the justification that OpLinks aren't meant to be affected by any abilities.

So far, so good. It's an event, and supposed to bring some challenge, I guess... No big deal.

But then apparently the possibility of healing defense targets was also removed, any and all defense targets. Why?

This has been a feature since Khora was released, and it was just that, a feature. You guys have listed it as a "fix" to Venari. I am sorry if I come off as rude but it is just ridiculous, I've played this game since 2013 and this is the first time I have been significantly disappointed about a nerf, especially one that comes labeled as a "fix". Please notice this Tip included on the Khora abilities screen. Healing defense objectives has been an intended feature.

There is even less reason to change Venari's stance now. Please reconsider this change. As I said, I have no issues with OpLinks, but removing a long time feature from a Warframe that affects the entire gameplay and not just this particular mission is completely unreasonable. This sort of rationale reminds me of Viver... and what happened to poor trinity... but I'd rather not discuss that.

In the meantime, Saryn remains mostly broken, the general "meta" unchanged, and somehow Venari is the edge that needed to be cut off the equation.

Please, reconsider.

Have you tried marking the objective to heal it after the changes, because I think the change only applies to the passive aura that is triggered when Venari or Khora dips below 90% HP.

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18 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Have you tried marking the objective to heal it after the changes, because I think the change only applies to the passive aura that is triggered when Venari or Khora dips below 90% HP.

I have. It doesn't work on stationary defense targets such as Cryopods and Excavators.

Edited for clarification of which testing I've conducted.

Edited by Slaytanic93
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They "fixed" away a indended feature (they even tell about via tips)?

Just "fix" the now wrong tip and we are fine...

That was something that helped and made the venari not that useless and broken it is most of the time, thanks for that

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2 minutes ago, Shonaney said:

They "fixed" away a indended feature (they even tell about via tips)?

Just "fix" the now wrong tip and we are fine...

That was something that helped and made the venari not that useless and broken it is most of the time, thanks for that

If that is true someone done goofed.

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DE just totally nerfed Venari's heal by preventing her from healing any defense objectives. In their hotfix, they had the acidity to say they 'fixed' Venari even though the tips for Khora clearly stated that this was an intended effect. This is not okay!

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Can't say I'm surprised 😛 I guess they're so bored working from home that they're going back and changing intended features. Even if it's 2 years after something is released and claiming "it's a bug". 

I keep refreshing the "latest staff replies" tab every few minutes hoping to see what comical reply they give to justify this pointless change or if they'll change Khora's tips in game without mentioning it in patch notes to pretend like it was never there.

Edit: For the sake of adding in my own screenshot just in case the above happens.


Edited by --Brandt--
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1 minute ago, BansheePrime said:

It really shouldn't be that shocking. DE always adds new frames and forgets to disable their ability to heal objectives but eventually gets around to it.

This feels like it should be sarcastic. Not that many frames have healing abilities.

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Does the change include human defense targets as in sortie defense and defection? It was always really weird that Khora could heal things Trinity couldn't, but by the same token, it's extremely uncool if she's suddenly limited to healing warframes only. 

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34 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

Just like they fixed loot abilities interacting with each other after allowing it for years. Let's just say that DE isn't really aware of what is and is not intended since they apparently don't play the game enough to notice.

It is really obvious that someone with clout on the team does not play the game. And it is really frustrating players en masse.

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6 minutes ago, BansheePrime said:

It really shouldn't be that shocking. DE always adds new frames and forgets to disable their ability to heal objectives but eventually gets around to it.

Khora was released on 4/20/18. So it took them 2 years to remember that Khora can heal objectives with Venari?

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Yeah like someone mentioned it's literally in Khoras tooltips and I quote 


Venari's Heal posture can heal Defense objectives when marked!

So clearly not an accidental oversight, have it screenshotted but too lazy to upload atm. 

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that's kind of shady. they should at least explain why they decided to change that, or why they couldn't "fix" it earlier..

maybe if enough Khora mains club together and cause a ruckus they'll add it back? you usually have to be part of a pretty loud group to get noticed around here.


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Just now, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

that's kind of shady. they should at least explain why they decided to change that, or why they couldn't "fix" it earlier..

maybe if enough Khora mains club together and cause a ruckus they'll add it back? you usually have to be part of a pretty loud group to get noticed around here.


It's all part of the plan lol. You and Clem cause a ruckus!

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I'd argue that originally intended or not no ability should be able to heal a defense objective.

It undermines the idea of defending an objective by letting it facetank damage, the worst case of this is Protective Dash both healing and turning targets invulnerable.

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1 minute ago, trst said:

I'd argue that originally intended or not no ability should be able to heal a defense objective.

It undermines the idea of defending an objective by letting it facetank damage, the worst case of this is Protective Dash both healing and turning targets invulnerable.

Why is letting it facetank through healing somehow worse than blocking the damage entirely as some frames can do?  

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Just like they fixed looting abilities interacting with each other, just like they fixed Nyx's Absorb not draining all of its energy when another player shoots into it, just like they fixed Arcane Energize by only allowing you to put only one on a Warframe, and then creating an Arbitration mod that gives you extra energy from an orb when you shoot it, just like they fixed Titania's passive by listening to ONE content creator and making a mod that literally disables the passive in exchange for a copy of Aviator... you get the picture.

Edited by (PS4)LeBlingKing
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47 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Ok while I agree that this is a BS change that should be reverted immediately.

Can we not keep dragging [Redacted] into every thread involving DE nerfing something that doesn’t need to be nerfed?

Fair enough, if that's what it takes for others and/or DE themselves to see this thread in a more positive light instead of a whiny rant, then I will remove that specific comment.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Edited by Slaytanic93
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