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Please let us buy tokens with plat.


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2 minutes ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

This x1000, dear god I cannot stand MMO minigame fluff, please DE let me pay plat to never have to fish or mine again.

Better yet, WTB Helminth Segment 200p. DE take my money.

Yeah I'd just buy the segment for plat. I want to play with warframes.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

You just gotta rush so bad dont you lol.

I hate fishing, mining, wildlife. Do you think I am alone? This game used to be awesome and had nothing to do with shallow derivative mini games that needed to be done 1000 times to unlock something. It is so #*!%ed I can't believe it.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

You just gotta rush so bad dont you lol.

It's less about rushing, and more about not wanting to do things I hate in order to get the thing I like.

3 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Surely you can trade with other players

In past open worlds the "ores" have not been tradeable or buyable, otherwise I would've just bought Pyrol the last time I wanted to make a new Zaw.

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9 minutes ago, Redfeather75 said:

I hate fishing, mining, wildlife. Do you think I am alone? This game used to be awesome and had nothing to do with shallow derivative mini games that needed to be done 1000 times to unlock something. It is so #*!%ed I can't believe it.

I understand your sentiment. 

That being said. Come on... you knew this was coming. 

They do it every open world because they don't want you to just pew pew while going drivey drive and ignore everything else they created. 

I'm not saying I like how much I feel I have to fish to get crafting materials for certain things (not one of my favorite activities), but you know how they do open world. 

Did you really expect anything different? 

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Yea agree. When i realized that the only way to get son tokens was to do a minigame im like naa im never subsuming a warframe in this case.

I’ve never wildlife hunt in fortuna or poe cause it bores the hecc outta me. And I’ll most likely avoid this one. And with that this update was trash for me. 
guess I’ll enjoy my frames being normal

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Tbf, this "open world" (Idk if you can even call it that cause it's so small) shoves the side activities down your throat, and locks progression behind total RNG, making things even more grindy. Grind is not content. We've all said this in the past, but it seems like DE don't listen, cause they don't want people to see how little they've added.

The son tokens seem to be a massive issue right now. Idk why they didn't just have resources to rank up for the first rank instead of these tokens. They changed the whole system and made it all based on the RNG of what resources each family member is selling their tokens for. Never EVER a good idea...

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Conservation is one of those horrible side activities that should be kept as an optional side activity for those that enjoy that sort of thing. Instead it now locks you out of ranking up in the new syndicate at the moment. Which means that pretty much everything in this update is locked unless you do conservation. 

I just can't bring myself to hunt animals to move forward with this update. I'm really sad about this decision from DE.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

and second I really don't find any kind of enjoyment in conservation

Mhmm. Personally I can tolerate a bit of fishing an mining. Mining is easy and fishing can be relaxing, but conservation is long, it's dreary and I genuinely do not enjoy it.

To be completely honest I don't think it even remotely fits with the rest of the game, and I would sooner shoot all the animals in the head and get on with my day than waste hours saving them for no good reason.

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