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Thanks for Watching Home Devstream #10/ Devstream #150


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I don't get Twitch sometimes. You can load the page 5 minutes before Stream starts, leave it there unmuted and ready so it starts when Stream starts....then check on it an hour later because nothing happened (Maybe my timezone math was wrong?), and it alerts you "Oh, that stream ended 2 minutes ago".
Friggan what? How does THAT work? =w="

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What's with Twitch nowadays? We have to reload or reopen the page in order for the right stream to kick in. Else it will play the previous stream or yesterday's etc.

Oh btw Corpus Lich is shown here in Corpus Railjack and in her own command ship, which was the same shown during Tennocon previously for Grinneer Lich... which we know didn't ship like that. Will this a repeat of that deception?

I highly think Corpus Lich will be fought/gameplay the same way as Grinneer Lich because only then the length of acquiring a Corpus Lich will be long and same as Grineer's. No way we are getting a Corpus Lich just by doing 3 short missions in 1 Railjack node.

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5 minutes ago, Arcsyrine said:

Is Lavos going to be exclusive to events or will we be able to earn him in the regular game as well?



i hope they do something like Vban with him run an ongoing event that you can earn him in but it is an event that comes and goes on a schedule 

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Those prizes for the event looks kinda weak, I hope the extra prizes that you mentioned are going to be better.

Also I thought you said Scarlet Spear will come back in the future but how about the prizes? Will they be the same? Why then put the same prizes in this event?


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il y a une heure, Bluefoxorgin a dit :

lavos has been confirmed that efficiency affects the cooldowns may not be by much but still 

I heard it as only affecting his 3 that has a cooldown reducing effect, but we'll see.

Still, i hope this is just a gimmick and not testing the waters to throw that on other warframes, energy works well enough and can lead to interesting ressource management (or absolute joy when it's not limiting you at all because someone with Trinity shows up), while cooldowns really are a "sit in the corner and suck it until your punishment is over" deal.

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Hi DE, thanks for the stream! The stuff you showed looks cool, and I'm exited to see it (eventually - I'm on console) but I have a couple of immediate concerns.

The "use necramechs in normal missions" feature was originally described as a minor feature - something you all would just switch on, and not worry too much about it working perfectly. So I'm excited that you all came up with Operation Orphix Venom to give this minor feature a purpose, but launching this minor feature alongside a new mission type which requires us to use that feature sounds like a bad plan. New features often don't work perfectly when they first launch, and having a limited-time mission type which requires that new feature sounds like a recipe for frustration, especially when the next new Warframe is locked behind that mission. Maybe you should launch the "use necramechs in normal missions" first, and give us some time to find the most game-breaking issues before launching Operation Orphix Venom? I know you all promised we would get Lavos this year, but I'd prefer that you break that promise rather than risk releasing the new game mode in a frustrating state just before the holiday break.

I'm also glad to see the Scarlet Spear rewards coming back, but I'm a bit concerned to see Lavos' parts in the Orphix Venom reward shop. I'm guessing that you all plan to create a non-limited-time way to get these parts, but I didn't hear that in the Devstream. It would be a shame if players who miss this event have to wait 3 months (plus or minus infinity months of "soon" time) for another chance to get Lavos.

Regarding Lavos himself, he looks very interesting. I'm excited that he uses a cooldown system - I feel like the energy system is one of the clunkiest parts of Warframe, and I'm glad to see more experiments with a non-standard approach. The whole "infusing damage types into abilities" mechanic also sounds interesting. I like it as an alternative to the switching-between-sub-abilities pattern that is used elsewhere. (e.g. Minelayer, Quiver, Venari) I'm concerned that he doesn't seem to have much in the way of survivability - based on this preview, I'm expecting that he's yet another frame for whom Adaptation is an essential mod for high-level play. I also don't see much in the way of group utility - his ability to switch pickups to an alternate, universal form is situational, and the other abilities don't seem to do anything but damage and utility for Lavos himself. All in all, he sounds interesting but feels incomplete.

Regardless, thanks for the preview! Take care of yourselves, and Merry Christmas!

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I greatly against forcing RJ into the lich system. Its okay if its an option, but i would like to avoid RJ because I got motion sickness not one time (wasn't a pleasant experience) spiced with boring missions. I like the idea of the RJ crew , it's nice, only for RJ so it's a pass for me to. The new event forcing to use necramechs is really left a bad taste in my mouth, but what ever. Lavos looks cool, the signature weapons has great sound! The new ephemeramas are amazing but concerning that they going to block the screen so the player can't aim which is a problem already with certain syandanas like the sari,nosos. 





So it would be lovely if we could chose if we want to kill our lich on RJ or a normal mission, i don't really care if it's becomes slower. 

And also cutting out of the mobile defense of the video that's tells a lot's of thing about that mission type which is: BORING 

Happy Xmas and stay safe.

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Is it just me or does lavos look like actual factual trash? The amount of power strength that build was running and the abilities were struggling to deal with level 30 enemies. The people saying just use condition overload seem to miss the point of abilities, good melee weapons don't need that to one shot enemies. 

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I am not thrilled about Lavos' cooldowns. You keep introducing new mechanics without a tie to existing systems.

It's not that hard to make EXACTLY SAME system based on strategical use of abilities and incorporating it with existing energy system.

If you let Lavos have build in energy regeneration (acting as a cooldowns clock that could even scale with energy pool mods 1:2 effectively capping clock and preventing spamming) and give his abilities high (double / triple normal base) energy drain that would essentially be exactly same system WITHOUT invalidating whole load of mods like Quick Thinking or Primed Flow.

Don't give us another weird frame like Hildryn or awful cooldowns that interrupt flow and force narrow gameplay style that you envisioned as the only right way.

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